Who's better - Edge or Christian?

Christian is better in Bill Lesnars opinion. bill lesnar enjoys Christians time on the mic more, espeacially his work in 2004/2005. Bill Lesnar thinks that Edge went stale once his fued with Cena finished at unforgiven
No offense but this is one of the worst questions ever. Edge is wayyyyyyy better worker than Christian is, was, or ever will be.
Edge is more charismatic, has better mic skills and a much better character. I have nothing against Christian, but seriously, he will never reach the level that Edge is at
Edge > Christian

The CSR guys are so right on this one. Christian can never compare to Edge. Edge is the complete package. Great in ring skills, great on the mic, has the look and can get fans emotionally involved. Christian just doesn't compare. Edge is always will be on a much higher level. This discuss is silly and should be in the trash.
Okay, so all the noobs just came in, and one of them even said that this was a stupid question.

Like I said, if you haven't seen Christian wrestle or talk on the mic before, you have no idea what your talking about. Edge botches more than Christian = Christian is a better wrestler. Just because Christian didn't get a main event shine, doesn't mean he's worse then Edge.

The Chair Shot Reality guy can think whatever he wants, I don't even watch that... he can bash all these people, but it's worse for him.

EDIT: All the noobs are gonna get bashed by this after...

EDITX2: I'm not saying Christian is better than Edge at everything, btw.
A lot of people are looking at the comparison between them based on what they have achieved.

I think they have both done very different, but really good things with their careers.

Look at Christian. Before he left the WWE for TNA, he had some momentum and I really feel that had he stayed, he would have broke through the glass ceiling sooner rather than later. His time in TNA was good for him, it allowed him to legitimise himself by winning the then NWA World Title and putting on some really solid matches in the process. That obviously helped his bartering when returning to the WWE. I really like Christian, always have, far more than Edge. That is not to say that Edge isn't better, but I have always found Christian to be more of a whole wrestler. Like it has been mentioned here, Christian has never been badly injured. And I still believe that Christian can make an impact in the WWE and win another big title.

Edge on the other hand has done everything. He is a nine-time champion and cuts a really good promo, and, although out of the hands of Christian, gets the better feuds. I just feel like Edge doesn't connect with me as a fan as much as Christian does. Sure he's a heel and he's not meant to keep me happy, but even when Jericho is berating fans I still feel that fan connection and I just don't with Edge.

Based on that, my vote is Christian, but not by much.

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