Elimination Chamber 2014 Discussion

So what does Brock Lesnar do then? I don't really like the idea, I mean I like the idea of Batista putting his title shot on the line at the Elimination Chamber PPV, but not in the Elimination Chamber match. I'd prefer Batista go one-on-one with Orton for the title and they change the Chamber to a #1 Contenders match with Lesnar & Show as the final 2 participants in the match, instead of Batista cashing in his shot in the Chamber match and WWE wasting away the first 2 or 3 weeks after the PPV, booking a tournament to decide a new #1 contender. They should already have their WWE Championship match set for Mania by end of the Elimination Chamber PPV and use all of the next 6 weeks to build that main event up. Another thing about Lesnar, The Authority should make him earn a shot at the title, not let him appoint himself the #1 contender, and this would be the perfect match to do it in.
Four superstars who are already in are Randy Orton (C), John Cena, Sheamus and Daniel Bryan. Fifth could be Brock Lesnar after he claimed fighting for gold after whoever wins the Championship at Royal Rumble.

Now if even Batista decides to cash in his Royal Rumble win here then that fills up the last spot but honesty I don't see it happening when WWE has made so much promotions on Royal Rumble winner main-eventing WrestleMania. If Batista is not part of Elimination Chamber then one can expect his feud to continue with Alberto Del Rio.
Sadly, it appears CM Punk won't be on the card, due to him leaving the Company, Wrestlezone.com/news already reported the final contenders for the Elimination Chamber and the Shield VS Wyatts matches, so here are my Main card predictions

Randy Orton (World Champion) VS John Cena VS Sheamus VS Daniel Bryan VS Antonio Cezaro VS Christain

-Daniel Bryan wins off of the running knee to Randy Orton-

The Shield VS The Wyatt Family

-Bray Wyatt scores the pinfall after delivering the "Sister Abigail" to Dean Ambrose-

Brock Lesnar VS Triple H (With Kane) In a no DQ Match

-Brock Lesnar wins by DQ when the Undertaker comes out and assaults him-
^^^^ You should remove that before the mods see it, you aren't allowed to post spoilers from Smackdown.

As for the Elimination Chamber, I wonder if they might do Brock vs Batista and try and switch things up instead of having a gassed 45 year old headline Mania. They could turn Taker vs Brock into Streak vs Title.
Now that they're broken up, does it happen? Do you want it to happen? Why or why not?

Me, I don't want it to happen cause I don't think either is that great of a singles competitor, but they work well as a team, there are dozens of other good matches I could think of for EC, but I think this one would be a total waste.

What do you guys think?
So what does Brock Lesnar do then? I don't really like the idea, I mean I like the idea of Batista putting his title shot on the line at the Elimination Chamber PPV, but not in the Elimination Chamber match. I'd prefer Batista go one-on-one with Orton for the title and they change the Chamber to a #1 Contenders match with Lesnar & Show as the final 2 participants in the match, instead of Batista cashing in his shot in the Chamber match and WWE wasting away the first 2 or 3 weeks after the PPV, booking a tournament to decide a new #1 contender. They should already have their WWE Championship match set for Mania by end of the Elimination Chamber PPV and use all of the next 6 weeks to build that main event up. Another thing about Lesnar, The Authority should make him earn a shot at the title, not let him appoint himself the #1 contender, and this would be the perfect match to do it in.

Last week, HHH said Brock had to earn his title shot. I could see Brock, in his hometown at EC, knock out Christian and take his place in the Chamber and win the WWE WHC.

The way the crowd responded when Heyman suggested a possible Brock vs. Batista matchup I'm sure had to please creative.
So many people will be shelling out $9.99 (with 6 month commitment) for the WWE network the next night anyway. That's $60 basically, albeit in monthly instalments. Also, if every WWE PPV in history is on the network, won't this include Elimination Chamber? So it would be possible to watch it the next night anyway?
1. People want to see it live.
2. Network doesn't launch internationally right away.

Those two alone would be justification alone for wanting to order the PPV for several people. Primarily the network not being available international right away as there is still no date revealed for when it will become available.
So Bertie vs Dirty has been added to the card and I think Titus vs Darren Young may get added as well.

I also expect The Usos vs The NAO as the tag title match to be set after this weeks Smackdown.

