Elimination Chamber 2014 Discussion

Simple question: Who do you want to see in the Elimination Chamber match? Let's assume it's for the WWE WHC.

1) Randy Orton: This is obvious. He's the champ. Let's move on.

2) John Cena: This is obvious. His match tonight at RR ended with outside interference, so judging by how this situation has gone down in the past, Cena will take a spot in the match to try to get a clean(er) fight.

3) CM Punk: I see him earning a spot through a bunch of qualifying matches thanks to The Authority. Hopefully that will give WWE an opportunity to expose Alexander Rusev a little more, who I think was pretty inpressive in the Rumble, but I digress.

4) Daniel Bryan: What better opportunity for somebody to finally acknowledge this guy's profitability than a title match with 6 people? If Daniel Bryan is not in this match, we riot. But if Bryan's in this match, then that will probably mean so is...

5) Bray Wyatt. It would only make sense to keep this rivalry going. Plus Wyatt kinda deserves this spot, too. His character is selling with the crowd (at least I think so) and I believe he could very well be a face of the future of the company.

6) Roman Reigns: But Ambrose and Rollins will get involved because they're not getting a shot and cost him the match, setting up a Triple Threat at WM30.

So what do you guys think?
Simple question: Who do you want to see in the Elimination Chamber match? Let's assume it's for the WWE WHC.

1) Randy Orton: This is obvious. He's the champ. Let's move on.

2) John Cena: This is obvious. His match tonight at RR ended with outside interference, so judging by how this situation has gone down in the past, Cena will take a spot in the match to try to get a clean(er) fight.

3) CM Punk: I see him earning a spot through a bunch of qualifying matches thanks to The Authority. Hopefully that will give WWE an opportunity to expose Alexander Rusev a little more, who I think was pretty inpressive in the Rumble, but I digress.

4) Daniel Bryan: What better opportunity for somebody to finally acknowledge this guy's profitability than a title match with 6 people? If Daniel Bryan is not in this match, we riot. But if Bryan's in this match, then that will probably mean so is...

5) Bray Wyatt. It would only make sense to keep this rivalry going. Plus Wyatt kinda deserves this spot, too. His character is selling with the crowd (at least I think so) and I believe he could very well be a face of the future of the company.

6) Roman Reigns: But Ambrose and Rollins will get involved because they're not getting a shot and cost him the match, setting up a Triple Threat at WM30.

So what do you guys think?

I like this list but I see CM Punk being left out to fight Kane at EC leading to Punk vs HHH at Mania. That just makes the most booking sense to me. I wouldn't be surprised if Seamus gets put in their in place of CM Punk. Seamus return doesn't leave much to build up in a rivalry of any sort.

Everyone else on the list seems like the good option.
I thought Brock made it clear he would face the winner of Orton vs Cena after the Royal Rumble?? Which would be just a basic 1 on 1 match at the Chamber, Given how the Rumble ended and the reactions online and everyone turn on Batista, I think it's clear Batista will be forced to put his WM30 Main Event spot on the line.

In the Chamber Match....

Daniel Bryon
Roman Reigns
John Cena
Bray Wyatt
Dean Ambrose
For the EC Match itself, I see:
Brock lesnar
Big Show
Bray Wyatt

I think they keep Batista out of it, due to his shot at Mania.
I think there may be a Tag Match involving all 3 members of the Shield against a cluster of others. I don't think we see the Shield fully implode until after EC.
I also see Cena vs Rowan/Harper (setting up Wyatt vs Cena at Mania), Punk vs Kane (Setting up Triple H vs Punk) and The Brotherhood vs NAO.
Pre show may involve Langston vs Sandow
And Bryan, I'm stuck on. I know where I would like him to be, but I can't figure out where they put him. I'd like to say, after the Rumble fallout, They would have him face Batista for the Mania shot
Why is Bray Wyatt getting the push he doesn't deserve last night was the 1st match he had without his 2 thugs with him who are just a big presence surely if anyone deserves a push to be in the chamber it's Roman Reigns and I think the WM30 main event will either be a triple threat or fatal four way and if the rumours are true of Sting and WWE coming to a deal then Lesnar will be in this main event with Orton, Batista and the winner of Elimination Chamber if not Lesnar himself with Sting vs The Streak. Obviously Wyatt is going to be in a feud with Cena which I don't think he's been around long enough yet and can't seem to do anything without his 2 thugs would rather see Cena do something with Hogan teaming up against the Real Americans or something. Also think Daniel Bryan v CM punk would be an awesome match of one of them aren't in the main event think they could do some sort of twist to a feud involving the authority. WWE would be so much better if it had some real competition TNA is no WCW bring back the attitude era lol.

its stupid to have it before wrestlemania, you need to build a very solid and strong story line between the winner of the rumble and the champ, so its why the champ will retain, it be stupid to just re write story for a main event a mainia. This is a good ppv, remove hell in the cell, replace it with this one, than just ether bring back idk Vegenace.....

but moving on

Orton-Champ so of course.

