TNA invades WWE/NXT

T2ne this false speculation of TNA going out of business won t happen and that is why Jeff Jarrett bought TNA and soon he ll buy out ROH ! Stop the anti TNA hatred cause worst wrestling excrement ain t any better all wrestlers are lost in the shuffle there including Samoa JOe I see him in GFW by next year wait and see ! AJ Styles will be in GWF/TNA soon enough after he is done wrestling Japan !
Well excrement please get your facts in order. One I don't have any I'll towards tna. Everything about tna is speculation and I'm allowed to wonder what if. This is a hypothetical question just for people to have fun again, no hate here just having fun with the what ifs. Just like you hypothetically see Joe in gfw and assume Jarrett buys out tna I'm doing the same.enjoy your day brother
The TNA tape library is probably useful to Vince ONLY if Angle or maybe even Bully Ray make full time comebacks to the roster. DVD's always sell huge, having footage of the past 10 years or so with these guys makes a great 3rd of 4th disc.

Also, having years of footage of Samoa Joe if they decide to bite the bullet and push him to the stars if he ever debuts on Raw would be a nice segment to add to the network to entice the more casual WWE viewer who has not really seen the guy in action.

Like I said, it all depends on the talent that Vince decides to hire that would make a video library purchase seem viable, otherwise its just a waste of money.
Well, there's one or two workers in TNA that WWE might want to take a look at, but like the NXT guys you mentioned they'll have new names, new-ish identitities and their wrestling past will only be referred to indirectly, unless you're one of the very top names outside of WWE like Samoa Joe, CM Punk, AJ Styles (and even then, there's Daniel Bryan). So basically what's already happening then.
There's no need for TNA guys to appear in the crowd, I'm repeating myself and others but TNA, as a brand, truly has zero worth for WWE - I'm sorry, I like some of TNA but it's true - ten years ago maybe we could have this discussion and mull over possibilities. Today it's pointless to even consider.
Of course, there's the fact Vince wouldn't want to treat TNA as a serious rival unless he really had to (which he won't have to, ever), but we can't forget the fact TNA have been in touch with SEVERAL promotions lately to do an invasion angle, eventually settling on GFW - who just need the exposure. Even companies like ROH and PWG want pretty much nothing to do with TNA at this point, it's a damaged brand.

It's not about the brand. It's about the talent. Are you really saying you wouldn't want to see guys like James Storm, Bobby Roode, EC3, Kurt Angle, The Wolves, and others in WWE? I'm not saying have a full-on TNA invasion but have some of their wrestlers invade WWE and feud with a newly-created WWE stable.

Why don't we just agree to disagree? If you can't see talent in wrestlers like EC3, James Storm, Bobby Roode, and Kurt Angle, then just forget about it.
It's not about the brand. It's about the talent. Are you really saying you wouldn't want to see guys like James Storm, Bobby Roode, EC3, Kurt Angle, The Wolves, and others in WWE? I'm not saying have a full-on TNA invasion but have some of their wrestlers invade WWE and feud with a newly-created WWE stable.

Why don't we just agree to disagree? If you can't see talent in wrestlers like EC3, James Storm, Bobby Roode, and Kurt Angle, then just forget about it.

I didn't say I don't see talent in those, jeez. Just doubt WWE are that interested in any of them, bar maybe EC3. Kurt Angle's body is knackered and he won't have long left in the ring. Roode, maybe but why? Don't think you actually took in any of my points, you're just saying "but I like these wrestlers"
So do I for the most part but that doesn't mean WWE wants to use them
I didn't say I don't see talent in those, jeez. Just doubt WWE are that interested in any of them, bar maybe EC3. Kurt Angle's body is knackered and he won't have long left in the ring. Roode, maybe but why? Don't think you actually took in any of my points, you're just saying "but I like these wrestlers"
So do I for the most part but that doesn't mean WWE wants to use them

All I'm saying is I'm pretty sure WWE would be interested in EC3, The Wolves, Bobby Roode, James Storm, and Drew Galloway. Possibly a few others. Perhaps I misunderstood your post, and I'm sorry if I did.
OK, but I'm saying they're almost definitely not. For the most part they wanna make their own stars, I mean Austin Aries has just left TNA. Very quickly signs back to ROH, no discussion of NXT interest or anything so I'm sure the case would be similar for those you named. Galloway they didn't have use for first time, why now? They mis-used EC3 badly when he was there, but I still don't know that they would be interested again, partly as he'd probably be in for a third renaming (I mean they wouldn't call him Carter would they?)
OK, but I'm saying they're almost definitely not. For the most part they wanna make their own stars, I mean Austin Aries has just left TNA. Very quickly signs back to ROH, no discussion of NXT interest or anything so I'm sure the case would be similar for those you named. Galloway they didn't have use for first time, why now? They mis-used EC3 badly when he was there, but I still don't know that they would be interested again, partly as he'd probably be in for a third renaming (I mean they wouldn't call him Carter would they?)

I never mentioned Austin Aries. As for Drew Galloway, maybe WWE didn't see talent in him the first time. I think they would now, but you clearly don't, so that's fine.

