Favorite TV series.

The Wire - How this hasn't been mentioned already is astounding. From the first to the last episode, this was a show that pulled no punches and apologised to no-one for its content. The scope of the show was incredible, from the ghettos to the Mayor's office and beyond, it related the message that everything is connected. Although it has its fair share of hard-hitting emotional moments, they are balanced out by some frankly hilarious interactions between characters and/or characters and drink. (See Jimmy McNulty)
If anyone is a fan of this show then they must check out The Corner, you will not be disappointed.

Oz - Keep Prison Break, this is THE prison drama that needs to be seen. Currently re-watching the series again and while it is not all too believable at times, this allows the characters to be a little more over the top than normal which is very beneficial. The cast over the 6 seasons is huge, with some actors not even making it through an episode, while some characters meet very unexpected and shocking endings. It's a brutal series filled with rape (straight and gay), murder, sex (straight and gay), humiliation, revenge, love, lust, heartbreak... everything.
An interesting benefit to the show is that one of the characters doubles as the narrator who breaks the 4th wall in his cutaway scenes, although some of these sometimes carry through to a scene with the rest of the inmates.

The Shield - By the end of the first episode, you will know if you love it or hate it. I loved it, and more people should too!

Still Game - If you like Scottish comedy, this is worth a watch. It centres on 2 best pals who are pensioners in a crummy estate in Glasgow who are making the most of the time they have left. The supporting cast are all terrific and some of the themes of certain shows are quite touching but are balanced out brilliantly with the humour. For instance, an episode where a man's wife has died and he's let himself go, so Jack and Victor go round to help him out, leading to this...

Deadwood - There only 3 series' but each was magnificent. If you can cope with a lot of swearing and the myth of the frontiers, then this is a show for you! Timothy Olyphant and Ian McShane are perfect in their roles as Sheriff Bullock and Al Swearengen (or Swedgin! if you're Mr Wu) respectively and can go from fighting rivals to strong allies at their whim, but both for the good of the camp's prospects. The 3rd and final series introduces Mr William Hearst as a terrific villian who brings an awesome presence to the screen and proves a great foil to Swearengen and Bullock.

And finally - Arrested Development - This show was just perfect. The writing, direction, cast, all perfect. It's one of these shows that can pack about 3 or 4 different jokes into about 10 seconds of screen-time without it seeming to be rushed, so each time you watch it back you'll pick up on something else. I'd rather have another series of this than the film, but you never know!
Personally I'm a How I met your Mother and a Big Bag Theory guy myself.

I really don't care for shows that make you think or are dramas or anything of that sort. I mostly just like to watch mindless comedies that make you laugh but are smart enough that they don't insult your intelligence.

Personally I think the Big Bang Theory is the best show on television and I can't think of too many TV Characters that I've liked as much as Sheldon. Every time that guy opens his mouth I can't help but laugh my ass off.

How I Met Your Mother is another show that I feel is funny yet a well written show that I enjoy watching on a weekly basis. The story arc has been very satisfying up to this point and even though its a sitcom it doesn't feed like a "new story every week" type show, its also leading to something much bigger down the road and most of their decisions make sense. Also NPH is the bomb.
I am a huge fan of Seinfeld and Friends. These two shows were in my opinion the best shows NBC has ever had. Also The Office has become one of my favorites to watch as well. I am also a huge fan of Kenny Vs Spenny. Great show.
30 Rock - Got recommended to me by a friend of mine who has a good taste in comedy television series and I was hooked from the first episode. Although a majority of my interest in the show is Alec Baldwin's awesome role in the character "Jack Donaghy" and his interaction with the other characters, its absurd comedy hits really close to home with my sort of humour. Tiny Fey's "Liz Lemon" character might seem a little... restricted of character development (something I'm not a big fan of), the stories she entangles herself into engages me, wanting to know what someone as hopeless as her would act in that situation. Tracy Jordan/Kenneth are also pretty good at their supporting roles in the show... nothing over-the-top like Jack but still awesome enough to buy a t-shirt of.

Community - As the mindless couch potato I am giving in to cross-promotion, I decided to give this show a watch after hearing it being referenced in a 30 Rock episode. Incidentally, I found this show more appealing than the former show. The multitude of characters allows for numerous story plots and the ways they are designed to bitch-slap other well-known theories and/or media the way South Park would do really draws me in, especially with the Abed character breaking the fourth wall of the entire thing... initially poking fun of itself poking fun at other things. Also: Chevy Chase, Jim Rash and Ken Jeong play their roles amazingly to keep the viewer simultaneously offended/grossed-out and interested. Definitely hanging out for the Third Season premiere coming out later in the month.