Sheamus-is in here for 2 reasons, 1. Needs to do something and 2, to set up the Bryan and sheamus feud for wrestlemania. Bryan and sheamus start it off, bryan wins with a fast roll up, possibly a 18 second elimination leading to sheamus to return later turn heel and take out Bryan.

Bryan-reasons are above.

Reigns- Reasons are last night at the rumble

Kofi-his beaten orton twice, and brought up at rumble last night, so it counts enough.

Amrbose-set up the end of the S.H.I.E.L.D and in my hopes, Amrbose vs Reigns for the u.s title at mainia

why no cena, no wyatt or punk
Punk vs Kane, set up the triple h match

Cena vs Wyatt followers, set up Bray vs cena

Lesnar makes no sense, cause his to dominate, i cant see him loosing. Soon enough, maybe tonight, they will start having the taker videos to play mind games to set up Lesnar vs taker

Batista might have a match, he is back, honestly its probably going to be Del Rio

so theres your card for that ppv, probably langston vs sandow pre show match
here's my predictions for the PPV next month:

Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship:
Randy Orton (c) vs. Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena vs. Sheamus vs. Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan

Kane vs. CM Punk

Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio

WWE Tag Team Championship:
New Age Outlaws (c) vs. Goldust & Cody Rhodes

those matches seem likely IMO.
[FONT="Trebuchet MS"]So now that the WWE Royal Rumble event is over, the road to Wrestlemania still has one more obstacle and that is Elimination Chamber. After what happened at the Royal Rumble is hard to predict what will go down in 3 weeks. Lets look at some of the possible attractions that should/could take place,

First off, The Elimination Chamber match for the WWE World Heavywieght Championship will likely host a few Wrestlemania build ups, for example, John Cena/Bray Wyatt, I can see both these Superstars in the Chamber. John Cena somehow takes out Wyatt who comes back with Eric and Luke to hurt Cena thus costing him the match. I can also see Kofi Kingston in there, Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar. Lesnar did say that he was back for the Gold and Emination Chamber will likely be his only shot, Roman Riegns deserves and another high profile match to showcase his talents and Kofi Kingston, hes in need of a fresh push.

Moving on to Batista. I had originally thought Batista would use his Rumble victory #1 Contendership against Orton at Elimination Chamber, I remember John Cena did that back in 08 but then I thought what if WWE Played on the whole Batista turning on Fans tonight on Raw for cheering a man who wasn't even in the Rumble. maybe Batista can throw in some lines like, "I could break Daniel Bryan in half", Thus bringing out Daniel bryan who challenges Batista for his Wrestlemania shot at Elimination Chamber. Bryan wins keeping all the YESheads happy, Batista though is pissed off, Triple H being the Part time Owner can then add Batista to the Orton/Bryan match at Mania making it a Triple Threat. Daniel Bryan wins the Gold and continues a fued with Batista.

So far its up in the air. My Idea has been done before though, when Rey Mysterio won the Rumble, he lost his shot to Orton the next month until Teddy Long added Mysterio to the match making it Mysterio/Orton/Angle and we all know who won.[/FONT]
My picks for the Elimination Chamber participants, based off of the Royal Rumble results are:

WWE World Champion, Randy Orton vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus vs. CM Punk
The Champion vs. the respective winners of the single matches at the Royal Rumble vs. the 3 runner ups in the Royal Rumble match.

Other matches on the card I could see happening are:

The Bella Boyz (John Cena and Daniel Bryan) vs. The Wyatt Family (Luke Harper and Erick Rowan)

Mid-Card Championship Title Unification match
Intercontinental Champion, Big E Langston vs. United States Champion, Dean Ambrose

WWE World Tag Team Championship Title match
WWE World Tag Team Champion, The New Age Outlaws (Road Dogg and Bad @$$) vs. The Outsiders (Kevin Nash and Scott Hall) (Let’s see who’s paying attention)

Divas Championship Title Triple Threat match
Divas Champion, A.J. Lee vs. Brie Bella vs. Nikki Bella

Goldust vs. Cody Rhodes with Dusty Rhodes as the Special Guest Referee (then again, I’d save this for WM XXX)

Tag Team Turmoil match for a shot at the WWE World Tag Team Championship Titles at WrestleMania XXX
Big Show and Rey Mysterio vs. The Usos vs. The Real Americans vs. Los Matadores vs. The Prime Time Players
They really don't need an Elimination Chamber match for the title. They could easily go with a Tornado Elimination Chamber match, the Wyatt Family vs. Cena/Bryan/someone like Sheamus.

