Finishers that should be brought back

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Evenflow DDT

Pre-Show Stalwart
For the last few years there have been 3 finishers that I have wanted to see get dusted off and return to the squared circle (as opposed to that 6 sided bullshit). 2 of them have made a comeback recently. The Human Torture Rack that is used by Big Zeke and the Texas (Irish) Cloverleaf used by Sheamus. The only one left that I uses to love that I'd like to see come back is the heart punch that was made famous by Ox Baker. Now today it probally wouldn't be a effective finisher but it would be a great signature move for someone like Bully Ray.

What finishers do you want to see make a return and who would you want to see use them?
Well the finisher I'm thinking of is the Superkick. But I guess it isn't too much of a stretch to see it "come back" as I think there are quite a few Indy stars who use it. And someone who may be in the WWE soon, Richie Steamboat also uses it as a finisher from time to time.

But I want to see John Morrison go back to using the Superkick. He used it for a short time when he was Nitro. But he looks similar to HBK, and it looks like something he should be doing to finish matches. I think it would be more "out of nowhere" than that running knee strike.
One of the first American wrestlers I warmed to when WCW started getting shown in the UK was 'Beautiful' Bobby Eaton and I loved his finishing manoeuvre - the 'Alabama Jam' or to give it the proper name, the guillotine leg-drop. John Cena hits a version of it today but it often looks silly, this is not actually Cena's fault but rather the fact that his opponent is standing and crouching and it is extremely difficult to synchronise throwing themselves to the mat as John's leg makes contact with the back of their head. The Eaton version already had his opponent lying prone on his back, so looked far more effective (it also makes Hogan's 'Legdrop of Doom(TM)' look weak in comparison).

Move hit at 3:07, slow-mo 3:35.
The F5, Matt Morgan used it in WWE in 2005, but before that Brock Lesnar made the move famous, and it drew such a great reaction from the crowd. If a big Superstar wanted to get over in-ring, that move would be the way to go.

Powerbomb, a big mans move that Batista used to get himself over. It was a great Pro Wrestling move that WWE doesnt use anymore.. but should.

Figure 4 Leg Lock, as someones only finisher, we have seen superstars use this, but not to win, which takes away from the move itself.

Candylicious, basically an upside down figure 4 neck lock on the top rope, Candice Michelle used it, she wasnt an in ring genius but she perfected this move, if another Diva used this who struggled in ring it would at least give the match some credibility.

I', sure I can think of more but for now thats my list
The Brainbuster is an oldie but a goodie. Loved watching Tully Blachard use it back in the 80's. Also i'd like to see someone like Mason Ryan use The Taz-mission.
The heart punch can you imagine someone like Samoa Joe, Pope D'angelo, Mason Ryan, Abyss, Wade Barrett or Big Show using it as a finisher and the Iron Claw I can easily see someone like Crimson or Abyss using it with believability.
I would love to see a piledriver, or a variation of it, used in WWE again. However, unfortunately only Undertaker is allowed to use a version of it, due to the high possiblity of injuries. Dropping someone on the top of their head always looks devastating, and it would be a great to see the move used again more often.

The Guilletine Leg Drop is another personal favourite of mine. I loved the way Pcicosis hits the move. It has always been one of my favourite top rope moves, and the way Cena uses it offends me! Dropping a leg across someones throat from up high is a valid move for a finisher.

The Frog Splash is another, but particularly the version used by D'Lo Brown, which he called the 'Lo Down. I have yet to see anyone else perform the move in the same way as Brown and it was always spectacular and stood out from the rest. I could see plenty of WWE wrestlers who would suit the move, maybe someone like Heath Slater.

And finally, the Powerbomb. Surely someone like Big Zeke, Mason Ryan or Wade Barrett could use a bomb type finishing move. Barrett needs SOMETHING, ANYTHING to replace the Wasteland, as it completely sucks! Fans always love to see a Powerbomb, they are always spectacular and high impact and that is one move that I think should certainly come back.
I feel that every wrestling promotion should have at least 1 guy who does the spear at ALL times

It worked so well for Goldberg & Batista , and even though Edge did it with less impact it worked well for him too

So I suggest WWE give someone the spear , someone whos jacked to hell with muscles ontop of muscles and muscles you didn't even know people could have. Such as Big Zeke , or maybe even Chris Masters?

I also do agree with someones post I glanced over that the super kick should be brought back and given to someone , probably John Morrison cause he does it beautifully
You don't have to have a Spear move on someone at everytime, that's for sure and with Edge having prematurely retired, I think maybe, as a small sign of respect, you leave it for now. However, if you're going to give it someone, give it to Mason Ryan. He'd look like a fucking beast with it in his arsenal, that's for sure.

