EVERYBODY'S got a price...EVERBODY's gonna pay...

Mighty NorCal

Credit WZ.com (Ryan Clark)

The word backstage is that Ted DiBiase, Jr. is set to be brought up to the Smackdown roster soon.

If they do not give him his fathers gimmick, at least to start off with, they are moronic. It even makes perfect sense, in that they could say he inherited his Fathers millions. Im telling you, that theme music, and that character, CAN NOT fail. Have him do it all. the buying help, the shoving money in peoples mouths. It would be fucking awesome. If there EVER was a good idea to play off a guys dad, it would be THIS without question. Its so simple, and good, and damn near sets itself up. meaning WWE prolly wont do it LOL.

So what do you guys think they will do with Ted?? what do you think they SHOULD do with him???
I'm not so sure that would be the best idea. To me, Ted Dibiase is the greatest heel ever, bar none, in any federation, in any country ever. His character was absolutely perfect and he played it to perfection. The music, the in ring work, the laugh, the attitude was all perfect. My problem with his son doing the same gimmick is that I can't imagine anyone, even his son, living up to those standards. The other problem is that JBL is similar to Dibiase's gimmick, although not entirely the same. I can't picture wwe doing such similar gimmicks. It could work to an extent if played off right, but I'm not entirely sold on it. I could be proven wrong though.
The only way he takes over his Father's gimmick, is if his Father comes back to manage him. Now THAT would be perfect for ratings, especially for Smackdown.

Ted Dibiase Jr. shouldn't debut with that name though. The "Jr." portion makes him look too young and unexperienced. Noone would respect him, and everyone would look at him as nothing more than Cody "Wet Dream" Rhodes.. (who sadly, is currently jobbing to Santino at the moment)

I say debut him with a unique name like "Max-amillion." Have the original Million Dollar Man (his Father) debut him, saying that hes hand picked his successor and then bring back the Million Dollar Championship. If that doesn't instantly get the kid over, nothing will.

He could even start off a feud on Smackdown with the likes or C.M. Punk, in which he could claim Punk's "plain" attitude isn't due to him wanting to be straight edge, but instead not being able to afford being anything better. :lmao: Now I'd LOVE that.

Also, don't debut him in the original Million Dollar trunks.. get the boy some pants with money all over them. Let him come out in a suit though, then take it off to reveal tights underneath, like his Father did.
I like the idea of his Dad managing him as the "Million Dollar Protege". He is the spoiled rich kid who everbody loves to hate, and just as he has had everything handed to him growing up, Daddy's money buys him all the success he could ever dream of in the WWE. How many promoter's kids have become top stars over the years just because their dad was the promoter? Dibiase Jr. could be the working embodiment of that age old wrestling tradition, and as a cocky heel, he would be hated for it. Maybe even call him Teddy, ala Teddy Kennedy, to give him more of a snobish rich kid feel. Just look at his pic on the FCW website...he even looks the part of the spoiled rich kid jock. This gimmick is so good it's giving me a bit of a chub. However, I've never seen him work, so I hope he has at least moderate in ring ability.
the only thing that will give smackdown a ratings boost is a move to thursdays so they don't have to be on fridays and suffer with many preemptions due to sports in local tv markets.

I think ted jr. should team up with kenny dykstra and be a tag team of rich, arrogant kids.

ted dibiase could be their manager or wwe can put a female valet in the group.
Cody Rhodes... DH Smith... and now Ted Dibiase Jr? I can't say that he's ever gonna be much bigger than any of the other guys sons, but theres only one way to tell. I say keep the DiBiase name, but change his Ted Jr to... well, anything else. Have The Origional Million Dollar Man introduce him, and give him a simelar gimmick, and you've got a working push right there. Just don't give up on him like everyone else.

EDIT: 300th Post!
part of me agrees with what's been said before, in that he needs to keep the legacy of his father to get him over. however, there's one problem i can see.

recently, the sons of wrestlers have been coming through the rosters, and i can't shake the feeling that, as fans, we expect to see their fathers in them and it's a big pressure. DH Smith so far has only been comparable to his father in terms of his finisher and his steroid use.
Cody Rhodes is nothing on what his father was. An NWA legend and i suspect there's a sneaking suspicion when cody wrestles that he should be as good as his father was, despite being as young.

ok, there are exceptions to this - randy orton and the rock. there fathers, while they may not have set the WWE on fire, they were still good enough to take multiple NWA titles, but the fact is, their fathers were gone from the business long enough that people didn't really remember or associate them with the achievements of their fathers and compare them.

as for Ted Dibiase Jr... even with his name there is no way of escaping the million dollar man legacy, and i think for him, embracing his father's legend is the best way to success for him.
the simplest push is often the best.

have his dad come out put over the fact that the last time he picked a succesor the man became stone cold steve austin, but that ingrant betrayed him.

Then put over his kid saying this is his new protege his son

From there asumming Matt Hardy is US champ have them try to buy the title from him, he obviously turns them down, but teddy cant beat him for it either, so they have a giant like Kahli or Mark Henry beath hardy and sell it to him, except this time they dont strip him of the title. then for the next 6 months his dad helps him keep the belt by hook or by crook. He loses the belt and his dad is embarresed but gets him a shot at the world title. He loses but looks good and his brother mike then debutes. they cant capture teh tag titles on multiple occassions so there dad gives them the million dollar tag championship. now you have two guys over and on their way up.
I agree he shouldn't be called "jr" but that's easily solved by calling him Ted Dibiase II. If he just sucks it wouldn't work but I think sticking him with the million dollar idea is great.

