Everything you ever wanted to know about Slyfox...

Is it my fault that I don't like him. Can you not accept me for who I am?

I never said I liked him. But he is rather threatening to noobs, so he won't take that comment very nicely. Plus try not to flame, it's against the rules buddy.
who ever pos repped me, fuck you, in a completely homosexual way
Sly what do you think is the best Full Blooded Italians entrance theme?

That's Amore - Dean Martin
Stayin' Alive (remix)- N Trance
Whatever the WWE gave them.
Do you think that John Cena and others always talking about matches being 'fun' or 'having a blast in the ring', completely devalues the violence and potential danger that the viewer is meant to perceive a match contains? Do you think that the wrestlers should actually start talking about how physically demanding it is to be in a match, rather than just act like they can have their head bashed in and still enjoy it?

And do you think the complete lack of 'tough guy' wrestlers (guys who just want to beat the shit out of someone to get/keep a title) in the WWE today is a good thing or a bad thing? I cannot think of one top heel who doesn't whine or acts cowardly on occasion.
Why do you say that?
Because basketball, at it's purest form, is a BEAUTIFUL game. Unlike football or baseball, there's no break in between every play to set up the perfect offense or defense. But, coaching is one of the most important parts of the game, as execution of offenses and defenses many times is the difference in winning and losing. The fast break is one of the most exciting things in sports, and when capped off with a dunk is every bit as exciting as a 70 yard touchdown run.

But, the NBA isn't a pure game. The game isn't about execution its about streetball. It's about who's the biggest, who's the fastest, and who can jump the highest. The NBA has gone from a skill game to an athletic game. The referees are terrible and lazy, and the NBA allows so many ridiculous no-calls it's embarrassing.

Watch a game from the 70s or 80s, and notice the HUGE difference in physical contact. The difference comes from the fact that the game was refereed appropriately back then...now, not so much. Hell, I coached a game last night, and the other team was literally pushing us down when we were trying to dribble the ball....and we got called for traveling. We would block out, have perfect position, and the other team would clobber us from behind climbing our backs, and there would be no call.

And that all comes from the horrible NBA game. If the referees were to take control of the game again and clean it up, the game would become about skill again, and not just athleticism.

I hate the NBA, and everything it's become.

Its not possible to be Straightedge if you have had Sex or even smoked a Joint or something before is it? becouse alot of people seem to think so.
I have no idea. I'm not straightedge.
So who exactly is this Slyfox fucker? He seems like a cunt.
He is. He's also smarter than you, so it's a double whammy.
Sly what do you think is the best Full Blooded Italians entrance theme?

That's Amore - Dean Martin
Stayin' Alive (remix)- N Trance
Whatever the WWE gave them.
No idea. Couldn't care to be honest really.
Do you think that John Cena and others always talking about matches being 'fun' or 'having a blast in the ring', completely devalues the violence and potential danger that the viewer is meant to perceive a match contains? Do you think that the wrestlers should actually start talking about how physically demanding it is to be in a match, rather than just act like they can have their head bashed in and still enjoy it?
I don't think so. I think the kayfabe illusion has been pretty much erased anyways, and so by portraying wrestling in a positive light, it promotes good feelings towards wrestling.

And do you think the complete lack of 'tough guy' wrestlers (guys who just want to beat the shit out of someone to get/keep a title) in the WWE today is a good thing or a bad thing? I cannot think of one top heel who doesn't whine or acts cowardly on occasion.
Tough guy heels don't work anymore, because tough guy heels get cheered.
Because basketball, at it's purest form, is a BEAUTIFUL game. Unlike football or baseball, there's no break in between every play to set up the perfect offense or defense. But, coaching is one of the most important parts of the game, as execution of offenses and defenses many times is the difference in winning and losing. The fast break is one of the most exciting things in sports, and when capped off with a dunk is every bit as exciting as a 70 yard touchdown run.

But, the NBA isn't a pure game. The game isn't about execution its about streetball. It's about who's the biggest, who's the fastest, and who can jump the highest. The NBA has gone from a skill game to an athletic game. The referees are terrible and lazy, and the NBA allows so many ridiculous no-calls it's embarrassing.

Watch a game from the 70s or 80s, and notice the HUGE difference in physical contact. The difference comes from the fact that the game was refereed appropriately back then...now, not so much. Hell, I coached a game last night, and the other team was literally pushing us down when we were trying to dribble the ball....and we got called for traveling. We would block out, have perfect position, and the other team would clobber us from behind climbing our backs, and there would be no call.

And that all comes from the horrible NBA game. If the referees were to take control of the game again and clean it up, the game would become about skill again, and not just athleticism.

I hate the NBA, and everything it's become.

While i am huge a NBA fan, i am not gonna deny there is some real bullshit calling done in the NBA. And your right it has become like streetball with all the fuckin shenanigans the players do.
On a scale of one to Matt Damon, how good is Ben Affleck? Y'know, as a total package - writer, actor, what have you.
I have a few questions that I need to have answered:

1. Steak or chicken?

2. What size would you like your Bryan Danielson Tshirt to be?

3. Which movie are we going to watch first, The Marine or the Best of RVD?

4. Humor me....ECW or ROH? I respectfully request that you don't respond by saying "neither". Pick the lesser of 2 evils.
Nyeh, I miss the Larry bird days in the NBA. Lol, it was always great when hed say "I'm gonna shoot it, right over there." Then go shoot it right over someone...sooo good. But yeah. Your right, NBA calls love taps, and lets the big ones fly, how homo.

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