FF7 vs MGS3 in VG Tourny!

I see I haven't missed anything by not reading any of your posts.

How do you know if you haven't been reading them? They could be filled with gems, and you're just passing by without a glance.

I would have thought your posts would have developed some substance by now.

How do you know that there isn't any substance in his post if you're not reading them.

How do you know if you haven't been reading them? They could be filled with gems, and you're just passing by without a glance.

How do you know that there isn't any substance in his post if you're not reading them.



Actually you're right, I'll go check some out right now.

Not missing much.
I see I haven't missed anything by not reading any of your posts. I would have thought your posts would have developed some substance by now.

The kind of substance that made you disappear like a bitch last year after, once again, you were being a pretentious cunt? That kind of substance? There's a discernebale amount of smug in every fucking thing you post.
The kind of substance that made you disappear like a bitch last year after, once again, you were being a pretentious cunt? That kind of substance? There's a discernebale amount of smug in every fucking thing you post.

While I generally enjoy Salv's posts, I have to admit, Armbar's got a point here.
While I generally enjoy Salv's posts, I have to admit, Armbar's got a point here.

For the record it's not that I dislike Salv's posts all the time nor do reufse to recognize he can post intelligently. It's just obnoxious how fucking pretentious he comes off. Also, last year when he's was once again being a snooty bitch there was NO shortage of people agreeing with me that he was indeed being a cunt. So it's not just me.
The kind of substance that made you disappear like a bitch last year after, once again, you were being a pretentious cunt? That kind of substance? There's a discernebale amount of smug in every fucking thing you post.

I see you've broadened the definition of 'disappearing like a bitch' to include taking a break from trying to converse with idiots, ones like yourself. Was I supposed to have requested your permission to do something else with my time, Armbar? Quietly removing yourself from a situation you find incredibly stupid is perhaps the most mature way to handle that scenario.

I have to admit, Armbar's got a point here.

Get real.
I see you've broadened the definition of 'disappearing like a bitch' to include taking a break from trying to converse with idiots, ones like yourself.

Translation: It was just pure coincidence that an overwhelming majortiy of people who posted in that thread calling you a snob and pretencious happened to coincide with you leaving for a long period of time. Really dude, what does it say when an ''idiot'' makes you look completely fucking foolish as I did? Maybe you're right though, maybe all the idiots here just waste your time and your leave of absence was well deserved. Just makes me question why you returned at all?
Wow... we're insulting the quality of another poster's posts? Yeah, this is definitely an internet forum if they think that might offend someone.
Quietly removing yourself from a situation you find incredibly stupid is perhaps the most mature way to handle that scenario.

Funny, you're losing in an argument about video games and decide to make a thread bitching about it...but you are made to look snobby as fuck in an older thread yet that time you figured it best to ''quietly remove yourself from the situation''. If anything you're the one who has devolved.
Stock photo of Salv
Translation: It was just pure coincidence that an overwhelming majortiy of people who posted in that thread calling you a snob and pretencious happened to coincide with you leaving for a long period of time.

It wasn't a coincidence, I specifically said that was it. There's really no need to translate:

I see you've broadened the definition of 'disappearing like a bitch' to include taking a break from trying to converse with idiots, ones like yourself. Was I supposed to have requested your permission to do something else with my time, Armbar? Quietly removing yourself from a situation you find incredibly stupid is perhaps the most mature way to handle that scenario.

How's it leaving like a bitch? You still haven't explained that. Yes, I left because it was tiring attempting to argue with people who were more interested in piling on than making legitimate arguments. Congratulations, you, along with some others made me decide to spend my time elsewhere for awhile. I suppose following this logic, if everyone decided to flame a random person for no apparent reason and they stopped posting because it was futile, they would be leaving like a bitch.

Really dude, what does it say when an ''idiot'' makes you look completely fucking foolish as I did?

I don't know, when it happens I'll tell you.

Maybe you're right though, maybe all the idiots here just waste your time and your leave of absence was well deserved. Just makes me question why you returned at all?

I've stayed mostly to the areas of the forum where I can rely on intelligent posting. Before I made the mistake of expecting anything from subforums like the Cage/Bar Room or GSD. While there are good posts to be found there, I just don't expect anything anymore - the result of this is a good posting experience.