Modern Family - I have no idea what the show does to garner my interest, I know the jokes are stupid and the humour gets lost on most people but considering a lot of my choices in comedy tv shows these days like the ones listed Better Off Ted, Archer, etc., I can see why I like it. It's pretty good to watch if you aren't feeling sleepy because the "real-life" feel you get from viewing this show can be kind of boring at times... and in small doses. Too much Modern Family will lead to misplace your sense of humour for a while and waiting for an 11 eleven year old in a suit courting a young Mila Kunis who for some reason traveled back in time to play the part of a struggling adolescent in a overly-weird family. None the less, watching the "modern families" conducting their business grabs a part of you due to your association of being within the modern times and puts you in a position where families in the modern times usually never end up, ensuing in confusion and laughter for you.
FRIENDS<3333 All time favorite.

Big Bang Theory is just too funny. The character of Sheldon Cooper is fantastic.

Criminal Minds - I only started getting into it, but man, to me, it's the best crime tv series, well maybe after Law & Order.
Without a doubt, my favorite show ever is Lost. No other show really gripped me in the way that this one did. The suspense from week to week was ridiculous, and every time you thought the crazy shit was done, they threw you a HUGE curve-ball and mind fucked the holy hell out of you. I know that some people got a bit turned off when the show got more sci-fi oriented, but I for one became even MORE addicted to it as it progressed. I'm not ashamed at all to admit that when the series finale ended, it brought a tear to my eye. Not only was this a critically acclaimed show reaching it's final moment, this was the past six years of my life essentially ending right in front of me. I still haven't found a show that can match the level of investment I had with Lost, and I really don't think I ever will. I also haven't watched more than a few days worth of television since the finale was over, which was more than a year ago. I think that says something.

In a not so close second, I'd have to give it to South Park. Started watching when I was 7 years old, haven't stopped since. I know, I had such a strict upbringing. Yes, there's been low, low points in the series, this past season being one of them, but just when you think the show is reaching it's end, they come back with an episode that is just so fucking hilarious, that it reminds you why you keep tuning into the show.

There's not really much more I can put down, I mean, the only other shows I watch are reruns of Law and Order: SVU and House to be honest. Metalocalypse used to be among my favorites, but the fact that they kept promising us that the show would come back at one point, then it didn't until a month later, as well as the fact that it seems Brendan Small cares more about doing other projects instead of this show really hurt it in my mind. Though, I just read that it should begin airing again in April 2012, and it's going back to the 11 minute format instead of the 21 minute one, that does give me a little bit of hope.
I'd say that my favorite TV series is dragonball (all 3 series even though GT was only decent)

The original dragonball was freaking hilarious with master roshi and goku's interaction with biomass in the first few episodes (uncut version) but also be epic like when goku battled picolo for the first time ever.

Dragonball z was the best series of the trio. Frieza,cell, buu just epic villians and the usuall great fight ls the anime is known for. The sayian backstory made the show more intriguing and the movies being excellent gave it more appeal. Albeit not as funny and light hearted as dragonball The story made up for it.

Dragonball GT was decent, pretty short and did little to impress me. The last saga was interesting (the fire was awful)) and the ending with that song playing (couldnt even understand what they were saying. But still good) closed the dragonball series appropriately.

I am a dragonball fanatic always have been always will be. There is only two subjects in this world I know more about than dragonball: wrestling and Godzilla!
I would have to say Pokemon cause really that show was fantastic atleast the first seasons with Ash,Brock,and Misty.Now that show got me interested from beginning to end.I liked the theme song it was catchy and I still remember that song to this day.
Without a doubt, my favorite show ever is Lost. No other show really gripped me in the way that this one did. The suspense from week to week was ridiculous, and every time you thought the crazy shit was done, they threw you a HUGE curve-ball and mind fucked the holy hell out of you. I know that some people got a bit turned off when the show got more sci-fi oriented, but I for one became even MORE addicted to it as it progressed. I'm not ashamed at all to admit that when the series finale ended, it brought a tear to my eye. Not only was this a critically acclaimed show reaching it's final moment, this was the past six years of my life essentially ending right in front of me. I still haven't found a show that can match the level of investment I had with Lost, and I really don't think I ever will. I also haven't watched more than a few days worth of television since the finale was over, which was more than a year ago. I think that says something.

I can understand ur pain mate.It's the greatest work of Television.Greatest show ever.It hurts me that after it's ending people are no more crazy bout the show and dont even talk bout it.
House, hands down. Every episode is filmed and written with movie quality precision, and has been perfectly acted by the entire cast since the very first season. You have all your crazy hospital drama, ridiculous plot twists, and lovable characters. But then...you have Dr. House himself. He is the Sherlock Holmes of medicine (yes, Wilson is Watson), and I do not think there is a better character in all of television. That may be a huge claim, but I am a super House fanboy, and I am sticking to my show!

