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Fave Five!!!!!!!!


Championship Contender
This is going to be like booker t's fave five but, it is going to be split in two (for each brand).

This is based on momentum, wins and loses, being a champion or contender, so on and so forth.

So you do your fave five for raw, explain.
Then your fave five for smackdown, explain.
Well there was a thread about this about a month or two ago. Plus isn't this whole "Supershow" era making all the wrestlers free agents? Ah what the hell.

1 - CM Punk - I absolutely love this guy. My favorite on the WWE roster right now. His "Voice of the voiceless" character is so original and amazing. And the contract signing angle was something new and fresh plus Punk has great in ring and mic skills so hands down CM Punk is my favorite.

2 - Dolph Ziggler - My second favorite guy on the roster. Good mic skills, great in ring skills, and is getting there in terms of getting over with the crowd. Ziggler was always one of my favorite guys but what really made me like him is his feud with Edge. Edge was my favorite on the roster by the time he was feuding with Dolph and they had an amazing match at the Royal Rumble. Ziggler continues to put on good matches with the likes of Randy Orton and I have a feeling it's only a matter of time before the WWE makes the move for Ziggler into the world title scene.

3 - The Miz - Miz is without a doubt a great mic worker. And he's beginning to put on some great matches as seen from his match with Rey Mysterio and his match with CM Punk. I think this whole alliance with R-Truth can really help him. Althought I have a gut feeling it's gonna result in a face turn. Miz is without a doubt a very talented performer.

4 - R-Truth - Entertaining as hell. And pretty good in the ring. I'm happy with R-Truth's current heel push and alliance with The Miz. When you put two guys that are so good on the mic together you get one hell of a promo. And that's exactly what we get from Truth and The Miz. I actually wanna see R-Truth win a world title soon. I think he would be a very entertaining champion always bragging about "proving all the Little Jimmy's wrong".

5 - Jack Swagger - I honestly think he's criminally underrated. Some people even go ahead and call him talentless. That's not true at all. Now I'm not blinded by Swagger's gimmick but he's very talented in the ring and can really move for a guy his size. I thought he was a good world champion on Smackdown a year ago. But somewhere along the line the WWE began to book him badly. I remember when he beat Randy Orton CLEANLY they were booking him so well. But I honestly think he should have beaten The Big Show fare and square. Having him cowardly disqualify himself made him look so weak. I liked his backstage brawl with Rey Mysterio it reminded me of the 2002-2004 WWE for some reason. I really hope he gets pushed to the main event again and get another world title.

Smackdown :
1 - Wade Barrett - Mic skills, in ring skills, over with the crowd, great character.. Why has he been squashing jobbers and not doing anything good ever since his momentum gaining victory over Daniel Bryan at Summerslam? He needs to get into the world title picture with Henry and Orton. I think it's time for Barrett to get a huge push again. He lost credibility when Punk took over Nexus. And The Corre didn't help him at all getting squashed at Wrestlemania. I hope he goes far and not end up like Jack Swagger did.

2 - Cody Rhodes - I love his gimmick. And he has great talent and has good potential. I can't see the WWE actually screwing this up. I hope Cody goes far in the future. He's still very young and has all the time to establish his character more and get over with the crowd.

3 - Christian - I'm really enjoying Christian's character. I think his mic work is great. His promo with Cena and Henry on Raw Supershow was great. I just think Christian has a very entertaining presence. Definitely one of my fave five on the Smackdown roster.

4 - Sheamus - "The great white" Sheamus. Oh how I like the sound of that. Sheamus is talented in just about every way. He has all the tools. A unique look, over with the crowd, great in ring talent especially for a big guy, and good mic skills. I can see why Booker T would say Sheamus is at the top of his fave five. He's awesome though not my favorite but he's still very good in everything he needs to be to get far in this business.

5 - Daniel Bryan - Stale ass character, horrible mic skills, but amazing talent. Daniel Bryan has a great moveset and never disappoints whenever he's in the ring. He's one of those guys that I can actually see their talent speak for them. I just have a feeling that something will happen and Bryan won't be main eventing Wrestlemania.
This is confusing, because thats nothing like Booker T's. Orton isn't in it despite being champion, and Barrett is and seems to lose every week. Anyway, heres my Raw 5 (active wrestlers, not the HHH/Nash bullsh!t) based on your stats... Del Rio (duh), The Miz (momentum), Ziggler (starting a feud), Kofi & Bourne (should get a decent push for a while). I didnt include Cena or Punk cause they lose and win every other week and are always gonna be at the main event level, which doesnt leave room to go up or down. On Smackdown, Sin Cara gets in, only because of the feud he'll be starting with himself. Barrett is in cause I still feel like creative has huge plans for him, Mark Henry (getting a push, albeit way late in his career), Jinder Mahal (besides Henry, he's getting the steadiest, yet slowest push), and Justin Gabriel, if WWE isnt screwing with us about redoing the lightweight division. No Orton for the same reason as Cena, hes starting to have his own 5 moves of doom, and Christian hasnt seemed to legit win a match since 2006.
My top 5 from Raw is actually quite hard to rank, asides from CM Punk being number one. Do I really need to explain why? Second would have to be Triple H. His history with the company alone puts him there. The fact that he appeals to fans from multiple generations is an added bonus. Third would have to be John Cena. He's in a story line by himself wanting back a title that he lost, unfairly. (CM Punk has his eye on the game, not the ring. double pun). Fourth would have to be Dolph Ziggler. His match with Randy Orton was great, and he's got gold around his waste. Lastly would have to be anonymous general manager. He gets more tv time than Zach Ryder. Smackdown's top stars right now are as follows: 1. Christian. He's been in a title feud for months. He's been around since the attitude era too. Hi revival. ;) 2. Randy Orton. He's the champ and the legend killer. 3. Mark Henry. Who saw this push coming, solely because of WWE's past? This guy is totally revamped and on a destruction path. 4. Sheamus.