Funny, you're losing in an argument about video games and decide to make a thread bitching about it...but you are made to look snobby as fuck in an older thread yet that time you figured it best to ''quietly remove yourself from the situation''. If anything you're the one who has devolved.

One thing I know about you is that you have a really warped way of perceiving things. While you perceive this thread as bitching, I view it as trying to garner some attention for the FF7 vs MGS3 thread. If I wanted to bitch, I would just rant that it's bullshit that FF7 is losing to MGS3.
How's it leaving like a bitch? You still haven't explained that. Yes, I left because it was tiring attempting to argue with people who were more interested in piling on than making legitimate arguments. Congratulations, you, along with some others made me decide to spend my time elsewhere for awhile. I suppose following this logic, if everyone decided to flame a random person for no apparent reason and they stopped posting because it was futile, they would be leaving like a bitch.

You got pissy that you looked like a cunt. What further explanation is needed? Me and Coco alone made plenty of legitimate arguments...which is why pretty much the general concensus was that you were being a cunt. What you're saying here is that we were all wrong and our legitimate reasoning was pointless flaming...that line of thought pretty much proves what a fucking tool you are. Yes Salv, we were just flaming you for no fucking reason and you, being the gentleman you are, decided to leave us to our pointless bickering. We must look like little ants from all the way up on the pedastool.

I don't know, when it happens I'll tell you.

It's about to happen again. For the second time. Take note this time.

I've stayed mostly to the areas of the forum where I can rely on intelligent posting. Before I made the mistake of expecting anything from subforums like the Cage/Bar Room or GSD. While there are good posts to be found there, I just don't expect anything anymore - the result of this is a good posting experience.

So you don't expect anything from the bar room yet you came here to bitch about a video game you preffer losing in a tournament? You came looking for legitimate reasons as to why people were voting the way they were. So yes dude, you WERE expecting something from this area.
You got pissy that you looked like a cunt. What further explanation is needed? Me and Coco alone made plenty of legitimate arguments...which is why pretty much the general concensus was that you were being a cunt. What you're saying here is that we were all wrong and our legitimate reasoning was pointless flaming...that line of thought pretty much proves what a fucking tool you are. Yes Salv, we were just flaming you for no fucking reason and you, being the gentleman you are, decided to leave us to our pointless bickering. We must look like little ants from all the way up on the pedastool.

I'm not saying it was pointless flaming, I'm saying that it was idiotic and ultimately incorrect. The example I made was to illustrate that just because there's a general consensus about someone, doesn't mean that it's right. You, Coco, and some others then and now think I'm a cunt - I'm fine with that.

You have about as much reasoning for your accusation that I left because I was pissy that I looked like a cunt, as I would if I said that you left earlier this year because you re-read the thread in question, realized you're an idiot, and then became incapacitated. I don't need to damage control my internet persona, especially to people like you. I left because arguing with you and others in that thread was becoming tiresome and boring.

Of course it seems that you take so much pride in your fantasy that I left because I was so shattered due to your momentous verbal beating on me so I'll just assume that what I just wrote won't compute for you. I wrote it just for the record.

So you don't expect anything from the bar room yet you came here to bitch about a video game you preffer losing in a tournament? You came looking for legitimate reasons as to why people were voting the way they were. So yes dude, you WERE expecting something from this area.

While you perceive this thread as bitching, I view it as trying to garner some attention for the FF7 vs MGS3 thread.

I'm not expecting any legitimate arguments here, I'm looking to bring some attention to the thread in the proper sub-forum. This thread was made with what's called ulterior motives.
I'm not saying it was pointless flaming, I'm saying that it was idiotic and ultimately incorrect. The example I made was to illustrate that just because there's a general consensus about someone, doesn't mean that it's right. You, Coco, and some others then and now think I'm a cunt - I'm fine with that.

Well then the comparison you made about pointless flaming and any rebuttal being futile was complete bullshit. Didn't stop you from making it though apparently. Next time you make a comparison...fucking stick by it. Okay so I guess despite pretty much everyone agreeing that you were, at least in that particular instance being pretentious. you weren't. If that makes you feel better then sure kid. And which part was incorrect? Our belief that you were being snobby or that it was wrong to tell you so? Either way you're being delusional and living in your own head.

