Evolution 2.0


Getting Noticed By Management
In my opinion Evolution was the next phase of heel stable after the Four Horsemen. You had:

Flair - Torch Passer - Past
HHH - Main Eventer - Present
Batista - Young Muscle - Future
Orton - Young Legacy - Future

The premise of past, present and future all together is interesting if done right and creates its own exit scenario when the young eventually overstep their place. If we did Evolution in today's WWE my group would be:

HHH - Torch Passer, wrestles minimally - Past
Orton - Main Eventer - Present
Ryback - Muscle
Ziggler (with Kaitlyn)- Young Riser

I would keep HHH in it, now as the Torch Passer who wrestles minimally, just to keep linkage with the original group. And Orton is enough of a veteran and a presence now so that I would be comfortable with him as my main eventer. Ryback made sense to me as the muscle just because creative doesn't seem to have a clear direction for this guy. The Young Riser was tough but Ziggler has enough chops already to hang with these guys and to me seems credible enough to be the guy that eventually breaks the team up. And yes I did put Kaitlyn with him not in a romantic sense but more like a nod to Tully Blanchard from the Horsemen who still kept his valet Baby Doll around when he joined with Flair and company. Maybe even give Kaitlyn a long run as Diva's champ too. I like this group because all have been heels but can be over as faces as well.

I would not do this now but down the line after some of the current storylines have concluded. Good idea? If so, who would be your Evolution 2.0?
I'm not sure this would benefit anyone other than Ryback. Orton doesn't need a group, he has been booked a certain way for a long time and that character he has doesn't need help. HHH would be a good old schooler for a group, and it wouldn't be hard for him, since he is at most RAW tapings anyways... hmmm...

But the problem is the future stars. I don't think Ziggler needs it. To be perfectly honest, he is a former World champions, albeit for around ten seconds. But he is already fairly over, and has an established reputation. When Orton joined Evolution, he was languishing in the wrong section of the card.

Ryback could do with some relevance though..

Just My Opinion.
I would like another evolution but different name because i feel once something great is done like the original evolution it shouldnt be repeated *cough MEM cough* it IMO takes away from the 1st time. But give it another name same concept and your looking at a heel stable consisting of

Past- Edge Need i say more but hes the legend
Present- Randy Orton Who better and it can give him a reason to turn heel. He can say he want 1 of his own his own Evolution (legacy tried)
Young Muscle- Big E but i cant see a championship other than tagteam around
Young Talent or Future- Dolph, Drew M., or Seth rollins
It's funny you make this post as I've actually been playing this out in WWE 13 for awhile now.

I kept Triple H as the "past" as I figure now that he is semi-retired from being an actual wrestler he would fit the role well.

For present I picked CM Punk. He just seemed like the best guy you could get for the role. While HHH would be the leader of the group, Punk would be the one who holds the WWE Championship and kind of the top dog.

For future I picked both Dolph Ziggler and Ryback. Ryback is simply the muscle of the group and would be a perfect replacement for Batista. Dolph would be similar to Randy Orton. While Punk holds the WWE Championship Ziggler could hold the World Championship.
no evolution. corporation 2.0 vince claiming wade to be next corporate champ
wade fails. hhh claims vince dropped the ball. hhh vs wade at mania.
wade was on his way to be a legit main eventer before put down by yours truly.
it's about time.
I wouldn't be opposed to seeing a revival of Evolution. I like the idea of HHH taking over the role of Ric Flair. The only problem I see with HHH in that role is I can't see him wrestling as much as Flair did in the original.

I would like it to be:
HHH-Torch Passer
Orton-Main Eventer
Cesero or maybe Big E-Muscle
Sandow-Rising Star

I've seen a lot of people saying Ryback should be the Muscle, but personally I have zero intrest in seeing Ryback at all.(Maybe it was damn near year long PPV losing streak.) I think Sandow being the Rising Star of the group would be a good fit, (based on arrogance) and it would be a good opportunity for him to develop a mean streak. I could also see Cesero getting over in a similar way as Batista.
Good thread. Personally, I wouldn't have Evolution comeback for another round.. theres no way they would hold a candle to the first evolution.. BUT, that being said.. here's my picks:

I would like it to be:
HHH-Torch Passer
The Miz-Main Eventer (turn him heel and give him his push back..he could pull it off)
Reigns - The muscle
Curtis Axel-Rising Star
Some terrible suggestions here. You either have superstars already in groups doing okay by themselves, already established superstars doing just fine on their own, or people put into a group who are great talkers. And Curits Axel? He is with the best in the business at this time.

