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Fave Five Moments of 2011


Dark Match Winner
Now there are already fave five threads so I thought I would do this one differently. I am asking what your fave five moments were of 2011 so far? It could be a match, return, debut of promo just what were your fave five moments of 2011? Here are my fave five.

5. Sin Cara/Kharma debut: These are both number 5. When Sin Cara debuted it was amazing. The way he took Sheamus out on RAW and Swagger on Smack Down in his first week was incredible. And Kharma just came in and kicked ass. The reason these two are tied at #5 is because of Kharma being out and the whole two Sin Caras that they are doing right now.

4. Daniel Bryan wins MITB: This one was a bit of a shock. I was expecting Barrett or Rhodes to win MITB but seeing Daniel Bryan win it was a suprise. I thought he was going to shoot up straight to the top. Obviously, I was wrong in that one.

3. Edge's retirement: Now I know what your thinking, how is Edge's retirement one of my fave five moments? It is the way they did. How his last match was at Wrestle Mania and he retained the World Heavyweight Championship. How on his final Smack Down everybody in the locker room came out and bid him farewell. And when he helped Christian win the world title.

2. The Rock Returns: Watching RAW, waiting for the host of Wrestle Mania 27, and the next thing I hear is....IF YA SMELL, WHAT THE ROCK, IS COOKIN'. YES! The Rock is back! The way he came out and dissed Miz and Cena was classic. Who didn't love the return of....THE JABRONI BEATING, LALALALA PIE EATING, TRAILBLAZING EYEBROW RAISING, HEART STOPPIN' ELBOW DROPPIN' PEOPLE'S CHAMP THE ROCK?! (I think I did that wrong but whatever)

1. The Summer of Punk: This was what got me to be a bigger CM Punk fan than I was before. This made Punk my favorite wrestler in the WWE. The Shoot promo got him started and everyone was loving it. I wanted to see what he would do on his last RAW. The whole live contract signing was great. That made me really like CM Punk. Then, the match in Chicago, what a match. Lawler said it was like the Bears in the Super Bowl and the Super Bowl was in Chicago, he was wrong. It was more like if the Cubs made the World Series (Yes I am a Cubs fan). He beats Cena (who we'll call the Yankees), wins the WWE championship and my favorite moment of the Summer of Punk, Punk blows Mr. McMahon a kiss goodbye.

So there are my fave five moments of 2011 (so far) and I would like to know what your fave five moments were?
I thought this was another fave five superstar thread :lmao:

well most on my fave five moments are similar to TS' list. Here they are:

5. Edge's retirement - This was really unexpected. He had his title run and even defended it at Wrestlemania. At first I thought it is just kayfabed, and he will eventually return but no. Edge was one of my favorite superstars of all time and it's just sad to see him leave. Thank you Edge!

4. The Hall of Pain - Mark Henry destroys every superstar that is on his path. Big Show. Kane. Sheamus. Koslov. Lawler. Even Randy Orton looked powerless against him. One of those seemingly 'immovable' champions I've ever seen.

3. Awesome Truth - R-Truth and The Miz teaming up may seem to others like they are reincarnating Rated-RKO. But for me, they are in a league of their own. Those promos are hilarious and even their remix rap. They established themselves as one of the dominant forces currently in the roster.

2. The Rock's Return - There is absolutely no one that ever make John Cena look like a chump but The Rock. Their exchange of words was really awesome. This feud cut the WWE universe in half. Team Bring it vs. Cenation. And it is just getting started.

1. Summer of Punk - The change in landscape that Punk is talking about is what we are experiencing right now. There is definitely a change since that epic rant. As a result of this, he became an instant hit from show ratings to merchandise sale. A lot has jumped to the CM Punk bandwagon thinking that he is the 'savior' of this PG era. Well he really did. He served as the catalyst of change that everyone would still talking about even years and years from now.
Heres my list:

5. Edge's retirement, for the same reasons as you.

4. The Del Rio Run: From the beginning, I knew he was "destined" to become a star. Its just the way he did things, the way he got things done, that made me think that way. And this was the year he broke out, winning the rumble and MITB, as well as becoming a 2x WWE Champion.