That face turn was excellent. 5. Ted Dibiase. His turn on Cody Rhodes has been in the works. Cody has treated him like shit and used him like Orton. Ted needs gold, and Orton and Rhodes is just around the corner.
1. John Morrison - Cool look, attire, and character. Pretty athletic for a guy his size, and can pull off moves that usually smaller wrestlers do. Plus, he does parkour which is the first wrestler I've seen that from in WWE.

2. Alberto Del Rio - Good wrestler, mic worker, look. His character is much different than the others currently in the WWE. Of the newer talent recently to win a World Championship, he looks the most legit and he actually gets legit wins as a heel. He's got all the tools, as Booker would say.

3. CM Punk - Great before, but better now that he was given the opportunity to speak his mind and develop one of the more interesting characters in a while. Also performs consistently good matches.

4. Rey Mysterio - While many people seem to hate him now, I still think he's really good. I always look forward to seeing him wrestle because he's always having good matches, even if his opponent sucks.

5. Dolph Ziggler - I can easily see him as a great main eventer. He's already had many high quality matches and I can see his character and mic skills develop as his career develops. Seems to do fine at that when his promos aren't so scripted.

1. Christian - Great matches, performs his character well especially as a heel. Although it is weird that he is my favorite wrestler on a show, never thought that would be the case.

2. Randy Orton - Like him really close to Christian, but he's at a close second. I'm usually on and off on Orton; sometimes I really like him for a while, then it dies down and I think he's slightly boring. However, lately he's put on many good matches with different wrestlers and his badass like character has always been pretty cool. Main thing I dislike about him is his monotone robotic voice.

3. Daniel Bryan - Great wrestler, and is starting to look more and more like a main player. Don't care much for his character/mic skills but I really like his matches so that makes up for it.

4. Justin Gabriel - See a lot of similarities in him to John Morrison, and would like to see him more now as a singles wrestler. Another cool looking wrestler with a lot of flashy moves that's not too small.

5. Sheamus - For a heavyweight main eventer, he can move and puts on great matches compared to some of the others. Sheamus is someone different as far as his Irish accent and his pale white skin. Most the time I don't care much for the brawling type of wrestler, but I think he pulls it off well and is entertaining. Plus, it's cool when he says fella.
2. CM Punk - Do i really need to say?
3. R-Truth - His new heel persona is really funny and he is just really entertaining to watch
4. John Cena - He has done alot for this business and just deserves to be here
5. Alex Riley - He's new and hopefully will win a title soon.

1. Cody Rhodes - His 'ugly' gimmick is great
2. Sheamus - I liked him better as a bad guy but i will give him time to see how his face turn will be.
3. Christian - Had a pretty busy couple of months but hopefully he can start a new fued soon.
4. Wade Barrett - Hopefully he'll get a good push soon
5. Mark Henry - He's on a rampage and has been doin some great work.
1.Ablerto Del Rio-despite not being seen on raw, he is still the wwe champion and is coming off a landmark week, no one has done anything this week to knock him off.
2.John Cena-has been carrying a championship fued by himself this week. Also one two matches this week. One very dominantly.
3.Kevin nash-no matches for him, but him beating up punk twice got him on the list.
4.Cm Punk-He was the main focus of both shows this week, but he only won by dq once and got beat up by nash twice.
5.air boom-two weeks in a row picking up a fairly easy victory for the tag belts.

1.Mark Henry-Has been vicious and on a major role lately. The beating he gave to orton on smackdown gave him the cake this week.
2.Randy orton- He defeats christian in a great cage match to retain his championship, but still got demolished by mark henry.
3.Sin cara- two matches won this week and then he turns heel on bryan, he has alot of momentum going into whatever he is going into.
4.Sheamus-came really close to being 3, he won two matches this week and he also saved the top face in the company from a beatdown.
5.beth and natalya-have been on a roll for a while, and have alot of momentum going into noc.
uh this is kinda confusing but um okay ill say my top 5 from each brand even though it would seem theirs no brands anymore..


1. John Morrison: ever sense he was Johnny "dont call me monday night" Nitro and back in MNM i thought this guy had alot of talent and then when he went to ECW,fueded with punk and became john morrison i loved the gimmick right from the start! espically when he teamed with miz people may say he sucks,his mic skills suck,hes getting fried soon but i still say this guy WILL hold either the wwe title or whw title by the end of 2012 unless he gets another serious injury to kill his momentum.