After tonight I think The Authority will give Bryan the match with Kane that he wants and it will be at the Chamber, forcing him to wrestle twice and probably to also stem the crowd from being too angry when he doesn't win the title.

That's six matches, WWE will probably stick a random Divas tag or an IC title defense on last minute once they've worked out the time allocations for the booked matches.
there is an 8-Man Tag Match booked for Smackdown this week, and I can easily see a Fatal 4-Way Match for the Tag Titles at the EC PPV...

NAO vs. Goldust/Rhodes vs Uso's vs Ryback/Axel
When I was watching Raw last night and the Shield and Wyatts had their staredown it gave me goosebumps for only the 2nd time since Wrestlemania 29 and the 1st was their initial confrontation and that made it clear to me that their match at Elimination Chamber is the absolute #1 match at EC for me. WWE has built this feud so well and I am so interested in watching it go down however the Elimination Chamber match or Batista Del Rio at the PPV provide nowhere near the same amount of interest to me and I couldn't care less about those matches. To me the Elimination Chamber match is #2 match on the card but not for the superstars for the Chamber itself, if this was a standard 6 man elimination battle royal I wouldn't care in the slightest because of the 6 men I am only interest in watching Bryan, Cesaro and maybe Sheamus. Batista v Del Rio proves me less interest than AJ v A Total Diva or even Santino & Emma v Fandango & Summer because I have no interest in watching either Batista or Del Rio wrestle.

That means of the 3 announced matches for Elimination Chamber my rank for level of interest in the matches is:

1. Shield vs Wyatts
2. Elimination Chamber Match
3. Batista v Del Rio

How do you rank the 3 announced matches in terms of interest

I expect Cesaro to do well in the Chamber. He may be one of the last three in the match. I don't expect him to win it. It is obvious that Randy Orton will retain so he can defend the title against Batista at WrestleMania XXX. Here are my predictions for the results of Elimination Chamber:

The Wyatt Family defeat The Shield
This result will probably set up the break up of The Shield which I hope will set up a triple threat match at Mania between Ambrose, Rollins & Reigns maybe for the United States Championship.

Batista v Alberto Del Rio
Batista will win this to gain momentum going into WrestleMania. Alberto Del Rio has nothing to gain or lose if he wins or loses. A predictable outcome.

Elimination chamber for the WWE World Heavyweight title
Randy Orton (c) v Cesaro v John Cena v Sheamus v Daniel Bryan v Christian
Orton, Cena & Cesaro to be the final three. Cena will eliminate Cesaro and then he will get the upperhand on Orton and the lights go out and The Wyatt Family end up in the ring, and they will attack Cena. Bray will hit the Sister Abigail and Orton will take advantage and retain. Orton is obviously going to win the match. I don't want another Cena/Batista WM match. Cesaro/Batista at Mania is predictable. Although Sheamus/Batista sounds like it could be an amazing match, no thanks. Batista/Bryan stacks too much in Batista's favour. As does Batista/Christian.

Prediction for Mania Card

Randy Orton (c) v Batista for the WWE World Heavyweight title
Dean Ambrose (c) v Roman Reigns v Seth Rollins for the US Title
John Cena v Bray Wyatt
The NAO (c) v Rowan & Harper v The Usos for the Tag Belts
Jack Swagger (c) v Cesaro for the Inter maybe
Daniel Bryan & the returning CM Punk v Kane & Triple H
The Undertaker v Brock Lesnar
AJ Lee (c) v Tamina Snuka for the Divas title
Sheamus v Christian
Darren Young v Titus O'Neil
Ryback v Curtis Axel in the kick-off maybe

Those are my predictions for the next two pay-per-views.
As of right now, the card for the show looks like this:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Elimination Chamber - Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan, vs. Sheamus vs. Christian vs. Cesaro

WWE Intercontinental Championship - Big E (c) vs. Jack Swagger

WWE Tag Team Championship - The New Age Outlaws (c) vs. The Usos

Six Man Tag Team Match - The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family

Singles Match - Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio

There'll probably be another match added for the kickoff show, possibly a match for the Divas Championship. It sounds like a solid card and if they keep this number of matches, each match should wind up getting a pretty good amount of time. I don't care about Batista vs. Del Rio, it's obvious Batista's gonna win, and I'm probably not the only one. It might be a pretty good match all in all but, generally speaking, I think the crowd will continue to taunt Batista with "Daniel Bryan" chants.
On that card, I only see the Wyatts v. Shield and the EC match being entertaining. I feel like the IC, tag, and Batista match are all too predictable.

