Hall of Fame: Edge, Christian, or E&C

Edge? Christian? E&C? Who's going to the Hall of Fame?

  • Just Edge

  • Edge and Christian, but separately as singles stars

  • Edge and Christian, together as E&C

  • Neither, or another option not listed

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I think Edge is a sure fire HOF. enuf said. Now with Christian it is dicey because he would of been a TNA HOF if he stayed because he would of been champ like 5 or 6 more times, if not more. Now in WWE as a singles competitor he hasnt done anything yet, mainly Vince's booking fault.

Now i think it depends on singles careers in the WWE now since there are no tag teams nemore. I think the tag teams in the HOF all were tag teams most of the time and neither had significant singles competitiors.
Hang on, Spawny baby. Don't discount the WWE's efforts like that. It's not that they've pushed one Hardy harder than the other. WWE pushed both brothers many, many times. But the fact is that one Hardy is much, much, MUCH more entertaining than the other. Now, I'm not a big fan of either Hardy's in ring work, but I have to admit that Jeff brings the kind of excitement into a match that every main event caliber performer should bring. Matt Hardy on the other hand is just boring on all levels. Outside of the "Mattitude" angle, Hardy has never been able be a focal point of a storyline. Outshone by Edge, Lita, Kane, MVP, Jeff countless times, Matt Hardy has almost always needed someone else to make him look good. Jeff Hardy can do it on his own, Edge can do it on his own, and Christian can do it on his own.

Vince is not an idiot. As long as Christian maintains a strong and loyal fanbase, he'll have a spot in the WWE. But it might just mean that he'll have to settle as an upper mid-carder.

Personally, I think he'll wind up with a career similar to Rob Van Dam, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit. I think one day he WILL get at least one World title reign, because the fans will demand it. Eddie Guerrero is in the HOF. Chris Benoit DESERVES to be in the HOF one day. Even if he doesn't make it, we all know he had a HOF career. As long as RVD maintains a friendly relationship with WWE, he will ALSO be a HOF'er one day.

Christian's odds are very good. Especially since he's not Matt Hardy.

Well first and foremost, let me just say "hey bro, how you been doin. What's been up."

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, let me just correct you on the assumption that the WWE hasn't pushed one brother harder than the other. Considering that the WWE has taken the time to let other guys get their charisma over with the crowd such as Cena, Batista, and the ever so robotic Randy Orton, I'm not sure how you can sit there and say that it's Matt's lack of charisma that has held him back. He has a moveset of about 4 signature moves. Jeff has the same amount of moves in his moveset as well. Sure his are different, but he's just as sloppy with them as Matt is. So where do they differ? Matt is actually better on the mic. Yeah, I said it.

So why is Jeff pushed more than Matt? Because of the tag team theory. And by that, I mean that both have been given main event pushes, while the WWE was quicker to keep Jeff there while dropping Matt back down to midcard matches or meaningless angles. Case and point. When Matt was moved to RAW to be the new Jericho, was he given a decent chance? Nope. He had a decent amount of heat, but as soon as he got the cast, which could have gotten major heel heat from either using it as an excuse not to wrestle or using it to win matches. Matt used to be the more polished of the two, but why give 110% when the WWE aint gonna get even 75% behind you.

So what in the bloody hell does that have to do with Christian? Lots? WWE has always given him a decent push but dropped it soon after. He could have went into RAW with the ECW title and used it for a major heel turn or been a fighting champ, leading to a unification match with whoever the RAW champion is. I could see it now. He could have cut promos about Dreamer and Douglas and Raven and Taz either being not as good a champ as he or being the legacy behind the prestigious title. But what did they do? They put it on a talentless still green hack like Ezekial Jackson? Can some fuckin body please tell me when being and unstoppable big man wasn't good enough for a gimmick?

So where does that leave Christian? Exactly where I said. He might get a half decent push at the title but won't get it. If anything, he will get the US title or tag title. And when his time for HOF induction comes around, he will not be a headliner, unless it's a joint induction WITH Edge. And odds are, that aint happening. Plain and simple.
I don't agree with you about Christian being forced back into a tag team. Right now, with the way that MIB is setting up, no Punk, no Morrison, no McIntrye, the stage is set for Christian to win it this year. As much as Vince might have hated the fact that he went to TNA, sooner or later he is going to have to get Christian involved in the main event of either Raw or Smackdown. There are just too many great opportunities for him to capitalize on to pass it up. Edge, Jericho, Punk etc etc. All of these feuds will be fresh and help rejuvenate interest in WWE once the Monday Night Wars start up.

Well first, before I retort, let me just say that I NEVER said Christian would be forced into a tag team. I said I could see him being put into a tag team and maybe holding the titles or being in the US title picture before being shipped to Smackdown. Once there, who knows. But with the current state of RAW, he will NOT be getting a world title push. Hell, the man was de-pushed before ECW folded and is now doing the NXT thing. Only ONE guy in NXT is currently involved in an actual angle. Hardy isn't. Regal isn't. Miz holds two titles but still isn't. And Christian sure as hell isn't.

I mean the man could have been brought into RAW with a hot push from ECW and been able to hold some of the fort when Michaels takes his annual post-WM break. It could have created fresh feuds and some nice angles. But what happened? They had him job on the last ECW to a big man? As I asked before, can somebody PLEASE tell me when in the fuck being a big monster wasn't enough of a gimmick for a big man? But instead, they de-heat him by making him an NXT coach with guys like Car-f'n-lito? Are you kidding me? Not cool.

What I'm saying is, at this pace, Christian may get in, but he will NOT be a headliner for HOF balloting. And I stick by my words.
It depends. If Christian wins a title, a proper one, then they'll go in together, and they will describe their two careers as they go in, like they did with the Brisco Brothers. However, the longer they go without Christian being in the main event, the more I'm starting to think it won't happen. Unless one of the bigger names that aren't in it don't sneak in through the backdoor, he is the most likely to win the MITB ladder match, but I still can't see it, I don't know why. If he never gets to the top, then Edge will probably go in on his own, and Christian may get a Koko B. Ware style spot in about 30 years, which isn't really what you wanted to know about.
They will both make it in separately as long as they stay on good terms with the WWE. I really think the standards for the WWE Hall of Fame are overrated in some of these threads, you guys have to remember that Pete Rose and William Perry are in this thing, so anybody who's even somewhat contributed is going to get in. Which obviously I really don't have a problem with, seeing as wrestling being pre-determined makes it a little difficult to find the right criteria to decide who gets inducted and who doesn't. They're obviously two of the more talented stars of this generation, and Christian not winning the world title at least once by the end of his career would really be an injustice to the guy's skill level, in my humble opinion. Their contributions to the tag world have been really great as well, but they both deserve singles recognition, no doubt about it.

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