A few suggestions of my own would be Wade Barrett, Mason Ryan and Drew McIntyre.
I wouldn’t go with the name Evolution 2.0. I would go with REvolution or Re-Evolution. I do like this idea and some of the different versions. For my lineup, I would go with.

Past – Triple H
HHH is the natural choice to be the mentor of this group. Triple H is like an amalgam of Vince McMahon and Ric Flair.

Present – Randy Orton
Orton is the natural choice to be the leader of this REvolution. He was once the future, and now he is the present.

Present / Future – Damien Sandow
Sandow is a great choice to represent the future. He is a combination of Mr. Perfect and the Genius.

Future – Bo Dallas
NXT World Champion…NeXT World Champion. He is the definition of future. He is the perfect fit in the next step of Evolution.

Future – Adrian Neville and Corey Graves
The NXT Tag Team Champions. That’s how you get a push!!

Women’s – Paige
What better way to introduce the future of Women’s Wrestling than to introduce the Evolution of the WWE Diva.

The storyline I would go with is Vince McMahon trying to take complete control of the WWE back to himself. In order to do this, he tries to reform the Corporation. He would have:

John Cena
Alberto Del Rio
Curtis Axel
Dean Ambrose
Set Rollins
Roman Reigns
A.J. Lee

By having all of the Champions in his Stable, Vince thinks he won control. Then I would have Triple H reform Evolution with both Mr. Money In The Banks and the Champions of NXT. I’d also eventually have either Curtis Axel or Dean Ambrose turn on the Corporation and join REvolution, but I can’t decide which one of the 2.
If we speak with out heads and not our hearts, we know why HHH can't come back full time. He is too involved backstage, and putting him out every week will diminish his "special event" status.

But that is not to say that, this isn't possible. I agree there would have to be a connection to the old Evolution. So, I would suggest the leader of this suggested "Re-Evolution" get HHH's blessing as part of the storyline.

It could be drawn out long on TV, as this new leader, scouts his members, and then eventually forms them. There could be great anticipation of who he picks, when they finally debut.

Of course there first target and fued would have to be with Randy Orton.

Past = Christian. As he has seen it all, in the two most recent eras, and can be the brains and give direction. He can be sly and sneaky and annoying too.

Present = Sheamus. This spot has to go to someone who has owned titles, and want to continue to own titles. It would take some character tweaking, but that would be good for him. He has nothing going on right now, and has never been in a stable, so it would be a refreshing spot. The E has build him as very credible at any time, so he does fit the billing.

Future = Bo Dallas. He would have to debut and be given a lil credibility.

Young Muscle = Ryback - Being in a group can cover many of his flaws. He fits the Batista mold very well, as he has never been a world champion, but has a good track record.
Ziggler is already a pretty huge star.. So no.

HHH-Torch Passer
Sheamus-Main Eventer
Mason Ryan -Muscle
Drew McIntyre-Rising Star
I don't like your Dolph Ziggler or Ryback picks. Both are established wrestlers at this point, with one already being a former world champion. When Evolution formed, people barely knew who Batista was, and Orton had only been moderately successful. That group, more than I think any faction in wrestling, took two young guys and made them into main event stars. Legitimate, legend-approved, main event talent that ruled the wrestling landscape for a couple of years.

It's not likely to happen again. Evolution was very much a "perfect storm" situation, when there wasn't a ton of other talent stepping up. It also helped that at the time, Smackdown was an independent show that had enough talent to stand on its own, so Evolution could rule over the Raw roster without taking spots from too many other up-and-comers.

I don't know that I would take Triple H in the legends role. He's too normal. He's around all the time now. I don't know that, until he leaves an on-screen role, people will perceive him with the same status as a guy like Ric Flair. Nor should they - he's not Ric Flair.

If you deviate a little from the Evolution formula, I personally thought a Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar, CM Punk and Curtis Axel team would have accomplished the same thing. Except that Lesnar won't work full time, and wouldn't ever be put in a situation where he would concede to CM Punk. So...there's that.

Legend: Scott Hall
Main Event: Randy Orton
Muscle: Big E Langston
Legacy: Curtis Axel

Imma slap anybody that tells me Scott Hall can't emotionally handle the stress of a full-time WWE life on the road - not the point of this thread, is it? Scott is in great shape, now that he's been living with DDP. Give it another few months and he's going to be back to working shape. He's already accepting bookings as his son Cody's manager. Not only is Scott a big time legend people will recognize, he's one of the most naturally gifted heel workers I've ever seen. He's certainly capable of being a manager and cutting promos.