Hell, Sheamus could turn on Bryan in the match to build to a match at Wrestlemania.
I really want to see Brock in the Chamber and this will probably be a one match PPV so might as well make it an all-star Chamber match.

Orton vs Brock vs Cena vs Bray vs Bryan vs Punk

I'd personally keep Reigns out of it as he should get his first World title shot down the line in a big one on one scenario. Sadly I think Punk will end up in a singles match with Kane and Sheamus will get the Chamber spot.

The NAO vs The Rhodes in a rematch that will probably facilitate Goldust turning on Cody when they lose, or vice versa.

Batista vs Del Rio I guess will happen, but Del Rio has been treat as such an afterthought by Batista that it's hard to imagine this garnering much interest.

Not sure what they'll do with The Shield, Rollins pinned Big E last week so they might book them in an IC title match while Ambrose & Reigns face The Usos.
Needless to say, people are fired up about seeing & hearing what happens on tonight's episode of Raw. The live crowd essentially hijacked a good portion of last night's Royal Rumble ppv and have been voicing their displeasure over Daniel Bryan not only not being in the Royal Rumble match, but Batista winning the match.

However, WWE's next ppv offering on the Road to WrestleMania is the Elimination Chamber ppv. As of right now, just entirely on what I think will go down over the next month, I think the card for EC could look like this:

Elimination Chamber - WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton (c) vs. John Cena, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Bray Wyatt and Brock Lesnar - This is just my opinion, but if last night's fan reaction is any indicator, and I think there'll be a similar reaction tonight, the only way WWE is going to be able to salvage its WWE WHC match at WrestleMania XXX is for Daniel Bryan to either win the title at Elimination Chamber or for him to be added to the match with Orton & Batista. Otherwise, I've little doubt the fans will hijack the title match at WrestleMania.

Singles Match: Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio - I think that WWE is going to get at least one match out of these two before it's all said & done, so they might as well do it and get it over with.

Unification Match: Big E. Langston vs. Dean Ambrose - A little while back, there were reports out indicating that WWE was going to have a championship unification match between Intercontinental & United States Champions Big E. Langston & Dean Ambrose. The fact that they made the possibility of unifying the titles the topic of an interview on WWE.com is an indicator that it could happen.

WWE Divas Championship: AJ Lee (c) vs. Naomi - If I'm not mistaken, this is a match that we'll probably get on Raw tonight. I think that AJ will retain and that Naomi will have another opportunity at the EC ppv either on the main card or as a match on the kickoff show.

Elimination Chamber - WWE Tag Team Championship: The New Age Outlaws (c) vs. The Brotherhood vs. The Usos vs. Luke Harper & Erick Rowan - This is pure 100% speculation on my part, but there's never been a tag team EC match before. With the renewed emphasis on the tag team picture and reports that tag team wrestling will be a major focal point in 2014, I could honestly see this match happening. The rules of the match would remain pretty much the same. Start off with 2 guys, or maybe 3 depending on if they wanted to add another team into the mix, then open the pods at "random" at specific times, etc. I think it'd fit more with the tag team motif that both members of a tag team are eliminated if one member is pinned or made to submit.
What they should do but won't is make the Elimination Chamber match determine who faces The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. On tonight's RAW have 5 or 6 guys each come down to the ring claiming they want to end the streak. Then have Trips say it will be settled, for the first time ever, in the Chamber. If that were the case here are my participants:

1) John Cena
2) Brock Lesnar
3) Daniel Bryan
4) Roman Reigns
5) Sheamus
6) Jericho
I really hope Cena faces Bray Wyatt or the entire Wyatt Family at the PPV next month so I don't have to sit thru it at WrestleMania 30, cause even tho I hate Cena, he deserves a better match on what is considered to be the BIGGEST WrestleMania ever cause it's the 30TH!!!

here's what the card SHOULD be next month:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match:
Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Sheamus vs. Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Rey Mysterio

Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio

CM Punk vs. Kane

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt or a 3-on-1 Handicap Match with Rowan & Harper involved

Intercontinental and United States Championship Unification Match:
Big E Langston vs. Dean Ambrose

WWE Tag Team Championship:
New Age Outlaws vs. Goldust & Cody Rhodes
I'm with you and if they had a mystery pod in the Elimination chamber which was filled by Sting who of course went on to win. Wrestlemania 30 would be a much better card because of it.

