Feuds you would like to see happen in the WWE?


Occasional Pre-Show

There are some feuds that we want to see, but not be able to see because these guys might both be heel or on different WWE brands. Here are some of the feuds I would like to see.

Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger
- I really don't know why I would want to see these two in a feud, but I think these two are very good wrestlers.

Chris Jericho vs The Miz
- These two are really good wrestlers and have the best mic skills in the WWE. But the problem with this is that both are really good at being heels and for one of them to turn face and that would be a bad idea.

CM Punk vs Kofi Kingston
- There one on one match at the Survivor Series last year was just simply fantastic and I think these two could headline WrestleMania someday, well if after Triple H retires. Maybe. lol.

Shawn Michaels vs Sheamus
- Just these two are very different in there ring skills and would make a good match.

Edge vs John Morrison
- There one match they had on SmackDown! last year was really amazing and I thought Edge won by the skin of his teeth and if they were to meet again I think John Morrison would be the one with his hand raised up in the air.

Evan Bourne vs Rey Mysterio
- There is only one thing I can say about this feud right here: HIGH FLYING ACTION.

Shawn Michaels vs Tyson Kid or DH Smith
- Both are really good in the ring and can have really amazing matches. Now, when you are talking about Shawn Michaels vs DH Smith, you are going to be getting Shawn Michaels vs British Bulldog again.

The Undertaker vs Tyson Kid
- Tyson Kid to me reminds me of Rey Mysterio for some reason when you compare him to The Undertaker. I know there are going to be alot of people that think I am nuts when I say that, but that is how it is to me and these two could put on some interesting matches.

Now, everyone tell me what feuds you would like to see.
I would like to see christian vs john morrison. rey mysterio john morrison if you haven't seen their match for the i.c title then you need to. christian vs cm punk would be very solid. I have tons but I would really like to see triple h vs undertaker in a long fued, we haven't seen them fued since wrestlemania 17.
The one I want to see the most is:

HBK vs CM Punk
-Both very good on the mic and in the ring. Punk can play off HBK's past and get some great heel heat. It could really legitimize him as a main event player

The rest:

HBK vs Morrison
-The match up speaks for itself. Both are very similar and it again could bring Morrison up several notches.

CM Punk vs the Miz
-Miz lives the exact lifestyle Punk rants on weekly. The feud writes itself.

Cena vs Swagger
-I think an actual feud for Swagger could really help him establish himself. I have no idea why we don't see him used more.

Jericho vs Orton
-I don't recall this really being done and it needs to be done.
John Cena vs. Jack Swagger: the couple of matches these two have had were really good, and if Swagger's built up enough, he could be a good heel for Cena to feud with. I still feel Swagger should have been in Sheamus' place.

CM Punk vs. Shawn Michaels: with Punk's current gimmick, what better person to try and send his message to than a guy who's past drug abuse is well-known. Punk could get all over HBK about his troubled past, with HBK retaliating. These two could produce some very good matches.

Edge vs. Christian: yes, they've feuded before, but it would be so much better now that they're both legit singles stars. I would hold this off until Christian has a couple of world title reigns under his belt to make him look more credible against Edge, but these guys could have a very entertaining rivalry.

Edge vs. The Miz: the promos these two would have together alone would make this gold, but the matches would be entertaining too. This feud could be a good way to test Miz in the main event.

John Morrison vs. The Undertaker: I've been thinking of this feud off and on for a while now, and I'd think it'd be fun to watch. JoMo, as the cocky face, could be wanting to prove himself as a top guy by going after Taker. Their EC encounter was pretty good, and I'd really like to see how well these guys would work in a series of matches.
Kofi Kingston vs Rey Mysterio-Lots of High Flying Spots in this one, with some good wrestling as well.

Randy Orton vs Edge- Never really had that long of fued. Quick one when Randy was I-C champ with Evolution.

Christian vs CM Punk- These two really could have great chemistry together and some superb promos.

Drew Mcintyre vs HHH-After Mcintyre has been built up for awhile. this match can be like old english HHH vs the Game HHH.
Feuds I would like to see:

Jericho vs Danile Bryan I really enjoyed that match on NXT. I've read a lot about Byran on the internet but to actually see him in action was impressive. What a great way get him pushed.

Punk vs Jericho/Edge/Christian/HBK/HHH Anyone of these combinations would make for a great feud. I liked HHH's interaction with Punk a few weeks ago on Raw, stating how he's straight edge himself but doesn't gloat about it. As for the others, well they are all great on the mic and in the ring as well. Great stories can be made.

