DX...3rd Member?

Have you see scott hall lately ? His put on so much weight and just looks completely different , dont think he'll be returning to the ring. Id love to see maybe kevin nash come from TNA to WWE , or maybe xpac. I think next week on raw maybe someone will come out and help shawn and be comfirmed the new dx member or shawn may join forces with rated rko ? that way DX is ended without an official announcement. Just a thought
I reckon no one knows! As shawn micahel's said he doesn't know and I reckon he genuinely doesn't, killing DX off would be a bad mistake at the minute, teh fans love it and they always get the biggest cheers. I would like to see X-Pac just for old times sake but it'd be better with someone new, how about the worlds greatest tag team or even cryme tyme.
It wouldn't be the same, and all you guys clamoring for cm punk, don't you think it would kill his momentum to play second fiddle in dx? The same goes for anyone. You would completely rob the hardys, carlito, or anyone of their thunder. It would be cool at first, but who do you think would take most of the falls against rated rko? The best bet would be to take someone you weren't expecting, in need of a repackaging like masters. Laugh if you want to, but hhh stands for HUNTER HEARST HELMSLEY!!! Give Masters a new look as a strong bad-ass. Scott Hall is fat, and xpac is under contract. The best bet is to KINDA do what hhh did way back when, and take some nobody's with potential (sorry vkm), and build from there. Or kill it altogether, let rated rko run wild (mcmahon-helmsley era) until hhh makes his triumphant return to save the wwe.
That's where I'm going with the worlds greatest tag team, they have HUGE potential, massive, they'd be great
Rey would be utter rubbish in DX. They should do something like bring back X-Pac and have shawn michaels say something like "You may have taken out one of us but for everyone you take otu another will replace them" then X-Pac comes out x-factors edge and orton. But out of nowhere Dan rodhimer comes out and join rated rko and smashes Micahels and Pac. Rodhimer announces hes the newest member of Rated RKO.
Well say what you wanna, I still think Rey would be good on the count that he is an excellent wrestler and that he has had history with Orton and Edge
well x-pac has been seen backstage on raw with chyna but no confirmation yet plus Rated RKO will get a new member this year
Why wouldn't the Hardyz make good members... but, you know who I think would make a great addition to DX. And you all can hate me for saying it, but he has the personality in real life. Joey Mercury. Honestly, did you hear the ovation he got when he showed up after that ladder shot. It's dumb for WWE to keep him a heel. Pull him from Smackdown and have HBK take him under his wing. He's a playboy, he's brash, he's cocky. Mic skills need not apply with HBK by your side. If the next member doesn't have mic skills they will eventually get it. But I think someone said that HBK joining Rated RKO, that would be a good idea too. But then you can make it all a setup for when Triple H returns, HBK only joined Rated RKO to go behind enemy lines so to speak. But I do agree with DX not being done, its basically the only money maker they have that everyone seems to enjoy. Cena joining wouldn't be a bad idea either, as long as he raps again.
I think you're right on both of the Hardyz and Joey Mercury joining DX. But then Johnny Nitro will probably join Rated RKO because Nitro hates the Hardyz
black and green...how about the hurricane...if only *dreams*

Yeah I'm opposed to bringing back all of teh old DX but I reckon they'll have to have someone totally unexpected, and please not flair whooooooooooo!
well i was browsing the interweb earlier today..lookin at this n that...and I came across this......."Since Paul Levesque cannot continue the D-generation X promo, it's rumored that Waltman will take his place and join Shawn Michaels in his 2-on-1 handicap match on the January 15 edition of Monday Night Raw." ...i dunno tho....its a rumor and all....but hey..it would be pretty awesome 2 see X pac back.....oh and here's my source so no one bashes me for that...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Waltman hopefully we'll see the "triumphant" return of Ol' Seanny Waltmans
i know that bg and kip james ain't coming back to the WWE so the DX of 1999is out of the picture but it would be a surprise to see x-pac return!
Man i would love to see x-pac or chyna return. But chyna's on the surreal life so that's out.
Surreal Life or not, there's no way you'd ever see Chyna return to DX

Cryme Tyme, Flair, Carlito, Shelton, Cena etc. none of these people would be a good addition to DX. IMO I don't see any of them fitting in with the group at all.

