Facebook Posts You Don't Have the Guts to Post

Oh good, I've been looking for somewhere to get this off my chest;

Ultron made a better superhero villain in Age of Ultron than the Joker did in the Dark Knight
Next person to post an ambigious rage comment like "fucked off doesn't even describe it!" gets their shit pushed in.

This goes times how ever many days its been in a row for serial posters.
As I see all the unemployed losers from my old town who, despite being fully educated about birth control, are having unwanted babies at the age of 22, I find it hilarious that you have all ruined your life, while I'm going on holiday to Portugal next month. And I don't have to get a babysitter or deal with my child being on a plane.

Also, the people who congratulate you on a child that you're nowhere near ready for are either lying, or fucking idiots.
I'm sick and tired of one particular person jumping on the activist band wagon whenever they get a chance. One day it'll be animal treatment, another day climTe control, another day why chocolate chip cookies should stop being sold. (Not shitting you that was a legit suggestion) The worst is that she'll post these "articles" or fact sheets as to why, but half the time they're written by clueless, biased, dumb asses who don't fact check for shit. Only probably is she's hot as hell, so I've always had the urge to say something to the extent of, if you want to be an activist for something, you can be an activist for my dick. Never say it considering she's best friends with the girlfriend, but it's crossed my mind, and yes I'm a shitty person for thinking it.
These little school-skipping shits can ruin my fucking life two bus journeys a day, burst my ear drums, say piss to my personal space.

But if I garrotte them, people would frown at me! Fucked up mang.
Seriously though, fuck Hulk Hogan. The world is generally a pretty shitty place, and ain't nobody got time for someone who not only fails to make it better, but is more interested in defending his racism than accepting he needs to grow as a person.
Anything wrestling related.

I've had people delete me or tell me they're hiding my posts for things I've said but I won't post wrestling statuses. And I have found lately I have friends who are wrestling fans but I didn't know because they don't post wrestling stuff either.
Nah there's like 10% of the boos being racist which is pretty bad either way, seeing as they're dumb people who are now thinking what they think is ok because others are booing him and they can't figure out the reasons why it's different. Everyone has handled it stupidly, especially goodes.
Why does it take a celebrity acting 'like a normal person' like Cara Delevingne or Jennifer Laurence for people to be happy with their lives. I get it it's cool that you get celebrities who aren't doing the Charlie Sheen thing of coke and hookers but if it takes a celebrity acting like you for you to enjoy your own life you need help.
You post so many selfies you have to be one of the most narcissistic people alive. Oh wait! This is social media and it breeds people like you.
I don't really care about that lion. At all.

Your acting like a psychotic 8 year-old shows that you definitely weren't ready to go into the full-blown transgender transition

Your food looks, smells and tastes horrible, vegans. Get off your high tofu horse and go back to instagram ********s
Your acting like a psychotic 8 year-old shows that you definitely weren't ready to go into the full-blown transgender transition



I think I've seen a total of five people on Facebook who aren't completely ******ed when they're talking about Adam Goodes.

Most of you facebook people use grammar worse than when you did in year 9, and in that year half of you couldn't read. What the fuck happened to you? Was there some kind of plague I missed in 2014 that made you all use "his" instead of "he's"? No wonder this country is heading towards the shitter, to you freaks the politicians must seem like prophets with infinite wisdom.

I love how you're so over that guy you falsely accused of cheating on you when he broke up with you that you've gone and; stolen half his stuff, sold half the stuff you stole, tried to get him fired from work, raided his work after you couldn't get him fired, egged his new girlfriend's car, punched him and his girlfriend at a club, used a bunch of thirsty as fuck guys to harrass his social media accounts, and used your dad to threaten him multiple times - all while documenting it in Facebook posts in between statuses about how you're so happy for all your friends' support, and daily profile picture updates with new captions saying how you're over it all and you're looking forward to the next chapter in your life. Girl please, it's been almost 8 months now and I feel bad for the three boyfriends you've had and neglected over that time because you're still so hung up on it.
So in order for Republicans to start to care about sexism, a successful white woman needs to be teased by an old white guy.

Instead of talking about the VMAs and Kanye West running for president in 2020, you should be instead talking about how Hulk Hogan said that he plans to be Donald Trump's running mate, and solidifying that our political system is exactly like the WWE Hall of Fame. A JOKE. If Hogan plans to run with Trump, well maybe then Bubba the Love Sponge should consider running for Secretary of State. It was HIS wife's and Hogan's sex tape. And then we see Trump buying and selling trophy wives. Nice going America

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