Favorite Raw


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Not Raw Superstar, not Raw moment, not Raw match, favorite Raw. What is your favorite episode of Raw in it's over 17 years on air? FOr me it was the night the Alliance was formed. You had a feeling of tension the whole night and in a GREAT twist, ECW shows up and becomes the other half of the Alliance. Stephanie walking down the aisle with JR saying how the sins of the father are costing us all is still great.

So what is your favorite episode of Raw? Might be due to wrestling, maybe an angle etc. What is it?
When Shawn Michaels collapsed in the ring. That is the only Raw I can remember the rest just blend together. I'm not counting last 6-7 years because I prefer to reminisce. But I just realized all the Raw's blend together because the sheer amount of them every year.
August 9, 1999

Jesse Ventura showed up in the build up to SummerSlam and towards his guest referee status. I remember the hooplah over Jesse showing up. People literally up in arms because a politician decided to show up on a wrestling show. I can honestly say I can think of much worse things for a governor to do than attend and be part of a wrestling show, but I digress.

Also, Kane spoke his first words and won the Tag Team Championship with X-Pac against the APA, the Hardys joined Gangrel to form The New Brood (which in a weird sort of way led to their push at No Mercy 1999), The Rock did solid mic work the entire night and appeared in 3 segments, and Chyna became the #1 Contender after pinning Triple H in a most ludicrous but hilarious twist.

Am I forgetting something?

Oh yeah, the Millennium Clock struck 0 and Y2J Chris Jericho made his debut. Probably one of the greatest debuts in WWE history. It was truly a historic moment, and what a better way for Jericho to debut than against The Rock. As if he didn't get enough heat and attention, he interrupted one of the most over wrestlers of the time. Great decision.

That Raw was a classic night and it changed the landscape of the WWE for years to come.
I can truly say that no entire episode of RAW captivated me the way the ECW invasion episode did. This is the ONLY episode of RAW that truly had me thinking,"What in the hell is going to happen next?". I was just hearing about ECW and this episode did nothing but light the fire under my obsession for the promotion. This episode also marked the return of the Legion of Doom after a 4 year absence (which made me jump off of the couch in excitement).

I have RAW moments that are my favorites but for an entire episode, this one takes the cake.
February 2002 when the nWo debuted on WWE t.v don't remember the exact date, but they took out the Rock with a semi-truck after beating him senseless in the ring.
One of my fave RAW's was the night after Edge cashed in MITB at the NYR in 2006 against Cena at the Elimination Chamber. It was him and Lita having the live 'luvin' celebration in the ring. That was a classic moment in infamy.
When DX did the parody of the Nation of Domination and also When the Rock did the Parody of his school teacher and things, Jericho's debut is still on my computer, when he debut and the Rock did the old It doesn't matter what your name is. Also, when Stone Cold threw the IC title in the river and attacked Vince in the hospital...Notice how all of these happened years ago, while WWE had competition and they didn't just mail in shows.
I have a few, I'd probablys have more but I cant remember a lot of episodes and have only been watching for like 7/8 years now. One is the night after Orton won the World Title at SummerSlam, with Benoit challenging him to the rematch, they have a superb match and afterwards Orton is kicked out of Evolution. Raw Homecoming 2005 when HHH returned and afterwards turned on Flair, the night that HBK and Hogan teamed up and afterwards HBK Superkicked Hogan and turned heel for a short while, the night when Piper was guest host in MSG and Kofi did that crazy insane Legdrop onto Orton, and when Jesse Ventura guest hosted, thats one of my favourite Raw's in a while. Well to be honest quite a lot are but the ones I've mentioned are ones that stick out mainly for me. I'll throw in when Austin hosted as well, that was a killer Raw where they didn't go wrong because Austin wasn't there to promote or hype anything, and he actually knew what was going on plus the fans know who he is and love the guy to death. Needn't I say more?
during the invasion - when austin returned to " save the wwf "

cant remember the date, however it gives me shivers every time i watch it, can't think of
a bigger pop ever when the glass shattered and he cleaned house.
I have to say when Kane unmasked. Being a 8 year old kid at the time it made me think what the hell is going to happen next week. It scared the hell out of me when he attacked Rob Van Dam after his match with Triple H. In all fairness there are a lot of great Raws and a lot of not so great Raws so choosing one moment was very hard.
A couple more I remember,

Orton RKO'ing stacy keibler leading up to his match against Undertaker at WM21...that was am OMF..WTF moment!!

Al Snow vs Big Boss man after Bossman made the 'Pepper Steak' that was just EWWW.