The EC is up for grabs. I almost think Orton drops in the EC, and I almost think we get to see a solid swerve like Sheamus flipping or HHH interfering. I'm hopeful, anyway.
So here's an interesting update - it was reported that Brock Lesnar will be at Elimination Chamber in his hometown. Here you have the original story, sources from WrestlingINC:

- For what it's worth, Kane made an appearance on the NBC affiliate in Minneapolis this morning to promote Elimination Chamber. The host asked Kane about Brock Lesnar factoring into the pay-per-view and Kane said Lesnar will be at the event on Sunday.

I for one believe it when I see it. This could very well be a marketing strategy. It isn't the first time they have done it and Target Center's website isn't advertising him and one would assume that promoting a big hometown celebrity would do good. However this could very well be a surprise appearance to set up a rumored story with Christian being taken out and with Lesnar filling the void. If he has only two more matches and WWE isn't interested in using him for SummerSlam (clearing his schedule for a UFC return) I could see it being legit.

I wouldn't mind to see Lesnar entering the Chamber, but I don't know about him getting the gold to be honest. He's rumored to be fighting The Undertaker at this year's WrestleMania, but one could assume that plans could easily change. Undertaker and Lesnar are good business regardless of their opponents. This could also be a way to make the challenge be as big as possible to make people tune in to tomorrow's Monday Night Raw, that also marks the launch of the WWE Network and where stars like Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker are slated to make their return to the WWE.

So what's your take on all of this? Would you like an appearance from Lesnar at Sunday's PPV?
So here's my question...

Plenty of people are buying the WWE Network at the $60 initial 6 month commitment. Some aren't, but that's understandable. If you didn't already purchase PPVs and you stream/torrent/Youtube them, then this might not seem like a worthy expenditure to you.

However, if you are someone that purchases PPVs, who in the heck is going to pay $40-$60 for EC, and then drop another $60 the next day for the WWE Network (or even $10/mo)? I mean, there's just no way I could justify $120 in a 24 hour period for WWE programming.

I was just curious if the date for the WWE Network is going to affect the buyrates for EC or not. And if you think that it WILL affect buyrates, do you think that will affect the match outcomes, or is the WWE just going to "phone it in" for this PPV?
People bitch so hard on here about how "internet fans don't buy PPV's so why should WWE care what you think?" THIS IS WHY I DON'T BUY PPV'S! WWE could easily have released the WWE Network before the EC PPV but noooo they're gonna try and suck every dime out of their loyal fans, because THEY KNOW THEY CAN AND PEOPLE WILL STILL BUY MERCH AND PPVS.

This is why I don't buy anything that WWE offers... because they don't give a crap about my opinion whether I buy it or not.

So fuck them. I get my shit for free
So here's my question...

Plenty of people are buying the WWE Network at the $60 initial 6 month commitment. Some aren't, but that's understandable. If you didn't already purchase PPVs and you stream/torrent/Youtube them, then this might not seem like a worthy expenditure to you.

However, if you are someone that purchases PPVs, who in the heck is going to pay $40-$60 for EC, and then drop another $60 the next day for the WWE Network (or even $10/mo)? I mean, there's just no way I could justify $120 in a 24 hour period for WWE programming.

I was just curious if the date for the WWE Network is going to affect the buyrates for EC or not. And if you think that it WILL affect buyrates, do you think that will affect the match outcomes, or is the WWE just going to "phone it in" for this PPV?

The problem with your money argument is that the die hard fans that order ppv's were going to do this regardless. They do it when WWE has the occassional 2 week gap between PPV's, they'll do it for 2 that actually 'count'

I can totally see them phoning it in for this PPV, the only PPV's they seem to put any effort in is WM and the WM rematch PPV that follows. Everything else is just a 1-2 match show usually.
So here's my question...

Plenty of people are buying the WWE Network at the $60 initial 6 month commitment. Some aren't, but that's understandable. If you didn't already purchase PPVs and you stream/torrent/Youtube them, then this might not seem like a worthy expenditure to you.