2. CM Punk: this guy impressed me right from the start in ECW always liked him loved the jesus gimmick with the SES even though the ball was dropped on tht stable and his voice of the voiceless gimmick i fucking love every minute of it!

3. Dolph Ziggler this guy is frickin awesome he cuts good promos,great in the ring,different look hes a frickin star waiting to happen i hope he ends up having as much sucess as edge did in his career

4. Air Boom sense these guys are the tag champs and i really like both of them im grouping them together love this team hope they get a long run id love to see them vs generation me at TLC in a TLC match or even a ladder match just for all the sick highflying moves (assuming gen me signs with wwe) evan has a great finisher and kofi has alot of talent for a midcarder for life.

5. Micheal McGillicutty here me out on this one..i know hes in a team with David Otunga but i never liked Otunga while mcgillicutty on the other hand has always impressed me all the way back to NXT (which i still think he should have won) id love to see this guy get a solo push for the us title later this year.


1. Cody Rhodes love this guy with his current gimmick,wasnt a big fan when he was "Dashing" but ever sense he lost tht gimmick i became a big fan of him i think cody could easily become a main eventer soon if he keeps going the way hes going.

2. Christian always liked him no matter what his gimmick was,great in the ring,great on the mic really confused as to why vince doesnt think he can be the face of smackdown and have a long title run as hes much better then orton ever was.

3.Daniel Bryan really good in the ring does fine on the mic but his gimmick (if he even has one) isnt tht good imo but i still think if he cashed in tommrow night on raw and won the title he could be a good world champion.

4. Sin Cara always liked sin cara no matter whos playing him he gets good air and does some cool shit tht moonsault side slam finisher the original one used was amazing!

5. Justin Gabriel liked him on NXT thought he was the best one in the original nexus,he carried heath slater to 3 tag team title runs and hes damn good pretty entertaining and love the 450 splash could see him holding the ic title before the year is over
So does this fave 5 need to be updated weekly like booker t's? :lmao::lmao:

1. John Cena
- together with Sheamus, they defeated the team of Christian and Mark Henry. John Cena even pinned Christian. And at Smackdown, he pinned Wade Barrett via 5 moves of doom.

2. Kevin Nash - By delivering another Jacknife Powerbomb on CM Punk on RAW and pushing Triple H on Smackdown, he deserved the #2 spot.

3. CM Punk - Although he won against The Miz on RAW, there was interference and he got beat down on the floor by Nash and Awesome Truth. But his promos are the main reason he is at #3.

4. Air Boom - #4 because of they defeated the former tag team champions on RAW.

5. Awesome Truth - They didn't won any matches but they joined Nash and beat the hell out of CM Punk on RAW so they are at the #5 spot.

1. Randy Orton
- Randy Orton defeated the US Champion Dolph Ziggler at RAW and Christian at their steel cage match at SD.

2. Sheamus - Winning on his first ever teaming up with John Cena on RAW and defeating Khali at Smackdown, he deserved a #2 spot.

3. Mark Henry - By dismantling Randy Orton at the end of the Steel Cage match at SD he will receive the #3 spot. Although he lost on RAW, but he wasn't that involved in the match.

4. Sin Cara - defeating Jack Swagger on RAW and the Mr. MITB Daniel Bryan at SD, he is at #4.

5. No one made it at the #5 spot. Daniel Bryan is on the losing streak, Christian lost both of his matches, Cody Rhodes at Ted DiBiase did not compete, Wade Barett lost on his match so no one is qualified.

Tune in for this week's FAVE 5 :lmao:


P.S. Don't condemn me if I put Cena and Orton at #1. I based my rankings on their matches, promos, and whatever they've done last week. I am being objective here. LOL
I'm guessing this is fave five as in who actually is you favourite.


Cm Punk - He's been my favourite on Raw since he was on Raw not since his "shoot" promo. I've watched him since his Indy days and have enjoyed watching him since then.

Dolph Ziggler - Great talent, great look and is simply perfection.

The Miz - Good look, great mic skills and good in ring skills. Over with the fans and is getting better each week. His character is good and I enjoy watching him.

Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo - I count them as one because Ricardo isn't a active wrestler yet. I'm a fan of Del Rio's old style of wrestling and I like his mic work, I've liked him since he came to WWE and I like Ricardo's announcing.

R-Truth - I have to admit he was in my hate 5 before he turned heel, I hated that rapping happy character he played but now I think he's brilliant, his character is great and he plays it well.


Wade Barrett - Solid in the ring, solid on the mic and has a decent look, another guy who's not being used good enough.

Randy Orton - I know a lot of people on here are not fans of his but I am. I've always liked Randy, I think he's a good talent and deserves where he is today.

Sheamus - Liked him as a heel, love him as a face. I have to say I've really liked his current face character and he has a unique look, good in ring skills and decent on the mic.

Cody Rhodes - Great gimmick, good in the ring, over with the fans, decent look and I personally like his voice because it's unique.