3. Triple H becoming COO: This came as a surprise to me, honestly. Vince had been in charge FOREVER and now trips was. MANY things changed in the E and it has become WAY better from an entertainment point of view.

2. The Return of The Great One

1. Summer of Punk
5. The Rise of The Miz

He's been through it all - Jobber, Joke, Dark Matches, Comedy, ECW, Tag Team, Tag Champion, Slammy Award winner, Mid carder, US Champion, Unified Tag Team Champion, Mr Money in the Bank, WWE Champion...then the match that truly semented Miz's righful place as a top player in WWE, winning the main event of Wrestlemania, against John Cena, for the WWE Championship.

4. Undertaker goes 19-0

Great TV when Undertaker and Triple H both made their epic returns. The two had a great match, the best match of WM 27 by far IMO. Told a great story, I actually thought Taker was going to lose when Triple H hit the Tombstone.

3. Edge retires

Was really disapointed to see one of my all time favorites come down to the ring in tears and announce his retirement. On the bright side, he goes out young and still at the top of his game, as the World Champion. It could have ended far worse. As he said, at least he's "not gonna end up in a wheelchair now."

2. CM Punk - "Best in the World"

Since the famous "shoot", he's taken the WWE by storm. With main event matches at PPV's ever since, usually featured on both Raw & SmackDown, and rumours of a WWE Title match at Wrestlemania, props to the WWE for finally giving him his deserved status as a main eventer. Unlike the vast majority of WWE Superstar's cutting a promo, I actually beleive what Punk says.

1. The Rock returns after 7 Years

My idol gowring up, my hero, the guy I would beg my parents to let me stay up for on Monday nights so I could watch Raw. The most electrifying man, in all of entertainment. It was one of my favorite moments in WWE history, not just 2011 when he returned as the guest host and the Anaheim crowd erupted. I can't wait for Cena-Rock at Wrestlemania 28.
5. Cody Rhodes goes Grotesque and defeats Mysterio at Wrestlemania.

One of my personal favorite moment. I have supported Cody over Ted before his Legacy days and it was great to see him defeating a big name superstar in Mysterio on the Grandest Stage of them all, indicating he was a superstar on the rise.

4. Triple H, Undertaker and Shawn Michaels segment before Wrestlemania.

This segment was on Raw before Wrestlemania, Triple H and Undertaker talks down each other before Shawn arrives, Undertaker asked him some questions and Shawn looks at Triple H and said, "You can't win!" That segment made me want to watch Wrestlemania and Taker and HHH did not disappoint, going on to have an epic match.

3. Rock returns and feuds with Cena.

The return itself of course was a shock and it was great to see The Great One back. The feud goes on and created a few classic moment, Cena rapped for the first time in years, Rock goes on to Rock Bottom Cena at Wrestlemania and of course the announcement of the blockbuster match.

2. Christian finally wins the World Title.

This was one of the greatest moment in the year for me, as I had wanted to see Christian finally winning the big one for years, and it finally happened after it seemed impossible with articles talking about how Vince don't see Christian as a main eventer. The title reign itself was a huge disappointment but Christian's name in the record books of past World Champions is all it matters.

1. Punk's shoot promo to Money in the Bank.

The moment that made me want to watch WWE more than anything in 2011. Punk's shoot promo shocked everyone and created a huge impact. The whole months I was asking the question "will Punk sign a new contract?" as the situation was legitimate, not a work. Punk that had an epic entrance at Money in the Bank with a pop only matched by superstars like The Rock and Steve Austin. Had a great match and left with the WWE title. The comic con crash was great but unfortunately things when downhill afterwards.

Couldn't include Edge's retirement as it still sadden me that one of my favorite superstar had to retire out of nowhere.
5. Awesome Truth
It's something different and these have taken RAW by storm, these guys had nothing to do in the summer now there headlining Survivor Series. I love there mic work and they have shown great progress in the ring. Oh and there Finisher is AWESOME!

