Favourite Odd Couple/Manufactured Tag Team(s)?

Yeah I remember Edge and Hogan, one particular moment sticks out in my mind is when Edge and Hogan were talking in the back about Hogans match with The Rock and The Rock walked in on them.

They were a really good tag team and its really proof that despite what many people say about Edge he was given helping hands from the best ever since he and Christian split up.

From the South said:
My favorite was Benoit and Jericho. The night when they beat HHH and Stone Cold (quad injury night) on Raw for the tag titles was awesome. I truly marked out for it, and it is still MY favorite match of all time.

Completely agree excellent tag team, the walls/crossface finisher was a great move and I would count these two as an odd couple tag team seeing how they were fueding not long before.
How are we forgetting the team of Hurricane and Kane?!?!?! They won the tag team titles on RAW and were WAY over! With Hurricane still doing his "flying" off-screen act and Kane walking around talking about how "Freaks are cool!" and kissing Lilian Garcia... hilarity! Aside from their antics, these two worked extremely well together in the ring and the crowd as behind them.
And how about John Kronus and New Jack? An athletic worker who could do just about anything in the ring, especially remarkable considering his size paired with a guy who I don't think I've ever seen do a wrestling hold in any of his matches? But somehow they won the ECW tag team titles and managed to work well together as well.
More? Spike Dudley and Big Show. Remember when Spike was wearing the same singlet and would do his body splash off of Show's shoulders?
*sighs* good memories...
I'm surprised Miz and Morrison wasn't mentioned. Though they aren't really "odd" anymore, when they first teamed they couldn't stand each other. Not to mention they've gotten quite good as a team and are very funny (The Dirt Sheet is the funniest thing I've seen from a tag team since probably Edge and Christian). Other teams mentioned like Rock/Sock, Booker T/Goldust, HHH/Austin are also my favs.
Wat about kane and rikishi 2 big guys that were completely different. although it didnt last eddie and tajiri quite funny and wen that won tag titles the match was awesome. bit diffrent but vinny mac and austin in the main event WM17 awesome way to end attitude era. How bout Rev D-Von and Batista terrible gimmick but odd and look were they r now
I did list Steiner & Bagwell in the "Odd Couple" portion of the list, but if my memory serves me correctly, Marcus Alexander Bagwell did not become Buff Bagwell until starting a program with Steiner, which led to him buffing himself up. The two feuded in matches & pose-downs, then eventually wound up teaming together. When you think about who Bagwell was before his program with Steiner, it does seem kinda odd to me. But that's just my opinion. It's basically the same thing TNA is doing with Steiner & Petey Pump: one wrestler(completely different from the first) emulating the other until they become pretty similar, only it was a decade earlier.

I beg to differ here. Marcus Alexander Bagwell started using the Buff gimmick after he and Scotty Riggs (The American Males) broke up. He started that gimmick when he joined the nWo which was a few months after it started. That would put it in about '96. It wasn't until after he came back from the neck injury he suffered against Rick Steiner that he and Scott started to team. That leaves a period of about 2-3 years using the Buff gimmick and being a well known guy before teaming with Scott Steiner. Actually, speaking of oddball teams, in the nWo Buff and Scott Norton (of Fire & Ice) teamed up as Vicious & Delicious. But I digress...

They have been mentioned numerous times before, but to me there are two that stand out above all the rest when it comes to oddball tag teams.
The first is Bookdust: Booker T & Goldust. This was towards the end of Goldust's run in the WWE and was the last time he was involved in something major aside from that ridiculous stuttering bit. They actually did work well together and actually won the World Tag Team Titles at one point. But the real magic from the team was of course the comedy. Just go type their names in on Youtube and there are dozens of hilarious videos from it. The one where they make fun of the nWo when Big Show's sleeping, go to 7-11, and when Goldust is in the bed with Booker and the girl where some of my favorites. The lumberjack one and the one with the Rock making fun of Goldust are hilarious too. These two were just comedy gold and there is obviously replay value in the segments. They even had a reunion thing with them if you remember at Wrestlemania 22 before Booker T faced the Boogeyman.

The other is my all-time favorite oddball tag team and one of my favorite tag teams period..that's right The Rock 'n' Sock Connection. Now the Rock is obviously one of the best ever on the mic and could make anyone look like a million bucks, but when these two teamed it really pushed Foley into the comedic character he was often seen as later as opposed to the deranged one. And as we all know, these two were responsible for the highest rated segment in Raw history, "Rock, this is your life." I loved the team at the time, the references they have made to it, reunions, etc. Hopefully we will see some more of these two when they inevitably get inducted into the Hall of Fame.
Scotty 2 Hotty & "The Hip Hop Hippo" Albert

I was a huge Scotty fan and liked the pairing. Really, really weird. Albert body popping was a site to behold and that wasn't a good thing :p after Rikishi & Grand Master Sexay, Albert was just strange to be hanging with Scotty.

Also Snitsky & Goldust, quite possibly the creepiest team ever. Snitsky with his foot fetish was just eeugh!

Others mentioned like Tajiri & Eddie, Hardy & MVP, Goldust & Booker T, Rock 'n' Sock have already been explained.
I'm going old school, E.C.W., with Raven and Tommy Dreamer. They were by far the greatest Tag Team to watch for the short time they were together.

Raven would set-up his chair in the middle of the ring, and tell Dreamer to use it and jump off it, then when Dreamer would bounce off the ropes, Raven would deliver a drop toe hold to Dreamer, and then suicide dive over the top ropes to the real opponent.

Raven would also deliver his Evenflow DDT to Dreamer in celebration of them winning, ah, good times good times. I loved watching those two together. The thing is, Tommy Dreamer was never as great as when he was working with Raven.

Another 'unique' Tag Team would have to be Rico and Charlie Haas..

Never really cared for Rico or Haas for that matter, but at least these two together gave me something to laugh at for about 10 minutes each show. The only great part to this team was Haas' lustful nature toward Rico's (then) manager and Haas' (then, soon-to-be Wife) Ms. Jackie.
Benoit and Jericho: Potentially had what it took to go really uber-far. They could have had a really good run if it wasn't for Benoits injury. My God though talking about pushing someone too hard, the night before they beat Austin and The Game, Benoit had a 3 falls match with Angle and then run a tag team gauntlet.... then they beat The Two Man Power Trip only to have a TLC match on Smackdown.... that makes me feel awkward at how hard he pushed himself that week. Jericho and Benoit are an example of two great opponents who no each others game so well that they automatically click as a tag team.

Rated RKO: The two greatest stars to come out of the WWE (alongside John Cena and Batista) Together they had it all and deserved a hell of alot more than to be white-washed by Team DX. I still mantain that Orton as a partner helped Edge more than Christian as a partner, with Christian he was going nowhere but the mid-card. With Orton in tow the two helped each other to main event status.
i think it's probably a bit early ot place judgemnt out on this one but im gonna say santino & beth phoenix is turning out to be really good....yokozuna & owen hart were awesome....same with rock & sock connection.booker t & golddust were funny..very funny.but mvp & matt hardy were funny & entertaining.im missing others imm sure

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