Brodus Clay - Good on the mic, good in the ring for a man his size and he has a great look. Again like many of my fave 10 (Raw and SD) he isn't being used good enough.
1. The Miz He's been my favorite wrestler since the day he broke up Mizorrison. His feud with Cena was great, plus multiple reigns as US champion. He's a great promo, and not terrible in the ring.
2. Alex Riley A good promo, but hasn't showcased any of it since NXT and only a little in his time with the Miz. Not great in the ring, but he can get better easily. Plus, a great theme which makes me mark out when ever I hear the opening chords.
3. CM Punk Best promo currently in the WWE in my book. Mostly because he can speak 95% freely. He has been fantastic in the ring this year, renewing his feud briefly with Rey Mysterio, having a great feud and match with Orton earlier in the year at WrestleMania,plus this series with Cena has brought out the best in both men. I luike having him face again, and him being the savior in a good way.
4. Alberto Del Rio Best superstar to debut in a while, in my book. WWE is pushing him to the moon, but to me, it's too fast. Winning Royal Rumble, losing the match at 'Mania, winning MITB and cashing in. But he's very talented on the mic and in the ring.
5. Dolph Ziggler His theme fits him perfectly. (no pun intended) Ziggler is a great submission specialist, can high fly when the time calls for it, can be a brawler, and can be a good technician. I want him to break up with Vickie and display his promo skills.

1. Wade Barrett Whenever his music hits, I mark out. His Summerslam match with Bryan stole the show. I want him to remain a lone wolf, and be World Heavyweight champion next year. He plays a good leader, but a better singles man.
2.Zack Ryder Zack Pack member since the day he debuted his Long Island loudmouth gimmick. Sadly, WWE doesn't give him the chance/chances he deserves. Good wrestler, and with his webshow, shows that he wants to and does go the extra miles to play his gimmick. Very funny person, in my book.
3. Cody Rhodes Whether he's a lackey to Randy Orton, an arrogant Dashing, or a disfigured psycho, Rhodes plays any gimmick given to him perfectly. A great wrestler and can talk pretty well. Hopefully he becomes WHC soon.
4.Daniel Bryan Fantastic wrestler, obviously, but has not showed me anything on the mic in his time in the WWE. He is basically on a losing streak, yet he could be the WHC when he pleases with his MITB contract. :disappointed: I have heard he played a great personality and was a good mic man in his indie scene, but in WWE, he hasn't shown me anything in that area.
5. Tyson Kidd Fantastic wrestler, but barely speaks. That really holds him down. He put on a great match or two or D Bryan, but until he learns how to speak on the mic, he won't go anywhere.
Extra- Sin Cara. Fantastic high flier, but has not said a word in his time in WWE.
1. Dolph Ziggler - I Know he's a mid-carder but that doesn't even matter to me, His match with Orton last Monday was phenomenal, Ziggler really took Orton to the limit. Plus he's in a interesting storyline atm, With Swagger & Vickie!
2. R-Truth - Ever since he started this heel character i've started to become a big fan of his, He can put on some good matches, And his promos are hilarious, And he is starting to form this alliance with Miz!
3. Cm Punk - I Think we all know why he's so good :), His promos are top notch! And his wrestling ability is amazing, Is there anymore i could possibly say?
4. Alberto Del Rio - I know some people aren't quite sure about him being champion, But im starting to really dig him, His ring work is great! And his promos are pretty good also! We haven't seen him on RAW & Smackdown in a week, But before all his visa issues he was doing a fantastic job.
5. Mason Ryan - I know he's been off TV For awhile now due to an injury, But i really like him, Not because he's like Batista, Just his size it's really awesome. He needs to improve ALOT in the ring, And we have barley heard him talk on the mic, So i can't give any comments on that. But i just really like the guy!

1. Daniel Bryan - He's been on a loosing streak for quite awhile now... But it's not the losses that counts, It's his matches! He can really make other people look good, As-well as himself, He is definitely one of the best on Smackdown right now! And he's got the MITB Briefcase with him, I Can guarantee we will be seeing a new World Heavyweight Champion soon!
2. Sheamus - He has honestly become one of my favorite wrestlers! I really like his Face Turn, It will push him to the main event scene, If it hasn't already. He teamed up with Cena last week on Raw, And i liked it! I Liked the idea of having Sheamus in the main event, He's a darn good wrestler and has alot of talent.
3. Ted Dibiase Jr - He's lost some matches this Summer too just like D-Bryan!, But considering he's lost some matches, The matches he has been in have caught my eye, His match with Orton was pretty impressive, He did a good job, He's a Face now "In my eyes considering Rhodes attacked him then bagged him" So since he's a face, Maybe we will see a whole new Dibiase! The kid's got talent, The kid's got talent.
4. Randy Orton -He's the World Heavyweight Champion! What more could you ask for, His mic skills... Meh they aren't the best, But it's somthing. And this year has been the year of the RKO'S! We have seen some amazing RKOS! In my opinion this has been a great year for Orton, His feud with Christian was great! He has also had some great matches, Looking forward to seeing Orton in the main event scene once again! :)
5. Christian - Yeah, He only won the title off Orton by DQ, But he can take some good bumps in the matches too, He wasn't a believe-able Champion, But i can guarantee he's going to be a World Champion once again, His mic skills are good! And the heel turn was needed, Face Christian isn't as good as the Heel Christian!
1. CM PUNK: The main focus of raw and even the super smackdown show. His feuds are top notch and mic skills and ring skills are the best in the world (see what I did there XD)
2.R-truth: He has gone from the stupid rapper gimmick to the psycho gimmick looking for little jimmy and conspiracies. He's hilarious and mic skils are good and his in-ring skills are getting better.
3. John Cena: He's #1. contender and has been carying the del rio feud while Alberto has the visa issues. He is also on a winning streak to.
4.Air Boom: Finally a tag-team that is actually good and works great together. They have done awesome in the tag team matches the last few weeks and I hope to see more from them.
5.Dolph Ziggler : He is phenomenal his match with Orton on raw was ppv quality and not the bad kind.

