Ecw is falling apart

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Well Soul Crusher I probably differ with you to some degree on the last show. I thought the crowd added alot and I enjoyed the main event. We all saw RVD being punished coming, on the other hand I thought it was a great match. Pretty much the best match I'd ever seen the big show in for that matter.
ECW "falling apart"? More like "crashing and burning". I think Paul Heyman probably cries himself to sleep after Vince is daily turning Paul E's dream into a nightmare. Even Tommy Dreamer is pissed about the new project. Vince better get his head out of his ass and give Paul some "real" ownership in the company.
its only been a month be more patient. Its pretty insane how much people are excpecting out of a show with less than 20 guys on the roster. It always takes new promotions a to build stroylines and gain talent plus the fact that they are stuck on a bullshit network which gives them no leway to do what they want to do is hurting them. These threads piss me off because they have been attacking the new ecw since week one without giving it a chance to grow. DONT GIVE UP ON ECW too early. :wtf:
^^ You are missing it all together. It is a brand new promotion. That is exactly why they need ratings and viewers. Giving Big Show the ECW title is not the way to get ratings. Think about it this way: With as many new fans tuning in to ECW on Sci-fi, just as many old ECW fans are tuning out in disgust. It's the absolute truth. I don't have to be more patient because any-body can see that it's just a 3rd WWE promotion that contradicts the concept of 'extreme'.
I competley agree that they are handling things ineffectivley at this point but this is a new promotion and they must be givein at least a littile time to get on there feet and learn from there mistakes. As soon as wwe just leaves them alone and lets them do there thing (if that ever happens) things will get better. If you want to blame anyone for big show being champion blame RVD the only people that the new WWEECW has built up to a championship level are all out right now. Dreamer would have been a good choice in the past but to have him go from jobbing one week to becoming champion would not make much sense. Of course neither did making Big Show champ but it would never have happened if RVD didn't screw himself. Hopefully he will be able to win the title back when he returns but i think he will be reduced to a jobber unfortunetly. Hopefully Vince will just forget about ECW like he did with smackdown and heyman can take control and lead them to the promise land. Vince needs to swallow his pride and admit that heyman could do a better job than he can. This may be closer than people think i think the fact that the invaision storyline is over is a good sign. Nothing i perfect right away most things require a trial and error period which is what is happening right now.
Maybe we have been judging ECW unfairly. But this is the main gripe we have: There is little difference in style between the matches on ECW and the matches on the other WWE brands! We need to see a lot more of the unpredictable, anything goes style that the original ECW provided. We need wrestlers that understand the ECW doctrine and apply it to their matches. We need far fewer bland big guys - ECW never shoved this many 6'6" + guys down our throats. We need much less of that pointless, talentless tart Kelly - all she's good for is stripping, and she's no better than your average stripper. And most of all, we need the complete elimination of squash matches! We know that Vinnie loves the squash, but can't he spare all of us on at least one of his programs? Worse yet, he's making all the ECW icons look bad, because they're the ones that are getting squashed!

We just have to face the facts - we are never going to see the real ECW style in this "New Breed Unleashed" ECW. Vinnie thinks the style is too high risk and has demanded that the "no rules" style be replaced with standard WWE-style wrestling, which makes ECW no different from Raw or SmackDown! at all. Therefore, don't expect the show to improve, unless you just can't get enough of the safe, low-risk, watered-down type of wrestling that we already see plenty of on WWE's two other brands.
^^ A-f'n-men to that. That is the absolute truth right there and very well said. The legacy of ECW was better left untouched. I have no idea what persauded Vince to bring it back. I didn't see One Night Stand 2, but the first one was great. Although it was WWE-hosted, it was just as extreme and vintage as the ECW we loved. I think it was a pretty big success too, so why does Vince want to change the style of ECW? It's becoming nothing more than an affiliate of WWE. I don't understand it. Bringing back ECW was ment to bring back hardcore, was it not? I just think the new product contradicts the whole ExtremeCW name.
No i know why it was brought back Vince wants to convert every WRESTLING fan out there into one of his RASSLIN marks, so companies like TNA never pose a threat

VINCE, does not know jack shit when it come to WRESTLING now Rasslin is something he knows alot about

Lets have out top guy job to a form cop who is 7'2" and never steped in a wrestling ring in his life

Hey why not have out best two WRESTLERS go wrestler
" what are you a moron YOUR FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1"
Yaszie_123 said:
I hope ECW falls apart! I hate it!

I hope you're referring to the new ECW and the new ECW alone.

