Ask Slyfox for his thoughts on specific wrestlers

I like Goldust.
  1. Miz
  2. Morrison
  3. Big Bossman
  4. Dolph Ziggler
  5. DDP
Miz - Could be a superstar some day if he keeps at it

Morrison - Solid, but has been incredibly overrated for years

Big Bossman - Underrated during his time, overrated after it

Dolph Ziggler - Who? Boring

DDP - Incredibly underrated, and a fine worker

Do you think Edge is underrated or overrated?
Incredibly overrated.


Randy Savage?

The Iron Sheik?
Undertaker - Darn good, but overrated

Randy Savage - possibly the best all-around worker ever

Iron Sheik - Never saw him

Top five wrestlers of all time?
Your personal five favorite wrestlers of all time?
My five favorites:

5. AJ Styles
4. John Cena
3. Hulk Hogan
2. Bret Hart
1. Sting

The Rock
Brock Lesnar
Kevin Nash
Rock - Deserving of every accolade and bit of praise he ever received

Kane - Awful

Brock Lesnar - Below average

Kevin Nash - Good on the stick, good charisma, decent in the ring

I want to know what you think of Raven....
I loved Raven in WCW. Thought he was very good, and still do

Kurt Angle
Dory Funk, Jr.
Pat Patterson

I'd ask you about some women's wrestlers, but I know you & you're "love" for them to well not to ask.
Angle - Arguably the most overrated wrestler ever. Ratings would agree with me

Funk - Never saw

Patterson - Pretty good for his time, but would never work today

Floyd Mayweather.
Better than Mr. Kennedy

AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Alex Shelley and James Storm.
Styles - One of the best in the business today

Joe - a one trick pony who only looks good if his opponent is a skilled seller

Shelley - great charisma, solid in the ring...and yet seems to refuse to be the breakout star everyone thought he would be

Storm - A good midcard worker for a 2nd tier promotion

Shane McMahon
Better than Mr. Kennedy

I'm glad you agree with me Sly that Kennedy may just be the most overrated wrestler of this decade. I'll never understand the praise he gets. He's average in the ring, mediocre on the mic (when did just saying your name loudly become considered as good microphone skills?), and really nothing special.

I'm glad you agree with me Sly that Kennedy may just be the most overrated wrestler of this decade. I'll never understand the praise he gets. He's average in the ring, mediocre on the mic (when did just saying your name loudly become considered as good microphone skills?), and really nothing special.
I was saying that about Kennedy way back in 2006 or 2007 (whenever he was first getting over with the IWC).
I said it in 2006. Just saying.

Mr Perfect?
I remember BenoitMark talking about him, and then looking at the things he said in relation to Kennedy's work. He was totally right.

I used to love Perfect. That being said, I think he would be considered a poor man's Shawn Michaels. They both did approximately the same things, in terms of their ring work, but HBK obviously climbed to a higher level.
Kick me in the leg and I'll bump on my head. :cool:

Shawn Michaels?
HBK is really two different wrestlers. You have the 90's worker and the 2000's worker.

The 2000's worker is boring, formulaic and looks completely uninterested. Which would be fine if he'd ever use that to put over newer workers. But, he really hasn't. I'm not talking about letting someone else win, I'm talking about getting them over.

The 90s worker was fantastic in the ring and was incredibly charismatic. But he wasn't near as entertaining as most WWF champions. Funny how that works. HBK is the kind of guy who you like to see when you are already at the show, but you're not going to pay to go see the show.
Yeah, HBK has wrestled the same match for years now. When he first returned he was gold though simply because we hadn't seen that match 5000 times now like we have, he had some very good matches during those first few years of his return. Now though, he can be a bit boring. He had a good program with Jericho last year though, I enjoyed that. I miss the guy who wrestled Angle and Jericho in classics only a few years ago though.
HBK is really two different wrestlers. You have the 90's worker and the 2000's worker.

The 2000's worker is boring, formulaic and looks completely uninterested. Which would be fine if he'd ever use that to put over newer workers. But, he really hasn't. I'm not talking about letting someone else win, I'm talking about getting them over.

The 90s worker was fantastic in the ring and was incredibly charismatic. But he wasn't near as entertaining as most WWF champions. Funny how that works. HBK is the kind of guy who you like to see when you are already at the show, but you're not going to pay to go see the show.
You need to get Michaels fans to agree with this. The talk that he is the best ever and is still better than everyone on the roster hurts me deeply.
Jack Swagger?

Jeff Hardy?

Matt Hardy?

Ric Flair?

I know it isn't really on topic, but I still want to know your opinion on it:

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels match at WM?
Jack Swagger?

Jeff Hardy?

Matt Hardy?

Ric Flair?

I know it isn't really on topic, but I still want to know your opinion on it:

The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels match at WM?
Swagger - Already answered

J. Hardy - Underrated worker, who definitely relies on selling as his strong point. I find it funny that people bash J. Hardy and then call HBK the greatest.

M. Hardy - Why does he have a job?

Ric Flair - Average between the ropes, but could make wrestlers look good, and with the right workers, could churn out some great matches.
I always thought Edge was incredibly overrated. I just never found him interesting when he was in the ring. He was good as a midcarder in my opinion.
I always thought Edge was incredibly overrated. I just never found him interesting when he was in the ring. He was good as a midcarder in my opinion.
Edge is fantastic in gimmick matches, and boring as hell in standard matches. He's completely ho-hum in matches that abide by classic 1-on-1 rules. However, he just might be the greatest gimmick match wrestler ever.
Edge is fantastic in gimmick matches, and boring as hell in standard matches. He's completely ho-hum in matches that abide by classic 1-on-1 rules. However, he just might be the greatest gimmick match wrestler ever.

I'm not going to deny him that. I feel that him along with Jericho are two of the worst world champions in the past decade. I just think they're betting chasing the title than actually holding it.
Is there a limit to how many times we can ask?


Christopher Daniels


Matt Morgan

Candice Michelle

Christy Hemme.


Is Mr. Kennedy the worst male professional wrestler to ever step foot into the ring? This is in regards to a full-time position professional wrestler.

Who would you consider to be the worst professional wrestlers in history in the men's division? Maybe a Top 10 or 5 list should do the trick.

Which female professional wrestler would you deem to be the best?

Is that female professional wrestler better than Mr. Kennedy?

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