4.The Hall Of Pain
Mark Henry, the worlds strongest man. Finally his been given the ball, and boy he has ran with it! His mic work is probly the best it has ever been and i loved how he took out all the Giants to look strong. His belieavable now and is having a meaningful title run, his in-ring work has improved a lot and its better than the run he had in 2006/2005? Anyway he looks so powerful at the moment, and may that continue:)

3. HHH Becoming COO
This realy freshed things up around on RAW, if he didn't get involved on RAW this summer then everything with Punk wouldn't be the same. In my mind he hasn't took anyones spotlight. His made things intresting on RAW

2. The Summer Of Punk
This realy made me a fan of CM Punk, his shoot promo was pure gold and he blew everyone off the charts. Match at MITB-Fantastic. Match at SS-Great. The contract signing he had with John was solid, and made it believable with the whole 'New York Yankees' and the 'MR PG' being discussed. His contract signing with HHH was even better,the words they used were magical and then the ending couldn't of been planned better. His segment with HHH was the best of the lot,this was the Go-Home show of RAW before NOC. Also, there use of real names made it even more intruiging and then the mic cutting off which happended in his shoot promo was the perfect way to end the segment (obviously Punk hitten Hunter with the mic was the last bit.)

No need to write anything about it, everyone is stated above
Undertaker Vs Triple H - Wrestlemania
I am including the match to my list not the small build up or even the fact Undertaker continues his streak by going undefeated. Undertaker is to this day my favourite wrestler and each year I get to see him less and less but when he does show up he is always brilliant and this was no exception. The match was in my opinion amazing and both guys gave it everything they had to put on a Wrestlemania worthy battle. Best match of the night in my eyes. The stage both Triple H and Undertaker are at in their careers just makes me appriciate the match even more..they both went to 11 (Spinal Tap reference)

CM Punk
Took the ball by the horns and ran with it. Added another layer to the WWE other than Orton and Cena. He is one of the main reasons I stuck with the WWE again this year to be honest. We all knew he had it in him from his time before the WWE but was nice to see him have enough freedom to show what he can do in the WWE. Especially seeing as a lot of people thought he was leaving the company.

Classic IC Title
We saw some bad IC Title runs this year and then Cody won the belt and things are changing...one thing has already changed and that is the belt itself. Bringing back the classic IC Title design was a great idea and I hope Rhodes continues to build up meaning once again to the belt.

Comebacks - The Rock, Kevin Nash, Booker T
I was never a fan of his during the Attitude era because I was too into Austin and The Undertaker and even Triple H (basically anybody The Rock feuded with). I always appriciated The Rocks entertainment factor though. Seeing him return this year was very pleasing for me and bought back nostalgia. I can't leave one of the greatest superstars ever coming back to the WWE off my list. Seeing Nash back in a WWE ring and especially during the Royal Rumble as Diesel really got me on the edge of my seat. Booker T coming back is great... I have always been a fan and I really like his work calling the matches. He is not conventional in the role but is very funny. I look foward to seeing him get in the ring one more time which seems to be about to happen. Other comebacks are floating around too such as Mick Foley and also with ex employers sworking for the WWE again and a small chance we could see them in the ring or on the mic (Road Dogg, X-pac) It's a good year for returns.

I can't think of another moment right now but I will... there are a few I can choose from.

I really hope this time next year I will be including a Tag Team revival to my list.
1. Rock's Return
I think this should be on top of everyone's list who posts here. The Great One returns and he comes back to feud with the face of the company, John Cena. Present face vs. Past face. This one'll be ELECTRIFYING!

2. Punk's summer shenanigans
This is definitely one of the better angles that WWE has come up with in recent memory. I always loved Punk as a face. With all that has happened, Punk is now a face and it looks to stay that way. Also, because of that whole angle, I believe he's WWE's #2 guy.

3. Christian finally winning the big one
This was just a mark out moment for me. I've always loved Christian and wished that he stayed face and Orton turned heel. Despite him losing the title two days later, I still loved the moment he and Christian shared after Christian climbed that ladder and retrieved the World Heavyweight Title.

4. Mark Henry's Main Event Push
Who would have thought Henry would be great as a champion huh? I thought this guy's career was all but over, but was I wrong. I'm sure ALL of us were wrong too! But that's what happens when the WWE lacks stars, or well, doesn't have the star power on the roster unlike the past. But still, good came out of it.

