Edge or Christian? Which one is better out of the two?

Whos better? Edge? or Christian?

  • Edge

  • Christian Cage

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This is another topic that can very debatable.. If you dont have anything to say to back your answer up.. Then dont say anything at all

Alright.. Now I see a lot of simalarities with these 2 guys.. There basically the same exact people, in two different promotions... Christian is basically a copy of Edge in TNA.. I mean his promos are basically the same.. He trys to be like Edge (everything except the sex talk).. And is trying to establish himself as a top heel like Edge has.. There in ring skills are similiar but different at the same time..

See the reason why I like Edge more is just for the simple fact he seems more original.. Like Edge doesnt look like hes acting when he does promos, and looks more comfertable on the mic.. Christian on the other hand, looks confertable.. But you can tell he's acting.. Edge just makes you think hes being himself, which is one of his high poits..

Now in the ring.. Edge also takes the thrown.. To me, Christian kind of looks sloppy at times.. Like it doesnt seem, once again, that hes comfertable.. Thats prob one of the main reasons he lost the TNA title.. But other then that there a lot alike.. Thats why Edge only has a slight edge, no pun intended, in the the ring..


Edge > Christian
I'll be honest; I do prefer Edge, he's controversial and made a fresh change to a rapping army soldier as champion. I do also love Christian in TNA though, he's a lot better there than in WWE and I like the style he's trying to pull off, if a little bit Edge-like. But in-ring and out-ring I think Edge is a slightly better wrestler with slightly better charisma. Still Edge and Christian forever!
Mr. Sam said:
I'll be honest; I do prefer Edge, he's controversial and made a fresh change to a rapping army soldier as champion. I do also love Christian in TNA though, he's a lot better there than in WWE and I like the style he's trying to pull off, if a little bit Edge-like. But in-ring and out-ring I think Edge is a slightly better wrestler with slightly better charisma. Still Edge and Christian forever!

A rapping soldier as champion? Are you sure you are not thinking of John Cena?

I do like Edge better, I have become a huge fans of his mic skills and after the ladder match with flair he has shown more than enough wrestling ability to carry the company. His charisma is great and only Cena commands a bigger response.
Edge is hands down much better
He has feuded with all the greats in WWE, even when Christian was around. Christian was given a chance, and did feud with guys like HBK (very briefly), Benoit, who also was brief, and proved nothing.

lets look at Edge's list when Christian was in WWE: HBK, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, he tag teamed with Rock, Randy Orton, HHH (brief), Kane.

The lists speak for themselves, as Edge created powerful storylines with pretty much everyone he worked with.
This is an easy one.

Edge has become very effective as a heel unlike Christian who i think is use to being seen as a goofy heel that he was in the WWE and I cant take him seriously anymore as a heel

Edge was WWE champ twice Christian was NWA champ once

Edge didnt use to take temper tantrums on the mat like Christian did

Edge had more memorable feuds than Christian

Edge got Lita for his ****ty but helpful girlfriend while Christian had Tyson Tomko to solve problems for him which didnt last long

My vote is obviously for Edge although i do have something good to say about Christian and that is he has slightly better ring skills and can pull off more stunts than Edge would
They're very similiar individuals but for some reason I like Christian better...

For me, it's not promos, in-ring style, mic work or anything like that. It's just the fact that I edge on TV quite a bit. On the other hand, Christian gets relatively less mic time due to TNA's time constraints. With the exception of these past few weeks, Edge usually wrestlers every week. Whenever Christian gets on TV, it's usually a couple-minute squash match. Edge simply gets far more time to show who he is
Christain is way better than Edge I think Edge may have the mic skills but in-ring skills i give ti Christian he's proven himself in the WWE as well i mean if Christian hadn't been a true player in the WWE then his jump to TNA wouldn't have made the impact it did
Edge is better than Christian. First Edge is a greater wrestler than Christian and Edge's promos are simply the best and can only be compared to HBK's.v Don't get me wrong, I think Chritian is very good on both of these skills. And he is a very good wrestler too but not on Edge's level. As for mic skills like I said Edge's are far moore greater.
as much as i like christian cage i must say that edge is technically better and i believe he can talk the talk aswell as walk the walk
edge look to be the better of the 2 overall but i think it would be a totally different story if christian cage had the image he has now on tna in the wwe

that would be a watch!!!
I think Edge simply because he's in the right company. He's also a better heel than Christian ever was. Edge and Christian are about the same in the ring, and oulled off some great matches though.
I believe Christians mic work was better than Edges i found his promo's in wwe to be highly enjoyable and a laugh most of the time.

His in-ring work was great aswell. Although Edges is slightly better.

I found that Christians gimmick with Trish was much better than Edge's with Lita even though it was shorter.
This is very easy. Edge is way better than Christian Cage. Let's look at the facts. Christian left WWE a year ago because he couldn't cut it as a top superstar and now in TNA he's struggling to be on top but he lost that spot the day he dropped the NWA Title. Now for Edge, I've always known he was better. His mic work is untouchable and he really do come across as a heel rather than an actor like Christian. One minute Christian is a face then the next he's trying to become morer like Edge but I don't like Christian Cage in TNA.

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