1.Mark Henry: this guy has gone from the kool-aid man to the unstoppable beast he is today. He has been a force to be reckon with and destroyed Orton this week.
2.Christian: I am a peep for life and his gimmick for getting more title matches I think is awesome hopefully he evolves into a bigger better champion the next time around.
3.Cody Rhodes: His disfigured gimmick is the best on smackown right now. Still hoping he gets a major championship soon.
4.Sheamus: He's been on a role the last couple of weeks and is moving up to on of my top favorites.
5. Daniel Bryan: Awesome ring skills but no character and no mic skills though. I hope he develops a bad-ass character for his MITB opportunity other wise this might not be good for him.
Lol did I see a Brodus Clay shout out? When was the last time he was on Smackdown?

Anyway, for Raw...

1. CM Punk - Great in the ring, even greater on the mic. He is the franchise right now. I didn't hop on the bandwagon in July like most, he's been my favorite wrestler for quite a while.

2. Dolph Ziggler - Could be used better, but his ring and mic skills are top notch. Once he drops the US Title, I think he has main event status written all over him. Or at least he deserves it.

3. The Miz - He's really been on a downward spiral, but I believe it's only a matter of time before he's back in the title picture. I think a feud with Orton would be pretty nice to see and we could see him as the new WHC by the Royal Rumble.

4. John Morrison - I know his mic skills suck, but that's what the veterans are there for. Get someone to help him out. A heel turn would make sense also now that the feud with R-Truth is over. He just works better with the arrogant persona.

5. R-Truth - I've done a complete 180 on this guy. He really has made the new gimmick work for him when he was a guy I just flat out couldn't stand before. He has a lot of one liners that crack me up.

*Drew McIntyre would make this list if he was ever given some damn TV time.

Now for Smackdown...

1. Cody Rhodes - I can't believe he wasn't on the live show. Jesus, even Great Khali had a match. Anyway, he's got a great character and will definitely be a main eventer in the future.

2. Christian - Plays a great heel, but it's gonna be interesting to see what they do with him now that the feud with Orton has finally come to an end. Probably a program with Sheamus or one of the guys on Raw (Morrison maybe).

3. Randy Orton - He used to be #1 on this list, but man has he gotten stale and predictable. He's so much better as a heel, but I understand they can't all be heels. They've gotta have a few dominant faces and right now he and Sheamus are about the only ones on Smackdown. I just wish they'd throw something new into the mix for him, it's getting really boring.

4. Mark Henry - I hate to see another title change already, but I don't want to see all the momentum they've put behind him get destroyed with a clean loss at Night of Champions either. Maybe Christian gets involved and the match ends in DQ so they can have a rematch at Hell in a Cell where no one can interfere. Henry is like R-Truth for me. I used to completely dislike the guy, but it's amazing what a change in character did for him.

5. Justin Gabriel - I love it when this guy gets a match on Smackdown, because I know it's going to be good. I'm really hoping the WWE decides to add a Cruiserweight Title because it would give a place for guys like him to gain recognition instead of just being overshadowed by the main eventers.

1. CM Punk - The most talented performer WWE has who isn't Orton or Cena.
2. Evan Bourne - Finally got a title, which he deserved
3. The Miz - Consistently entertaining
4. Alberto Del Rio - Comes off like a pro, lots of potential for great storylines
5. Beth Phoenix - Glam Slam is the best thing about the Divas. Also, nice new ring gear.


1. Sheamus - Great job turning face, feels fresh
2. Randy Orton - Still tweaking his act, and it's fun to watch
3. Daniel Bryan - Solid wrestler, uses lots of moves no one else does
4. Cody Rhodes - Great character and wrestling skill
5. A.J. - Future star, very cute and hard working

1.CM Punk: recently has been working some amazing matches and is the best on the micin the entire wwe in my opinion
2.Alberto Del Rio: mostly based on his in ring skills as of late cause his promos havent changed in months.
3.R-Truth: his in ring skills have gotten wayyyy better since his heel push and he is really entertaining on the mic with the little jimmy thing
4.The Miz: im really a big fan of his hes good in the ring and on the mic
5.John morrison: still hoping he will be a top contender for the wwe title soon


1.Christian: he has proved he can hang with the top guys in wwe and be a strong champion if they would let him have a good title run
2.Mark henry: week after week he has been destroying all of smackdowns top talent (and jonny curtis) and now im waiting for his first WHC title run just to see if he can do it
3.Sheamus: first of all i dont like him cause hes a face i've liked him since his first match on raw since i never watched ECW its safe to say he is a future WHC
4/5.Wade Barret/ Daniel Bryan wade barret and daniel bryan are tied for #4 because barrett is better on the mic and by far is a better superstar than bryan but i cant help but feel something very big is going to happen soon to bryan not including mitb
Nice thread, though I won't base it on wins and losses because lets be honest, they really don't matter, so I'll base it on entertainment purposes.