Superkick is another move and yes, John Morrison is the man to have it, When Miz & Morrison feuded with DX a few years back, Morrison would use the Superkick as a way to take the piss out of Shawn Michaels, however, now he has the face persona, I could see him using it as a sign of respect for HBK.
You don't have to have a Spear move on someone at everytime, that's for sure and with Edge having prematurely retired, I think maybe, as a small sign of respect, you leave it for now. However, if you're going to give it someone, give it to Mason Ryan. He'd look like a fucking beast with it in his arsenal, that's for sure.

Superkick is another move and yes, John Morrison is the man to have it, When Miz & Morrison feuded with DX a few years back, Morrison would use the Superkick as a way to take the piss out of Shawn Michaels, however, now he has the face persona, I could see him using it as a sign of respect for HBK.

I agree with you J4L, I would like to see Morrison using the Superkick again. He hits it spot on, and as a face I do agree that it would be a nice tribute for HBK, especially if he had his own unique set up for it, like Michaels had with the stamping in the corner.

However, you have just commented on other posters suggestions, what moves do YOU think should be brought back as finishers? I would love to know what you think bro.
Me, I wanna see someone use the Figure 4 Leg Lock, obviously in the WWE.

It's been a while now since Flair was with the business, so it's very rarely used amongst anyone. Although, who would actually take it on is another question. I could totally see Daniel Bryan using it, should he make his way up the Main Event. That would be a wonder to see in my eyes.
Me, I wanna see someone use the Figure 4 Leg Lock, obviously in the WWE.

It's been a while now since Flair was with the business, so it's very rarely used amongst anyone. Although, who would actually take it on is another question. I could totally see Daniel Bryan using it, should he make his way up the Main Event. That would be a wonder to see in my eyes.

Meh, I am not sure. As the Figure 4 is a finisher totally associated with one of the all-time greats I am not sure I would want to see anyone else using it tbh. I would always be making comparisons to Flair, which wouldnt be fair on the wrestler who was using it. I know I said I would like someone else to use the Superkick, but plenty of other wrestlers have used it before, during, and after the time HBK used it.

To me, someone usin the Figure 4 would be like another WWE wrestler using Hogan's leg drop, Austin's Stunner or HHH's Pedigree. It shouldn't happen. That is their move
One finishing move that I would like seeing brought back is the Sleeper Drop. I am not hundred percent positive if it was used as a finisher by anyone at anytime but I remember Chyna and Chris Jericho finishing matches with that move from time to time.

I think that it can be a very good finishing move. It is quick and easy to execute and it can be performed on all time of opponents. It looks dangerous too with the way in which the neck slams down onto the ground. I would love to see a babyface perform this move as his finisher because I think that this can get a sizable pop from the crowd when the babyface sneaks up on his opponent.

I believe that this move could reach maybe the cult status of an RKO if promted well and used by a popular superstar.
The Overdrive/Playmaker... I've always been a fan of it, and for the longest time, so was WWE. I remember in 2002 when Orton and a few others were all given the move as a finisher for their generic characters back then... yes people, Orton had a different finisher than the RKO. Shocker ain't it? For the longest time, MVP used it as his finisher and I felt it was a really nice touch of things.

And finally, I want to see some use the Pump-handle Slam. This move, when done right, can be the biggest move for a monster type character. Someone like Mason Ryan, Big Zeke, or even Big E Langston... I will admit, the move can't always been done right (Snitsky) but when it is done right (Test) it looks dominant and powerful as can be.
To me, someone usin the Figure 4 would be like another WWE wrestler using Hogan's leg drop, Austin's Stunner or HHH's Pedigree. It shouldn't happen. That is their move

Would this also apply to the Rock Bottom? Booker used his own version for a while but when I think of Booker finishing someone, it was usually with his series of kick moves. Yet you do occassionally see guys hit a (forgive any wrong spelling) urinagi, which I think I'm right in saying is a Rock Bottom minus the legsweep. If Miz gets into the feud with Rock and Cena then I'd like to see him use it to garner heat and because I detest the Skull Crushing Finale.

I'm with those who want to see the guillotine leg-drop come back. Kenny Dykstra used to hit one where he tucked his striking leg in after he jumped then extended it out in mid-air which made it look more impactful. He had a decent spring so maybe it would work for Kofi as it's high-risk and a lot cleaner than Trouble in Paradise.
Originally posted by Naitch
I would love to see a piledriver, or a variation of it, used in WWE again.

There goes Naitch again, correct as usual. I was begging for Jerry Lawler to bust his awesome Southern Style Piledriver out during his feud with Michael Cole. When he didnt do it at Mania, I knew I wouldnt get to see it at all. I always thought Piledrivers looked insane... (maybe thats because they are!!).