Morrison vs HBK Morrision reminds me of a young HBK already so it would be great to see these two go at it. Although I would like to see Melina involved.

Dibiase vs Taker They could do a lot with this one since the MDM was the one who brought Taker in. MDM could hire the services of Brother Love and Paul Bearer to help exploit the Takers weakness. Also hire some of Takers past oppenants from WM to attack and weaken Taker. Also, use the urn against him. I would love to see that.
I have been thinking of some good feuds that would spice things up so these are the ones I think would add some flavor to the WWE:

Morrison vs HBK: HBK needs to go to Smackdown and these two would tear the house down. Morrison needs that one feud to get him over the top and this would do it.

Swagger vs Rey: We all know Swagger is going to Smackdown and Rey would be a perfect choice to bring out Swagger's talents. He can wrestle and just needs a chance to show his stuff.

Swagger vs Morrison: (See vs Rey)

HHH vs Sheamus: HHH has been working on putting new guys over and Sheamus needs to be put over again. Yes he won the title, but they could make him disappear really quick and then the push he had will seem meaningless.

MVP vs Orton: Orton will need someone new and MVP will need a main eventer to help him get over the time. MVP has been teased as a main event type and it is time for him to show what he truly has once and for all. Orton could bring it out of him kind of like how Kofi rose to the occasion.

Jericho vs Kofi: Kofi is very talented and his mic skills are getting better. I think he would fit well on Smackdown and they could have lots of fun with the promos.

Hart Dynasty vs Straight Edge Society: The Hart Dynasty isn't getting the push the deserve and they should turn face. With the whole Bret Hart story it would be perfect to do it now. There isn't a face tag team that anyone cares about and it is about time Natalya got a push. I think the matches could be pretty good and would garner more interest in the tag team division.
Would love to see HBK vs heel morrison leading to shawns retirement and passing of the torch.

also kane and taker to go one more time when its takers turn to bow out of the ring.

Finally would love to see Jerry lawler vs santino. oh the comedy relief would be fantastic!!!
Just gonna list 5. Nobody really wants to read like 20 lol.

John Cena vs. CM Punk - One guy has the right message but is saying it in the wrong way and getting booed, while the other guy has the right message and is saying it in the right way and getting cheered...and, well, booed too haha. Cena obviously would be the face here but I'm curious as to how they'd book the promos as Cena certainly shouldn't disagree with Punk's "no drugs, no smoking, no alcohol" policy, but rather just his preaching method.

John Morrison vs. Chris Jericho - I was actually hoping that if Edge wouldn't have been able to make it back in time, that Morrison would have been the one to challenge Jericho for the world title at WrestleMania. I think these two would work EXTREMELY well together and Jericho could really help Morrison get more comfortable on the mic, which really is the only thing holding JoMo back from being a top star.

Edge vs. Randy Orton - Anyone really need to explain why people would want to see this? Don't think so. I wouldn't be too surprised if this is on the WrestleMania 27 card.

Christian vs. Miz - The promos alone would be worth it. This would have the potential to be the sleeper feud of the year, in my opinion.

HBK vs. Evan Bourne - More so just a series of matches between them rather than a storyline feud, as Bourne can't cut a decent promo but he can sure as hell deliver in the ring.
Before Punk went heel I really wanted to see him fued with Randy Orton, and there was a time when it seemed like it was almost gonna happen, when Orton was coming back from injury in late '08. I would like Punk to be the face in this fued but it's pointless now because he's on fire as a heel. Something in me says though that he'll be back to face before Orton.

And how about Hart Dynasty vs anybody? Why can these guys not have a fued? I guess because there's no tag teams. Then throw them in singles fueds already. Tyson Kidd can fued with Rey Mysterio....it's that simple. Or even Kofi Kingston depending on how things look after the draft. Put DH Smith in some matches against Morrison, Kane, Finlay, Edge, build this guy up so he can eventually be fueding with the likes of Shawn Michaels. For some reason it seems like they need help getting Smith over even more so than Kidd. I don't know why. Let's develop these guys already instead of all this stalling, they're great talents! And on a side note, why are they not thrown onto Raw and being paired with Bret to assist them in getting over? Instead they are booked to trash talk how he looked weak getting humilated by Vince and they mock him and the rest of the Hart family relatives? Especially when they're jobbing. It's just completely asinine!
Goldust VS Kane- Starting out with Goldust hitting Kane in the facewith a used toilet plunger. Then Kane takes a paintball gun ater goldust shooting him the face and then lighting him on fire