Throw Randy Orton into Triple H's old spot. He's got the same kind of style and character to him. Dominant. Cold and calculating. A smart heel, but one that's not above hiding behind his boys. Somebody that can learn from the guidance and wisdom of Scott Hall. Somebody that the fans will readily accept as the world champion, because he's been there nine times before already.

Big E Langston is in much the same spot Batista was when Evolution started. He had worked a few programs, was impressing a few people, but needed that push to get over. Curtis Axel is similar to Randy Orton at that time as well. He had a decent young heel gimmick, but wasn't connecting the way many had hoped. Like big Dave, he needed Evolution to get over.

I don't know about you, but I could see Langston becoming US CHampion, Axel retaining the Intercontinental Championship, and Randy Orton being the WWE Champion. I think they'd make up a great group of talented workers, and people would be ready to boo the hell out of them. And, because I really want to see Scott Hall come back and end his career on a positive note, because if anybody has worked for that honor, it's him.

There's one exception I think could replace Scott Hall... Jake Roberts. He's more along the lines of Randy Orton, and wants back in the WWE. He wants to return, wants to end his career on a positive note. Man was he cold. Terrifying man. I had nightmares as a kid watching him, and even then I was watching VHS tapes of events ten years earlier. If there's anybody that could take Randy Orton to that next level of badass heel, it's Jake "The Snake". Also...Viper. Snake. DUH.
If people took this question seriously they'd have to consider a few things:

1. There is no way in hell they would bring Evolution back without including either Triple H or Randy Orton, but they'd most likely use both, since Triple H is semi-retired and Orton is currently still a top guy

2. The only purpose of the first Evolution was to make 2 young guys top guys. Picking well-established former champions like Dolph Ziggler doesn't make any sense if Evolution came back

3. There is no way there'd be more than four people in Evolution. It's supposed to be exclusive, that's what made Orton and Batista so special. Even four can be considered a crowd, but they made it work.

With that being said, I'd say Triple H, Randy Orton, Mason Ryan, and Bo Dallas (with a new name) would be great for the new stable.
I cant believe it.... The 2 guys above me came with the THUNDER.... I loved their selections....I actually like HHH as the torch passer.... IT WAS HIS GROUP FOR CHISSAKES.... That would be like starting a 4 horsemen without Flair... U cant have the Horsemen without FLAIR.... LOL... Besides the definition of evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations..... If U look at that and factor in the first Evolution was Triple HHH as the present and Randy Orton as the future than it is only fitting that Triple H would be the passer and Randy is now the present... I also like Mason Ryan or Big E as the muscle... I like Big E because he has a lot of potential and man Mason Ryan is of course Batista 2.O so I can see why they would be great choices but how about TITUS O NEAL...Seriously... U can see that they think he has solo potential and they R trying 2 slowly prepare us for him leaving the PTPs but think about how much of a rub he would get from that group....Yeah he is older but he still is young as far as years in the biz and he is a GENETIC FREAK.... Oh and being older means he knows he would have 2 make the most of his Shot.... I love BO DALLAS as the future.. He has the lineage and he got just enough of a push earlier this year that fans would accept him with the right gimmick... I mean I loved Orton as THE LEGEND KILLER... Who knows what would work for BO.... Evolution was designed to not only be a great stable but also to raise the awareness of guys who have the potential to be stars... I like the thought of Axel but he of course has Heyman right now so he is good and although I like Big E... I think he is gettin a nice amount of shine just being with AJ... I think he will be fine... Ryan and O'Neal are the ones who need it most right now.....I LOVE THIS TOPIC AND CONCEPT... GOOD POST Oh and I actually would love 4 JAKE 2 be the passer torcher if not Triple H... HE WOULD BE AMAZING giving promos while the VIPER stares blankly.... COOL
A stable like this should only be made if WWE is willing to invest in two younger guys as the future of the company. That said, why not take Heyman's stable and turn it into that? You have Heyman as the mouthpiece/legend, Lesnar as the main eventer (only need him to wrestle when something big is on the line), Axel as the young legacy (young in terms of experience to the main roster since he is already 33 I believe). The young muscle is probably the biggest question mark. How do you have someone on the same level of strength as Brock Lesnar? Why do you even need a muscle guy since the main eventer is the ultimate freak? I would go with Kassius Ohno as the last member of the group. Since he is a veteran of the ring but not the WWE this would be a great place to stick him, especially if the feud with Punk continues. Chris Hero and Punk go way way back to essentially the beginning of their careers and will have such great chemistry together. By sticking him in this group, it would make complete sense in establishing who he is and priming him for a run to the top. He has a very unique skill set and is good enough on the mic to where he can put himself over after Heyman puts him over first.
I may be the unpopular opinion here, but I really wasn't so keen on Evolution for a large portion of its run. For a heel stable, they did their job, but it just seemed so... cut and dry. Flair wanted to build the future, HHH wanted to cement himself and Randy and Batista wanted to make a name. Great at first. Then it eventually became everyone making sure HHH doesn't lose the title, which lost my interest until Randy broke apart. This wouldn't work if they tried to repeat it because it could very well end up like all those NWO spinoffs, but I'll take a crack at it anyway, although I'd make a member for each division: the veteran, the main eventer, the midcarder/breakout star of the future, the tag team and the diva.

