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DX v. NWO 2012


Pre-Show Stalwart
Nash vs. HHH tonight is the result of a poorly executed attempt to squash CM Punk. Lets be honest, Nash was suppose to come back, get the heat off Punk and create a reason the involve HHH who was going to do everything he could to prevent the Era of Punk. He hijacked the match at NoC and buried it on the card. The plan blew up because realistically Punk is the only guy to carry the belt around until a post-Mania-Rock/Cena WWE. But I digress....

Since the E fucked up in booking Nash/HHH, could they save it by making it the launch of a new plot for 2012. Nash notoriously left WWF to go start the NWO (kayfabe or not, however you want to look at it). For those who want to cut me off right here and say "this is going to be another nastalgia driving storyline of old guys" - I point out that those old guys are going to be young guys when the WWE starts airing footage in April on their network. That alone gives a business reason to rehashing this.

From a booking standpoint, Batista was right, the product is beyond stale and the guys who are big now are not going to ever be as big as the stars of the late 90s/2000s. Hell, Road Dogg cut a better promo than 98% of the roster on the Slammys. WWE is in a unique position where they are trying to promote guys to the next level but know the way to draw a quick buy or a quick rating is to bring back the stars. It speaks volumes that they lean on Rock-HHH-Nash-Taker-Foley (we'll see)-Austin (wait for it) to sell their biggest shows. Has anyone noticed the years on Henry-Big Show for the WHC?.

Giving new fans an introduction to DX and NWO in a new era would be a great way to sell them to watch WWE TV. The "lost" fans of yesterday are clamoring for the old days. Give it to them. Hell it wont be what they want (see all the Rock complaint threads) but at least people will watch. and along the way, maybe the undercard (yes, the Miz, Dolph, Ryder, Barret, Shemus, Orton) will continue to shine but with less pressure to carry something that they cant.

Bring back HBK, even if he doesn't wrestle - how ridiculous is it that his two best friends are trying to kill each other and he hasn't weighed in. HUGE dropped ball because he alone would have sold this ppv. He could have bought a ticket, sat ringside and people would have watched with interest. To a lesser extent, Waltman should have been brought back in. They dropped his name and he is part of the crew. I'd throw him with Nash just because I believe the story isnt half bad with Nash being pissed HHH didnt get him a job - Waltman can say the same. Let them go NWO and try to overrun HHH in his own house. Along the way if you want to give them a young guy to work the weeklies and save them for the ppv fine, it'll probably be better than what they are booked as now (cough Miz, Barret). At the same time, Road Dogg went all DX on us last Monday and it was great. what a better foil for X-Pac than his counter part. No tag teams exist in the WWE. I repeat, name me a tag team? AirBoom when AirBUST and the tag title push went nowhere. Last I checked DX played a huge role in the WWF and are jockeying for a position to get on the WWE network with a show. Give them air time.

I'd like to see something of this nature. Hell it'd be better than JR dancing. It'd also be a great mix when you consider what we will be watching in the upcoming months. Rock-Cena...Punk-Y12J ...Kane as a monster...Taker coming back..

WAIT, taker is coming back. How great would it be to have a DX group, and NWO group, and a Taker in the middle. Taker never got involved in any of this, he was always above the Kliq, he wasn't in the gang but remained a dominant force for 20 years. HISTORY exists. HBK couldnt beat him (2x), HHH couldnt beat him (2x), Nash couldnt beat him but I bet wants a shot to just like his buddies got 2 shots....the WWE needs to hide taker. I think watching Taker is going to be like watching Brett Farve - everyone wants to see him but he just cant perform. Let these four go in a Fatal Fourway and I bet this would go over HUGE alongside Rock-Cena. just imagine the talk of WHAT IF HHH pins Nash or HBK and Taker loses. Is it even a loss?!...this could be original and great.

With that said, its a lot but this could be a great way to go into April when the network launches and we are watching alot of footage of guys who are part of the company but not visible. The stories don't need to play out long either. DX vs NWO thru the rumble and then Taker comes back and we get straight to a pay off in April.