Is this all you aspire for? lol how about another one.....2 excellent wrestlers that need something to do. One's a heel, one's a face. They're both stuck in limbo. Dolph Ziggler vs Shelton Benjamin. There you go!! C'mon WWE give us something interesting. Put some stock into some of these guys. Ziggler is just waiting to burst thru the ceiling, and honestly I'd still like to see Benjamin do so. Remember his US title win over Matt Hardy at the Great American Bash '08? He got a standing ovation after that match and he was a heel! Use this guy in a credible way!
I am including road agents

James Gibson (Jamie Noble) vs CM Punk
Gibson one of WWE's most under rated wrestlers vs Punk who despite three World Championship reigns is another under appreciated wrestler.

CM Punk vs Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan), HBK, Cena, HHH Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne), Y2J
Instead of putting Punk's name over and over (and losing my credibility in the process) I list the guys who up against Punk could be epic feuds.
Punk against Danielson is something that could makings of a wonderful feud. Both are superb wrestlers who could put on amazing wrestlers.
Punk against Cena could out Punk in elite status in the eyes of kids and women(Cena fans)
Punk against HBK could be EPIC. HBK a nine time PWI match of the year winner against the skill of Punk. Words can't describe how great this rivalry will be.
Punk vs HHH. HHH has amazing skill. What makes HHH so good is his ability to put opponents over. Punk has the same ability. This could be feud of the year.
Punk vs Sydal High flying and under rated wrestler in Sydal vs the skill of Punk. They could be put on amazing matches
Punk vs Y2J. Based on their first match, they could a great entertaining feud

Bryan Danielson vs HBK
Student vs teacher

Kofi vs HHH
Kofi has impressed me with his skill. I think this could be a great and long feud
The feud I would like to see is one that surprisingly, no one has mentioned. John Cena vs The Undertaker. IMO this should've been the main event to this years WrestleMania with a HHH/HBK undercard. Taker is on his last legs and if anyone is going to break his streak I think it'll be Cena. I'm calling a John Cena vs Undertaker Main Event for WrestleMania 27.....I know they feuded before briefly when Cena was heel but IMO that doesnt count. It was years ago before Cena became Cena. This match needs to happen and it shouldve been this year. I'd also like to see an HBK/Morrison feud and a CM Punk/Orton
The fued I would like to see is Shawn Michaels vs. John Morrison. Shawn Michaels would bring out the best in this young talented star. With Shawn as a heel and baby face John Morrison it would be epic. Two phenomenal agile wrestlers putting on a show week in and week out would be amazing.
There are a couple feuds that i would really want to see.

1. Christian vs Randy Orton
I think that these two can put on some great matches together as well as some good stick work. Hopefully if we see this it would be over one of the main straps in WWE. In my opinion Orton is the best Heel in WWE and Christiain is one of the most entertaining workers on the roster.

2. CM Punk vs The Miz
Heel vs Heel in this one, The miz can act like the "hollywood" party type vs Punk's straightedge lifestyle. I dont know why, but I am really enjoying this whole CM Punk thing going on right now, very entertaining.

3. Any type of faction feud, i was really hoping to see another faction form to go against legacy, i was really looking forward to Cena/Cryme Tyme feuding with them back a while. Maybe another McMahon/Corporation vs a group of up and coming stars.
While I am excited to be the first one to mention it, I can't believe no one else has...and it kind of disappoints me.

Randy Orton vs. The Undertaker: Yes, I know this feud has already happened. But it wasn't that great. Randy Orton wasn't NEARLY the superstar he is today. This feud could be epic today. I believe they are the two best guys in the company.

Taker is getting old, but he can still put on one hell of a match, and is always money on the mic. Randy Orton is probably their best all-around guy right now, as is most definitely their best at being involved in really personal feuds. I don't mind watching MITB matches, or triple threats, or battle royals. But where are the really, really personal feuds? Feuds that do not require championships. Feuds that have enough raw emotion and anger to keep people on the edges of their seats. This is something the WWE is really lacking in todays product.

