Fans in the crowds ruining the NXT angle...

Good lord this PG crap is farking shit up, but these new fans don't outnumber the old who remember Vince as being a total dick. They won't rewrite history simply because they have went PG and cater to different fans.

As for the time, I really want to tear up what you said, just don't have the time to do it properly.

Yeah. We can only hope. But from what I've seen I wouldn't hold my breath.

Also don't even try to "tear up what I said"(lol) cause you will fail. -_-
I beg to argue that PG fans will in a few years outnumber everyone who remembers Vince prior to the PG era. The older some of you guys get and the longer this PG crap continues the more people like Vash are gonna have less time to respond properly here in ripping up someone's post and also less time to watch such a waste of time garbage product.
I'm with Vash21 on this one; intentionally or not, WWE is giving kind of a mixed role to the NXT guys right now. At first they were a totally heel faction, for sure, taking out pretty much exclusively good guys--Cena and Bret--as well as non-wrestlers--poor Justin Roberts, haha.

Now, as others have stated, they're focusing on Sheamus, who is definitely a heel. They're also focusing on McMahon, who I think was definitely characterized as a heel on last night's RAW... He seemed to take pleasure in firing Bret, he was sucking up the the NXT heels, he asked for a round of applause for himself. That's totally ol' power-hungry Mr. McMahon.

So the mixed reaction of the crowd is to be expected... they're taking out faces and heels now, so how else would you expect the crowd to respond, other than with mixed reactions? And personally, I think this is a cool thing to happen; they're becoming a sort of tweener group, who'll take out anyone in their path--WWE might be doing this to test the waters to see how fans respond to these guys as faces and heels, too.
Are you serious.. people can cheer or boo for whoever the want to. I don't like Cena, so when I go to a show and see him, I'm going to boo him. plus, the NXT angle is the best thing that WWE has going for them, so they should be happy for such a huge reaction to a bunch of guys who have only been on tv for a couple of months...
hell no they aren't ruining it. When I heard the NXT chants I thought it awesome. After they gave their apologies I thought if they played their cards right they could be a perfect tweener group until they go in their own direction.

fans don't ruin anything. the show is for US, remember?

Er, they beat up VINCE MCMAHON one of the top 3 most hated heels in the history of the buisness, what in the fuck was SUPPOSED to happen :lmao:

They were two pro-NXT chants, against an asshole owner. Pretty clear and easy here, they ruined nothing, the chants and reaction did nothing but enhance the situation
They are ticket-holding fans who paid an admission to get in the building. As long as they aren't cursing in front of little kids or yelling "FIRE!" where there is none, I think they're free to cheer/boo as they please.

If an angle can be 'ruined' by cheering fans, it's probably not much of an angle to begin with.

Tully, you are absolutely right. I want to get into the NXT angle so bad, I really do, and I don't know if it's me or not but it seems it's starting to lose steam, well at least until Vince got his ass handed to him. But to go back to what you were saying, an angle isn't much of an angle if fans "ruin" it while it's still in its beginning stages. I think this is fresh, although someone beating Vince up is getting to be extremely, extremely old and rather boring.

I mentioned to my brother last night as the show was going off the air that Vince is STILL probably behind this after all (ala The Higher Power from 1999). I don't believe the crowd is ruining anything, although I will say that the crowd does need to pick a side and stay on that side. As in the case with Sheamus coming out and acting like he wanted to give up the title. 1st the crowd cheered its asses off, then when he played everyone for a fool, they STILL cheered. Rediculous in the fact that the crowd seems to love to be played for fools. I know they cheered ONLY because Cena wasn't the champ anymore (or partly that was the reason) but even still, seemed the crowd doesn't know what it wants or doesn't want at times.