Lost needs to be on the list. No matter how you see the ending, they still gave you 5-6 seasons of amazing, mind-bending content that just kept getting better and better. The characters were well defined and after several seasons they really interacted like a bunch of people stranded on a creepy-ass island together. Such a well done show that will always be plagued by haters and people who can't get over the subtlety of the finale.
Community - Behind only How I Met Your Mother as my favourite show currently on TV. It reminds me a lot of Scrubs it terms of the blunt, insane humour. Episodes where the school gets overrun by Zombies? Paintball frenzies? Some of the most clever plot lines I have ever seen. Genius xD

Dragonball Z - Defined my childhood. No simpler way of putting it. I watched this show endlessly, would of watched it on loop. And as weird as it does sound, I loved the filler episodes. I always thought it made characters more human (as weird as that is to say lol).

How I Met Your Mother - The reason I love this one so much is because I almost live my life by it. My Dad and Mom had shows that kind of defined them. Cheers being the one that really comes to mind. I think How I Met Your Mother in a lot of ways defines this current generation - and I love it for that, the humour just relates to me, almost every episode hits me and I end up doing something I've seen in it xD

Scrubs - I <3 this show. XD I don't know what it is exactly, but man - this humour is just me. I think out of any show I've ever watched, this show just makes me laugh all the time. I love it. And plus, the Turk/JD bromance is so epic lol.

Seinfeld - Greatest show of all time. No question. I was a bit too young to actually fully understand this show when it first aired - but thank the lord for reruns, every joke is just utterly hilarious. And it's got that great rewatchability, that not many shows have.

Honourable Mentions: Corner Gas, Haven, Mad Men
There are few shows that actually hold my interest these days. But, I will include past and present to kind of show my preferences in TV;

Smallville: I liked this reworking of the Superman origin story and thought seasons 1-6 were outstanding. After that, the quality kind of dropped with John Glover & Michael Rosenbaum leaving in Season 7. I didn't really like the overall ending of Season 10 with Tom Welling not fully embracing the Superman suit and leaving an epic ending. For the show to have started out as strongly as it did, they went out with a whimper. Which is sad, considering how great the show was in it's beginning.

Supernatural: I love this show! The humor is so like my own that I rewatch the reruns and find little gems I missed originally. This is the only real show I watch on the CW since Smallville ended. Supernatural is a great approach to the urban legends and mythology on creatures and lore. You can tell the creator and show runners really know their stuff and it even has elements of real-life urban legends or known creatures. They explore everything and also tell a great story with the Winchesters and their lives.

Scrubs: Alot of people probably think this show is silly. And at times, it is. It also has meaning in it too which adds to its appeal to me. The humor is an acquired taste and fits into what I like. This show is pretty much what it is supposed to be; hit or miss comedy that not all will like. I do, though.

Breaking Bad: Again, another show that has taken the norm for television and tossed it on its ear. A normal high school chemistry teacher with cancer providing for his family by cooking meth. I especially like how the characters evolve into different people and don't remain the same characters throughout. That's more close to real life and Vince Gilligan is a genius.

The Shield: FX's first real show that I took notice of and followed extensively. I didn't begin watching until season 5 when Forrest Whittaker joined but, it became one of my favs.

Rescue Me: A great show that FX did and I loved it while it lasted. The humor is funny in it and the story rocked.

Sons of Anarchy: While season 3 kinda slowed the pace of the show and I stopped watching, I resumed watching when season 4 returned. A great show that is all it's own and unique.

Two & A Half Men: I just got into this show while watching reruns on FX recently. A funny 30 minute show that is nonstop laughs. I especially like how Charlie Sheen's character is modeled closely to his real life personality. It shows in the acting and is great. I've not seen the Kutcher stuff, so, I don't know if it's as good. Although Kutcher is funny in other comedy stuff so maybe it is.

Psych: Funny show and it is great. Another first in television with an admittedly fake psychic to the audience but not to the characters[except Gus and Shawn's dad].

Burn Notice: I love the humor and the spy tech 101 stuff. The story is great and amusing to watch.
Since my internet problems started, I soon found that the only thing that could hold my attention was TV. So lately I have been getting back in touch with my inner couch potato and have been getting stuck back into TV series'.

In my endeavours, perhaps the best series I have started watching is Sons Of Anarchy. This show was recommended to me by a friend at work who, she was very keen to add, had become a huge fan of the show by speed-watching all 3 seasons of it up until about a month ago. She insisted that I watch it too and with hope in my heart, I gave in to her whim.