1.) CM Punk- Hey I've already accepted CM Punk as my personal savior.
2.) Miz- Well because he's awesome
3.) John Morrison- though he needs to go back to the arrogant gimmick his mic work was better back then as it seemed more natural.
4.) Ziggler - That match he had with Orton was just fantastic and shows what this guy can really do.
5.) Kevin Nash - Don't care if he's active or not. Don't really care for anyone else on RAW and he always entertains me.

1.) Randy Orton - My favorite wrestler in the WWE right now. Enjoy his move set and enjoy the fact that he keeps adding new moves always trying to keep it fresh.
2.) Christian - Has always been one of my favoirtes and Glad he did get at least one title run in his career despite how short it was.
3.) Cody Rhodes - Always thought he would be the one to make it out of the Priceless tag team. His in ring work is good and his Mic skill is just like any member of the Runnels family, top notch.
4.) Daniel Bryan - Though I hate the fact that he wins MITB and then loses every match he's in after that, I do enjoy his style very reminicent of guys like Taz and Benoit.
5.) Wade Barret - Why is this guy not a star yet?

Smackdown has more of my favorite wrestlers I could easily throw Gabriel and Sheamus in this mix as well.
There was a thread about this last month but I guess the moderators on here only care about repeats in the same week.

1. CM Punk - I don't think he's god, I don't think he's the savior, I don't think he's "one of the greats" but he's without question the most interesting guy in all of wrestling right now. He should be champion but it doesn't even matter because the title barely matters - what matters is that he's feuding with some of the best the industry has ever seen while Cena is feuding with one of the worst WWE Champions in history.

2. John Cena - the haters can say whatever they want but he's been the biggest draw in wrestling for 5 years and the show revolves around him. He doesn't have me hooked at every word like Punk does but his segments are still entertaining because he's the person that creative is worried about the most.

3. Alex Riley - Random? Not one bit. When was the last time we've seen WWE use a video package to put over someone when they weren't on one episode of RAW. ADR just missed a full week of TV and they didn't do shit for him but they gave Riley a solid 3 minute package. I expect this man to be at least a 2-time World Champ by WM 30 - he has the it factor and he's solid in the ring.

4. John Morrison - Haters call him a spot monkey but this man can tell one hell of a story in the ring and has already put on classics with the likes of Rey, Punk, Jeff Hardy, and put on a solid title match this year with Miz. His in-ring ability is second to none and with some mic skills (which he doesn' have as a face) he could be right where Punk and Cena are right now

5. R-Truth - He's not that good and his stock had dropped tremendously since Captiol Punishment but quite frankly the RAW undercard sucks. Yeah they have Punk and Cena but with Rey hurt and JoMo in la-la land all they have is Miz and Truth, who both are 1-dimensional characters with nowhere to go right now.


1. Randy Orton - He's been my favorite wrestler since 2003 when he was just a midcarder so I guess I'm a 'fandy' till his retirement. I wish he was the face or RAW and they sent Cena to SD because Orton was more over at the time but hey, what can I do about it now? Randy has put on clinic after clinic this year with Punk, Miz, and Christian over and over again so I have to put him at #1 regardless of my fandy-ness.

2. Christian - He should be the World Heavyweight Champion right now but Vince McMahon's lack of faith keeps restricting him (like it has since 2004) and putting him inbetween a rock and a hard place. He oozes charisma, has excellent ring psychology, and has the tenure of a WWE legend.

3. Sheamus - One of the most underrated guys on the entire WWE roster today. He 's the 2-time WWE champ who should've had 2 solid reigns instead of 1 bad one and then an even worse one - he's great on the mic, very good in the ring, and has the right look to be a big player in the WWE but he has been booked horrendously thus far.

4.Wade Barrett - Just like Sheamus, this man is a foreign star who can go in the ring and definitely cut one hell of a promo but for some reason that I just can't understand he has been booked as one of the most cowardly superstars in the WWE. He should've won the title last year as the leader of Nexus but I guess they didn't think he was ready. He should've won MitB but I guess they didn't think he was ready. NEWSFLASH: HE'S FUCKING BEEN READY.

5. Cody Rhodes - I'm not a Rhodehead like most of the IWC and I actually don't think he's that good but to ignore his improvement would just be stupid and naive of me. He's improved tremendously since his debut in 2007 and is IMO a credible IC champion who should return to his Dashing gimmick. This monotone grotesque bullshit is a cheap imitation of Miz, who is a cheap imitation of the great Y2J so I don't think it's really helping him but as charismatic Dashing Cody Rhodes he could have a solid future.
I'm kind of ashamed that I had to go to the WWE website to remember everyone on the roster.

1) CM Punk - This one is definitely easy, for me. Look: It's chic to say that Punk is great and it seems obvious that someone on the Internet will pick him as their favorite, but that's because he is just that good. His promos are just that good, his wrestling is almost always just that good, and he is overall the best performer that WWE has, right now.