Anyway, to wrap my speech up, the NXT angle is hot. Not red hot, but hot enough to last till say, Survior Series (is there still a SS anymore? lol). Bryan D will be back, perhaps all of this with him taking new bookings is to gain more interest overall. I just don't see how the WWE can drop the ball on this. TNA? Yeah, for sure they'd find some way to screw this up. As I'm writing this, I'm listening to "Leave Me Alone" by Michael Jackson, and thinking the crowd is saying the same thing...just leave me alone lol
In My Opinion, and i have watched WWE since the early 80's, the WWE fans are turning towards being more like the attitude era. Booing Cena, Cheering Orton, Chanting NXT NXT. I believe the fans are swaying more towards the heels than towards the faces. I think a shift if comming, any thoughts ?
Wow, ok, this is getting ridiculous. So, just because you spend more time than you probably should on a fake wresting message board talking about fake wrestling and other things related to fake wrestling, you're allowed to say that people who pay real money to watch fake wrestling with you are ruining a storyline that no one knows the outcome to? Nope. We only know what's already happened, and all of the s.s.marks (supposed "smart" marks) are predicting what they want to happen, and who they want to see excel in this fake storyline.

You sir need to take a step back. Wait, take two. Look at what you're accusing people of doing, and then reevaluate things. Wrestling's fun, most of the time very entertaining (I've watched it for 19 years), but most of all it's very, very, very fake. The money people spend on it is real, and so is the time you spend accusing the "casual viewer" of ruining the outcome or direction of a storyline YOU MADE UP in your own head. Not cool. Chill out.
I think a lot of people are missing the point of this thread. This isn’t about being able to cheer and boo who you want because you paid for a ticket. We should all be smart enough to realize this is scripted entertainment and actually play our role. I’m not saying you should just cheer Cena because you are supposed to. However, I don’t think you should go overboard and cheer for the heels. At least not at a live event. Those of you who love the heels love them for the heat they are able to draw. Isn’t it great when you hear an entire arena boo someone out of the building? When you cheer them you are taking that heat away. Take Jericho for example. The IWC loves Chris Jericho. Do you think you’re showing him respect by cheering him? He wants you to boo him. If you like him so much show him respect by giving him what he wants. A heel who gets cheered is not doing his job. Besides if people start to agree with you and cheer him he will eventually go face. Now all of a sudden you don’t like him because you took his heat away. Next time you’re at a live event and want to cheer a heel take a minute to think about it. Think if you would like that heel as much if everyone decided to cheer him and his heat was gone. If you wouldn’t like that don’t contribute to it.
I thought the cheers and chants and some boos made NXT or the Nexus, as I like to call them, made them look like tweeners. They don't discriminate against heels and face because everyone can be a victim to them. I think them as tweeners makes them more compelling and can open up to some great feuds and some surprising alliances to battle them. Now you add is Vince and this could even be better. Then it will all come down to Survivor Series, in the same arena where this all began.

As far as the Daniel Bryan chants go, I say keep chanting. WWE isn't that stupid, that they would forget the basics of business ,supply and demand. The more we demand for Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson the more they have to start listening. Worked for Matt Hardy so why not Daniel/Bryan.
im gonna have to disagree. im a native new yorker and like most of us we cheer for the heels and other places boo the heels, its who we feel like cheering and booing and who we like are we ruining the show? as for the NXT angle i think its great to put all these young guys over like this no one ever heard of any of these guys before except for bryan danielson. now since this NXT angle is happening i think the fans after this angle you will know who these guys are and its great exposure let them cheer or boo them if they want we paid the ticket its our right to like whoever we want.
My girlfriend and I were in the crowd in Bridgeport last night, and we were heavily cheering all of the heels all night (NXT, Jericho, Sheamus). That's the beauty of paying for a ticket and having an opinion. I actually hope my loud yelling for those guys came off well on tv. Karyn and I have actually been pro-NXT since meeting them at Wrestlemania Axxess in Phoenix and realizing what great guys they are few months back. So, we are thrilled that they are getting a shot in the spotlight. It was a beautiful thing to have all of the Cena fans around me looking confused as to why I was cheering for these men. Some people just don't get it. There is no 'role' to fill. We are not part of a movie script. And it might just be me, but loud, energetic crowds always make for the best television and pay-per-view broadcasts. Last night's Raw was one of those broadcasts. It was super-electric all night.
Actually, it makes perfect sense that the fans would start cheering a bit if you think about it. Once again Vince goes from doing nothing outside the ring during the match to basically blowing off Cena getting beat up and buried under the announcers table. Then he takes credit for NXT and what they have been doing with the sneak attacks and all. Of course the fans are going to start cheering them to some degree. Hell, beating up Vince is coming close to being labeled "cheap pop" territory.