Past: HHH. There'd be no point in a re-make without Flair, Orton, Batista or Trips. Flair is retired, Batista is doing movies, and aligning Orton with another stable post-Legacy is both a bit illogical and just redundant. HHH, however, is in a position of power as COO, making him perfect for the role and giving him the chance to abuse it a bit for the stable. Plus, he's the only one out of Orton, himself and Batista who could do the veteran of the past thing well.

Present: Dean Ambrose. Dean's cold, calculated and unpredictable character could do wonders in this role. He would rip promos to shreds in a position like this. I know it's easy to say he's too new to be the present, but I think he's, quite frankly, too good to be the future, and is not passive enough to take a backseat role in anything. I say, push him now. Break from the Shield with HHH's vision and promise of fortune and do what he has done for the Shield for the new Evolution. I also think it'd be fresh. No other main eventer here could do it as well, imo. Wade Barrett was my second choice, but he's run his course with stables.

Future (singles/muscle): Ezekiel Jackson. Big E. was my original choice for this spot, but then I thought of other musclemen I could put into this role. Ryback is a little too monstrous of a personality, Mason Ryan is sub-par at best, Roman Reigns would be awkward to have while Dean is there as well, and then I got to Big Zeke. When I though about it, he fit better than any one of them. He'd look much more badass in the typical suit-and-tie attire, he could play enforcer better than most, he's bigger than Big E. and is good enough to stand out when needed without overshadowing the others. As odd as it sounds, I like Zeke in such a role, and though he's been here for a while, he hasn't had as much success for it to be odd for him to be behind Ambrose.

Future (tag team): The Uso's. Jimmy and Jey probably fit the rookie role better than any of my other members so far. They're part of a legacy, which is always a plus, and can go in the ring as well as hold their own on the mic. All they'd need to do is calm their personality a bit and revert to the heels they were when they debuted. Having a tag team in the new stable could be like HHH's way of a total takeover the proper way without him having to be part of a team the way Flair did with Batista. Now Dean can be the world champion, Zeke can hold the IC or US title (moreso just for the sake of having it, as being the muscle speaks for itself), and The Uso's can hold the tag titles. No other team in the WWE right now is touching them in terms of ability other than The Shield and PTP (would have chose the latter, but Darren Young isn't much without Titus, who's personality is too dynamic for this role).

Diva: Layla. Just to keep with Evolution covering all angles of domination here, I'd have a diva in the form of Layla. She obviously plays a better heel and can just do the British elegance thing she did with Regal a while back. She'd be an excellent divas champ/valet character/bitchy manager to have on the sidelines.
In my opinion Evolution was the next phase of heel stable after the Four Horsemen. You had:

Flair - Torch Passer - Past
HHH - Main Eventer - Present
Batista - Young Muscle - Future
Orton - Young Legacy - Future

The premise of past, present and future all together is interesting if done right and creates its own exit scenario when the young eventually overstep their place. If we did Evolution in today's WWE my group would be:

HHH - Torch Passer, wrestles minimally - Past
Orton - Main Eventer - Present
Ryback - Muscle
Ziggler (with Kaitlyn)- Young Riser

I would keep HHH in it, now as the Torch Passer who wrestles minimally, just to keep linkage with the original group. And Orton is enough of a veteran and a presence now so that I would be comfortable with him as my main eventer. Ryback made sense to me as the muscle just because creative doesn't seem to have a clear direction for this guy. The Young Riser was tough but Ziggler has enough chops already to hang with these guys and to me seems credible enough to be the guy that eventually breaks the team up. And yes I did put Kaitlyn with him not in a romantic sense but more like a nod to Tully Blanchard from the Horsemen who still kept his valet Baby Doll around when he joined with Flair and company. Maybe even give Kaitlyn a long run as Diva's champ too. I like this group because all have been heels but can be over as faces as well.