Mark Henry/May Young love affair that led to the birth of the hand...uh...that was just :wtf:

Matt Hardy legitimately running interference on Kane/Edge's stretcher match and calling him "Adam" and her "Amy" when the whole affair thing went down...that was pure talk show joy moments.

Chris Jericho making his re-debut during Randy Orton's passing of the torch, we all knew it was coming, and it was AWESOME when it happened. We were so glad to have him back. Please come back Ayatollah of Rock N Rollah.

The retirement of Ric Flair after WM24, when everyone from the locker room came out to send him off in style. That was a truly tear filled moment for me.
The Invasion angle at the beginning was great, but one of the most memorable for me was seeing the NWO come to Raw. It was the first time in a decade that we saw Hall, Nash, and Hogan in a WWE ring. The Invasion angle and the NWO angle went nowhere, but it was amazing to see Hogan and The Rock stare down each other that night on Monday Night Raw.

It was also great seeing Jericho make his debut insulting The Rock as well. The This is Your Life Skit for The Rock by Mick Foley was also memorable. The formation of DX and The Hart Foundation too.

The most memorable moment was when Austin broke in Brian Pillman's house and Pillman pulled out a gun cussing out Austin uncensored was truly groundbreaking as Raw and the attitude era really took off.

As far as the best Raw of all time for me was the Owen Hart tribute show. This was the first time along with Brian Pillman's death that Raw actually devoted their entire show to the passing of a fallen wrestler. Which was honestly the greatest tragedy ever inside a wrestling ring to happen to a wrestler. It was amazing to see all the wrestlers come together and break kayfabe to honor the memory of Owen. Truly the best Raw ever.
every episode that easy e eric bischoff was on it !!!
it's time get i line cuz i'm gonna make some changes !!!
bischoff-raw regime was unbelivable ... alot of thing done on that era ..
Easy E Rulez . i remember when HBK and Hunter had a championship match for main event .. shawn hit super kick and goes for the pin .. 1..2...3.. oh my god hbk wins ... the new champion .. and then eric says" your winner and still whc champion triple H "
oh my gosh .. i was freaken suprise ..
i would have to say when the rock and the nation locked dx n the locker room and had chyna tied to a ladder and the rock says hhh come to ny and fight the rock one on one becuz fighting the rock one on one will make your money ass famous and he also says chyna i kno how u get when ur around the rock u just need to get sum. lol ''thats why the rock is the peoples choice, the peoples champ and the best dam intercontinental champ there ever was''
October 3, 2005

This is Raw was soooo entertaining. This is when Raw moved back to USA after being on TNN/Spike for a while. Of course my favorite moment is when Triple H returned to team with Ric Flair in a tag team match. Flair and HHH won the match, but after the match was over, HHH turned on Flair and beat the hell out of him. This set up a pretty good feud between the two. This Raw also had an awesome 30 minute Iron Man match between HBK and Kurt Angle.

Also, this is the Raw where Stone Cold stunned the entire McMahon family. I know he's stunned Vince a ton of times before, but the stunners he gave to Linda and Stephanie were just priceless. There was also a very good loser leaves Raw/MITB match between Edge and Matt Hardy. I know this feud had a very real background to it, but it was still Matt's best feud.

This was Raw was simply epic, and it's easily my favorite of all time.
Well the RAW that captivated me was Cena interrupting Edge in his match with Jeff Hardy in his return match, Cena beat the hell out of Edge which eventually saw Cena throw Edge in the river. All the verbal assaults in that were epic. Or i could go when DX had their BBQ in 2006 now that whole show made me laugh.
Too many Name but here a few of my Favorite RAW Episodes-

April 21st 1997-After Revenge Of Taker with the Bret Hart/SCSA Street Fight which led to Austin beating up Bret in the Ambulance.

August 9th 1999-Y2J Debuts and comes to Save The WWF. The Rock and Jericho's Promo was classic that night. X-Pac/Kane win the Tag Titles,Chyna wins the #1 Contender's Match.

October 3rd 2005-RAW Returns Home to USA,Austin Stuns the Mcmahons,HBK/Angle,Edge/Matt Hardy in a Ladder Match,Bischoff shutting down the Smackdown Match,HHH turns on Flair to ignite their Feud.

November 19th 2001-After Survivor Series with Ric Flair & The King Returning

July 9th 2001-WCW & ECW Unite during the Invasion

March 30th 1998-After Wrestlemania 14,HHH adds X-Pac & The Outlaws to DX,The Rock kicks out Faarooq and takes over The Nation,Austin stuns Mcmahon.

September 22nd 1997-First RAW from MSG,Austin stuns Vince for the 1st time,Cactus Jack Debuts in the WWF/E.

