A word from the wise

Ahem. Im pretty sure he wasnt on about new guys shooting, more on the way new posters are treated in general. I dont think he was calling you out or twisting anything, you may just be being a tad oversensitive

Correct. If I didn't make that clear, I apologise. It was supposed to be "something that IC said made me think about the attitude as a whole". It is far more aimed at this kind of thing:

Poster with around 500 posts: I think X because Y
Poster with around 4 posts: I think your wrong because Z (normally a much better argument)
Poster with around 500 posts: Who are you?

Also, if you think that I think that my opinion is somehow more important than anyone else's on this topic, you've wholly missed the point. Not self-righteous, just able to speak with 100% confidence in what I'm saying. I'd be a fantastic boxer, if I wasn't fat, slow and unable to throw a punch with my left arm.

IC is probably only second to TM in terms of making people welcome here, and usually does bring up good posters long before anyone else does. That's another thing that Norcal does pretty well actually.

I really don't get the point of mentoring though. Here's my advice to anyone who needs a mentor - "think before you speak". Or type anyway. If you can't see your argument, don't expect anyone else to. In your first post, be succinct, nobody wants to read a tome when they aren't invested in the topic. As for debating, the Luther interpretation of debating on this forum is too often depressingly accurate. Don't break down everything line by line, do what Sly, Gelgarin and IC do - pick out the important points, but more importantly the important points that are wrong, and address them. If you aren't as witty as Coco or General Disarray (the proper one) don't try and be an intelligent troll, it won't work and everyone will hate you. My number one piece of advice though is if you have nothing to add to the discussion, don't say it. It astonishes me how many times you go into a conversation and about 100 people have made the same identikit point. The fun here is in the conversation, not in boosting the post count. Klunderbunker has a ridiculous post count because he spent so much time doing OCW, something he enjoyed, not because he went in every single TNA thread and repeated someone else's opinion.

Xfear didn't get a mention, no, I apologise. Xfear is not one of the people who has been two faced to TM. The people that have, know they have. Xfear is the only person I've never met whose opinion I once considered asking. I still might, and if I don't it's no reflection on him.

I have more to say, I just have to go to work.
Way to make a complete, total, and utter buffoon, jackass of yourself on that one, IC :lmao: :thumbsup:

Please, I beg of you all, someone post a picture of a donkey
TM Sucks gerbil testes. He tried to ruin MITB on me and He wont stop fucking poking me on facebook.

But I'll get him back... one day.
Man, no fun. I was bored and wanted to get into it with Tasty.

And NorCal, you little shit stirrer, let me have my fun too. I can't enjoy a little worked shoot?
I once thought I loved by Tastycles. Once.

:shrug: I'm not entirely sure why TM, Sidious too, are still being mentioned on the site. It's been over a year since he left why can you people just not let everything die?

Instead we're all sitting here beating a dead horse. What's the point in that?
Have you ever tried beating a live horse? Fucking dangerous.

:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao: I gave too much rep in the past 24 hours, but yours is coming.

On a side note: When I was child, a horse kicked me directly in the stomach. I was walking behind it, just about to pet it; not realizing I would spook the horse, thought it was perfectly fine. I'm honestly lucky to be alive.
Man, no fun. I was bored and wanted to get into it with Tasty.

And NorCal, you little shit stirrer, let me have my fun too. I can't enjoy a little worked shoot?


Dont even. Hey, I have some ocean front property in Wyoming id like to sell all of you, since IC thinks you will buy anything, apparently.

Its ok. scrape up your pride after that QB sack it just took, and just move on
I was unaware that posting on the forum like everyone else was considered "butting in" these days :lmao:

hey. if it aint right, then its wrong.
I think major JO material is something that will stick around this place long after we've all moved on. In 20 years there will be an entirely new group of posters and they'll still be saying major JO material without even knowing its origins.
If there wasn't already a a thread dedicated to big tits and related topics then Major JO Material would be an epic name for a sticky.
Doc, Sly, tdigle and Lee. Those are the people who I don't think are ***** when it comes to discussing TM negatively in public, because those are the ones who did it when he was here. Pretty much everyone else should be ashamed. Ashamed either because you kissed someone you didn't like's arse for two years or ashamed for ditching your friend. For the record, I like TM, he was one of the only long term members that made new people feel welcome. Were his actions weird? Yes. Do I think he was being sinister rather than inappropriately curious? No.

I don't recall if I ever said anything negative about TM here but if I did, it was warranted. I never had an issue with him here at all. In fact, he was always rather cool to me and was one of the first people to welcome me to the forums and hell, we were even friends on Facebook. But after I made a somewhat personal post one day he took it upon himself to debate me on some stuff which is all well and good. But when I rebutted, he quickly dropped the whole debate thing and just started taking personal shots at me just because we had different viewpoints. He was a dick.

Still, I don't recall ever slamming him here. He's not here to defend himself.

Here's my advice to anyone who needs a mentor - "think before you speak". Or type anyway. If you can't see your argument, don't expect anyone else to. In your first post, be succinct, nobody wants to read a tome when they aren't invested in the topic. As for debating, the Luther interpretation of debating on this forum is too often depressingly accurate. Don't break down everything line by line, do what Sly, Gelgarin and IC do - pick out the important points, but more importantly the important points that are wrong, and address them. If you aren't as witty as Coco or General Disarray (the proper one) don't try and be an intelligent troll, it won't work and everyone will hate you. My number one piece of advice though is if you have nothing to add to the discussion, don't say it. It astonishes me how many times you go into a conversation and about 100 people have made the same identikit point. The fun here is in the conversation, not in boosting the post count. Klunderbunker has a ridiculous post count because he spent so much time doing OCW, something he enjoyed, not because he went in every single TNA thread and repeated someone else's opinion.

This... this hit a nerve. I think I'll actually have to take this to heart.

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