If you have ever been to a live event, it is a totally different animal than what you see on TV. It is way too easy to get swept up in the emotions of the people around you. The crowd will flip flop on a dime. Case in point, earlier in the evening, how many people were thinking Shamus had just turned face? I'll be honest, both my son and I did. I marked out with a full WTF and so did my son. We got duped, and we were sitting at home. Now, listen to the crowd reaction. They were TOTALLY buying into it. Roaring cheers turned to deafening boos in a matter of one second.

Personally, I think I would cheer for anyone who beat up Vince, but that's my opinion.
Let the fans cheer what they want. It reminds me of the old days when people were chanting "NWO" when they were supposed to be heels. I like it because I like the little aspect of "whose side are you on?". It could possibly make NXT seem more credible because fans are "sympathetic" for their cause. And because of the fan support NXT is seen as a more dominant force for the WWE to take down, but it's gonna be hard because of NXT's backing.
Vince Just had fired a babyface gm, and the NXT guys just got off apoligizing to everyone for there behavior..

I honestly see "the nexus" as more of a tweener group atm.. Because they honestly can't expect anyone to ever cheer vince, or boo a vince beatdown, especially after he took credit for everything NXT accomplished.

i agree... i saw the end of Raw as a kind of Frankenstein situation...Dr. Frankenstein created the monster... and the monster tried to destroy him. It didn't mean Dr Frankenstein was a good guy. He was digging up graves and stealing bodies. A clear tweener which made neither side good/bad.

Vince was a clear heel all through Raw... nobody in the arena was expected to forget all of that and start booing NXT for beating him down. The chants at the end of Raw were probably more of a show of respect for (finally) an entertaining angle. I honestly have no idea what's gonna happen next week!!! :shrug:
When you are paying money to see a live WWE event you sure as hell would want to cheer whatever you please. As mentioned before, we made Randy a face over Edge because we gave Randy huge pops and now look at him he is a top face. Again Matt Hardy, we kept cheering his name and now he is back and has not been fired since 2005. I personally love to see that the fans who do not know Bryan that well are cheering for him anyway. It makes me feel good to indicate that he will be back because we want him back, and it sure as hell makes Vince feel good that he has a future investment, and it makes Bryan feel good that he will be successful in the WWE and maybe even bigger than John Cena. I do not see how this ruins angles, if anything it makes them so much more interesting by seeing people with different opinions and what they thinks is going on.
Ah, this post reminds me of the old stage saying, "It was a great show, too bad no one showed up!"

If an angle is good, the fans (or the vast majority of them, even the best audience has a dozen drunk smarks) will shut themselves up. That NXT promo where they all came out and 'apologized' was necessary to acquaint the Raw audience with the so-called "NXT 7", but, holy jesus, was it BORING. Six guys repeated the same thing as Michael Cole introduced them by name, and a seventh guy summarized. People caught the Daniel Bryan chants during this promo- I wonder how many people noticed when the production truck lowered the crowd mic.

Saying that the fans are ruining the angle is incredibly lazy. The fans are the ones you are trying to "sell" to, and by no means are they required to buy. The NXT 7 couldn't sell those interviews if they were giving away a free flat screen with them, but the audience sure did buy the Vinnie Mac beatdown.
idk why people think that fans are ruining this angle. some of the iwc is upset (including the poster who started this thread) that the fans werent booing the nxt for the beatdown of vince. the same fans cheering this were the same ones chanting cena sucks. and its for good reason.

fans are allowed to cheer\boo for whatever they wish. the ones being the loudest recently are older fans who have been salivating at the recent developments in wwe. most of us have been waiting for something like this for a long ass time. something that will shake up raw and make us want to tune in every monday waiting to see something new instead of being bored for the most part.

did the fans ruin stone cold for cheering him when wwf told us he was suppost to b a heel? fuck no. did the fans ruin the angle when most people cheered shane o'mac when he stole wcw out form under vince? nope. thats just an excuse for marks when storylines dont go their way. vince wants us to boo him, hes one of the greatest heels in wrestling. and he knows that ALOT of fans are behind this nxt angle. so what better way to please the fans than to have vince get beatdown by this new group. generates alot of buzz & thats good for raw & puts more $ in vinces pocket all at once.

i for one am loving this new storyline and cannot wait to see where its going. closest thing to the attitude era we have had in a long time.
Doc pretty much hit the nail on the head..