As far as I am concerned, SOA is one of the most engrossing and wonderfully written shows on TV at the moment. Since I finished watching the 3rd season, I have tried to tell everyone who will listen how captivating and exciting this show is. I honestly cannot believe that I have gone 3 years without knowing about this show and with season 4 already started, you can imagine how gutted I am that I have not been able to catch the first couple of episodes.

Still, if you find the time, I would definitely recommend Sony Of Anarchy to everyone.
One of the few shows that I can watch reruns of without getting bored is Law and Order: SVU. There's something about this show that just pulls me in and no matter what, I'm just unable to change the channel when it's on. The cases that are investigated can be very intense and I'm usually at the edge of my seat wanting to know what happens next.

I also love Two and a Half Men. The kid Jake was always my favorite character, especially when he was younger. He was a total dork. The hilarious relationship and squabbles between Charlie and Alan always had me laughing my ass off. I haven't been watching the show since Ashton Kutcher joined the cast though.
Without a doubt my favorite show of all time that hasn't changed for years is South Park. I literally watch this show every day, i'm freakin watching it right now for petes sake :p But it's the funniest show ever that always takes current events and turn it into a creative hilarious episode, and somehow they manage to do it every single time. There isn't an episode of this show i havent seen atleast 100 times, and there isn't an episode I don't enjoy.



Honorable Mentions: Psych,How I Met Your Mother,Sons Of Anarchy, The Ultimate Fighter,Walker Texas Ranger,Reba,Monk,Chapelle's Show,Dinosars.
IRT Deadlist Roads-I always say a trucker can drive better than anyone else could ever drive in there life time. Show is amazing and keeps me to watch it every Sunday.

Family Guy-Something about this show makes me watch it everytime I see it on TV. The show is great and I love the humor in it.

House-I don't watch it much any more but this show is really good.

NCIS-Something with this show keeps me to watch it. I swear I must have seen ever episode that USA plays a good 25 times. I love this show to be honest.

Ancient Aliens-I am into this type of shows and into this whole type of stuff this show talks about. Amazing show with a lot of good people on it.

Ghost Hunters-I dig the paranormal stuff and this show is pretty good. Plus Kris Williams is pretty hot too.

Ghost Adventures-Better than GH, although Zak becomes a tad annoying at times.

Psych-Down right awesome show as Shawn and Gus are freaking amazing at there parts. One of the best original shows on USA besides Burn Notice an White Collar.

Tosh.O-Funny and watched every episode so far besides this season as I need to catch up on it.

Bones-Just go into this show actually and want to watch it from start to finish. I need a job so I can by the seasons on DVD since DL them has been a no go.

I watch a lot of TV it is sad mostly my hobby besides music.

Skins Its so gritty,smart and well..alot of the time, abit crude but to me it expresses and exploits the true life of actual teenagers today!I CANT stand shows like Gossip Girl or 90210 an probs many others as I feel Hollywood Glamourises it abit -_-...And only cuz my friends and I are soo freakishly- like the characters.Oh yeahh,, and Skins parties basically FTW;; Theyre to Die for!! LOL!!

The Inbetweeners Out of all of the shows I watch, The Inbetweeners hits close to home! This is an example of why ALL teenage dramas should be like this- depicting teenagers normal lives. These guys dont go to some rich-stuck up private school,drive Porches/ BMW's or have the latest trends,gadgets or...the hottest girls for that matter! No...These guys make you cringe in the most funniest ways possible, the embarassing and humiliating situations they get into **ahem...Simon pukes up all over his dates younger brother, in the poor buddys face =\**..and theres many more!!
"Bus Wankers"has got to seriously be the most fuckin hilarious thing I have ever heard! xD

Misfits The shows intriguing and interesting, funny and sexy at the same time. Its about a bunch of teenagers who have all been put into a community service/type of detention thing, due to getting into trouble with society and the law.And while theyre there,they've all received some kind of special gifts-- powers if you call it.The actors on that show can be a bit hard to understand at times, with their strong english accents but its very good! My fav actor on that show is Lauren Socha-- shes fuckin brilliant <3 Its only time before these guys get into other kinds of Misfit's of trouble!

Supernatural I've been a die-hard fan of Supernatural since its early days from 2005! And its been going strong since then..I've grown to love Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki ( I kinda knew of Jared wayy before Supernatural)for a long time now...Plus they are effin hottt <33333 ;) hehe
Plots been basically good lately and i know this is kinda old but I love the new add on with Castiel <3

Thats pretty much it...I've got others but these Shows are the main ones I watch :)
Sons of Anarchy: While season 3 kinda slowed the pace of the show and I stopped watching, I resumed watching when season 4 returned.