5. HHH becomes COO

Idk, it was just ironic how HHH put Vince McMahon out of his place. But WWE screwed it up when HHH "stepped down" from his position *face palm* PLEASE GET JOHNNY ACE OFF TV! But anyway, I actually liked his COO reign. Looks like WWE just wanted to see how HHH runs the show because it's likely to be his for the foreseeable future.

Also, thumbs down to you if you put Edge's retirement as your FAVORITE moment of 2011. Wish Edge have to didn't retire :(
5) Cody Rhodes - Undashing/IC Title, my favourite superstar for a while. Not so much one particular moment but he has been on a role since his fued with rey mysterio and his gimmick has really fleshed out nicely over the months.

4) Mark Henry winning the WH Title. I marked out so bad at the 3-count. Him winning cleanly and the great promo he cut after was just so well deserved.

3) Triple H giving the tombstone to the Undertaker - The only moment where i've ever thought the streak was in genuine trouble, i think my heart skipped a beat as the ref was counting. AMAZING!

2) PUNK! - Not much more i can say that hasnt already been said. Although i think he was a great heel in The SES and the new nexus, i think he has improved greatly this summer. Favourite promo was the contract negotiation with Mcmahon and Cena. Ripping the contract up and saying off the mic "I'll go be the best in the world somewhere else" - CLASSIC!

1) Rock Returns - Nuff Said!!!

1. CM Punk Wins the WWE title and leaves threw the crowd and escapes attempted foil (And Money In The Bank in general) -> Money In The Bank is legit one of my fav ppvs of all time, it was simply fantastic from top to bottom with very little in the way of filler, a PPV hasn't had this much energy for a long time & it was topped off with the iconic moment when CM Punk held the title up in the air by the entrace, it got fucked up eventually but at the time it was incredible.

2. Finally The Rock has come back to Raw -> Say what you want about the impact The Rocks comeback has had on Raw (I think it's been underwhelming on the whole) but the moment he came back was brilliant in every sense of the word & The Rock cut one of his finest promos ever.

3. Mark Henry -> Just in general, he's been one of the best World Champions I recall seeing in a very long time & he's stepped up his game along with it. Not like Khali who won the belt and pulled off lazy matches Mark Henry has taken his place at the top and has proved ALL his critics wrong by putting on good match after good match.

4. Revival of the Tag Team/IC/US division -> Not so much a moment but just an improvement to the product as a whole, for a long time in 2011 all those respective titles meant NOTHING. Then all of a sudden WWE puts the belt on 3 worthy champions in Air Boom, Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler, all 3 have had memorable and strong title runs in their division and have been shown strong against the top talent... thats right the 2nd tier champions are finally being shown in the right light as stars almost ready for the main event just like it used to be & not just a tool to try and get people over fast.

5. Cody Rhodes -> I love this gimmick and the character has been SLOWLY progressing, he's had his set backs which makes his push more believable and each and every week I find myself believing in this guy more and more to the point where I think he may be ready for a true main event push as early as next year, with the dashing gimmick he wasn't even close.
5. Christian winning the title -- wish the story had more to it but it was great to see him getting the opportunity
4. The Rock returns -- it makes sense for the story to be a slower build up but I am confident it will be a great one
3. JR back at the announce table -- soooo happy to see him where he belongs and personally it makes everyone do a better job at that table

1. Tie -- Triple H as COO and Summer of Punk -- both of these were so hugely entertaining for me and I felt brought the excitement back to the product, that I just couldn't decide which one was better for me. It felt like the shot of adrenaline that was needed to heigten the entertainment and they both just nailed it for me
5. The Elimination Chamber matches - Both were for me the two best in recent memory. Morrison who before I'd not really been a fan of stole the show during the main event with Punk being as brilliant as ever. As for the other Elimination Chamber match, It was all about Christian's return where he attacked Del Rio and would go on to become World Champion at Extreme Rules.

4. Rock/Cena, This for me was bigger than his return. The way he came out and just Rock Bottomed Cena was electrifying. And then of course the next night on a momentus Raw he'd go on to make a match with Cena official at Mania. It was shocking enough.

3. Conspiracy storyline, you can't deny this isn't interesting or maybe wasn't when it started. Nash suddenly attacks Punk at Summerslam costing him the WWE Title and then Del Rio cashing in was very frustrating but astonishing. I loved the way Punk knew he was the sole point of this angle and therefore went with it in brilliance.