Ya know...this is too long to read everything so Im just gonna go by your title to this thread.



I've been saying it FOR-EV-ER on these boards...NEW IDEAS! No more redoing the past, what's done is done.

The new version of DX was WWE's answer to WCW's NWO. They rehashed the NWO when Vince got everyone back and it SUCKED. Leave Triple H and Nash alone now. After this their feud needs to die. It's original purpose WAS NOT to bury Punk, it was meant to push Punk to the next level.

No more stables with veterans, WWE has enough guys to work with. Nexus worked great in the start cause it was a bunch of young guys looking for their start and making an impact. Let stables die out for awhile before bringing in another.

In the AE days you had DX and NOD feuding and you had the Corporation vs Ministry feuding. Make new stables and let them feud against each other. Hell make a NEW NWO...BUT DONT CALL IT NWO! Dont do the same storyline.

All of these vets coming back are being used to push YOUNGER talent, they gain nothing from it. They are all on their last legs anyway so its time to pass the torch.
In my opinion stables are a huge part of wrestling success. Look at DX in the Attitude days and NWO in WCW, both companies shined. Now it also helps when you have Hogan drawing for WCW and Rock/Austin/Taker drawing for WWF/E, but I think you see my point.

However in this day in age, I don't think it would be wise for a DX/NWO feud. I think if this was a few years ago it could've def worked. But now Nash just doesn't look the same, HHH is HHH, HBK doesn't want to be involved with the WWE very much, Hogan is with TNA and Waltman and Hall are too much of a risk. Yes Roaddogg sounded great on the mic last week, but the half of the crowd had no idea who he was.

Unfortunately I think we're in an age now where the old stuff that was once popular is no longer able to work with the PG crowd. Kids had no idea who Jesse James was. They sometimes boo the Undertaker which is insane, When Bret Hart came back yes they cheered the first time but got bored after that...really I could go on and on here.

Long story short, booking needs work, storylines need work, and talent isn't the same.

Hate to say it but I think wrestling has gone back to the mid 90's as far as talent, ppv buyrates and storylines.
I would love to see that. I am 28 been watching since 5 years old. Anyone around my age would love to see this go down. Who cares that they aren't as good as they once were. Take it for what it's worth and enjoy it.

As a fan my whole life I'm sick that Daniel Bryan won the title tonight. The Miz is a more believable champion.

Zack RyderI respect the hell out of for how hard he worked to get himself over and he's a decent worker that will improve with time. I'm an Italian kid from Brooklyn. I get it. However ! his music is terrible and he comes off no better then santino. He need to be tough. Go through some real hard core matches like Batista was saying.

That DX vs NWO story line would make us older fans happy and you kids can enjoy your D'bryans and Dolph Zigglers

every ones happy
Yes to having Triple H v Undertaker v HBK v Nash at WrestleMania. No to everything else... Seriously, even though it sounds ridiculous, and HBK will likely never return to the ring, the match would be great. And there is that added fear factor to Undertaker not even having to be involved in the decision for the streak to be broken. The history surrounding the match would be interesting, but find another way of doing it!

The WWE just spent an ENTIRE year building up new stars. They're not all there yet, but there is a hell of a lot more potential within the roster than there was last year. Ziggler is ready, or damn close to it. Cody could be ready with another high profile feud or two. Henry is still the dominating heel, Bryan is champ, Punk is the top face, Orton is Smackdown's trump card, Ryder is US champ, Miz and Truth both got over huge this year, and...you know, there's always Cena. Don't throw all the build away for a nostalgia feud that will temporarily increase ratings, sell one exciting PPV, and leave the business where it was just a few years ago - a couple larger stars, and no mid-card talent worth a dime.