Variations I fondly recall

-New Age Outlaws hitting the Spike Piledriver
-Jerry Lynn's Cradle Piledriver
-Rikishi Phatu (circa 2000) with an over the shoulder sit-down Piledriver.
-Owen Hart's inverted Piledriver (although that went bad.)
-Petey Williams' insane Flip Piledriver AKA The Canadian Destroyer
We already saw this on RAW this week, but I'm sure if it will stay. Either way I'd love to see someone bring back the Texas Cloverleaf as a finisher. Sheamus used it on RAW this week but we don't know if he'll be using this move for definite from now on. I've always loved this move as I think it looks like a very creative amalgamation of a sharpshooter & a figure four. Malenko always used this move really well and it would definitely suit someone like Sheamus with his ever expanding moveset.

Another move that has always looked really ood to me is the Tigerbomb. In essence it's just a simple double underhook powerbomb but I've always loved the impact of the move itself. Rodney Mack's version of this move always looked really painful though it could easily be botched. I wouldn't mind seeing someone like Heath Slater use this move.
The stunner is my favourite finishing move ever. I love it's simplicity and the many ways people sell it. However, that will be Austin's move for eternity. And as much as I want to see it on a regular basis, I can't think of anyone who could do it justice. If you bring back a finisher, you're going to have to be just as good at pulling it off as the original person was. And no one comes close to Austin.

So, with that said, I'd have to go with the Jackhammer. This delayed vertical suplex powerslam was such an impressive move, an it played a big part in getting Goldberg over as a monster strongman in WCW. WWE seem to be intent on pushing to big guys: Ezekiel Jackson and Mason Ryan. They both have side slam finishers. In other words, they both have really boring finishers (although, in fairness, Zeke has recently started using the torture rack but I think he still uses the side slam). The Jackhammer could do wonders for either guy in building them as a huge, strong guy. I'm still in awe of Goldberg pulling the move off on The Big Show. Just imagine Mason Ryan doing this to a Big Show, Kane or Undertaker.

The Overdrive/Playmaker... I've always been a fan of it, and for the longest time, so was WWE.

I dont understand how someone cant counter it, it doesnt look like it would hurt anymore than a simple fall on the floor. It looks fancy, but its just ridiculously unbelievable.

Ive always liked the Death Valley Driver.

Another one I havent seen in a long time is a Michinoku Driver/Nail In The Coffin. Really looks good when done properly.
I've never really seen anybody else use but Konnan use this but I would like to see the Tequila Sunrise return.


Pretty creative & awesome. I think this would suit Daniel Bryan however I wouldn't exactly say he should lose the LeBell Lock cause that's pretty good too.

Other finishers which I would like to see return
Fameasser (Billy Gunn) - Dolph Ziggler of Zack Ryder would be good using this.

Running Powerslam (Bulldog) & Jackhammer (Goldberg) - Ezekial Jackson would suit these two.

Elbow Drop - Dunno who they could give it to but Savage & HBK made the move look good as signatures.

Death Valley Driver - Not the lame ass FU version, the real version of the DVD.
Kelly Kelly Is currently using a shitty version of the Fameasser.

Another finisher i miss is the Moonsault. I remember seeing Muta use it way back in '89. Nobody hit it better, not even The Fallen Angel and his so-called BME. Do yourself a favor and watch some of Muta's old NWA matches where he took on 3 jobbers in a row or his work with Sting.
Super Kick, by far. Doesn't even have to be set up to use it really. Its a simple yet devastating move. The best man to use it is JoMo as he's currently regarded as very similar to HBK with his good looks and amazing matches. Maybe after the Flash Kick he could do a kip up and set it up in his own way. Or hell bring out of nowhere and hit the fucker in the face and knock his ass out. If he does use it though, it should exclusively be on PPV as Orton's double DDT is. Its something that gives the PPV match more significance.

Other couple moves should be the Rock Bottom though Zeke's using that one. One that I REALLY want is the F5 and frankly, who else to use it than Cena himself? This is that one move that Cena does when he means fuckin' business. It can become Cena's punt.
For a long time i havent seen anyone use a pile-driver, so that could be something.

I believe Mason Ryan was using the spear and i think it could work for him if he gets it right. He took out Show with it and it was pretty legit.

I believe my favorite will be the sit-down power-bomb used by Batista. I feel like Swaggers Gutwrench PB looks a bit weak.

Super Kick would be pretty great, i like quick finishers because it rally adds the "Shock value" like if JoMo looks done, BAM, Super kick to the head! 1,2,3! Sounds great actually.
For Some Strange Reason im particularly fond of the Double Arm DDT That Mick Foley used. I could see Wade Barrett using it. Diving Headbutt and the Double Foot Stomp would be Pretty Decent. Oh and the Edgecution would be cool.
Yes for some reason i too would like to see the double arm ddt brought back. It would fit either barrett because he needs a new finisher, or mason ryan because im not sure what his finishing move is.
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