Facebook Posts You Don't Have the Guts to Post

Marriage equality is great and all, but I think I'm happier about the fact that I didn't see any anti-gay marriage posts on my news feed today. And I'm happy about that not because I hate bigotry (I do), but because it means I've done a fantastic job trimming the fat of who's posts I see on Facebook over the past several years.
How many times can you shake someones annoying baby at walmart before they stop crying without killing them? I think 14 times was too many.

Toys r Us should sell Nyquill milkshakes for parents who want a quiet evening alone without spending money on a babysitter.

Why are pieces of corn the only vegetable you hear about showing up in your shit?

The laundromat should have BBQ flavored dryer sheets so homeless people can make beef jerky in one dryer while they wait for their clothes to finish in another one.
I can't believe that the all of the gimps I have on Facebook that I know from a wrestling forum all have girlfriends and I don't.
Ugh! This trend of changing your profile picture to the multicolored flag makes most of the people on my Facebook look like utter *****. Not that I don't support gay marriage (because I do), it's just that most of these people have done nothing for gay pride. It just stinks of "what's trendy right now? Oh, gay rights! Well, better show my support on a medium that counts for fuck all..."
Especially in the UK where we've had gay marriage for over a year (ignoring norniron).
Why do none of my gay friends on fb have a rainbow profile picture?
Why do none of my gay friends on fb have a rainbow profile picture?

My theory is that they don't feel like they need to prove to their community that they're happy about gay marriage being legalized. It's probably safe to assume what their feelings on the matter are.
My theory is that they don't feel like they need to prove to their community that they're happy about gay marriage being legalized. It's probably safe to assume what their feelings on the matter are.

That they are british and it doesn't affect them in the slightest due to them being able to get married for a couple of years due to Britain having legalised gay marriage well before the US
"Every Sunday Facebook is a battleground between White Jesus and Black Jesus. Just thought I'd call attention to that."
I've started rating people's selfies on Facebook. I'm using the 0 to 10 system we're all familiar with, but I'm judging on image quality and relevance instead of hotness.

Basically I've made 4/10 even more fun than it used to be.
Look, I know it's extremely unlikely, but if I'm ever drunk enough where I think it's a fun idea to light fireworks off on top of my head, I am giving my friends full permission to restrain me, and if need be, beat me up until I am no longer able to put fireworks on my head.
I love that literally the same people that bitch and moan about people on benefits getting money for doing fuck all are glad to see the inheritance tax threshold raised. It's right that someone like me, who's parents died in relative poverty has to move to fucking Dubai to earn enough to get a deposit on a house, while all you ***** who I have beaten every step of the way at every juncture of life just get money because someone else worked hard to get it. But yeah, fuck benefits - money for nothing!
Yeah. I think an inheritance tax of 100% would be the fairest system.

Of course that wouldn't work in practice, so there should be an exemption limit / otherwise taxed threshold of some 10,000$ and commodities / property / companies should only be taxed once they're converted into money (sold / rented / made a profit).

That would effectively curb the increasing drift between poor / middle class / super rich and the political power shift that goes with it by providing a cutoff point. The massive budget gain might be used to lower taxes on hard-earned money as well.

Counter arguments are people feeling entitled to things they didn't work for and people thinking corpses own something. And bypass strategies like pre-death donations or exorbitant wages for pretense work.
Yeah. I think an inheritance tax of 100% would be the fairest system.

Of course that wouldn't work in practice, so there should be an exemption limit / otherwise taxed threshold of some 10,000$ and commodities / property / companies should only be taxed once they're converted into money (sold / rented / made a profit).

That would effectively curb the increasing drift between poor / middle class / super rich and the political power shift that goes with it by providing a cutoff point. The massive budget gain might be used to lower taxes on hard-earned money as well.

Counter arguments are people feeling entitled to things they didn't work for and people thinking corpses own something. And bypass strategies like pre-death donations or exorbitant wages for pretense work.

Inheritance is unfairly demonized because of an unfortunate amount of people who use inheritance to fund absurd things that they don't need. Fortunately, I'd say the majority of inheritors use the money they inherit to either A) pump money back into the economy by investing it or B) use it to grow their own business/pay for education within their family, which ostensibly benefits society.

I'm not arguing against estate tax–I don't think anyone needs to inherit more than one million dollars, as one mil conservatively spent and invested could probably last any one person a lifetime–but I think inheritance is more often than not used to benefit society.
When you look at the number of individual inheritances, maybe. When you look at total wealth inherited, resounding no.

With a maximum income tax of ~40% and capital gains tax of 20% those who work pay more than those who have. It's magnitudes easier to earn money by having money than to earn money by working for it.

As long as that's true and inheritance is sacred, rich-poor disparity is a one-way street with accelerating speed, effectively leaving vast majorities with nothing and few with everything. When money influences politics and media and being wealthy is strongly correlated with inheritance, you have aristocracy in all but name.
Not really a post, more of a thought I had today.

I can unfriend people who have stupid opinions, but I can't unfriend my family.

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