2. HBK is inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, my all time favourite in the ring. I loved his moveset, look, mic skills and just his sheer awesomeness. I was so proud when he stepped out onto the stage at Atlanta. He truly deserved it and will always be the best Entertainer in WWE history.

1. Punk, What else? How can I not choose CM Punk as my favourite moments of 2011? He has just totally blown me away with his charisma and promo's. When he did his infamous shoot, I legitametly could not sleep I was so pumped and breathtaken by it like I used to be by angles in the Attitude Era.

* If you have Ryder's push on your list, you seriously need to grow up and stop being such a suck up. He is average at best.
right im not sure if this thread means moments of general themes because "the summer of punk" wasnt really a moment.... anyway....

5. Christian winning the world title:
fully deserved and delighted to see him getting main event matches as well.

4. The Rock's return:
I had been drifting in and out of wrestling for several years demotivated until recently(more on that later) but i watched his return video several times excited at the prospect of an in-ring return. i was however a little dissapointed with the predictability of mania this year.

3. Daniel Bryan wins MITB:
i never thought this was on the cards, even as he was scaling the ladder and wooped with joy in an internet cafe as he reached the briefcase, i found it pleasantly surprising at the time that the wwe would push a guy based on his TALENT, i have, of course been let down since then.

2. CM Punk wins the wwe title at MITB:
just a brilliant brilliant wrestling moment, and the perfect end to the best non-mania ppv since backlash 2000. the crowd lifted this match and made it matter, all punk and cena had to do was show up, the match was very good but it felt spectacular due to the audience reaction, i was so happy with the ending i allowed myself to suspend my disbelief, something which had been increasingly difficult to do in recent years.

1. CM Punks worked shoot(obviously):
This reinvigorated my passion for wrestling, because it showed that some people still care, i havent missed a show since. it doesnt matter to me that it was worked, it wasnt scripted btw there is a difference but it was worked. and punks delivery was spectacular, and he meant what he was saying. Punks promo was unpredictable and passionate, i mean genuine passion as well not the patented cena raising his voice at inappropriate times feigned passion, it was genuine. and i loved every minute of it.
5. The Year Of Returns!

More a Collection of Moments than just One. The Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker(?) and Diesel and Booker T. Lets Hope Scotty 2 Hotty returns Next Year!... What? Only me? Tsssk.
4. Undertaker Return Video Package.
Cant Believe Nobodies Said this? Just the Uproar of it not Being Sting Deserves A spot. But It was so Well Made too (High Five to the Artistic Director)
3. Booker T on Commentary.
He Comin for ya Ni**a!
He would make a great Meme.
2. Summer Of Punk! Not Much more to say that hasnt Been said Already.
1. The Debut Of Snookie! LOL Only joking Its Definitely The Rocks Return!

BTW Snookie Probably has more in ring Talent than 2/3 of the Diva Roster.
#5 One More Match
At first Christian was really annoying me with his whining and bitching about needing another match, but after a while it just got funny, and now I really enjoy it and look forward to him asking for one more match.

#4 Nash takes outs Punk
That really took me by surprise, and I love Nash so this was pretty cool, and I marked out loud when I saw him.

#3 R-Truth's heel turn and character development

Everyone was talking about how R-Truth was going to get future endeavored and how much he sucked, and as much as I wanted to like him I was in agreement, then he snaps and go heel in a way that I haven't seen since I was a kid, and turns into a heel I haven't seen since I was a kid. I like what CM Punk has been doing, but I'm a bit ticked off at him too because he stole all of R-Truth's thunder when this should have been the summer of R-Truth. ATM R-Truth is my favorite guy in the WWE, even more than The Miz.

#2 The Miz vs John Cena @WM27 buildup
This stems from my #1 moment of the year, but everything John Cena, The Rock, & The Miz did from Valentines til WM27 was great. And the promo when The Miz gets his face right in front of the camera and starts out with "Hello, Rock. I'm The Miz, the WWE Champion." is an epic classic.