March 15th 2010-Stone Cold Steve Austin Returns to Guest Host

July 6th 1998-DX Mocks The Nation

January 4th 1999-Mankind wins his 1st WWF Title

November 16th 2009-John Cena/Undertaker vs DX vs Jeri-Show,Kofi & Orton fight all over MSG,Piper/Vince Segment,and the Entrance way.

August 23rd 1999-Triple H wins his 1st WWF/E Title after Summerslam

February 18th 2002-After No Way Out with the epic showdown with The Rock & Hulk Hogan.

March 25th 2002-The First WWF/E Draft is Held

July 3rd 2006-DX messes with Vince and his Microphone,Edge wins his 2nd WWE Title in a Triple Threat against RVD & John Cena.

Like I said too many to name but those are some of my Favorite Episodes of Monday Night RAW over the years.
So what is your favorite episode of Raw? Might be due to wrestling, maybe an angle etc. What is it?

June 30th, 2008.

It had one of the most epic intro segmens of any Raw in years. It started with JR coming out and giving a promo only to get interrupted by Edge who got a lot of heel heat and made a big point about how "we would never see him on Raw again" and this would have left Raw without a championship because after the Night of Champions PPV, Smackdown superstars held both of the world titles. Trips got drafted to Smackdown and defeated Cena in his match, so the WWE Championship was on Smackdown. Edge was about to leave after his promo, only to get attacked by a very upset Batista. Then what happens? Edge got a taste of his own medicine as Cm Punk cashed in his MITB case Edge-style, AGAINST EDGE! Punk won the World Championship, giving him his first world title and it got Raw a world title during a time when Smackdown held both of them.

The rest of the show was great too. Punk took on a title match from JBL where he retained, and if I remember correctly this was also going on during the anarchy angle, when there was no GM and Raw was essentially being run by the wrestlers themselves before Adamle became GM. This was my favorite episode of Raw because the epic feel of the intro segment was still felt during the entire show, and it is probably the only Raw that I have ever thought was a perfect 9 out 9. Even counting the blooper during Punk's backstage promo, that was hilarious.
A couple more I thought of-

January 4th 2010-Bret Hart Returns to the WWE to Guest Host and finally buries the hatchet with Shawn Micheals. That was just awesome stuff,I had chills that night seeing that.

June 23rd 2003-Kane Unmasks after losing to Triple H and Mick Foley is Honored by Stone Cold Steve Austin.

June 30th 2008-After Night Of Champions,CM Punk Cashes in his 1st MITB on Edge to become World Heavyweight Champion.

March 29th 2010-After Wrestlemania with HBK's Farewell,I still cry when I see the Highlights of it.

June 6th 2005-Draft Lottery Begins and John Cena comes to RAW with the WWE Title from Smackdown. Plus the ECW Invasion II.

May 2nd 2005-After Backlash with the Gold Rush Tournament.
Chris Jericho's WWE debut was the most epic debut ever. He came in and cut a great promo on rhe most over guy in the company. All in the night Kane and X-pac ( my favorite tag team at the time) won the belts and Kane spoke, Jesse ventura showed up...I was 9 years old and even at that age I knew, "This is epic"
Around May 2003 when Kane Unmasked. IDK why but the build up during the show was simply amazing. And when it actually happened i couldn't wait till the next RAW. Probably the best RAW ending too...
I have a couple nights in mind...
I like the night Kane unmasked.

but my three favorites, i dont remember the exact dates, but the first...

The corporation and DX/Mankind were fighting at the end of the show, in the ring out side the ring, everywhere... but then the camera zoomed out to veiw the whole arena right as Austins music hit and you could see the crowd just erupt, it was so cool.

then also the night that shane was on nitro and raw, and announced that he had bought WCW.

Also the night that the rock returned, Rock bottomed Vince, so shane and steph thought he had joined the alliance, so he rock bottomed them too... so no one knew what side he was on he picks up the mic and says "Finally the rock has come back... Pause... to the WWE." crowd goes crazy.

i know these are more of moments instead of whole nights... but the build to all of these events were great!
It's hard to pick an all around favorite, but one that I really remember looking forward to is the Raw after Valentine's Day Massacre in 1999. Austin was still huge as hell, and people who didn't give a shit about wrestling otherwise tuned in still to see what Stone Cold would do every week. It was even better if you were an actual wrestling fan because you understood the build going on here heading towards Wrestlemania 15. The previous night the man that would soon go by the name of The Big Show debuted by tossing Austin through the cage and in turn giving Austin the disqualification victory. I just remember racking my brain for 24 hours after the pay per view in anticipation for Raw the next night. Funny that I can't even remember what happened on the show, just the excitement for it.

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