I would not do this now but down the line after some of the current storylines have concluded. Good idea? If so, who would be your Evolution 2.0?

no. absolutely not. if you were going to do this why not have ziggles and langston instead of ryback? and why kaitlyn instead of aj? besides doing this would just look like they are once again copying from tna and their recreating the main event mafia.
rEvolution is a great way to rehash this old idea, but is this about a new Corporation or a new Evolution because they are two vastly different stables, but I'll do both.

Corporation Heel
Randy Orton
Tyson Kid or Ted DiBiase
Alberto Del Rio
Mason Ryan or Ryback
Wade Barrett
Drew McIntyre
Dave Otunga
Zeb Colter or JBL as defacto manager

rEvolution Face
Triple H - Torch Passer - Past
Sheamus - Main Eventer - Present
Mason Ryan - Young Muscle - Future
Cody Rhodes - Young Legacy - Future
Evolution 2.0 is a recipe for disaster especially with those guys in it. One thing that made Evolution stand out was their staure. At 6'1, Flair was the shortest guy in the group. Trips, Randy, and Batista all have great looks and could all be seen as champions. Ziggler has won his World title but is actually about the same size as Flair. Ryback is an ogre. I just see him being out of place in a suit and being fed grapes by hot chicks. As for Hunter and Orton, they've each evolved beyond the scope of the group. Putting them together in a group again would be regression.
How bout this...Nation of Domination meets Evolution in a new Nation Stable with Evolution like strategy of formation.

Part-timer/manager: Booker T
Present: Mark Henry.
Future 1: Kofi Kingston
Future 2: Brodus Clay

Now, what I'd do is have Booker back in a heel role pissed because he was let go as general manager. He starts by recruiting Henry. Eventually, Henry and Booker face Tons of Funk. During the match Brodus turns on Tensai and they all beat the crap out of Tensai. Then at a survivor series match, it would be Christian (World Champ), Kofi, and RVD in an elimination match. We get down to Kofi and Christian vs Henry. Kofi turns on Christian setting up Kofi against Christian for the world title. Henry and Brodus return to the shield match up that Henry is in now. Henry and Brodus could be the tag champs and a legitimate team to beat the shield. You could throw in a short feud with booker and Ambrose.
Cena-Past Torch Passer
Curtis Axel-Future
Paul Heyman-Manager
I'd actually prefer a stable with "HHH guys" to borrow a phrase from Paul E.

HHH - Leader/Motivator
Sheamus - HHH put him over early in his career and clearly sees $$$ in him
Sandow - Clearly a better modern version of Hunter Hearse Helmsley.

Add one or two young guys to round it out and I think this could be an effective grouping. Possibly leading into a Survivor Series match with "Team Vince"
I'd actually prefer a stable with "HHH guys" to borrow a phrase from Paul E.

HHH - Leader/Motivator
Sheamus - HHH put him over early in his career and clearly sees $$$ in him
Sandow - Clearly a better modern version of Hunter Hearse Helmsley.

Add one or two young guys to round it out and I think this could be an effective grouping. Possibly leading into a Survivor Series match with "Team Vince"

That sounds like a great idea. Drew McIntyre is an HHH guy. All it takes is another repackage he'll be straight
You know, this could be a reality. With Triple H added to the Cena/Bryan main event as Ref, and it looking ever so likely that Orton is going to cash in, could we see an allignment between Triple H and Randy Orton??? I also read a few days ago that WWE were working hard on getting Ric Flair a deal together for his return to Television.

I also think with all these backstage sources saying Triple H wont be turned heel as Vince makes better a heel could possibly be working us and giving a red herring. I dare say Trips and that weasel Maddox could be in on this together.
The New Evolution?

How about HHH & Randy, when they turned heel together, it made me think of th Evolution. Now all they need to do is bring in two lackeys for Orton, and I think they should bring up two people from NXT. I'm not sure who though.

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