ECW Title

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Dark Match Jobber
How can WWE use the ECW title when Rhino never lost it? (Even though becoming ECW champ in WWECW doesnt count as an official ECW title win they still wouldnt be able to use it. Big Show never held the ECW title and as much as I hate to say it, RVD never did either).
rvd was the ecw champ.. and the reasons y they can use another championship is because rhyno said he was not coming back to ecw and he refused to give the title back
uhhh ECW Title is shit as of right now.Thats how there treating it.There defending it too frequently.And it was switched too quick.
Yeah, they have so far defended it every week, and against WWE superstars..the WWE couldn't care less about the ECW title.
Dreamer must get the title off of Big Show...ECW needs to be carried by ECW performers ...not guys that just shift around from other shows just to get the quick push...thats bullshit
isnt RVD coming back next week...cuz if so he will win it back
I'm pretty sure he'll be back in the title picture, but i doubt he would be rewarded with another title reign so close to the incident. McMahons are still pissed-he make them look bad because they're trying to look legitimate with the "wellness policy" and shit like this goes and makes WWE look bad. Not that marijuana is a dangerous thing but it just draws unwanted attention to the company. You have to remember that WWE is a publicly traded company with shareholders-Vince is majority owner and has control over the company-yet in that position you still have to keep the other investors in mind, and I'm sure that slapping the title right back on RVD immediately after a public relations disaster is going to be a popular decision.
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