Remember The Rock? What about Stone Cold? The Rock was once Rocky Maivia and easily the most hated face on the roster at the time. Stone Cold was The Ringmaster. Both were misused, but WWE realized their mistake and eventually turned them into megastars. I'm not saying the same would happen for EC3, but it's worth a chance.

The Wolves would be a nice addition to the tag team scene, especially with recent injuries to Tyson Kidd and one of the Usos.

James Storm and Bobby Roode could re-form Beer Money and eventualy feud with each other. Both would then be strong additions to the upper mid-card.

I bet you were the same guy who didn't WWE to sign Tyler Black, Jon Moxley, Kevin Steen, El Generico, Kenta, Prince Devitt, or anyone else from the indies, but look at what they're doing in the WWE.
It would never happen. And it's already been said as to why it won't happen.

At one point, WCW was beating WWF. WCW was LEGIT competitor to WWF. Wrestlers in their prime, household names, jumped back and forth and it was a big deal. Kurt Angle left WWE for TNA nearly 10 years ago. Almost every other single person who left for TNA has gone back to WWE. They don't compete in the same time slot or head to head. TNA does not take market share from WWE. WWE fans aren't clamoring for TNA wrestlers to go to WWE. I love Joe, but if he debuted on RAW, I'm not sure how much of the audience would know him.

WWE has ignored TNA. Lots of fans have ignored TNA. I like TNA but it's nowhere near the WWE level. There's is absolutely no way WWE would do an invasion and where they're basically saying "hey here's a bunch of guys you didn't know about from another company who have been awesome for years!" They would literally get nothing out of that.

If they want TNA guys they could easily bring them in. If they want a group of guys they could easily bring them in as a group. Mentioning TNA does not help WWE in any way. At all. That's why an invasion angle with TNA would never happen.
If they want TNA guys they could easily bring them in. If they want a group of guys they could easily bring them in as a group. Mentioning TNA does not help WWE in any way. At all. That's why an invasion angle with TNA would never happen.

That's basically the argument I'm trying to make. You don't have to mention TNA, but bringing in some of their guys (EC3, Wolves, Roode, Storm, Galloway, etc.) and potentially forming a stable would be best for business.
I never mentioned Austin Aries. As for Drew Galloway, maybe WWE didn't see talent in him the first time. I think they would now, but you clearly don't, so that's fine.

Remember The Rock? What about Stone Cold? The Rock was once Rocky Maivia and easily the most hated face on the roster at the time. Stone Cold was The Ringmaster. Both were misused, but WWE realized their mistake and eventually turned them into megastars. I'm not saying the same would happen for EC3, but it's worth a chance.

The Wolves would be a nice addition to the tag team scene, especially with recent injuries to Tyson Kidd and one of the Usos.

James Storm and Bobby Roode could re-form Beer Money and eventualy feud with each other. Both would then be strong additions to the upper mid-card.

I bet you were the same guy who didn't WWE to sign Tyler Black, Jon Moxley, Kevin Steen, El Generico, Kenta, Prince Devitt, or anyone else from the indies, but look at what they're doing in the WWE.

Jesus christ dude. Stop missing the point. You personally didn't say Austin Aries.... whoopdy doo - he was one of TNA's most acclaimed and established guys; no WWE interest. Most of this era of TNA star like Roode, Aries, Storm, Eric Young are in their late 30s now.
WWE is nearly-exclusively interested in taking young stars and making them in their own vision. Exceptions made ONLY for already marketable people such as Sting and Samoa Joe. The amount of truly self-marketable talent outside of WWE contracts is an ever-shrinking number.
Incase you need this underlined, I never ruled out that a current TNA star would one day appear in WWE, there's possibilities sure (Awesome Kong, Bram & EC3 might be worth second shots, Kenny King could work in NXT, Rockstar Spud is great) but they will NEVER appear in bulk and there will NEVER be a stable on WWE. Please stop speculating about things that aren't going to happen or aren't even viable, it's getting a bit maddening now
Jesus christ dude. Stop missing the point. You personally didn't say Austin Aries.... whoopdy doo - he was one of TNA's most acclaimed and established guys; no WWE interest. Most of this era of TNA star like Roode, Aries, Storm, Eric Young are in their late 30s now.
WWE is nearly-exclusively interested in taking young stars and making them in their own vision. Exceptions made ONLY for already marketable people such as Sting and Samoa Joe. The amount of truly self-marketable talent outside of WWE contracts is an ever-shrinking number.
Incase you need this underlined, I never ruled out that a current TNA star would one day appear in WWE, there's possibilities sure (Awesome Kong, Bram & EC3 might be worth second shots, Kenny King could work in NXT, Rockstar Spud is great) but they will NEVER appear in bulk and there will NEVER be a stable on WWE. Please stop speculating about things that aren't going to happen or aren't even viable, it's getting a bit maddening now

If you would have ready some of my earlier posts on this thread, you would have seen that I didn't want to see a full-on TNA invasion.

I simply wanted WWE to sign a few TNA wrestlers, and they MIGHT could form a stable.

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