However, if you are someone that purchases PPVs, who in the heck is going to pay $40-$60 for EC, and then drop another $60 the next day for the WWE Network (or even $10/mo)? I mean, there's just no way I could justify $120 in a 24 hour period for WWE programming.

I was just curious if the date for the WWE Network is going to affect the buyrates for EC or not. And if you think that it WILL affect buyrates, do you think that will affect the match outcomes, or is the WWE just going to "phone it in" for this PPV?

I ALWAYS go to my local Buffalo Wild Wings, because they always show it there. I have not purchased a ppv since Wrestlemania 22.
I'm furious that ryback is not involved in the paid part of the elimination PPV he is in a pointless tag team match where there will be one clear winner not Rybaxel. This is outrageous considering wwe are trying to pick up more fans, rybacks as great as a face and is now being placed in crappy tag matches I'm expecting a Babyface turn the night after Wrestlemaina. On the top of the PPV I am very much considering yo withdraw my interest in buying not only the PPV but the wwe network also until this improves, enjoy the PPV without my viewer ship. And remember these words FEED ME MORE and Ryback Rules (it's not your fault ryback that wwe screwed you).
Allow me to answer your question with a question. Who is buying the WWE network before April 1? There's no reason to get it in March. You don't get a pay per view. All the stuff will be there April 1 and that's when wrestlemania is. To me, it would be a waste to buy it in March. Wait until April and then you get six pay per views
For those of you who are old enough to have ever been sweet talked by a military recruiter, they usually leave out one important detail while they're trying to feed you an eclair of promises full of horse shit reality.

That important detail, and an honest one at that, is that if you get shipped to a base overseas, you get the AFN networks and can watch every WWE PPV for free.

WOOP WOOP!! YEAH!! FREE PPV!! *KABLAM!* OH SHIT!! Wait, that was on the outside of the wire. No worries.
That Sucked. I will do a quick review to explain why

Rhodes vs RybAxel - Wrestling wasn't great, predictability and a lack of time let this match down but when it was all said and done my only thought coming out of this match was when Axel screwed up by dropping for a Boston Crab when it was supposed to be an Alabama Slam. 3/10

Big E vs Swagger - Not great wrestling but a few good spots like the suicide dive/spear by E when Swagger was on the apron. 4/10

Uso's vs NAO - Again not the best wrestling and only 1 moment of note which was the hip toss into the corner. 3/10

Titus vs Young - Bad build to the match, lack of interest and average at best wrestling meant I cant give any positives on this match and any momentum a win should gain Titus hasn't got. 2/10

Shield vs Wyatt's - Epic match and I am so glad they did no tension as it makes the win feel like more. Ambrose was gone a bit too long for my liking but if its explained on Raw that will be good. Too many good spots to name. 10/10 current match of the year. Rematch at Mania please

AJ vs Cameron - Should have never been on the card. Cameron is not ready for a match longer than 2 minutes and she proved it with really sloppy work. The finish was confusing and the match was unnecessary so 0/10

Batista vs Del Rio - Batista, the mega star WWE is building Mania around cant even get fans on his side when he faces Del Rio, I don't think its Orton who needs to be out of the title match at Mania I think its Batista. This was his chance to prove to us he deserved the Rumble win and he failed as he looked sloppy and had tons of ring rust. add to this the predictable jump attack at the start and you end up with the 2nd 0/10 match on 1 PPV

Chamber Match - Great wrestling until Cena came in and the pace really slowed and the amount of big spots lowered. Overuse of the glass was an issue especially as it looked really weak. Having a match where 6 men are locked inside a demonic structure and 2 men are eliminated as a result of outside interference is stupid to me. Cena against not losing clean is another mark down so it is only 5/10

Extra Segments/Moments - WWE advertised the network far too many times, I get that it is a big deal but they went way past the point of over advertisement in the 1st hour and kept pushing it. The stupid segment where they played with toys was more annoying advertising of their own product. 0/10

Average over all matches and segment 3/10 and without the Shield vs Wyatt's 2.125/10. This goes down in the category of terrible PPV's with only 1 good match and it involved the Shield along with Battleground, HIAC and Survivor Series.
That ending fascinated me. There was no Triple H... Batista didn't come out to stare down Orton... It was Bryan staring down Orton. Yeah, Kane was there too somewhere, but he's going to get his ass kicked on some episode of Raw before Wrestlemania.

