Dynamite's WZCW Thread/Entertainment Discussion

FlexAmerican Dynamite

Well I'm bored and I think I've waited for the appropriate time to start an ask me questions thread. I'll also ask random questions in here as well whether they be Fed related or not. So ask and or answer away.
Talk the viewers back home through a possible Krypto heel turn...

I don't think Krypto could ever be a serious heel, lately I've been trying to take him to dark and disturbing places for comedy purposes due to him trying to beat Alhazred at his own game but I don't think him turning heel would work for the long term. Though I do think it would work in stable/tag team form if his partner was a heel that tricked Krypto into thinking doing bad things makes him cool to the "humans on the internet" the most important species on the planet.

Marry Amber, fuck Sandy, kill Izzy (I got close last time)

This is my thread Pancake, GTFO.
If creative let you be an actual alien, would the character have been different?
I nominated you for most improved poster this past year. How much do you love me?

Serious question though: Do you feel the Mentor Program truly took you to the next level as a RPer? Or, do you feel like the skill set would of came overtime regardless of the program?
If creative let you be an actual alien, would the character have been different?

Whether Krypto is an actual alien or not really depends on whatever creative member is currently writing him, sometimes the joke is that he thinks he's one, other times he actually is one but nobody believes him until he does the strangest things. I don't think anything would really change though, he'd still be trying to kill Alhazred.
I nominated you for most improved poster this past year. How much do you love me?

Do it again in December and I'll love you even more. But seriously though you're awesome Kermit, that's why I PM you all my ideas for the Alhazred feud, though you may have some stiff competition in JGlass, who has shown his enthusiasm for it multiple times.

Serious question though: Do you feel the Mentor Program truly took you to the next level as a RPer? Or, do you feel like the skill set would of came overtime regardless of the program?

Both, the program gave me a reason to improve my game and get the hang of the character but if it didn't happen (thank god it did though) I think I would have been at least a bit better by now.
Does it bother you in the slightest that most of the "vixens" that Krypto's lusting after are written by male RP'ers?
Sexual Dynamite said:
I think male RP'ers eager to express themselves through imaginary female wrestlers bother me more.

I feel that. I think it must be very hard to get into the pantsskin of the other gender.

If I applied with a woman as my char rep, it'd be somebody like Madison Rayne and most of the RP would be explicit descriptions of her jilling it...
It would make sense for you to feud with either Bowen, SHIT, or Barbosa upon your return but I'd personally like to see come back and destroy whatever character Falkon has for the lulz.

vs. Runn
vs. Sandy
vs. Tastic
vs. Chris KO
vs. Reynolds
vs. Krypto
vs. SHIT/Barbosa

Any of those will do. No thanks on working with Bowen again.

This feud unfortunately like most of the one's I just thought of a couple minutes ago should consist of a loud mouth Cooper unjustly (or justly considering your hatred of Runn) calling Ricky on everything he's done in WZCW, criticizing he tag title reign, how he's been handed opportunities and failed, and generally just sucks. I don't know if the Unlucky Runn gimmick plays a part in this feud but this is as straight forward as it gets, cocky heel calls out the face until a showdown occurs.

vs. Sandy

Now I like the idea of this a lot, it could start off with various things in Sandy's past being tormented or messed with by an unknown assailant ( later revealed to be Cooper of course) and soon it begins to affect Sandy emotionally. It is later revealed Cooper is doing this because Sandy has ties to Kurtsey who according to him is a fraud and a paper champion who got lucky in the roulette rounds and Cooper wants to eliminate any chance of Kurtsey in this company. I could see this getting personal, even with Cooper visiting and injured Kurtsey in the hospital and roughing him up a bit during one of Sandy's matches.

vs. Tastic

I got nothing here, I'll do it later.

vs. Chris KO

Well this is interesting, I see neither of you being the face for this feud, but the potential is there with the whole Unscripted fiasco that turned Cooper into the loudmouth pipe bomb like character he is known for. Actually now that I think about it this might be the only feud in which Cooper might be cheered for truth telling tirades. Following the same sort of pattern the Punk/Cena feud of 2011 might be the best way to go here.

vs. Reynolds

See Ricky Runn.

with Krypto vs. SHIT/Barbosa

I changed this one because I couldn't think of a feud for us plus you needed a tag team partner. Cooper in need of a partner and looking for revenge on BarboSHIT convinces Krypto doing bad things will get the "internet fans" (the most important species on the planet) to like him more so Krypto blindly starts following Cooper's lead and helps him in his schemes to destroy BarboSHIT. It could lead to some fun.

It's later...

I had class, sue me.
So it is BarboSHIT's lot in life to have to deal with tag teams spawning from a stable that picked a fight with them and got their asses handed to them?

Great. Who is Bowen going to chose as a partner? Tastic? Jimmy Flynn? Joseph Rios?
Fucking loved Aftershock! Not just the ending, but really every match. For Grizzly this was his first segment and first main-event.

What was your favourite part of Aftershock 23?

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