Unlike WWE, ECW wasn't set out to "entertain". As Joey Styles said on and off camera, he HATED calling the wrestlers "entertainers" or "superstars" when they should be called what they are, wrestlers or athletes. The ECW I grew up with was about hardcore wrestling and above all else respect between wrestlers and the fans. But with Vince being Vince it's just terrible, just like he makes everything else. I still question why he brought it back. It was obviously in demand to come back because of what it stood for, not because of what Vince could do to it, obviously.
The Aggressor™ said:
I didn't see One Night Stand 2, but the first one was great. Although it was WWE-hosted, it was just as extreme and vintage as the ECW we loved. I think it was a pretty big success too...

Sorry to post twice since I missed this but -

ECW One Night Stand '05 was great because Heyman had so much control over it.

ECW One Night Stand '06 was still GOOD, but not as great, and after finding out that it was that because Vince took more controle over it, I wasn't suprised.

And as we can see, it all went downhill from there.
Actually I lied. I saw one match from One Night Stand 2006 and that was Sabu vs Mysterio. That was a great match. That was what real ECW was all about. When Sabu DDT'ed Mysterio through the table - that was classic ECW at its' finest. My point is - why would they give us great ECW wrestling at One Night Stand, but every week on ECW on Sci-fi, they give us lackluster garbage?
The Aggressor™ said:
Actually I lied. I saw one match from One Night Stand 2006 and that was Sabu vs Mysterio. That was a great match. That was what real ECW was all about. When Sabu DDT'ed Mysterio through the table - that was classic ECW at its' finest. My point is - why would they give us great ECW wrestling at One Night Stand, but every week on ECW on Sci-fi, they give us lackluster garbage?

If you ask me its because Heyman lost more and more control till it became what it is now.

One Night Stand - Complete Control
One Night Stand 2 - Some Control
ECW as of 7/04/06 - No Control, just another character for story lines once again

Theres more but thats the most obvious to me. (Other than ONS was a PPV as ECW is an hour long on SciFi :p)
it's vince's fault. he isn't giving paul the control that he should have to take ecw up to the next level. i mean they have a huge audience now and it seems as if they're just dulling down ecw to not piss anyone off. ecw was based on pissing people off. vince needs to realize that and let heyman do what he needs to do.
quit whining and just stop watching big show was put in ecw deal with it i think big show is a doing a good job

vince owns ecw and can do as he pleases with it maybe if paul would of handled his bills better he would own ecw and not vince

ecw will grow and be successful it will basicly be the hardcore division of wwe and alot of wrestlers who would otherwise be jobbers will actually get a chance to shine and be seen on tv each week

it will never be like the old ecw just like the new dx will never be like the old dx just like the wwe of today wont ever be as good as the wwf of 97 but who cares either watch it or dont

stop with the pointless threads no one gives a shit
big show was put in ecw because nobody new what to do with him after that stupid storyline with kane. yes vince owns ecw but there was absolutely no point in bringin it back and hypin it up so much if it wasnt going to be the old product that everybody loved. wwe doesnt need a third brand. they are barely able to pull it off with two brands with raw being the far superior brand and them not knowin what the hell to do with smackdown. if ecw continues to be the way it is it wont be successful. apparently sci fi has already been upset enough and are starting to put it on a later time slot so chances are once the current tv contract ends it probably wont be renewed and ecw will become just another online program. i basicly compare it to the cruiserweight division. vince hyped it up so much and got people excited thinkin they were gonna see the high flyin stunts and great matches but he even manged to turn that into wwe and the cruiserweight division is basicly shit right now and has dissapeared. that in my opinion will happen to ecw if heyman isnt given back control. it will turn into shit(or it already has) and eventualy dissappear
here are a couple of things that need to be done for ecw to be watcheable:

mike knox and kelly need to completely dissapear from the show.

like a previous post stated the squash matches need to be completely done away with

the originals need a huge push and need to be in more matches.maybe do the next couple of shows with pure ecw originals with maybe a couple of guys like test and cm punk in a couple of matches

the 'extreme rules' matches need to be reinstated full time and the name done away with its ridiculous.i know vince and sci fi have some issues with it bein to brutal but u dont need blood pourin out of a guys head for it to be considered hardcore. or atleast have true wrestling matches and not have them subdued to kick punch irish wip into the corner then a finisher
Let me correct you guyz it's not "ECW" it's "WWECW" now get it right.
with undertaker comin to wwecw this pretty mutch shuts the door on any chance that the originals will be big time players in wwecw
the funny thing is that the only EXTREME Rules matches are with WWE wrestlers
LOL the only reason that the Taker show match is EXTREME RULES is because they are not going to do half the shit other ECW would do in a ecw rules match, Could u imagine if they let Sandman Sabu go at it in EXTREME rules, It would be great and inventive, What were going to get now is the same old Trash can, Baking Tray yadda yyadda no originality
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