The Undertaker and Randy Orton is really the only high-level, main event feud I am waiting for. I think the possibilities in having these two in a personal feud are endless. I think it would have worked out better while Randy and Legacy were still together, but to have what I think are the two best guys in the company going at it, you can't go wrong.
guys...going off that, id like to see a vince macmahon/corporation vs a new nation of domination..nothing racist just bring back a major fued with up n comin stars i.e coporation involving:
mcmahon, batista, miz/show, ziggler, swagger, mcintyre or rhodes/dibiase
NOD involving:
kofi (the leader), r-truth, mvp/henry, shelton benjamin possibly ezekial jackson (getting a little push now)

leaving the NOD to b the faces in ths fued! thoughts?
I have some ideas but I'm going to do some already established vs not so already established lol

1- Big Show and Miz vs Cryme Tyme: sounds weird I know but think about it.. CT needs a lengthy fued and I think shad and show did some good single matches together awhile ago.. The mic work with these four would be really entertaining with Miz involved..
2- Cena vs Swagger: like everyone else, I enjoyed their origional match back at the draft.. And if they actually let Swagger wrestle instead of job to santino he would be on top of the food chain and I think with cena's help would put on a great fued
3-Daniel Bryan vs. Jericho: what a match on nxt! Wanna see a fued with these two big time..
4- Shawn Michaels vs Dolph: dolph is good and had a good fued with mysterio but having a fued with michaels I think would be extremely good and extremely good for his wrestling status.. Michaels knows how to make matches work and be great.. This would help out dolph big time..

That's all I can think of for now
1. Orton v Edge: They have a bit of history, and they never really had a feud. With Undertaker nearing the end, Edge will be maybe the biggest star on Smackdown soon, and Orton is arguably the biggest star on RAW (I know Cena is bigger entertainment wise, but with the wrestling audience, Orton is top dog).

2. HHH v CM Punk: they teased this leading up to the Rumble and in the Rumble match, and I think they could have some good matches. HHH could defend the DX lifestyle, Punk would attack it.

3. Miz v Daniel Bryan: I know Bryan just debuted on NXT, but he and the Miz have great chemistry. Writing it is easy-Bryan resents Miz because he has little experience. And the Miz/MVP thing has run its course.

4. John Morrison v R Truth: This isn't a main event feud of course, but it could help build the 2 guys. Morrison is supposed to make a heel turn, so you could have him blame Truth for his ankle injury, he thinks it cost him the WHC, and go from there.
My top 5, in order of what I want to see happen most

5: Kaval vs. Rey Mysterio. When Kaval finally comes up from FCW, I seriously think that his perfect first feud would be with Mysterio. They're right around the same size (Kaval is actually like 2" taller I think) and they have completely opposite styles in that Kaval is the dominator who beats you down with his "educated feet" and Mysterio is the "ultimate underdog" who likes to get beat down and then pull wins out of his ass. This could also help to put Kaval over as an insane heel, which'd be pretty great.

4: Randy Orton vs. John Morrison. These guys are so different and yet so similar at the same time. I think it's pretty obvious that the WWE wants to (and currently are) push Morrison as the next face of the company when they (hopefully) give John Cena the heel turn that most of us are hoping for. Who better to put Morrison over as a SUPER face than a SUPER heel like Orton? Orton attacking Rhodes and DiBiase on Raw kind of tells me that they want to keep him a heel so hopefully they can keep him as "The Viper" long enough for him to put Morrison over like he looks to currently be trying to do with DiBiase.

3: Triple H vs. Ted DiBiase. We've already had Trips vs. Orton, but I feel like the whole Legacy angle needs to die along with the stable itself. Trips is arguably the best tweener in the business in that he plays a brilliant face as well as a brilliant heel and can switch in the matter of a single show. Whether they decide to keep DiBiase heel or give him a face turn, it doesn't even matter, because he and Trips would make for a great feud. If he were the heel in the pairing, DiBiase would be the guy taking everything too seriously and Trips would be cracking jokes, getting Ted all worked up. If he were the face in the pairing, DiBiase could be the guy beating Trips and getting HIM worked up. Regardless, this would make a great feud imo.

2: Sheamus vs. The Undertaker. Sheamus still doesn't have a single legitimate match under his belt, much less a legit WIN. Pitting him against the Undertaker would do 2 things: First, it would help Sheamus to improve in the ring because Taker is brilliant at making decent-to-poor in-ring wrestlers look golden. Secondly, it would continue to help to put Sheamus over as a power house heel. He beats up on the Dead Man/Phenom/whatever intimidating nickname you want to give him and he's looking like a super hero (villain...you get the point) and Taker has nothing better to do after he retires Shawn Michaels.