Batista could face Lesnar for the number contender spot and Orton could have the triple threat with Punk and Bryan.

They could even have one of the wrestlers you mentioned work an injury prior to the Elimination chamber - which would be filled by Sting at the event.
I have a similar card, except for a much different main event. I don't think Cena will or should be involved in the title match after losing his rematch at the Rumble. I don't think Wyatt will be involved in it either. Logically, the final 5 to get eliminated in the Rumble should be the ones in the chamber match. Especially Reigns after the noise he made last night. It's possible Jericho or RVD could be a part of this match. I also think there will probably be just 1 chamber match again this year.

WWE WHC Elimination Match: Randy Orton (c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Big Show vs. CM Punk vs. Kane

I've already said I will believe it when I see it about Bryan not being in the main event at Mania. Somehow, someway, there will be a screwy finish involving Orton and Bryan as the final 2. As a result, we'll get a triple threat at Mania. I originally thought Lesnar would win this match and defend against Bryan when I thought he'd win the Royal Rumble. Obviously, Batista winning changed things. This match takes care of 3 feuds at the same time - Orton/Bryan, Punk/Kane, and Big Show/Lesnar.

Six-Man Tag: John Cena & The Usos vs. The Wyatt Family

There's a possibility of this being in a chamber also, but we'll see. I think they separate Cena and Wyatt from the main event just because this is the feud that's definitely carrying over to Mania when they'll face off one on one. The Wyatts will likely get the win.

Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio

This is the mini feud they usually give to the #1 challenger before WrestleMania. Not much to say here, Batista will obviously go over easily.

Intercontinental/United States Unification Ladder Match: Big E. Langston vs. Dean Ambrose

I've seen the same rumors and hope to God that they're true. The US Title has been so worthless for as long as I can remember. 2 singles titles and the tag team titles are the only belts you need for the men. Less titles should equal better matches and better feuds for the titles, which equals more prestige. I'm old school and miss the days of just the WWF/E, IC, and Tag Team titles. Langston should go over here and imo go on to defend against Mark Henry, Sheamus, or Bad News Barrett at Mania. Ambrose doesn't need a title at Mania to make his pending feud with his Shieldmates important.

Sheamus vs. Roman Reigns

I don't know who would be booked as the face or the heel here. There's talk of Sheamus being a heel, but as of now he's a face. Reigns is supposed to be a heel, but is clearly turning face if he hasn't already. I would end this one in a DQ so neither man loses steam. Maybe have The Shield interfere on his behalf without him wanting them to, creating more friction between the 3.

WWE Tag Team Title: New Age Outlaws (c) vs. The Brotherhood

The Rhodes brothers use their rematch clause and lose once again. This is where we should officially see the kickoff to the feud between Cody and Goldust. This is a feud and match I've looked forward to for a very long time. In my opinion, it's the perfect opening match for WrestleMania XXX to get the crowd going.

Divas Championship: AJ Lee (c) vs. Naomi

It's hard to imagine this little feud being dragged out another month. I thought this match would be on the card last night. However, AJ should have a match on this card. It might not be Naomi, but somebody. Emma, possibly? It goes w/o saying, but this division is incredibly stale.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Bad News Barrett:

Barrett's character is gaining more steam by the week. Last Friday on Smackdown was his best work yet. Hopefully, he finally begins to get onto ppv cards. Even if it's the pre-show. I like Ziggler also, but realistically I don't think he's out of the dog house yet. So Barrett gets the win.
Here's what I want in the future starting with WM30 on the Network. Utilize the network for a full day build up. Like the Super Bowl lead ups. Have NXT wrestlers and etc. and just a non stop build. The reason I mention that in this thread? Because I want it announced at the EC. As far as matches?

1.Big E/Reigns title match
2.Batista/Del Rio
4.NAO/The Brotherhood title rematch
5.AJ/Nayomi title match
6.Dean/Dolph title match
7.WWE World Title EC: Bryan, Orton, Lesnar, Big Show, Cena, Wyatt

This could build up, though I HATE the idea, of a unification with Reigns vs Ambrose at WM. You get the Del Rio and Batista fued over, as with the Punk/Kane one. And the EC would be a set up for the big matches at WM.
Well looks like we have 4 competitors already a lock for the event.

Randy Orton (c)
John Cena
Daniel Bryan

The remaining two spots:

Brock Lesnar - looks like a lock at this stage, he will continue to destroy everything until he gets his way.
Big Show - Will probably be inserted as well for continue his fued with Lesnar.

