EB's Wrestling Journal:Highlights & Thoughts from the last three weeks of RAW


Dark Match Jobber
Disclaimer- Please do not read this if you are a wrestling mark because you will not agree with ANYTHING I have to say. I define a mark as a little kid or woman who likes Cena or Orton because they are "cool" or "look hot" and not because of anything relevant like their actual ability to wrestle. If you do read my posts you will notice that I tend to favor the guys that can actually wrestle and I am a very pro heel guy, so just a warning before you move on with the reading...

Well for the few of you that actually do read my posts, sorry it has been awhile since I have posted an entry, but I have been pretty busy lately with life, but I'm trying to take some time to catch up right now, so since I missed the past three weeks of RAW I decided to combine my thoughts from all three shows....

Not much to say about the 5/2 edition of RAW because it was the Rock's birthday celebration which was a throw away show to me I mean it was all talk and worse two hours of Monday Night ROCK! Being a Boston Celtic fan I don't like Miami, so it didn't appeal to me I mean if I want to see Lebron and D-Wade I will watch the NBA Playoffs if I want to see Pitbull I will watch BET,MTV or wherever they air his crap! I watch WWE to watch wrestling and that show gave us little to no wrestling action! I loved the whole Michael Cole wearing the KG jersey, but it didn't take a genious to know he was going to get dropped and low and behold he did! Some things did happen like R-Truth blindsided Morrison again and beat him down, Kharma debuted on RAW and destroyed Maryse, but spared Kelly Kelly, Miz beat Cena, but of course got caught cheating which allowed Cena to keep the belt! All in all I didn't like the show because it provided no action at all and even had Vince Mcmahon come to the ramp out of character and "thank" the Rock.... Yeah thank you Rock for leaving the WWE to go to Hollywood off and on *mostly on* for almost 9 years! You deserve wasting a two hour RAW on * extreme sarcasm in case you can't tell!*

The 5/9 edition of RAW had a Triple Threat match to determine who will face John Cena at the PPV, but the outcome was kind of easy to predict because the match involved Rey Mysterio, Alberto Del Rio and the Miz with R-Truth getting left out and as expected with John Morrison out for a month or two with a neck injury, R-Truth attacked Mysterio after the match to start a program with him and with the help of Alex Riley of course, the Miz got another Title shot at Cena in a "I Quit" match...Eve got brave or dumb however you want to look at it and actually tried to attack Kharma, but of course she got buried for her efforts! Zack Ryder actually got onto RAW and was teaching Cena how to fist pump which was more entertaining than most of the matches that took place that night! Good to see Long Island Ice Z on RAW and hopefully he will make more appearances.... Alex Riley got thrown to Cena basically so that John could have an easy match and appear on RAW for all his female and child fans... The Lawler/Cole stuff has been old for several months now, but I did kind of enjoy watching Lawler bounce Cole's head up against the plexiglass of the Cole Mine over and over again! Oh and for those who were saying that Lawler should be punished or maybe even fired for "choking" Cole like Daniel Bryan did to Justin Roberts I say... GET A LIFE! Really?! Really?! First of all it wasn't nearly the same thing at all and secondly Cole was acting like he was choking hence the goofy facial expression he had when Lawler had a hold of him! Some people need to just watch the show and not try to think because that can be dangerous for some people!

Last week's RAW began hyping the main event at Over the Limit as Cena came out and got interrupted by Miz's lackey, Alex Riley and the three of them went back and forth, Cena attempted to be funny blah blah blah! Punk finally won a match for the first time in awhile and actually defeated a quality opponent in Kofi Kingston I mean even though it was a non-title match, he still got the win and that's all that matters! Who knows maybe he will be resigning after all! Kharma did her walk to the ring and attack thing with the victim this week being Nikki Bella... it was funny because Brie ran and left Nikki in the ring and Lawler said "You can't just abandon your sister" and I was saying why the hell not?!? I would! Once again Kharma leaves Kelly Kelly alone which means she is either a face, or has some love thing for Kelly Kelly, which knowing Vince Mcmahon and the WWE writers I wouldn't be shocked! Rey Mysterio wrestled Alberto Del Rio in a match that we saw a thousand and one times on Smackdown and from what I understood they had already wrestled for the final time, but I guess that didn't count for RAW, anyway Rey won by DQ and then got beat down by R-Truth setting up the PPV match... For some reason they had a contract signing between Cole and Lawler which ended in Cole telling the King that the match is now a "Kiss my Foot" match and Cole pretty much put his foot in his mouth after he talked about how Swagger was nothing without him and how nobody would care about Jack if it wasn't for Cole which led to Swagger walking out and leaving Cole to get punked by Lawler again! Hopefully this will be the end of Cole's crap and they will let the King take him out once and for all! Big non-Title match victory for Otunga and McGuilicutty to build the tag Titles match between ShowKane and Punk/Ryan.... Swagger was the "chosen one" to fight Cena in the main event and of course did the job for Cena which led to more talk by Miz about how many ways he can beat Cena and then attempted to attack Cena with a pipe, but Cena got the best of him and Riley to end the show and go into the PPV!

Hopefully the RAW after Over the Limit will be better than the last three shows, but who knows? Guess we will just have to wait and find out!

Questions? Comments? Reply to my posts! If you like my journals and want to friend me on facebook send your requests to Erik Bryant or follow me on Twitter @eab2940 or just email me at [email protected]

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