It either has to be he's rich and spoiled or his dad kicked him out and he's poor. If you're going to keep the name and say he's Dibiasie's kid it HAS to be one of those gimmicks.
Same gimmick as his father, push him as his son (don't try to make it seem like he's not related), and definitely bring back the belt.

The belt could be the key to his push, I feel. Fake the audience out. Suddenly, we just had the new King of the Ring, but now we're bringing back a belt? All the Cruiserweight fans will think its that (unless they know otherwise, naturally), and then you've got the Million Dollar Belt with this smug asshole rich kid carrying it around, claiming he's the man because he's rich enough to be the man. That could get him a lot of heat, especially with the current champs.

The real key here, though, is whether or not the kid can cut a good promo or wrestle well. I haven't seen him in action, so I can't tell. If he's good, he'll do well. If he's not, it'll just seem like a pathetic attempt at a rehash.
It would even work better, because he is the spoiled rich kid who is ONLY rich because of his daddy. That is fucking heel GOLD. Everyone tries so hard to fight the whole "dont mimmick the father" thing, but THIS would be a PERFECT occasion for it to start. He inherited the millions, and the belt, from his dad. People would fucking HATE this guy LOL, especially the younger audience. You could even tap into social castes with the feuds, ala Hardy Vs Million dollar boy (Emo Vs "prep") things of that Nature. This would work great. everyone needs to let go of the "never ever use dads gimmick prejudice" and open your minds
its still going to be a lot to live up to simply because his dad is a wwe legend. although given ted's gimmick was pretty much perfect, it would be a good place to start. if it doesn't work, they could always bring in Irwin R Shyster to take his money off him. then have him as a bitter rich boy
It would even work better, because he is the spoiled rich kid who is ONLY rich because of his daddy. That is fucking heel GOLD. Everyone tries so hard to fight the whole "dont mimmick the father" thing, but THIS would be a PERFECT occasion for it to start. He inherited the millions, and the belt, from his dad. People would fucking HATE this guy LOL, especially the younger audience. You could even tap into social castes with the feuds, ala Hardy Vs Million dollar boy (Emo Vs "prep") things of that Nature. This would work great. everyone needs to let go of the "never ever use dads gimmick prejudice" and open your minds

I completely agree. It's not like David Flair walking to the ring to the them from "2001: A Space Oddysey" while wearing his dad's ring robe, having Rocky Maivia work as a clone of his dad, or even having Harry Smith use the running powerslam as a finisher. Ted Sr. will be by his side managing him and bailing him out of trouble like any other rich dad would pull strings to keep their kids from getting drafted or kicked out of school. It's not immitating the Million Dollar Man gimmick, as much as it's the evolution of it. Because he won't be the Million Dollar Man, he'll be Ted Dibiase's heir to his empire; the Million Dollar Progeny...The Million Dollar Protege, Teddy Dibiase.

The only issue I see using the tag line "Million Dollar ________"(anything) is that since Stephanie McMahon was nicknamed the "Billion Dollar Princess", it somehow makes the Million Dollar tagline seem less important. Also, in this day and age a million dollars isn't that much money.
I meant Jeff Hardy. Obviously. That storyline would work, as well as ones with Cryme Tyme stealing from him LOL. He could make fun of Umaga for being a savage, and fuck with CM Punk as well. the storyline possibility's in todays soceity has a pretty damn high ceiling.
The word backstage is that Ted DiBiase, Jr. is set to be brought up to the Smackdown roster soon.

If they do not give him his fathers gimmick, at least to start off with, they are moronic. It even makes perfect sense, in that they could say he inherited his Fathers millions. Im telling you, that theme music, and that character, CAN NOT fail. Have him do it all. the buying help, the shoving money in peoples mouths. It would be fucking awesome. If there EVER was a good idea to play off a guys dad, it would be THIS without question. So what do you guys think they will do with Ted?? what do you think they SHOULD do with him???

Dude i totatlly agree if they could recreate a Ted Dibiase that would be insane,but i've never seen any Dibiase Jr's promos are they any good? They coulden't create a new million dollar man without some pretty good mic skills, but they could to a great story line saying the he inherited his dads cash and i'm sure it would get over with the crowd. Who woulden't love to see a young technical version of the million dollar man,but i hope he keeps the million dollar dream as his finisher.I doubt WWE will go this route but i would mark the fuck out if they did.
What I think they should do is go all out, and debut him as a Trust Fund Baby. As far as his father getting involved, that can go either way. Yes, he was a road agent as recent as a few years ago, but he's a minister now. I find it doubtful that he'll be making a full-fledged return.

DiBiase had segments back in the day when he would make small purchases using a $100, and closing places so he could have them all to himself. They should definitely use stuff like that in the buildup to his big debut.

I also think he should get an offshoot of the Million Dollar Corporation, getting underused talents, or people who haven't made it to the roster yet. We haven't had a good stable in awhile, and that would have potential.

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