What is this blasphemy? I sincerely hope that you watched the rest of season 3 for the sheer awesome that happened at the end. The pace of each episode picked up heavily around episode 7. Just because it was a slow pace doesn't mean they were bad episodes. But the end of the season was awesome, so watch it!

I suppose I should talk some series. Well as above, I talk about part of my current favorite series. Sons of Anarchy is excellent. Sex, gun running, violence, motorcycles, what isn't there to enjoy? Kurt Sutter does a great job with each episode, and the current direction of the show certainly has me intrigued.

Futurama is another high on my list. Sure it's a show just like South Park, Family Guy, or Simpsons, but it's clever with it's humor. The love story of Fry and Leela ever since it's beginning is one of the key points that has me. Other parts include Bender being the asshole robot, the Professor's cheerful banter of death, Zoidberg. Oooh, it's on. Time to go watch.
What is this blasphemy? I sincerely hope that you watched the rest of season 3 for the sheer awesome that happened at the end. The pace of each episode picked up heavily around episode 7. Just because it was a slow pace doesn't mean they were bad episodes. But the end of the season was awesome, so watch it!

Blasphemy? :wtf::banghead::lmao::lol:

Seriously, SOA was a great debut show and it did have it's slow moments in season 3. While I did expect it to pick up eventually, I was more interested in Justified, which was the next big FX show in rotation[which I left out of my list, DAMMIT!!]. I knew I'd forget some shows! Back to Anarchy, though. I like the show, I do. It wasn't meant as a bad thing to say it slowed down, just that it didn't appeal to me. I like edgy shows that are moment-to-moment and quick paced with multiple story arcs. Breaking Bad, for example, does that. Supernatural, for example, does that. While I was impressed with the Season 4 SOA opener, I just remain optimistic that the pace on it will remain steadfast and not slow methodical like the beginning of season 3 was. Where are the hott chicks in that show, btw? Damn, you wanna pluck your eyes out everytime they show Katey Segal or Maggie Siff. Some of the prostitutes were more camera friendly[which I surmise was the intended point].

I'm also a big fan of WWE and all wrestling related shows[weekly]. And as I mentioned previously, FX hit big with Justified. I love the show premise and they keep impressing with each episode. I used to like House as well before they kept yo-yoing the damn relationship with Cuddy and House. Too much angst to keep the show flowing.

I'm also a big fan of the history channel shows. Ancient Aliens, Pawn Stars, Nostradamus Effect, Mystery Quest, etc. Occasionally the bio channel has good stuff with I Survived or I Survived Beyond & Back or even specials about movies and tv shows.
Mine fav. Tv series was The Office Series.Best show in the world.Every one love this show including me.In short time this show achieve great achievements.In my Family all members watch this show daily.
When I was a kid my fave shows growing up were:-

Airwolf, Street Hawk, Knight Rider, A Team, Battlestar Galactica (the original) V: the series for the obvious reasons.

But as of the least few years:-

Battlestar Galactica
Not as much space figher action as the original, but the drama that takes place inside the ship & the way the chracters interact with each other especially all the crap Kara Thrace used to throw at Colonal Tigh, and the goings on of the warriors left behind on Caprica was just briliiant.

V the new series
None of the old red uniforms (which I missed), but with all the visitors planting agents on earth long before they came in the motherships to gain power and all the diverting tactics that Anna used to keep trouble away from herself was sure brilliance on the part of the writers, and it got even better with each passing episode, and the re-introduction of Diana was well done, but the ending kinda sucked for me, but I hope they make a 3rd series.

Falling Skies
Its a shame we never got to see the skitter landing and the eventual first taking over of the planet, but it got better for me in the latter episodes, once we found out the skitters are only drones of a higher command, but it was well don but its a shame we have to wait till next summer to see the 2nd series.
Shows that i like most are:

Chuck: Action comedy show. Story of a boy how he was assigned duty of a spy and he helped his team mates in solving the case.

The Mentalist: A detective show. Each episode has a new case to solve. Jane is my Favorite character.

The Criminal Minds: A show dealing with crime.

True Blood: A vampire story.

Gilmore Girls: A Family comedy drama. Story revolves around mother Lorelai and her daughter Rory.
The Munsters - I love this show and have since I was a kid. They used to reshow it on TV when I was younger and I was a fan ever since. Great mix of sillyness, horror and great characters.

Family Guy - Great take on society and very funny.

Southpark - Just like Family Guy.. love how they push things so far and are allowed to in todays pc society.

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