Fans in the crowds ruining the NXT angle...


Dark Match Jobber
Why do the marks have to ruin the storylines? Last night they should have been booing when NXT beat up Vince....instead they chant Daniel Bryan and then chant 'N-X-T'. Why do the marks have to ruin things? They can't just go with the flow of the storylines? The NXT is doing all it can to be a dominant heel force then the crowd goes and does that...Meanwhile when the NXTers cut their promos earlier the crowd booed them.... As someone mentioned Vince got a huge pop when he first came why does the crowd have to ruin things? The crowd reaction alone could ruin this whole NXT angle. Anybody agree?
No. I completely and totally disagree. For one thing, it's the smarks who are "ruining" it. for another, the Daniel Bryan chants can easily be used by the WWE. Remember back when Hardy was fired and people screamed for him until the WWE brought him back? It's the same thing. If WWE plays to the chants, Daniel Bryan could come back as a HUGE babyface to face The Nexus.

The crowd can dictate how well an angle goes, or even force heel/face turns. Look at Orton. He was a heel until the crowd MADE him face. The crowd isn't ruining anything. They're adding to the realism by chanting for Danny Bry.
They are ticket-holding fans who paid an admission to get in the building. As long as they aren't cursing in front of little kids or yelling "FIRE!" where there is none, I think they're free to cheer/boo as they please.

If an angle can be 'ruined' by cheering fans, it's probably not much of an angle to begin with.
Vince McMahon is an asshole, and at first it seemed like he was trying to take credit. I only wish they had beat him more.

as far as the fans cheering for Vinnie Mac's beatdown, hell yea cheer for it, the guys an asshole and he deserved it. They beatdown Hornswoggle or a diva, or Rey Mysterio, yea sure boo em, its a piece of shit thing to do, but who hasn't wanted to at one point or another beat the hell out of Vince McMahon.
I understand where your coming from, that fans make the angle seem less realistic because there booing the good guy and cheering the bad guy, but I don't think it's something that can be stopped and it is definitley not ruining the angle in any way.

The angle itself is really good and the NXT guys are actually getting a really negative reaction from the crowd, I haven't heard heat for new guys like they get for ages.

But back to the point at hand, I think the fans were actually cheering because earlier NXT said sorry and then took out Vince McMahon who is almost portrayed as the major heel in all of WWE. But rest assured they will probably go back to booing the crap out of them next week.
kind of a dumb thread to start. if they felt that crowd reaction had that much of an affect on storylines, they could easily drown out the real noise and pump in boos or cheers.

i found it humorous that there were separate chants, yet again, with cena.

pro-cena clearly sounded like little kids and females, while anti-cena were all men.

i loved it.
Yes fans can cheer whoever they want, but this isn’t a sport.

Cheering a heel for doing bad things could be compared to going to the cinema and cheering when
Bambi's mum gets shot

"Where's your
?! Bom bom, bom bom bom" etc.

Really people should have respect for the show that is being put on, and respect for the more impressionable fans in the audience and at home- the unknowing marks.

Daniel Bryan chants are something different though, they break kayfabe because of a political decision that has affected a performer- and therefore should be chanted to perhaps rectify the situation in the future.
How can fans ruin it for fans. Its like the England squad bitchin about their fans in the world cup, If you spend that much money on a ticket u have the right to voice your opinion.
I think the cheering was probably more a response of relief to the fact that Vince wasn't behind the NXT invasion. That would have sucked and really felt like another repetition of old booking.
As previously noted, I'd expect next week for them to draw the same heat as they have been doing until now.
You were supposed to cheer Vince?

I mean I can understand them chearing a cena beat down , that could ruin a show , its obvious who you are supposed to cheer for.

Vince Just had fired a babyface gm, and the NXT guys just got off apoligizing to everyone for there behavior..

I honestly see "the nexus" as more of a tweener group atm.. Because they honestly can't expect anyone to ever cheer vince, or boo a vince beatdown, especially after he took credit for everything NXT accomplished.
I think if we had as much as control as you are saying by booing the good guy (cena) and cheering the bad guys (nxt). if we had that much impact on creative they would of turned cena heel by now which i think will happen if the leader of nxt is a huge face like the rock or hbk. but anyways kinda a weird topic cause it hardly makes since. cause if i pay money i wanna cheer the bad guy. i think the cena cena sucks cena cena sucks chants are priceless and to me its showing that cena cant and will never have a complete baby face reaction cause atleast 10% of the people who go to live events boo cena
but it ruining the storyline is totally absurd to me it adds depth to the story line cause the kiddies will feel its them and cena vs nxt and males over 16. i think the diverse story line can make it alot better and make live events even funner for everyone cause i think fatal four way wouldnt of been as good without the cena sucks chants cause it made you feel as tho there is a battle in the ring and a battle in the crowd
I am a huge supporter of people being allowed to do what they want. They pay their money and by doing this, they should have the right to pass judgement on the product and the features therein. Whether that is to chant for a recently released wrestler, then so be it. Whether it is to cheer for the heels and boo the babyface, then so be it.