#1 Finally The Rock comes back to the WWE
I'd been checking in on when The Rock was going to make his next return, supposedly to Guest Host Raw, when I was on Facebook checking friends status's and suddenly I saw "Dwayne Johnson changed his profile pic" and it was a pick of him in the ring, and then "Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson has updated his status to: FINALLY!!!" I was glued to the internet trying to figure out for certain if he was going to be on that night's Raw, and instead of f**king my wife for Valentines like I probably should have, instead I'm nerding it up in front of the TV watching wrastlin to see The Rock return, and then he DID return, and I haven't missed a MNR since.
Most of these are pretty much the same....and mine have all been listed except one.

Miz Impersonating The Rock!!!! When the music hit and everyone marked out as "The Rock" started down the ramp. Miz did such a good job that i don't think most people realized it was him until he was in the ring and the camera got a good close up of him. Truly AWESOME!!!!!
This is a awesome thread!! After seeing so many responses to this i am tempted to post one of my own, so here it goes :

5. The Rise of Mark Henry : What a transformation this has been!!! he has come a full circle, from someone who nobody bothered about to strong world champion he is today and destroying opponents along the way.

4. Unertaker/triple h feud : This whole feud to me was very well done and very entertaining and to cap that awesome feud an incredible match at grandest stage of em all. What more can you ask for??

3. Edge Retirement : This was simply one of the best moments of the year, simply because of the emotion involved in it and the fact that edge was so damn good that he will be dearly missed.

2. Punk's Summer : This was a really tough choice to make, many people would argue that this was the best thing to happen this year but for me its the second most important thing to happen this year. CM punk was an absolute revelation ever since he cut that incredible promo on raw, that shook Pro wrestling like none other in recent memory and ever since he has just been gold on the mic and in the ring, its like nobody knew this side of him even existed and just goes to show how damn good he really is and not to forget that absolutely amazing match at MITB winning the title and walking away, that for me is the match of the year candidate.

1. Rock's Return : The great one, the people's champ returning to WWE after 7 years. Can anything else top that?? i dont think so. It was just bloody awesome the way they setup his return and his promo that night. Just to see the rock in WWE after so many years makes this moment the most memorable moment of the year, add to that to set up a match with john cena at WM28 i dont think anything can better that.
Ok mine's a little bit different than all of you - but hey I'm old ha ha

5. Brodus Clay - loved him in NXT - He or Derrick Bateman should've won over where is he now" Johnny Curtis - but Clay has since come back as a dominant force and is ready to debut on RAW - I'm really looking forward to see where this is going.

4. Superstars - NO WAIT COME BACK!!! I like my technical wrestling and seeing Trent Barreta, Tyson Kidd, Yoshi Tatsu etc has been a highlight of my wrestling week. I DVR all six shows every week and I always pull a couple of great matches out of this to keep.

3. R Truth - Never liked him as K-Kwik, or Ron Killings. Didn't like R Truth much either. Respected him yes, but was never entertained. But when he became baaaad R Truth I was hooked. Somebody gonna get got and Little Jimmy are quotes that'll be in another site's Top 100 for years to come.

2. Alberto Del Rio wins the big one. From the very first vignette this guy was gonna be special. As I get older I find myself cheering more for the heels, but I knew this guy had the goods in the ring to back it up. And the personal ring announcer just never gets old.

1. CM Punk - Summer of Punk/Shoot Promo - call it what you like. I've been watching wrestling for 35 years and I was texting like crazy when I saw the worked shoot. He may be even better than Piper on the mic, and he can back it up in the ring. He should be champ for years but I understand that will never happen these days. Now, where's those ice cream bars?

Great thread btw
5 - Edge's final pyro entrance. This showed how much being a wrestler meant to Adam Copeland as he said his entrance is going to be something he missed doing, so to see him leave the ring JUST to come out to his music, smoke and pyro was a nice touch.

4 - Daniel Bryan wins MITB. It was a good MITB match but all the while I was thinking ahead to Punk v Cena in the Main Event. All of a sudden, no-one else is around to stop Bryan and the pop of the crowds sudden realisation that he would win was a fantastic moment.

3 - Finally... The Rock returns.

2 - HHH/Undertaker finish at WM27. Watched this match again recently and thought HHH's reaction to Taker kicking out of the tombstone coupled with HHH being caught in Hell's Gate and flapping for the sledgehammer was a really good finish.

