EB's Wrestling Journal:Over the Lilimt PPV Predictions!


Dark Match Jobber
Disclaimer- Please do not read this if you are a wrestling mark because you will not agree with ANYTHING I have to say. I define a mark as a little kid or woman who likes Cena or Orton because they are "cool" or "look hot" and not because of anything relevant like their actual ability to wrestle. If you do read my posts you will notice that I tend to favor the guys that can actually wrestle and I am a very pro heel guy, so just a warning before you move on with the reading...

Alright everyone here are my predictions for tonight's PPV; let's see how good I do this month...

"I Quit" Match for the WWE Championship:
-John Cena (c) vs. The Miz- I can't phathom them having "Super" Cena say "I Quit", but you know Cole did have a point when he said if anybody can defy the odds it just might be Miz, so I might not be 100% shocked if Miz did win, but I'd be 99.9%, so I gotta go with Cena.

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match:
-Randy Orton (c) vs. Christian- Orton... I don't think they would take the belt away from Orton right after he won it on Smackdown I mean it's not like he's Christian or anything right? I wouldn't mind seeing Christian lose then go completely nuts, turn heel and rip Orton a new one, but more than likely Orton will just win, they shake hands blah blah.

Kiss My Foot Match:
-Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole. If Cole wins, Jerry Lawler must give him his Hall of Fame ring and induct Cole into the WWE Hall of Fame.- I'm hoping to see Cole get completely destroyed tonight which could very well happen or it could be a swerve and Swagger could suprise us all bu helping Cole win yet again, but I would hope that WWE knows better than to drag this thing around for one more night and just end it! We could see JR come out also and get revenge on Cole and we could see a repeat of the "Kiss my Foot" match when Bret Hart stuck Lawler's own dirty foot down his own throat with Cole having to taste that nasty crap on his own feet!

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match:
-Wade Barrett (c) vs. Ezekiel Jackson- Kind of hard to call I mean Barrett is a young talent they are trying to build and he hasn't been the IC Champ that long, but Big Zeke also seems to be a guy they are trying to develop into something, so I'll go out on a limb and say Barrett keeps it because of Slater and Gabriel, but if Zeke wins I won't be shocked either!

WWE Tag Team Championship Match:
-Big Show and Kane (c) vs. CM Punk and Mason Ryan- I'd love to see them put the tag belts on Punk and help him further develop Mason Ryan by giving him a tag title run with an experienced and accomplished wrestler, but I don't see that happening, so I'll go with ShowKane, but I actually hope I am wrong on this one!

WWE Divas Championship Match:
-Brie Bella (c) vs. Kelly Kelly- Who cares?!? Maybe Kelly Kelly wins because of Kharma? I'll go with K squared, but again I ask.... WHO CARES!?!

-Rey Mysterio vs. R-Truth- This one is kind of tough because it could go one of two ways: They could give the match to Truth to build his heel character up and further the feud or they could have Rey beat Truth since Truth has got the best of Rey on the last two RAWs and then have Truth come out tomorrow night with his "angry black man" gimmick and further the feud... I think I'll go with Rey on this one!

-Sin Cara vs. Chavo Guerrero- It's highly unlikely that Sin Cara would lose his debut match on PPV, so I'm going with the masked man on this one! Should be good cruiserweight action though and I like how they are using Chavo to help develop Sin Cara's skills because after all Chavo is still a good in ring performer -- might as well use him to help along a guy like Cara!

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