The fact of the matter is that these people just wont enjoy the show so much as I do. I like to boo for the heels and cheer for the faces. By doing this, I think I get a better appreciation of how the WWE want me to be, as a fan. Sure, I have people I don’t like as faces and heels I would rather see as faces but at the end of the day, wrestling is all about the fans. The WWE wouldn’t exist if people didn’t pay their hard-earned money to go and chant whatever they want. Some people use this as a platform to make their statements (See Daniel Bryan) and some people just pay in to be entertained. Whatever you plan on doing when you are at a WWE show, then it is all gravy by my standards.

The only thing I will draw the line at is personal chants. I don’t think there is a place in the wrestling business for personal chants, like the ones who aim chants at John Cena and his off-screen character. I hate to see people taking it to so seriously that they can’t just enjoy the shows. Then again, it’s their loss.
Don't be mad at the fans. Be mad at WWE for booking a heel group to beat up one of the most hated man in WWE history. Anytime Vince gets beat up the people will cheer that person. They should be beating down Cena, Orton, Mysterio, and Bourne. People who are way over with kids and fans in general. This whole angle lost all of its sizzle when Danielson got fired. Then when they finally come out and show us a wrestler like HHH is leading the charge then it will truly be dead.
I personally love the fact that they beat down Vince. It restored some of my faith in the angle. They went back to being a group completely out for themselves willing to destroy anyone.

I thought when they came out that they were there merely for another Cena beatdown, which would have been just god awful because the angle would be seen as purely being an anti cena angle.
That Dave above me is a perfect example of a mark. I hope everyone learns from that.

The crowd sucked. They cheered Cena, so obviously its gonna be a lame crowd of children and woman who don't know what to do in these situations. It was obvious they'd boo Vince cause they don't know whether hes a heel or face. I don't know what is he either. He doesn't do anything heelish. His idea of being a heel is breaking character, smiling, and making a crowd full of marks boo him.

The NXT group is gay to begin with and destroying Cena will obviously garner cheers from smarks. Destroying Vince was pointless and just added to Vince's spotlight time.
this is a quite a stupid discussion, the very idea that fans are ruining an angle by cheering the wrong people is just silly, and this guy clearly doesnt know what a mark is either, surelly a mark is someone that cheers basicly when they want you to, a mark is someone that gets excited when they have lame diva matches.. its someone who cheers for john cena, or a case could be made that its someone who gets upset as soon as anyone doesnt do exactly what the wwe thinks they should, such as whoever started this thread.

Im pretty sure that they fully intend to bring danielson back to fight with the wwe against nxt anyway going by the explaination as to why he is gone, and unfortunatly they will take the chants for him to mean that that is what everyone wants
although im sure the chants mean that they actually wanted him to be involved in beating cena down rather than against it
That Dave above me is a perfect example of a mark. I hope everyone learns from that.

The crowd sucked. They cheered Cena, so obviously its gonna be a lame crowd of children and woman who don't know what to do in these situations. It was obvious they'd boo Vince cause they don't know whether hes a heel or face. I don't know what is he either. He doesn't do anything heelish. His idea of being a heel is breaking character, smiling, and making a crowd full of marks boo him.

The NXT group is gay to begin with and destroying Cena will obviously garner cheers from smarks. Destroying Vince was pointless and just added to Vince's spotlight time.

wow you couldn't be more wrong. I will also say that the NXT group is the best thing to happen in the WWE in a long time, with the beatdown of Vince they got a lot of their mojo back. Now they need to lay out Sheamus. Destroy the top. The sheep below will follow.
wow you couldn't be more wrong. I will also say that the NXT group is the best thing to happen in the WWE in a long time, with the beatdown of Vince they got a lot of their mojo back. Now they need to lay out Sheamus. Destroy the top. The sheep below will follow.

On what specific point? I will also say you need to elaborate for me to fully understand what you disagree with. Besides the NXT group being a bunch of noobs who have zero mic skill and has no reason to be cared for what else do you disagree with? The crowd part?
Why be mad at the fans?

See, I'd understand your point if the fans were constantly chanting "boring" or the constantly annoying "what?", but they were clearly pushing chants that had something to do with the angle at hand. It seems like the whole thing goes back to "is it ok to cheer for a heel?", and the answer is indefinitely yes. Cheering for a heel is basically rooting for the bad guy in a movie, book, comic, or any other TV show. It happens quite often really, and should be accepted whether you're at home thinking it or in a stadium of fans chanting it.

As to the mixed reactions (boos and cheers) that the NXT guys got, I really didn't expect anything less. Think about it, in the past 24 hours, they attacked the top face of the company (one that gets mixed reactions himself), cost him the title which was then won by a hated heel, but then they attacked and verbally mocked the heel as well. From the perspective of a fan, you want to boo them for some of there actions, but if you really are against Sheamus or Cena, you want to cheer them too.