1 - Punk kisses the WWE goodbye. While Punk returned (in my opinion) too soon after leaving with the belt, the moment he climbed over the guardrail after an excellent match into his adoring fans was a great image.
5. Christian finally wins the WHC

After years of trying, all of Captain Charisma's effort paid off when he finally got what he deserved!

4. Sin Cara's Debut

Not a huge fan of what's happened with Azul and Negro as of late, however, when Sin Cara burst onto our screens finally something different was brought back to the WWE that has been missing for ages. Fast paced action and high flying moves. Reminds me of Rey Mysterio a lot, however, can't see mysterio sticking around too much longer.

3. Khama's Debut

At last, WWE actually brought in someone that would make a difference! I was a big fan of Kong in TNA, lets just hope she continues where she left off when she comes back!

2. The Return of The Rock!

Nothing much more to say, you guys have said it all!

1. Summer of CM Punk!

This guy has made WWE watchable again! his promos, his matches, his comical attitude have made the sinking ship float again!
Ive got so many I cant put them in order so heres 5 in any random order :)

= Summer RAW - This includes everything CM Punk/Cena/Awesome Truth/HHH/Nash/Ace and others have been a part off.

= Sin Cara/Kharma debuts - Love Sin Cara, so exciting to watch!

= MITB win for Daniel Bryan - Literally marked out here :D

= The Rock returns and John Cena's rap - Was so good to see the rock again :D

= Mark Henry and Big Show breaking the ring + Henry's dominance and Christians title reign.
5. Daniel Bryan wins MITB - I did not see this coming in the slightest. I was shocked when the WWE gave him the briefcase. I was so certain that Wade Barrett was going to win but WWE shocked me which WWE did a few times this year. Although I do see Bryan being the first to cash in and lose I am still happy WWE gave him such a big win this year. It's only the beginning for The American Dragon.

4. Mark Henry and his main event push - He has been one of the most excited wrestlers in the WWE this year in my opinion. He has been the most believable and improved wrestler of 2011. When he is on the mic i believe every word he says and he has really picked up his game. I would love to see him hold the title until Wrestle Mania at the earliest.

3. Edge's farewell - I was shocked to tune in that Friday night and discover that Edge's career was forced to come to an end. It's a sad end to one of the most illustrious careers in WWE history.

2. Punk's win at MITB - Having Punk go over Cena is a huge statement and to hive him win the WWE title is even bigger. CM Punk is one of the best all round performers in wrestling today and he deserved that win. It was a 5 star match and the ending was absolutely amazing. Cena took a nice nap.

1. Punk's "Shoot" - My jaw was on the floor. I could not believe what I was hearing. I was in aww of Punk. He had the opportunity to say what so many wrestlers probably wanted to say but wasn't given the opportunity. It was one of the best interviews in wrestling history and it was one of the most talked about moments in wrestling this year and rightfully so.
I can't speak for others.
I prefer in the in ring work.
I'm nota proud fan, I'ma closet fan and a total smark.
I'm a watcher of all styles of pro wrestling, every corner of the industry I've taken part in viewing not just one.
I've been lucky enough to meet and talk to the performers.
I've been humbled by the wrestlers I've criticized to the point of being a hater by a simple move in the ring or an obscure line in an epic promo
I have over 120 favorite performers from all around the planet Earth
I dislike less than 10 performers because I know my role and shut my mouth when the time is right.
I understand the polictics of working in a place like pro wrestling and having the balls to just do something out of the norm. EX: Cody Rhodes

I prefer amicable and truly friendly real personable promo cutters and in ring generals opposed to the catch phrase spouting five moves of doom
bringer-once and a blue moon stinger. The ones who mix both I respect to the fullest 10th degree.

I love debate and controversey
I love fighting and hand to hand combat, flashy technical brilliance and intricate highflying awesomeness but I enjoy the moves not the style,
the parts of the package which make the man/woman and if you can't agree with me then it wouldn't be the first. I'm the new generation, the reality era mark and the sensible smart everyday debator.