Looks like a solid Main Event for me. I have a sneaky suspicion that Lesnar could take this setting up The Beast vs The Animal for Mania 30. The only way Lesnar loses this is if The Undertaker gets involved and costs him the belt.

If the rumors of Sting signing are true (for once), that leaves Sting and Undertaker to have a match.

I do not see Bryan taking this, he wont go into Mania 30 as Champion against Batista. He will only win the gold at Mania 30 if he is too. But I dont know how you get him into that match. Surely WWE wont waste him on Sheamus.

Batista vs Del Rio
The Shield vs The Wyatts
CM Punk vs Kane
New Age Outlaws vs The Brotherhood

Will probably also take place.
NO!!! they need to save The Shield vs The Wyatt's for WrestleMania 30!! and even if Sting does sign with WWE, keep him AWAY from Taker, cause it should be Cena vs Taker at WM 30!!!
NO!!! they need to save The Shield vs The Wyatt's for WrestleMania 30!! and even if Sting does sign with WWE, keep him AWAY from Taker, cause it should be Cena vs Taker at WM 30!!!

Although I agree that The Shield - The Wyatts should take place at Wrestlemania 30 ( as an alternate for the triple threat between Ambrose. Reigns and Rollins )

John Cena is the ONLY person they would ever contemplate taking The Undertaker's streak and I do not see that happening ( if at all ) until the deadman states his reitrement from the business.

Besides. The Undertaker - Sting feud has been years in the making.
F4WOnline.com is reporting that there are several matches expected to take place for the ppv:

Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio
CM Punk vs. Kane
The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family

Batista vs. Del Rio will probably be a match that fans won't especially care about, but we've known it was coming since before Batista returned. It's something for him to do before WrestleMania.

Reports from this morning suggest that CM Punk was originally going to be in the EC match and that there'd be several qualifying matches on Raw. However, the show was rewritten and the six man tag main event was made instead. Punk's storyline with Kane will b a focus for next week's show. Considering that Punk vs. Triple H is expected for WrestleMania XXX, going through his biggsest flunky makes sense.

Most people believe that The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family was expected due to The Family getting The Shield disqualified last night. People've been wanting to see them feud for quite a while, and the story is simple & sensible as The Shield will be pissed since The Family cost each of them their last chance to go to WrestleMania to challenge for the title. This match would also mean that the rumored title unification match between Big E. Langston and Dean Ambrose is either off altogether, was never a serious consideration or has been pushed back, possibly to WrestleMania.
Something like:

Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE WHC - Orton (c) vs Cena vs Bryan vs Sheamus vs Lesnar vs X

Kane vs Punk

Wyatt Family vs The Shield

Batista vs Del Rio

Tag titles and Intercontinental Title one of which would be on the pre-show.

That looks like a pretty damn good card to me. 2013 was a year of sub-par PPVs besides maybe 3 or 4. Royal Rumble was a pretty good start and Elimination Chamber can definitely continue that.

I'm not sure who will be in the chamber. The idea of Brock being in is pretty exciting; however, there were rumours about Lesnar/Batista so maybe they face off for a spot at Mania. That allows two spots in the chamber: perhaps Punk and Kane. The other names are: Del Rio, Christian, Sandow, Miz, Ziggler, Big Show and Rey Mysterio.

If I was to predict I would say it will be Batista vs Del Rio with Lesnar and Mysterio in the chamber. There is no doubt this can be a PPV of the highest quality and I'm already looking forward to it.
Championship should be

Orton - current champion

Shamus / Cena / Bryan - all 3 are in and 2 of the 3 are deserving.

Batista - but sadly I see them trying to use Batista and having him pin Bryan to try and bury him

CM Punk - don't see him and Kane having a singles match.

Am I the only one who would like to see the Shield VS Wyatts in a Hell in A Cell?

Heck make the whole PPV Hell in a Cell including a divas match, tag team championship, Intercontinental etc.
F4WOnline has put out another report stating:

"Word from within WWE is that the final line-up for the Elimination Chamber match next month may end up being WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton, John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio and Batista. This could indicate that Batista is putting his title shot on the line in the Chamber.

IF Batista winds up in this match, then the odds of it being Orton vs. Batista for the title at WrestleMania XXX goes down considerably. The Royal Rumble winner, if I remember correctly, has never competed in one of the EC matches, so the only thing that springs to mind as to the story WWE would use is Batista getting so fed up with all the Daniel Bryan support that he tells The Authority that he wants his title shot as part of the Elimination Chamber line up. Batista's reasoning would be that he's tired of all the doubters, that he's sick of the disrespect he's been shown and feels what better way to shut people up than to go into the EC, destroy everyone in it and walk out as champion.

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