2) Triple H - I'm such an old curmudgeon sometimes when it comes to guys who were big when my kid was born...Triple H is, and always will be, one of the best. I know why people say he's overrated, and I think they're just too young to remember how good he's been for the last fifteen years. As demonstrated by Wrestlemania 27, Triple H can still head a show and steal a show. I'm honestly happy that he and Punk are feuding, because I think it will be great, but I wish that they had saved it for 28.

3) The Miz - I've come around a lot to Miz in the last month or two, and I don't really know why. I still think he's a Jericho wannabe, but I guess I've just needed a long time to warm up to him. I think it's that I want to see him as a face. I've come to believe that it would work pretty well, because I want to like him. This thing he's doing with Truth is alright, because they have a dynamic together that I like, but I'm excited to see where he goes from there.

4) John Cena - I'm going to admit that I've come around to Cena, as well. He's good, and you can't really deny it. Punk brought out the best in him, in my eyes. His jokes are still lame, he's still a corporate symbol and a human marketing ploy, but he's gotten to where he is because he's deserved it. I don't care a lot for his character, but if there's anything I've learned about him from this thing with Del Rio is that he's way better than Del Rio, and he can hang with the best of them. I still kind of roll my eyes when he wins every match and dead people know he'll probably beat ADR, but at least this time I'll be able to agree it's because he's just good.

5) Dolph Ziggler - (I think I've almost officially given up on John Morrison.) Dolph is a great wrestler and I think he's one of the three to five best wrestlers that the WWE has. Also, I think he's starting to come into his own, personality wise. He's got a ways to go, but I think he's just one big feud with Cena away from breaking through the glass ceiling. If they put the strap on Dolph, I could buy it. Can he carry a show? Not at all, I don't believe, but with Vickie getting him all sorts of cheap heat (that could be ending soon), he could certainly be a big heel on Raw. I mean, he's just as good or better than ADR, and I think he'd do much better in a feud with someone like Cena than ADR has. Dolph isn't a one trick pony, or at least he doesn't seem to be, and I like him. I hope for good things to come his way.

1) Sheamus - I honestly can't believe I'm saying this, because I used to hate the guy, but I seriously believe that this face turn has worked out beautifully for Sheamus. Somehow, someway, he's a sympathetic baby face; you want to see him win. That match with Mark Henry was also, in some impossible way, a great match and it's hilarious to me that a guy Sheamus' size can play the little guy so well. I think they should let him work with Khali and Jinder Mahal. He could probably help to get Mahal over, or at least give him a rub, and Khali is so much bigger than Sheamus that he could continue to play the little man in that feud. Again, and I seriously can't believe I'm saying this, I'm really digging Sheamus, right now.

2) Mark Henry - I hate that he's getting this push, but I like what he's doing with it. If he beats Orton, then I'll understand it. It seems like out of all the times they've tried to make Mark Henry, this time feels like it could stick. If they continue to just let him run over people for a few more months, I truly believe that he could become a top heel on Smackdown. On Raw, he would have too much competition. But, he fills a big need on Smackdown, he fills it well, and I think he does a lot to keep that show entertaining.

3) Daniel Bryan - He's my anti-Mark Henry; I love the performer, but I hate what they're doing with him. If he's going to be champion on Smackdown or at least get a Wrestlemania match, then they need to start pushing him, now. It's not encouraging for fans to see their sympathetic hero character win a guaranteed title match still lose all of the time. I'm really worried that they'll put him in the match just so he can lose, and that will feel so cheap when they do; it really seems like they would just be trying to piss off the IWC as much as they possibly could, if they tease us like that. I'm putting DBD here by default, but I hope they start letting him mow over dudes, soon.

4) Heath Slater - I'm going to take the road less traveled, one that most likely will run me right through a storm of ridicule, and say that I'm a Heath Slater fan. The guy is tough to look at, no doubt about that. He's stale on the mic, and there's also no doubting that. But, you can't take away one key aspect away from the guy: he's a good worker. He bumps his ass off when he wrestles, he does well to make his opponent look good, and I love that. As far as jobbers go, he's invaluable to Smackdown; you can't put a price tag on a wrestler who makes his opponent look good. If Heath were to get a single's feud with someone like Wade Barret, he wouldn't ever actually have to beat Barret, but he could definitely make Wade look good and maybe even establish himself out to be an underdog fan favorite. I would certainly root for the guy to get a well deserved rub, if he got the chance. I know whoever reads this will think I'm crazy, but I just hope to see him do well. I almost put Justin Gabriel over him, but it's predictable and I think it'll be really good for the two whenever they finally get separated.