Enjoy your look into the crap of the industry and your pretentious opinions, spew me the bullshit and hit me with some cold hard facts
cause its' just wack and JABRONI-BALONEY if you think you can judge me by years a fan, my peers are fans and I might be performing in WWE wether it be singing, dancing for them, stand up roles and even
dancing in that squared circle, hell I'll even throw the IWC a bone a wild one like I have before. I'm a cult of personality not a genius.
I'll make this short.

5. Kharma Debut
There was hyper, due to the fact that she came from TNA to the WWE, and she looked so dominant, so feared, and now she's off from the WWE. Can't wait for her to come back and see what WWE does with her.

4. MITB and Daniel Bryan
It's not the fact that he won the MITB, but it's because they're holding out until Wrestlemania to have him cash it in. I would love to see what the WWE does with him in the time being, despite the losing streak he had.

3. 15 Year Curse Broken
Mark Henry, once used as a comedic character was turned into a dominant force in the WWE. Henry has shown to all of us that he has improved, not just on the mic but in the ring too. When Henry finally won, despite me being an Orton fan, jumped up because he finally won a World Title!

2. Finally... The Rock has come back to the WWE
I started watching the WWE during the Attitude Era, and I grew with The Rock. Heel or face I always loved The Rock, even when he mocked my city. Now to see him finally back, honestly I couldn't ask for anything else.

1. The Shoot heard around the world.
CM Punk, the summer was his and he made sure it was his. I have nothing else to say about this, mainly because everyone else said it.
1. Cm Punk's rise - His rise came from the real life situation of his contract that prompted the shoot promo that shocked the world. Even though he was still hovering around the main event, during the summer seen him rise to one of biggest WWE stars around today. When he beat John Cena his popularity with the common fan as well IWC increased dramatically. His shirts are already outselling John Cena's and he is one of the main focus's of the WWE today.

2. The return of the Rock: When he retired from the squared circle he stated on many interviews that he was done with wrestling. In his situation who wouldn't give up the daily grind of being a pro wrestler to make even more money in Hollywood. When you heard "Do you smell what the rock is cooking?" it was electrifying. Well even though it was just for being a guest host of Wrestlemania it was good to see the rock in that ring again. Now he is scheduled to have a tag match in survivor series and going to face John Cena at the next Wrestlmania.

3. First time world champions: In 2011 there were a few people who became champions for the first time. There was Christian who after many years of being told that he was not champion material beating Alberto Del Rio in a ladder match. Although it only lasted a couple of days when he was celebrating with his best friend Edge, it created a lasting moment. There was Mark Henry who is known as the world strongest man finally winning his first championship against Randy Orton. For years he had been on a streak of poor booking and bad luck. He spent time as an enforcer, a comedic figure and was even sent down to the minor leagues for a time. Just when he was actually gonna build some steam as a heel monster, he will get injured. Now he has taken out some of the big men in the business and been a pleasant surprise for Smackdown. When Alberto Del Rio came on the scene he was billed as the Mexican aristocrat. He was able to parley his mic skills and his memorable character to win the money in the bank and subsequently cashed it in against a weakened CM punk. Even though his reigns have been lackluster he is still in the title picture and looks like he will be in the main event for years to come.

4. Daniel Bryan winning the smackdown MITB: After 10 years of wrestling in the indies he finally gets a shot at the WWE. He came into the WWE as arguably the best wrestler in the world and showed it with many memorable matches with The Miz and Dolph ziggler. However he doesn't fit Vince's mold of a WWE champion or even a star because he is small and had no mic skills (He honestly is better than most of the roster). When the money in the bank 2011 ppv started everyone thought that someone else was gonna win it. When he grabbed the briefcase i think there wasn't a person watching that thought WTF. Now according to him he would not cash it in until Wrestlemania and even though he probably won't win the championship he will get the biggest stage to showcase his talents.

5. The rise or Zack Ryder: Even though he had little success as a tag champion with Curt Hawkins his singles run had been lack luster. With his weird tights and his long island attitude he was destined to be a regular on superstars and probably close to getting released during the next budget cuts. So with barely any tv time and with a camera that he got for Christmas he set out to make his own UTube show. On the back of his show he not only increased his fan base but he gotten more than enough time on raw and smackdown. His T shirts have been selling well and he has even gotten a shot at the U.S title.

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