I don't see a problem with letting the fans dictating the storyline. Who was to say them beating up McMahon should of drawn heat? McMahon had just fired their beloved Bret Hart so maybe that made them happy.

WWE doesn't care what the fans are chanting right now, they are just happy to see an angle get so over and maybe be the most over angle in 5 years.
I think the old adage that 'the only bad reaction is no reaction' is especially true in pro wrestling...if the fans sat on their hands, the angle is over. They may be portraying NXT as heels, but if the fans scream for them as babyfaces, I'm sure the WWE has no problem with it. If you are enjoying the angle, don't let the crowd ruin it for you, just enjoy it for what it is.

As for the Daniel Bryan chants, didn't Cena just recently tweet for something like that to happen? I think the WWE has to expect, and probably even plan for those chants, and is probably very happy that 'their' version of the man is being chanted for instead of 'Bryan Danielson'.
Dear lord people, have none of you ever watched the wwe? Stone cold was one of the biggest heels ever, and the crowd loved him. Edge, Orton, Even the 4 Horsemen got major fan cheers. The bulk of the crowd will like the heel, hes the rebel, the bad guy, the villain if you will. Plus who hasnt wanted to beat down their boss.
idk why people think that fans are ruining this angle. some of the iwc is upset (including the poster who started this thread) that the fans werent booing the nxt for the beatdown of vince. the same fans cheering this were the same ones chanting cena sucks. and its for good reason.

fans are allowed to cheer\boo for whatever they wish. the ones being the loudest recently are older fans who have been salivating at the recent developments in wwe. most of us have been waiting for something like this for a long ass time. something that will shake up raw and make us want to tune in every monday waiting to see something new instead of being bored for the most part.

did the fans ruin stone cold for cheering him when wwf told us he was suppost to b a heel? fuck no. did the fans ruin the angle when most people cheered shane o'mac when he stole wcw out form under vince? nope. thats just an excuse for marks when storylines dont go their way. vince wants us to boo him, hes one of the greatest heels in wrestling. and he knows that ALOT of fans are behind this nxt angle. so what better way to please the fans than to have vince get beatdown by this new group. generates alot of buzz & thats good for raw & puts more $ in vinces pocket all at once.

i for one am loving this new storyline and cannot wait to see where its going. closest thing to the attitude era we have had in a long time.

Exactly. I wouldn't be booing the face if he entertained me. I wouldn't be cheering the heel if he/they bored me. In this case I'm cheering for who is entertaining me. Speaking of which, anyone know how long it will be before I can buy a Nexus shirt?
I don't believe that anything is ruining this storyline. In fact, I think it's the most cutting edge angle that the WWE has done in a decade. I don't know exactly where the Nexus storyline is headed and that's a good thing. It's been completely unpredictable for the gate. We've seen them completely destroy the WWE's top guy and the RAW GM. We've also seen them each deliver an apology for doing so. It's contradictory, but it's kept me interested and I think it's kept fans in general interested.

The crowds have been responding with "NXT" chants, signifying that this angle is working. Additionally, the "Daniel Bryan" chants do nothing but further the authenticity of the storyline. Everyone knows he was fired as a result of this angle and it simply adds fuel to the fire. The WWE has been going for realism with this thing and they've been doing a great job so far.
yeah nxt guys should be booed. Their bad. Cena is a face. He should be cheered. I am now making the rule that all faces are cheered for and all heels are booed. Now its official. Now everyone has to cheer for Khali, even if he wins a title. He is a swell guy. He doesn't deserve to be booed. And Chris Jericho. He calls us all hypocrites. I mean before this rule he was one of my favorites, but hes a bad guy. Now i hate him and I must boo. And who is Bryan danielson. His names sounds like that guy who couldn't wrestle in nxt. I mean thats what michael cole said. He has always been a face anouncer so i believe him. He's such a nice guy. To any bad guy out their, you will never stop super cena.

And scene.

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