Everything you ever wanted to know about Slyfox...

What kind of music do you listen to?

What's your favorite movie?

Which WZ poster do you consider to be the most fun to piss off?

What's your favorite word to use?
are you a fan of wheat bread?
It's ok...but not a fan.

Why did you get paid to go to college?

How many wrestling forums are you active in?
Good academics, good score on the ACT. The state of Missouri has something called a "Bright Flight" scholarship where if you score a 30 (well, now it's a 31) or above on the ACT, they'll pay you $2000 a year to attend a Missouri State school. My score on the ACT was high enough to receive this scholarship.

The college I went to, also because of my ACT score, gave me a scholarship which paid for my complete education, and then since I go the extra $2000, that $2000 just went right into my bank account. So, I got two scholarships and got paid thousands of dollars to get a college education. It was real nice.

At this point and time, I'm only active on WZ forums. When basketball is not in season and I'm not as busy, I'm usually active in three or four forums.
Have you ever tickled the beard of another man, Would you like to?


What kind of music do you listen to?

What's your favorite movie?

Which WZ poster do you consider to be the most fun to piss off?

What's your favorite word to use?
Rock, Good Will Hunting (Matt Damon in it), it used to be Justinsayne now there's not really anyone (maybe HBK-aholic), "piss bucket"

Fuck you.
Flaming. Infraction.
If any, what poster was/is the most fun to infract? What's the funniest reaction you've got from an infraction??
Does part of you secretly wish to see completely unedited Vickie Guerrero naked photos?

And do you know what that is all about in the first place?
If any, what poster was/is the most fun to infract? What's the funniest reaction you've got from an infraction??
I don't like infracting at all. I try to avoid it as much as possible.

And I've never had a bad reaction.

Does part of you secretly wish to see completely unedited Vickie Guerrero naked photos?

And do you know what that is all about in the first place?
The answer is no to the second question. And I withhold answering the first until I know about the second.
Are you a fan of bagels? If so, what's your favorite kind of bagel?
Don't like bagels.
Who has posted the most meaningful questions in this thread?

Who has posted ones that are the worst?

I ask, because a lot of them seem pointless to me, and I was wondering if you felt the same.
opinion on Gary Pinkel?
Mixed opinions.

On one hand, the guy has done a FABULOUS job of turning Mizzou from a bottom Big 12 team to a perennial Top 25 team. On the other hand, I bet if one were to go through all the games he's coached, Mizzou would be outscored by nearly twice as many points in the second half. Furthermore, I feel he's also been very fortunate to have had Brad Smith and Chase Daniel, and finding diamonds in the rough is not something you can just pull out of the hat on demand.

So, as long as Mizzou is a top tier program, I guess I'll have to accept him...at least until someone better comes along.

Have you read Bret Hart's book yet?
Yes and it is absolutely fabulous.

Who has posted the most meaningful questions in this thread?

Who has posted ones that are the worst?

I ask, because a lot of them seem pointless to me, and I was wondering if you felt the same.
Meh, their just questions. If I don't want to answer some, I won't.
Do you like Doughnuts?
Of course.
Which Bourne?

Where did the name "Slyfox" originate from?
Same question as Rusty but for the 696.

Well, the long story is kind of funny, but I don't feel like telling it now. Long story short, my cousins and I stalked a girl (in good fun) using the e-mail account Slyfox when I was about 13 years old, and being that 13-15 year olds think that "69" is a funny number, we tried to be Slyfox69. Unfortunately, someone else though it was a funny number to, so we had to settle for Slyfox696. Eventually, they quit using the e-mail, I took sole possession of the e-mail account AND the name.

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