You have about as much reasoning for your accusation that I left because I was pissy that I looked like a cunt, as I would if I said that you left earlier this year because you re-read the thread in question, realized you're an idiot, and then became incapacitated. I don't need to damage control my internet persona, especially to people like you. I left because arguing with you and others in that thread was becoming tiresome and boring.

Haha every fucking thing you say gets douchier and fucking douchier. See the difference between you and I is this: if people were to, almost unanimously, tell me that I was being a cunt or pretentious I probably would have taken their word for it. Since ya know, I come here to discuss things with people whose opinions I repsect and are interested in. So I would respect what they were telling me and I have in the past been told I was being a dick and apologized. You however will go out of your way to convince yourself it was everyone else, not yourself. Maybe you've just returned with the hope that we all outgrew our idiotic ways.

Of course it seems that you take so much pride in your fantasy that I left because I was so shattered due to your momentous verbal beating on me so I'll just assume that what I just wrote won't compute for you. I wrote it just for the record.

You can even push the fucking fact that you left aside and the popular opinion that you're what I've reffered to you as still remains. You could have stuck around and it wouldn't have done anything to change that you were being pretentious, that's the whole fucking point that I'm bringing up.

I'm not expecting any legitimate arguments here, I'm looking to bring some attention to the thread in the proper sub-forum. This thread was made with what's called ulterior motives.

Ulterior motives hmmm? Because really it looked like you came in here to bitch about who was winning with the clearly underlying feeling that you thought people who voted against your pick were idiots for doing so and needed to substantiate their opinion for your approval. How is that NOT douchy and snobby? By bringing some attention to the thread you mean you hoped to bitch enough to get people to go check it out and agree with you. You weren't saying ''Man this is a close one, you guys should check it out it's a really interesting battle here''.
Well then the comparison you made about pointless flaming and any rebuttal being futile was complete bullshit. Didn't stop you from making it though apparently. Next time you make a comparison...fucking stick by it. Okay so I guess despite pretty much everyone agreeing that you were, at least in that particular instance being pretentious. you weren't. If that makes you feel better then sure kid. And which part was incorrect? Our belief that you were being snobby or that it was wrong to tell you so? Either way you're being delusional and living in your own head.

To the underlined portion: Yes. As I recall, the argument was about whether or not you can judge a persons intelligence by what they say, or something along those lines. Your position there was incorrect, that's what I'm referring to. Whether or not you view me as snobby is your business - I think you're wrong, but upon introspection, I could care less.

Haha every fucking thing you say gets douchier and fucking douchier. See the difference between you and I is this: if people were to, almost unanimously, tell me that I was being a cunt or pretentious I probably would have taken their word for it. Since ya know, I come here to discuss things with people whose opinions I repsect and are interested in. So I would respect what they were telling me and I have in the past been told I was being a dick and apologized. You however will go out of your way to convince yourself it was everyone else, not yourself. Maybe you've just returned with the hope that we all outgrew our idiotic ways.

I haven't taken a look at that thread in a while, but I would be comfortable saying that the people who were against me in that thread are people whose opinions I don't value. For example, if all the douchebags on a website thought I was an asshole, that wouldn't bother me - it's kind of the same concept. There may have been one or two people whose opinions I do respect that were against me in that thread, but I'll chalk that up to an anomaly.

Ulterior motives hmmm? Because really it looked like you came in here to bitch about who was winning with the clearly underlying feeling that you thought people who voted against your pick were idiots for doing so and needed to substantiate their opinion for your approval. How is that NOT douchy and snobby? By bringing some attention to the thread you mean you hoped to bitch enough to get people to go check it out and agree with you. You weren't saying ''Man this is a close one, you guys should check it out it's a really interesting battle here''.

An interpretation that is ultimately incorrect. I've told you why I made the thread and I'm going to leave it at that.

