Everything you ever wanted to know about Slyfox...

On a scale of one to Matt Damon, how good is Ben Affleck? Y'know, as a total package - writer, actor, what have you.
I'd rate him as Pauley Shore.
I have a few questions that I need to have answered:

1. Steak or chicken?

2. What size would you like your Bryan Danielson Tshirt to be?

3. Which movie are we going to watch first, The Marine or the Best of RVD?

4. Humor me....ECW or ROH? I respectfully request that you don't respond by saying "neither". Pick the lesser of 2 evils.
1. Depends on the steak and the chicken. Usually steak is better, but chicken is cheaper. And I'm very cost conscious

2. Triple XL, so it'll last longer when I burn it for heat.

3. The Marine...I'll try to find it in Blu-Ray. Even you won't be able to deny Cena in high definition.

4. Hmm...that's a tough one. As of right now, I suppose ECW, although I couldn't really tell you why.

Thoughts on the current conflict in Gaza?
Can't we all just get along?

What do you think of Shaq?
Wasted talent. Instead of working to become skilled, he just put on more weight and became a big basketball bully. If he would ever have put in hard work to go with his tremendous talent, he could have been the greatest of all-time.

Not to say that he didn't work on, he just didn't ever work to complete himself as a ballplayer.

In your opinion, whos the hottest diva, ever?
Miss Elizabeth or Trish Stratus. I go back and forth on this, usually depending on which one I saw last.
I decided I want to be a teacher. And then I remembered Slyfox was a teacher. And then I got freaked out because I'd just thought about you when I wasn't on the forum. And now I don't know why I'm telling you this. But hello :).
What profession would you be if you were not a PE teacher?

You like to pick (or sometimes attempt to pick) people apart in debates, have you ever considered being a lawyer?

Place you want to see that you have not seen?

Vehicle you want to own someday?
I decided I want to be a teacher. And then I remembered Slyfox was a teacher. And then I got freaked out because I'd just thought about you when I wasn't on the forum. And now I don't know why I'm telling you this. But hello :).
It doesn't surprise me a bit that you think about me when not on the forum. I've long figured that to be the case.

What profession would you be if you were not a PE teacher?

You like to pick (or sometimes attempt to pick) people apart in debates, have you ever considered being a lawyer?

Place you want to see that you have not seen?

Vehicle you want to own someday?
Probably something to do with computers, like programming or technical support or something.

I've considered it, but have no desire to.

Notre Dame Fighting Irish football stadium and locker room.

Don't really care much about cars.
Okay Slyfox, lets have it. Super Bowl pick? Who do you think is going to go and who will win it? (Now that the Jets and Packers didnt even make the playoffs :icon_surprised:)
Okay Slyfox, lets have it. Super Bowl pick? Who do you think is going to go and who will win it? (Now that the Jets and Packers didnt even make the playoffs :icon_surprised:)
Hmm...that's a tough one. In all honesty, I didn't pay much attention to the last few weeks of the season.

The only three teams I see that have a shot are Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and New York. I think that anything Baltimore can do, Pittsburgh can do better (assuming Big Ben will make it through the playoffs), and I don't think any of the other three NFC teams can win the Super Bowl. The Giants might get knocked off by a hot Philly team, but I don't think Philly will win it all. Overall, I'd say a healthy Rothlisberger led Pittsburgh team has the best shot.

And I think Florida will win the BCS Championship game. And I don't think it'll be that close.

Same question, back to you.
I suppose not.
I can't deny it any longer. I have a burning desire for Slyfox.
I've known it for a while.

take your pick. Who do you want leading your Tigers to the Promise Land?

Chase Daniels or Brad Smith?

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