What I'm saying is, the way they ended the PPV, it wasn't telling a story of Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan. It wasn't telling a story of Randy Orton vs. Batista. This was a story of Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan. And that's what was interesting. If they really wanted Bryan vs. Triple H, they could've had Bryan eliminated before Cena. No, they wanted Bryan to get so close to the title that he could practically taste it.

If, and this is a big if, WWE have the balls to put Daniel Bryan in the World Title match at Wrestlemania, and he wins it, then Daniel Bryan's booking since the night after the Royal Rumble may just be the some of the best booking of someone leading up to Wrestlemania since Austin.

Of course, there's people crying and complaining tonight, as if anyone other than Orton was going to win tonight. And the stupidity of Mick Foley's "5,000 word essay" makes me facepalm.

But, I'm almost starting to feel hopeful that Bryan's booking over the last month may have been a stroke of genius. Optimistic even. But I'm also prepared for the crushing disappointment of having to see Bryan vs. Triple H.
That Sucked. I will do a quick review to explain why

Rhodes vs RybAxel - Wrestling wasn't great, predictability and a lack of time let this match down but when it was all said and done my only thought coming out of this match was when Axel screwed up by dropping for a Boston Crab when it was supposed to be an Alabama Slam. 3/10

Big E vs Swagger - Not great wrestling but a few good spots like the suicide dive/spear by E when Swagger was on the apron. 4/10

Uso's vs NAO - Again not the best wrestling and only 1 moment of note which was the hip toss into the corner. 3/10

Titus vs Young - Bad build to the match, lack of interest and average at best wrestling meant I cant give any positives on this match and any momentum a win should gain Titus hasn't got. 2/10

Shield vs Wyatt's - Epic match and I am so glad they did no tension as it makes the win feel like more. Ambrose was gone a bit too long for my liking but if its explained on Raw that will be good. Too many good spots to name. 10/10 current match of the year. Rematch at Mania please

AJ vs Cameron - Should have never been on the card. Cameron is not ready for a match longer than 2 minutes and she proved it with really sloppy work. The finish was confusing and the match was unnecessary so 0/10

Batista vs Del Rio - Batista, the mega star WWE is building Mania around cant even get fans on his side when he faces Del Rio, I don't think its Orton who needs to be out of the title match at Mania I think its Batista. This was his chance to prove to us he deserved the Rumble win and he failed as he looked sloppy and had tons of ring rust. add to this the predictable jump attack at the start and you end up with the 2nd 0/10 match on 1 PPV

Chamber Match - Great wrestling until Cena came in and the pace really slowed and the amount of big spots lowered. Overuse of the glass was an issue especially as it looked really weak. Having a match where 6 men are locked inside a demonic structure and 2 men are eliminated as a result of outside interference is stupid to me. Cena against not losing clean is another mark down so it is only 5/10

Extra Segments/Moments - WWE advertised the network far too many times, I get that it is a big deal but they went way past the point of over advertisement in the 1st hour and kept pushing it. The stupid segment where they played with toys was more annoying advertising of their own product. 0/10

Average over all matches and segment 3/10 and without the Shield vs Wyatt's 2.125/10. This goes down in the category of terrible PPV's with only 1 good match and it involved the Shield along with Battleground, HIAC and Survivor Series.

All that hateorade.
Thats a horrible review. Clearly you are not happy with DB not winning so lets poop on the whole show.

I will agree 110% on one thing with you. The Divas match was ..... indescribably bad. The only good part was Aj taunting lol.

Or two things. Wyatt vs Shield was amazing.

But the rest you I disagree. The PPV has amazing wrestling and thats why I would buy a PPV like this. Although I didnt like how the chamber match ended. I was glued to the screen the whole time. Every since person in the chamber looked like he could win. Christian looked like a beast. Cesaro had some really nice spots and has gone over with the fans some more. Cena actually wrestled another great match. Sheamus ( sp? ) looked very strong even after being pinned first.

Or three...... Having Kane or anyone come into the Chamber completely blows the concept out the window and is absurd. No way in or out....for some. Horrible.

Besides some not so great story telling, the matches on this PPV made me want to watch wrestling again. I even liked the PTP match, much better then I expected. You gotta give some credit to the talent and not blame them for story telling.

Watch wrestling as in buy PPVs

I agree with the guy above me

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