As you can probably tell, I'm not interested in arguing with you. I enjoy arguing with people I disagree with, like the recent thread with TDigle for example, but in this case I'm not arguing anything of substance with you. You think I'm a douchebag and that you're right, whereas I think you're an idiot and that you're wrong. I'm comfortable not being liked by you, and I'm very comfortable in ignoring you until you'd like to debate something of substance, like something from the cigar lounge for example. Arguing with you whether or not I really made the thread with the intention that I stated earlier isn't going to go anywhere, you're not going to change your mind, and since I know why I made the thread (seeing as how, I made it with an intention in mind), I'll know that you wrong and we'll keep arguing - it's a perpetual cycle of having to deal with bullshit. That may be your idea of time well-spent, but not mine.
Lmao my only regret is that it's without question that Via Armbar will take this as another example of his exemplary argumentative skills.
To the underlined portion: Yes. As I recall, the argument was about whether or not you can judge a persons intelligence by what they say, or something along those lines. Your position there was incorrect, that's what I'm referring to. Whether or not you view me as snobby is your business - I think you're wrong, but upon introspection, I could care less.

Actually the reason people were pissed is because you said that anyone who posted in the cage were stupid, in short. That is why people were calling you a pretentious douche, but of course leave to you to recall the story differently to your benefit. And no, my position wasn't incorrect nor was everyone elses. By calling everyone else wrong and yourself right you're further proving my fucking point.

I haven't taken a look at that thread in a while, but I would be comfortable saying that the people who were against me in that thread are people whose opinions I don't value. For example, if all the douchebags on a website thought I was an asshole, that wouldn't bother me - it's kind of the same concept. There may have been one or two people whose opinions I do respect that were against me in that thread, but I'll chalk that up to an anomaly.

Actually, until that instance I recall you and I having plenty of discussions and usually taking the same side. So way tos tay fake there buddy. I love how now you're making a comparison to this place and a site full of assholes. Why make that comparison at all if you don't see people here that way? I'm sure though it would be a great confidence booster if everyone here were to make think your the bees fucking knees. Funny how that works hmm? Everyone thinks you're great and it must be true, but the other way around and it matters not. It was an anamoly that everyone was against you and were calling you pretentious? So you only respect the opinions of those who agree with you? The fuck kind of logic is that?

An interpretation that is ultimately incorrect. I've told you why I made the thread and I'm going to leave it at that.

Seems that way...but isn't that way? Gotcha.

As you can probably tell, I'm not interested in arguing with you. I enjoy arguing with people I disagree with, like the recent thread with TDigle for example, but in this case I'm not arguing anything of substance with you. You think I'm a douchebag and that you're right, whereas I think you're an idiot and that you're wrong. I'm comfortable not being liked by you, and I'm very comfortable in ignoring you until you'd like to debate something of substance, like something from the cigar lounge for example. Arguing with you whether or not I really made the thread with the intention that I stated earlier isn't going to go anywhere, you're not going to change your mind, and since I know why I made the thread (seeing as how, I made it with an intention in mind), I'll know that you wrong and we'll keep arguing - it's a perpetual cycle of having to deal with bullshit. That may be your idea of time well-spent, but not mine.

What am I arguing though? I say it was nice to see you're still pretentious cunt and it's clear you still are. I was simply bringing up past examples, there's nothing to debate. See, you tried to argue something of substance in the FF7 vs MGS3 thread but things weren't going the way you wanted so you came here to make another thread about it. Is that how you deal with all debates? Whining about it? If so then you can go ahead and cancel those debate dates with me because I'd want no part of it. If you think for a second I would back down from debating with you about anything else you're more foolish than I thought. I've held my own with far fucking better posters than yourself. I'm sure all of the posts you make there will be seeping with arrogance and the better-than-thou attitude you've shown here.
Lmao my only regret is that it's without question that Via Armbar will take this as another example of his exemplary argumentative skills.

Trust me, your scalp would not be considered a trophy as you've proven every point I've made yourself. No pride in that. I save my pride in a good debate for posters who deserve it.
I wish I could send a dollar donation to some of these jokes instead of rep. Some of them really do make me gitty.
Has Salv posted his picture yet, I want to put a face to the poster

Mostly cause I've this feeling that pizzaface

We must look like little ants from all the way up on the pedastool.

This might be the most brilliant way of calling someone shit without them realizing it
Has Salv posted his picture yet, I want to put a face to the poster

Mostly cause I've this feeling that pizzaface

Stock photo of Salv

^^ only thing I could find.

This might be the most brilliant way of calling someone shit without them realizing it

Hahahaha shit. I will never speak to Salv ever again if he so wishes if he changes his name to PedaStool.

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