1: The Miz vs. CM Punk. This isn't something that I would want to happen RIGHT NOW. Give the Miz a few more weeks, maybe even months, to get over as FUCK. Basically, I want to see The Miz get so popular that the WWE is forced to give him a face turn. Almost like the Rock/Stone Cold scenarios in the 90s. Then, when Miz is a face, let him take on a party boy persona - have him crowd surfing, high fiving all the fans, basically being the guy everybody wants to have a beer with. Boom. Instant feud between two of the best, if not the two VERY best, mic workers in the business.
This is my first post so we will see how this goes. These are my picks:

1. HBK vs John Morrison.
People have been saying Morrison is going to be the next HBK, and you can see the similarities in them so i think it would be a good feud and a good way to put Morrison over.

2. Cena vs Jack Swagger.
We saw how good Cena made him look on that edition of raw, that was one hell of a match, and i think a good feud with Cena could be the push Swagger needs.

3. Orton vs Christian.
Im a fan of Christians and i think that he deserves a spot in the main event even just for a little bit. A good feud with Orton would be very entertaining, and could give Christian some time in the main even as well as maybe setting up a future feud with Orton vs Edge.

4. Chris Jericho vs The Miz.
I personally think that in the near future (not right now) Miz will make a very good face, and is there any better heel in the company to get him over as a legit face then Chris Jericho...i dont think there is. Jericho can make almost anyone look gold in the ring, and im sure he can do this for Miz, and i think they would have some great matches.

5. Edge vs Cm Punk.
Now i know this has kind of already happened, but i really would like to see it. You could have a angle where Punk accuses Edge of taking meds to help him heal from his injury, playing the whole straight edge thing, have him try and "save" Edge. Plus, right now Edge is way over as a face and Punk is way over as a heel, it would be great.

So yeah they are my 5 picks. Hope you like them, and as i said this is my first post so yeah i hope you like em.
5-Cena vs. Taker

I think it would be a shame to see Taker someday retiring without having a well-executed lengthy feud with John Cena.The two has been the biggest draws on Raw and Smack Down for 4 or 5 years now.

4- CM Punk vs. HBK

God I will do anything to watch such a match.Both are fun to watch in ring and it would be a waste of opportunity to not throwing these two in a match.

3-John Morrison vs. HHH

This could be the feud which raise JoMo to main-event status.JoMo reminds me a new HBK and I'm sure a JoMo vs. HHH with the title on the line is Mania main-event worthy match.

2-The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

I know it is happening currently but i want this on a higher level than Mentor-Rookie thing which we see right now.Maybe someday we see this feud as the main one in one of shows.

1-Randy Orton vs. Jericho

I think this can be feud of the year material.Both are the greatest wrestlers in roster.This time I want Randy as face and Jericho playing Heel side of feud.I actually hope this take place at next year's Wrestlemania.Maybe so.

Honorable mentions :

Cena vs. anyone he has had feud since 2005 but this time Cena as a Heel.
Edge vs. anyone he has had feud since 2005 but this time Edge as a Face.
Taker vs. Morrison
RKO vs. Edge
Cena vs. CM punk
Currently, I would like to see a Christian vs John Morrison feud. I think it should finish up in a TLC match. I have a feeling that John Morrison and Christian could steal any PPV this match took place on. My only problem with Morrison is he needs to turn heel. He was much more interesting as a heel.
WWE feuds i would like to seen are Triple H vs Rey Mysterio this match could be one of the best of the year and i would like to see how Triple H would adaped to Rey Mysterio high flying moves i would also like to see Rey Mysterio vs Undertaker have more matches there match at the royal Rumble stole the Show.Rey Mysterio vs HBK would also be Really good i would also like to see EDGE AND Randy Orton.
CM Punk vs Shawn Michaels would be a fued that would be memorable for me.

Also Christian vs The Miz would be quite interesting.. Christians very over as a face, Miz is over as a heel.. Both are good talkers and can put on a good match (Miz has really improved since his debut).. would be a great fued to me.. just for good measure, throw the US title into the picture too.

Dolph Ziggler vs Jack Swagger wouldn't be bad.. but both are pretty good as heels.. turning one of them face could screw up their careers.

Edge vs Christian would be good, but Edge just recently turned face and he'll probably be a face for a good while since he was a heel for about 5 years.. and I don't really wanna see Christian turn heel just yet.. maybe in time, but not right now, he's doing a good job as a face considering that he's been a heel for the majority of his career.

Daniel Bryan vs Chris Jericho would be absolute gold
The best in the business today vs the best in the future, plus they pulled off a great match on NXT.. WWE better not drop the ball with Danielson, Vince was very impressed with him on NXT, but you know how Vince can just pull a complete 180 on things.. this better not come into play with Danielson's career.

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