5) Natalya - Can I put a Diva here? Is that allowed? :confused:
I didn't know who to put here, from the Smackdown roster. I would have put Cody, but I was just honestly never that big on him. If Ted turns face and finally gets off the ground, then I'll put him in this spot because he's just so damn talented not to have gotten over, by now. I would have put Christian all the way up at #1 at the start of the year, but WWE has done the impossible with him: they've over-saturated him so much that I'm sick of him. Also, I hate Christian's heel turn; people wanted to cheer for him, and you just threw it back at them because Heaven forbid we let Orton go without the belt. I genuinely think that's a testament to how entertaining Orton really is; Orton has to have the belt or else you'll forget he's there. You took a massively sympathetic baby face, finally (FINALLY) gave him the belt and the time to shine, took it off him days later so you could give it all back to the same-old-stuff we've seen for months, and turned him into the most annoying, played out heel in the company. Now look at Christian; where can he go from here? They've released all the steam that he had, and now he's just going to be a deflated, uninteresting heel. What's he going to do, finally feud with Edge? Edge is retired and it seems like he won't ever come back, so I suppose we should just thank the E for completely blowing the opportunity they had with Christian. I would have rather seen him run with a one month charity title than what they've done with him, so far. At least, that way, he had somewhere to go.

Sorry to go on about Christian, like that. *Stepping down from his soap box* What I like about Natalya is her whole new heel gimmick. She's a not a, "bimbo," as they call Kelly; she's a wrestler and a pretty good one, at that, and she's sick of all these no talent, candied-up tarts making her look bad. That's a great idea for a female wrestler to symbolize, and I appreciate the effort. The execution looks like it's going to be pitiful, as everything with the Divas is, because she's like, "I'm not a bimbo," but she and Beth Phoenix are coming out covered in make-up and wearing tiny dresses; it completely contradicts the point. Also, judging from the house show results, it looks like she's dropping matches to Alicia Fox. That's a joke if I've ever heard one. What would you think if Bret Hart started dropping matches to Tatanka after he had given a promo about how wrestlers today are too gimmick oriented and he's sick of them making him look like a cartoon character and a phony? Oh, and by the way, he starts giving out more pairs of sunglasses and amps up his use of catchphrases. It's like, I really like what Natalya is doing, in theory, but the execution makes me believe that no one associated with that division knows how to tell a story. With the message that Natty and Beth Phoenix wanted to present, they should have been, for all intensive purposes, the faces in that feud. But, the execution has just been awful, they've taken what should have been a positive message for all the young girls that watch wrestling and warped it into just another lame Diva's storyline where they try to make one of the least talented performers they have employed (Kelly) look like a legitimate performer, and what I believe could have been a pivotal and important storyline for establishing the Diva's division has been made completely insignificant by a lack of desire to tell a motivating and influential story. *Apparently having to step back down from his soap box* I'm sorry to get so high up on this, but as a father who watches wrestling every week with his son and daughter, I feel like both could have benefited from hearing that story; the story where the more talented and better girl is sick of being ignored because she's not as pretty as the girl getting all the attention, and therefore makes her best effort to let people know how bullshit that is. :banghead:

...so that's my top 5 for both shows. Lol. I didn't have to work today and I guess I've just had too much time on my hands to sit and think about this. ...I think I'm just going to go see if my boy wants to play XBox.

1.CM Punk-The Savior,the 2nd City Saint,and the Voice of the Voiceless. He has been amazing on the Mic and in the Ring. Ive liked him since he arrived in WWE on ECW back in 2006,I didn't jump on the bandwagon either.

2.John Cena-Cmon give the guy some love is all I can say here.

3.Alberto Del Rio-The Current WWE Champion has had an amazing 2011. Winning the Royal Rumble, MITB, and the WWE Title.

4.Dolph Ziggler-The Current United States Champion. Im liking his current program with Jack Swagger & Vickie. Had a Great Match with Randy Orton last week and he can only get better.

5. Triple H-I have been loving The Game being in charge since MITB and his stuff with CM Punk & Kevin Nash has been brilliant.


1.Randy Orton-The Viper and World Heavyweight Champion has really stepped up his Game since his Feud with Christian began after Extreme Rules. I like him being more crazy as well.

2.Christian-Can't leave this guy out and 2 Reigns as World Heavyweight Champion. Him being more whiny is pretty entertaining as well.

3.Sheamus-I like the fact he has turned Face and had a good program with Mark Henry.

4.Mark Henry-The Current #1 Contender for the WHC has been on a path of rage and could be the next Champion at Night Of Champions.

5.Cody Rhodes-The Current IC Champion with his Mask & all. One of the Top Heels on Smackdown right now.

Can I add a few honorable mentions?

Awesome Truth (Miz & R-Truth)
Air Boom-WWE Tag Team Champions
Daniel Bryan-Mr Money In The Bank
Kelly Kelly-Divas Champion (I love her)
John Morrison
Natalya & Beth Phoenix
Wade Barrett
1. CM Punk- Amazing well rounded wrestler. Amazing mic skills, great move set.
2. Cody Rhodes- IMO is the best midcarder in the WWE right now. He did the Dashing gimmick pretty well, the the ugly gimmick is his best work.
3.Mark Henry- He does his gimmick so well and for a big guy, is a great in ring performer. He gimmick is also very believeable.
4.Christian-Despite where's he at now, his heel turn is not that bad. I wish they make him a more heel "Edge" like heel. Dirty wins, but is able to kick someone's ass.
5.Daniel Bryan-Some may say he's boring, but I find him to be entertaining. His ring skills are pretty sharp and his match with Wade Barrett at Summerslam was awesome.

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