Facebook Posts You Don't Have the Guts to Post


Unregistered User
Everyone has thoughts that they wish they could share with the world, but because you have crushes/significant others/co-workers/family members that can see your Facebook/Twitter posts, there's really no good way to share that information.

Until now.

Use this thread to get out those disgusting, crass, mean, angry, pathetic, or otherwise socially unacceptable thoughts in a public spectrum.

I'll start off.

Looks like it's going to be a two immodium type of day.
For me, it's not so much things I don't wanna say, it's things that I can't say for fear of being fired from my job.

Those days where someone really pisses you off, or just performs like total shit the entire day, you just wanna put up something along the lines of "Maybe we'd all get on better if you pulled your head out of your fucking ass".

But, you've got friends on FB from work, so you've gotta bite your tongue.
Bet you're all feeling real fucking stupid that Obama hasn't risen as the communist socialist Antichrist muslim Kenyan that took your guns and your jobs by now.
My brother just posted this on Facebook, and I want to call him a fucking ill informed idiot.

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1) Good for you for believing in Jesus but SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT! I don't need to hear your bible thumping crap!

2) Get the fuck off your high morale horse bitch!

3) If you're so fucking offended then don't pay attention to it and move the fuck on.
1) Good for you for believing in Jesus but SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT AND STOP TELLING ME I'M GOING TO HELL!

2) Get the fuck off your high morale horse bitch!

What's one with having high morale?
I don't care how in love you are with your current boyfriend, you'll probably break up with him like the rest


Not all men are worthless just the ones you date because you have terrible taste
People are afraid to post things on Facebook? My soon-to-be father-in-law blocked me on Facebook because there was about a week's worth of posts detailing our sex life. :shrug:
Seriously, I hate statuses that are targeted at one specific individual and designed to get a response from others..

"OMG I can't believe some people"

"I thought you loved me!"

"Don't ya hate when people talk behind ya back??"

"Feeling so down and ITS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU CUNT!"

"You think you'll see your child again, fuck off!"
1) I bet you dont know half the people on your 'friends' list. Now quit taking selfies in the bathroom mirror & go meet some real people who may actually like you without having to click a button.

2) Unless you are a paid restaurant critic, stop taking pictures of everything you eat. No-one gives a fuck about a half eaten salad or how 'super yummy' that $6 frappuccino was.
Your naming your child Londynn? Fuck me, guess you are trying to remind everyone of the fact you got knocked up when you didnt mean to

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