Fan Favorite...Best Champ....Up and Comer Awards

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Melon Farmer

The Fan’s Choice Award - Your Personal Favourite

1. D.C. - 1

2. 'The One' Big Will - 2

3. Gus - 2

4. Sincade - 2

Champion of the Year Award

1) Joseph Rios - 2

2) 'The One' Big Will - 3

3) Steamboat Ricky - 1

Up and Comer Award - Most Improved

1) Gus - 2

2) Disasterpiece - 2

3) Mohammad Hasheem - 2

The Fan’s Choice Award - Your Personal Favourite
3. Gus - I enjoy Gus' character, not just because hes my real life friend, but because his character is charismatic and is one of the best RPers in WZCW

Champion of the Year Award
2) 'The One' Big Will - He defeated 3 of the best that WZCW had to offer (even though AE was banned) walked away with the title and Gus' girl

Up and Comer Award - Most Improved

2) Disasterpiece - I havent seen any of the old WZCW/WZWF posts, but from what i've seen, you are one hell of an RPer, you and Reaper both
here are Gus' votes (since he's banned)
1. Sincade - I enjoy Sincades character, its almost like the heel stone cold, and it has a real edge to it, very cool character

2. Rios - He is the new WZCW's first, and so far Only World Champion, he is an amazing RPer, and thats why hes champ

3. Hashpipe - He;s come a long way, from, "I am arabic, hate me" to these full long, and detailed RPs, and he's gotten more mature from being around all of us :)
Fans Choice
I like Sincade and Gus and Will a lot but that one RP that DC did makes me really like his cool and easy going character. I have voted for DC

Champ of the year
I should have been on this list, lol i am joking. Ricky is a champion now but he hasn't defended it. Will was more entertaining with his title but I am gonna vote for Enforcer out of respect. :p

Up and comer:
I would like to thank Gus for voting for me :) I am returning the favor by voting for you. But I am not voting for u because u voted for me. U truly deserve this award, bro!! I thought you were like not even in the lower-card and I was wrong all along!! I wanna publicly apologize for thinking so lightly of you character you have shown me just how sick and awesome you are!!! Thank u!!!
1)Will - has become completely believable as the ego fuelled champ.
2)Ricky wins it for the class of his RP's alone, even though it is a brand new title
3)Hasheem - the development in character has been superb
1. My favorite personally is Gus, hes done nothing but help me with my RPs and help me by giving me ideas on how to develop my character, we went from enemies on the baseball field to friends in an E-Fed, who knew??

2. Will, he is the most dominate champ i've seen

3. I have to say Gus again, i read his RPs from the beginning and now, BIG difference, good job bro!!!
1. "The One" Big Will: He's a one mean, obscene, RPing machine. His RP's are always creative, impactful, and to the point.

2. "The One" Big Will: He beat up 3 of WZCW's finest, took the title and Gus' girl...nuff said.

3. Disasterpiece: Everytime he RP's he takes it to another level...I almost feel like were playing "Can you top that?" when we RP for tag matches.
Wow I never realized the lack of love for Everest :)

1. Sincade

2. Rios (I'll get you though)

3. Disasterpiece
Fans Choice
I like Sincade man he always makes anyone look like a main event player!!!

Champ of the year
Im going with enforcer he owns that world title man!

Up and comer:

Disasterpiece his rps man wow
Fan's Choice of the Year: Sincade: Anytime he's on the card, anytime he's doing a promo, anytime he's involved in anything its always worth reading regardless of how long or short. Sincade is definately the people's choice of the year.

Champion of the Year: Joseph Rios: He's yet to drop his Championship, & has become arguably the biggest heel in the business because of it. People love to hate this guy, & can't wait to see him drop it.. but like the heel version of John Cena, he always seems to overcome the odds & come out remaining the World Heavyweight Champion!

Up and Comer of the Year: Gus: The other two involved aren't (to me) up & comers because they're both solid in what they've done. Gus, however, reminds me of a guy that started not to long ago & is still working on his craft. (so to speak) The man is going to be a Main Event star one day.. he continues to work on everything he does, & only wants to become better with each step.
I enjoy Gus' character out of all of those selected, Will=Edge Sincade=SCSA, D.C=Jeff Hardy Gus's character is just himself, just b/c his rep is Matt, that really doesnt change anything about his character

best champ - Will, he has the biggest victory, IMO in WZCW so far

Up and Comer - Gus, he really has come a long way from when he started here
Fan Favorite

"The One" Big Will

-I've already said why he is my favorite. I just plain like the guy.

Champ of the Year

"The One" Big Will

-I'm a Will mark. The guy is the best in the fed.

Up and Comer Award

Mohammad Hasheem

-I voted him as worst character, so I figured I'd give him some positive stuff. He's matured a lot since the "BREAKING NEWS!!!!" thread, and he seems to be taking more initiative to better the fed more than himself. That's a cool thing. He'll be in good shape as he continues to mature and improve.
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