I think John Morrison said it well on NXT a few weeks ago. Some people cheer, some people boo, but all that matters is you get a reaction. The NXT Season 1 guys were relatively unknown to the RAW audience, but are now viewed as threats to the top guys of the company. More so, the fans (be it because of Daniel Bryan or because of the angle) have found reasons to cheer or boo during the NXT segments. Regardless of whether or not it plays along to the angle, the angle itself has gotten a reaction, which is exactly what it was supposed to do.

As for the Daniel Bryan chants specifically, I believe they will die out a bit after a while, but are likely going to have some kind of effect on the WWE management. Someone already compared this to the Matt Hardy thing back in 2005, and I agree. Here you have someone built up by the company (although not completely, but that shouldn't matter) that was released under unfortunate circumstances, but yet he still has ties to a current angle and is incredibly over despite his absence. If and when Bryan is able to return to the WWE, the fan reaction will be months in the making.

So, I really can't see a major downside to the fan reaction. At no point in time would I say they are ruining the angle at all. People can cheer and boo whoever they wish, and I for one am actually satisfied with the fan response to this angle.

I'd much rather have a group of fans cheering the heels and booing the faces than a dead crowd.
How in the hell is someone gonna tell me who I can and can't cheer for? There was a thread complaining about booing Cena and now one about cheering NXT. Seriously why don't we just ban cheering along with chairshots, blood, and everything else that made WWE what it is to day? Apparently it screws up the storyline or hurts Cena's feelings. If the crowd were chanting FUCK YOU CENA or something then I would see a problem. Saying he sucks and cheering the heel is nothing at all. You know little kids go to NASCAR races too and have to hear their drivers get booed. They've survived it. If they've been to an away game in football they've had their team be booed. So far I Haven't heard this on the news "The child wouldn't have gone crazy but he just couldn't handle the Cena Sucks and NXT chants". Please stop making threads for the purpose of attacking people for doing what their hard earned money allows them to do.
On what specific point? I will also say you need to elaborate for me to fully understand what you disagree with. Besides the NXT group being a bunch of noobs who have zero mic skill and has no reason to be cared for what else do you disagree with? The crowd part?

I don't have the time to adequately argue with you, I will say that Vince's heel is the best in the business right now, an has been for years. Heelish actions? How about making people kissing hiss ass, firing people, plotting the downfall of guys like Brett Hart and Stone Cold.

Yes Vince McMahon is a very very good heel.
Yeah.... Do you remember when the naughty people in attendance used to cheer for that Stone Cold fellow instead of booing him???

That turned out OK in end!
I don't have the time to adequately argue with you, I will say that Vince's heel is the best in the business right now, an has been for years. Heelish actions? How about making people kissing hiss ass, firing people, plotting the downfall of guys like Brett Hart and Stone Cold.

Yes Vince McMahon is a very very good heel.

Yet you have the time to reply....

I never asked for an argument. I just asked cause you bothered to reply with such a blanket statement as "I disagree with everything you just said".

Of all the things you noted about Vince, none of them happened in the PG Era. Therein lies the problem. Cause none of these fans know about them. And so they only know they should boo him for some reason or another. If you wanna argue about him being the best heel well you can do that with a true wrestling fan who's watched the product for years but not with any of the current WWE fanbase who's mostly made up of families.

What we can garner from his character ATM is that he smiles, laughs, and breaks his character every second hes out there.
I have to agree with Stone Cold Randy Orton. The NXT guys are gay for going after Cena. The whole angle is such a contrived waste of time. I think it's funny when people say it's the best angle in WWE in years. What does that tell you about the quality of WWE's product???

As far as fans ruining the angle, that's the stupidest thing i have ever heard. The whole point of selling wrestling is to create two polar opposites to see who the fans will cheer and boo and as long as they do one or the other then they have been successful. The only way fans could ruin the angle is if they just didn't react or walked out of the building. Which is what fans should do but can't cause they either love or hate Cena (when they really should be indifferent since he's not even mildly entertaining.)
Yet you have the time to reply....

I never asked for an argument. I just asked cause you bothered to reply with such a blanket statement as "I disagree with everything you just said".

Of all the things you noted about Vince, none of them happened in the PG Era. Therein lies the problem. Cause none of these fans know about them. And so they only know they should boo him for some reason or another. If you wanna argue about him being the best heel well you can do that with a true wrestling fan who's watched the product for years but not with any of the current WWE fanbase who's mostly made up of families.

What we can garner from his character ATM is that he smiles, laughs, and breaks his character every second hes out there.

Good lord this PG crap is farking shit up, but these new fans don't outnumber the old who remember Vince as being a total dick. They won't rewrite history simply because they have went PG and cater to different fans.

As for the time, I really want to tear up what you said, just don't have the time to do it properly.

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