WWE is SO close to being great again...I can taste it. The DX/NWO feud would be nostalgic, it would be intense, it would be loved by a lot of hardcore fans... But it would bury Punk as the champion, and overshadow all the hard work the rest of the roster has put in this year.
What made the attitude era great was how over stars were like APA, Tajiri, Godfather, ValPenis....those guys were OVER and aren't half the stars or workers some of the young boys are today. This is not to say the guys today can't carry the product because they just did for a year. But why not have these things run parallel.

I would like to think Ziggler, Daniels, Rhodes are all "right there" in terms of making the next step but lets be honest, they need TIME - and they need to be able to draw alone - right now they cant and the WWE knows this. Its why they put the mask on Kane, why they will bring back Jericho, why Taker will have another match and why Nash-HHH is booked on a night DB wins the world title.

I'd involve the younger guys, use them as recruits, use guys like Road Dogg as a manager, or a guy like Nash as a development piece like he was used to create Motor City Machine Guns (are any of us going to argue his impact on them?)

This concept, whether the long or short version, allows for a storyline to hook older fans no longer interested in the WWE-PG product at least for nostaligia reasons, while introducing these guys (who will be featured heavily on the Network thru the archives of Raw and Nitro) to a younger crowd - PLUS it builds multiple archs people will care about beyond the one big payoff at Mania with Rock-Cena.

This is just as much a business move to build the bottom line as it is a booking move - it just happens to work for both!
I think (hope) this could work. I always loved the Clique / Kliq, the New World Order and D-Generation X. There are a few things missing, in my opinion, in order for this to work.

First, I would continue the HHH vs. Nash storyline where Shawn Michaels does in fact get involved. HBK tries to reach out to leaders of the Wolfpac and the DX Army and tries to explain to them that their feud is pointless. At the end of the day, HHH will still be in power and Nash will still be a WWE Legend…or something along those lines.

Second, I would start having their respective backup show up. One week we could see HBK actually choose a side, and joins Triple H, saying something along the lines of, “when Diesel and Razor left, there was only one person that stuck by my side…”. The next week, I would have Big Show mad about his Title loss and blames Triple H and the Office for the Money In The Bank concept, or something like that, thus rejoining Nash. On the third week, I’d have the New Age Outlaws return, showing signs of attacking HBK and HHH, but eventually join them. On the fourth week, I’d have X-Pac and Scott Hall (just get better already, Razor!!) return to even up the odds.

Then the PPV. We have a 4 on 4 Tag Team match that ends with a 2012 version of the MSG Incident. They all join forces and form the New D-Generation X World Order and all the young Stars begin to challenge them. This should, could and would push the younger talent and gives the older talent one last run, this time as the Kliq.

All of this could go on for 3 months and end at WrestleMania, while CM Punk and Daniel Bryan carry the WWE World Titles and John Cena and Randy Orton carry the PG WWE Universe...Beltless.
I have no interet in seeing any new versions of DX or the nWo in 2012. Yes, those groups were amazing back in the day. However this is not 2000. It's 2011 and almost 2012. Maybe (and that's still a strong MAYBE) if they had newer guys in the groups. Ryder in DX or Barrett in nWo, for instance. Even still I would rather they not go the route of reviving dead stables anymore. WWE need to focus on building their future stars rather than relying on bringing back old names or old stables. Trips VS Nash was a waste of a match that no one cared about except for Trips and Nash themselves because that slot could just as easily have gone to Cena VS Kane or something.

As for the Undertaker Fatal Fourway idea, that is NEVER happening for many reasons. First of all, Michaels is not coming back. Secondly, WWE would never have Taker lose a match at Wrestlemania even by someone else being pinned in a Fatal Fourway. Third, Nash is terrible in the ring and hardly worth wasting a Wrestlemania slot on. Finally, this is VERY likely Taker's last Wrestlemania so they need something awesome for an angle to have him go out with. A third match with either Trips or Kane would be not only be more likely to happen but also would be far better than this idea. Or they could have someone else face him like Sheamus who would not be a streak rematch.
I would love to see a return of DX/NWO even if it was short term. Guys like Miz, Del Rio, Swagger, etc. just bore me to death! lol I grew up during the attitude era...

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