Edges Return Theme Music?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So got to thinking, Edge is out for a LONG time, and apperently the orginal plan was to have him turn face by WM26, so chances are hes coming back as a face.

Now most Heel/Face turns are complete with new music, and i heard a rumor a while back that the following was supposed to be his theme music for his return at Survivor Series 2 yeer back (im sure it was 2 ?):


So now my question is, it may be a couple years on but should Edge return to this music instead of his current theme ?

I think he should, it says the words "so im coming home" so its kinda suggesting hes coming home, back to WWE and it would also cement his face turn to.
I like the new song, but Edge has one of those entrance themes that I would like to see stick with him throughout his entire career.

Very few guys have a theme that has never been changed... HBK, Hogan (since he became huge at least), etc...

If and when Edge does make a return, the arena will erupt when his music hits and I see no reason to change.
I really see no reason to change it, I mean, the whole point of an entrance theme is for everyone to know who is coming out. You see how it took a little bit for Jeff Hardy's new music to kick in? Edge has an extremely recognizable entrance, and changing it would be detrimental IMO.
I say keep it. It can work wether he is face or heel. It's not like Matt Hardy where it NEEDS to be changed to fit the new personality. I think his current music could still work very well even if he does turn. The words can be taken in a face way so I say keep it.
Why change it? Coming Home is a kick ass song, but Edge's theme is so well I don't know the word but it's on the tip of my tounge. The arena will erupt when Edge makes his return anyways. He can establish the song and make it vintage Edge, just like Shawn Michaels, and his disturbing yet catchy 'Sexy Boy' theme. No point in changing IMO.
Why the hell would you want to change Edge's theme music? People would take forever to realize that it's him with a different theme song. I can actually visualize his return: Chris Jericho beating down Mysterio, Hardy, or some other wrestler after a match when all of a sudden Edge's current theme hits and the crowd goes nuts with Jericho looking to the ramp while Edge slips in behind him and spears Jericho when he turns around. The only way that would work is with Edge's current theme.
Edge would still be recognizable, because all of his themes have a constant factor. They all begin with the woman's voice saying "You think you know me." The second that hits, people will mark out for Edge, no matter what follows. Between the "you think you know me" and the Titontron video, I'm pretty sure people will realize who is coming out.
As much as I love any Alter Bridge song, Coming Home is not an entrance theme, it's really more better use for a promo for a return. Metalingus is really Edge's theme and it works either way for him, it says Edge, doesn't matter if he's face or heel, that song is Edge. As Thriller said, with the "You Think You Know Me" opening, it can tell you it's Edge, but the song has become distict to him and I think it's going to stay the same.

I just want to know, I've been hearing this rumour about Coming Home for ages, but there was never any evidence or a piece of news proving this was going to happen? Can someone please provide me a link to prove this was something planned? All I see this being is a rumour that some fan made up with a home made video.
Don't change his entrance theme! The song completely rocks and if you ever listen to the lyrics, it's a very positive message. Hell, it's probably better suited for a babyface character anyway, although it works for Edge no matter what his status. I would like to see this song stay with him for the remainder of his career.
I say keep it. It can work wether he is face or heel. It's not like Matt Hardy where it NEEDS to be changed to fit the new personality. I think his current music could still work very well even if he does turn. The words can be taken in a face way so I say keep it.

Yes, Finally someone who agrees with me, Matt Hardy definatly needs a change because that theme doesn't fit a heel

And No, Edge can't change it. I personally think it is the best in WWE and it screams edge. I mean look at his return, would you rather hear a song like batista's or CM Punk's?A song that is just some instrument having a seizure? No, you want the You Think You Know Me.
Edge should keep the Metalingus song as his entrance music. It is the perfect song for his entrance and its so easily recognizable. I would however use that song as a promo for his return somehow when he returns from his injury.
Why change it? Coming Home is a kick ass song, but Edge's theme is so well I don't know the word but it's on the tip of my tounge. The arena will erupt when Edge makes his return anyways. He can establish the song and make it vintage Edge, just like Shawn Michaels, and his disturbing yet catchy 'Sexy Boy' theme. No point in changing IMO.
Yes there is point.if they didn`t change it then whats the point of making music cd`s.i really like edge`s song but just because they played it in a few promos doesn`t mean he`l change it
I agree keeping Edge's current theme will be cool and i love the idea of him returning to save Rey or Hardy or whovever Y2J is beating up but i picture the RR 2010 and have like Y2J last to like the final 3 and #30 is .........EDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have is entrence play long enough to distract Y2J and allow EDge to come in through the crowd and toss Y2J over the rope and the remaing 2 other superstars for now let's say it's Orton , Y2J , and maybe Ted Dibiase and say Orton throws ted over the rope and Chris Jericho tosses Orton over u can have Edge sneak in and toss Jericho over and finally win the Royal Rumble and give him a decent run as a face with the World Heavyweight Title.
I do want Edge to change his theme but not to coming home that sounds like a promo theme he should change it back to Never Gonna Stop Me by Rob Zombie his You Think You Know Me intro would tell the crowd who he is and that theme fits his Face persona much more than his current theme
I think Edge should keep his theme, not because of the recognition, but because it truly does just hit harder than the coming home song in the video. In a sport like wrestling where you really need an emotional charge behind what happens, a slower more paced song can really interfere with a character, for example every other theme that Jericho has tried. it always went back to the "break down the walls" song because it just fit him and in a way it sounded the way you'd think it should. this is true of Edge's current theme. it has the most of his personality in it, much better than the Rob Zombie never gonna stop theme and definately better than his original techno theme. to sum it up "metalingus" captures Edge so perfectly that it would be silly to change it.
No I don’t think they should change it. The current one he has fits him perfectly whether he is playing the role of a heel or babyface. Also, because when his music hits fans automatically know who he is. If he changed it then they’ll have to wait a little to find who the person is when he returns and the reaction wouldn’t be the same if he just came out with his current entrance theme. Edge coming out to a different theme was like Hogan coming out to a different theme at WM19. The themes just didn’t fit them. Hogan’s theme will always be “Real American” no matter what. The same goes for Edge. His theme should always be the one he currently has because it’s the one that fans will recognize him by. I like the theme you posted but it just doesn’t sound like something Edge would come out to and it just doesn’t sound like a theme song at all. It would be better if it was used as a promo or vignette if they were to hype his return which I don’t think they’ll do for shock value, but you never know. So no I don’t think they should change his theme song.

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