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The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
In the LD, I think some poster said something along the lines of he would have Maryse sit on his face. Admittedly, I found such a matter, to say the least, a little disturbing. I mean, though we don't like to admit it, that hole isn't exactly filled with milk and honey, if you catch my drift. Still, I wanted to see if this was an accepted aspect of sex culture.

I was stunned. The idea is apparently very accepted as a sexual entity, and even more confusing, is a sign of feminism. Now, that's another issue for another time, but I still can't help but get the appeal of anyone, even a woman, sitting on someone's face. Not even in the least.

So, facesitting; appealing, or not?
Very unappealing. How do you even ask for that? "Sit on ma face, bitch." Sounds weird.
Tenta tenta tenta. I saw you in the LD last night man. I was observing. Glad to see you pop in. <33

As for facesitting, I thought about it after reading that person's comment. It doesn't appeal to me, because wouldn't you suffocate?
If they squatted over your face...No,, I don't think my tongue is quite long enough...
Tenta tenta tenta. I saw you in the LD last night man. I was observing. Glad to see you pop in. <33

LOL, well, let's see if this lasts for a while. I'm trying to use up as much free time as possible.

Was that clip from Spamalot?
Thanks, though I'd wait a while to say actually back.

How does life treat you?

Eh, could be better. Had to deal with some drama from some stupid asswipe who seems to think that his opinion is the right way always and has to enforce it on everyone, and despite his constant bitching and moaning, my friend will just wind up forgiving him anyway, as always.


Anyway, yourself?
Yeah, I don't know what the process will go when the subject comes up.

"You. my face. let's make it happen."
No, from Monty Python Live.

Here's hoping you stay, man. The Natural Docsasters needs all its members! By the way, go to the thread and tell me if that's a good themesong for us.
I'll eat that like a fat kid would a cupcake. Whether she is sitting on my face or lying back. Although she needs to be fairly fresh. I wouldn't after a night at the club unless she showered first.
As for facesitting, I thought about it after reading that person's comment. It doesn't appeal to me, because wouldn't you suffocate?
If they squatted over your face...No,, I don't think my tongue is quite long enough...

Well, apparently, that's part of the appeal, some guys like to be suffocated. Now, that I can kinda see, the whole S&M shit. But... I mean, that's where shit comes from! Literally. Shit. Comes. From. That. Hole.
I'll eat that like a fat kid would a cupcake. Whether she is sitting on my face or lying back. Although she needs to be fairly fresh. I wouldn't after a night at the club unless she showered first.

Well I mean, Chi, the mere question is.... why?
What's unappealing about a woman sitting on your face? Her asshole doesn't necessarily need to be right on top of your nose (another part of her anatomy will be on your mouth).
Yeah. No. Don't see the appeal. I'd rather them sit on toilets than on faces.

Then again, as long as I can breathe and their hole is not on my mouth...

Oh, and in response to the poll options:

Hey Tenta. Nice to see you again.

Again, let's wait to see if this will permanent, lol.

Doc, I saw the song, works perfectly for me. And I love Adding Pyrusane. While Doc-sasters work, can we go with like Freebord, or Demolition? Maybe Doc-o-Lition? I just think it fits our gimmick, if we have one :lmao:

How you been man?
Holy shit! Tenta draws. Welcome back though, my friend. I've missed you.

As for the facesitting issue. I could not be more repulsed by idea. In saying that, I have never tried it and I don't think that I ever will if I can help it. I don't mind giving oral pleasure to a woman but that is a very different story, to be honest.
What's unappealing about a woman sitting on your face? Her asshole doesn't necessarily need to be right on top of your nose (another part of her anatomy will be on your mouth).

Well then why not just call it head?

I mean, the way I see it, Head and Facesitting are different entities. And from the sites I've seen, it appears as though the main point is that the face is smothered by the ass, asshole and all. It looks kinda like that scene from Borat
Holy shit! Tenta draws. Welcome back though, my friend. I've missed you.

As for the facesitting issue. I could not be more repulsed by idea. In saying that, I have never tried it and I don't think that I ever will if I can help it. I don't mind giving oral pleasure to a woman but that is a very different story, to be honest.

Good to see you too, Dave. Miss you buddy.

See, my thing is, it seems really different dfrom oral, at least

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