IF x-pac comes back (which I don't see happening but you never know), that would be a nice addition. For one, it would be a big shocker since most fans wouldn't expect it, and WWE hasn't had a shock like that in a while.

But if they were to take somebody within WWE and put him in DX, it definitely shouldn't be somebody who's already over, IE Carlito, etc. It makes more sense to take somebody who needs to be repackaged. Somebody said Joey Mercury and I agree with that. Somebody like Masters or Mercury could be good because joining DX would be a nice push for any lower carder.

Any way however, I don't see ANYBODY being the 3rd member of DX. I don't think there will ever be a 3rd member. DX was selling enough t-shirts as it was with just HHH and Shawn and Vince probably felt that bringing in anybody else wasn't necessary. They are probably keeping DX as a tag team rather than a stable, same with Rated RKO (sure Kenny tagged with them but still isn't a member of the group). And at this point, with HHH injured and Shawn rumored to be asking for time off, I think DX will sooner die before it brings in any new members.
Id have 2 agree with Jeremy Dick here..... a 3rd member for DX would not only never happen....but it wouldnt "feel" right. And yeah...Cryme Tyme, Flair, Carlito, Shelton, Cena etc., they wouldnt quite fit in at all....I think WWE's is way passed due on giving us a HUGE shocker...and i think the return of X pac would do just that...shock the fuck outta us! Well...it would at least shock me! i just dont want DX to die so soon....It'll be a sad day when it does..... *tear tear* I will never forget you DX!!
I love how everyone on this thread reckons people who aren't old school DX shouldn't be in then loo forward to the "new" hart foundattion. My word!

Guys guys , marks I should say and so on DX = Deep Penetration X its dead its over cut the BS crap about John Fagboy Cena joining DPX it won't happen it was done as a one deal to make the main event interesting
X *** is still IN TNA he is not g oing anywhere !!!!!
DPX is dead now thanx to the Rated KO they finally deserve the damn push I was so much saying it
ENough with DPX it oudated and expired HBGay is requesting time off so guess what will happen he will get injured at the hand of Edge and Randy Orton to put him out cause HHH is handicapped now for 9 months and I like HHH but seriously I am glad this happened so my other great wrestler can his push he desperately deserves Great Khali since they focused too much on the Grizzly Bear Big Slow !
I rather see Great kHali not job to Clown grandpa Hogan at WM23 afterall he is the only undefeated GIant to put Blundertaker out since Giant Gonzales failed oh fuck they are facewise similar lol
I rather see Great Khali vs Big Slow and it will happen at WM23 why else would Big SLow say t9o Great Khali on SNME one day we ll see who the real giant is that means Big SLow will return soon
HHEHEHHEHEH Yessssssssssssssssssssssss!
Heres my idea:
X-Pac returns and teams with michael against R-RKO but at the end X-pac stops michaels sweet chin music and hits him with the x-factor then announces he is the new member of R-RKO!
x-pac is apperently in contract with Wrestling Society X (Known as 6-pac) whenever that gets running, of course it probably wont last very long, but still, the first episode is scheduled to air on the 30th of this month, So unless somethin weird happens, X-pac prolly wont be there.

BUT, as always, I hold out hope that WWE will pull the shocker.
Not that he needs to be"repackaged", but I think CM Punk should jump from ECW to Raw and join DX. I think somebody had already said this and I definetly agree.
I think they should just let the whole DX thing fade away, it's been going on for long enough and is consuming Raw, If DX were to start adding new members without HHH there it would just feel not right, HHH has been a bigger part of DX through the history of it, even without HBK there HHH continued DX in the past and built it up to be the top Stable in WWE for many years after HBKs back injury/retirment, So no new members, DX just fade away before it becomes another crappy NWO type thing

Punk should leave ECW for SD!, and feud with Helms over the Crusierweight title, and beat him
ecw only has a few good superstars and will never get rid of cm punk, triple h doesnt like him anyways, and he doesnt fit the character....x pac will join dx in the middle of the match when sean is getting his ass kicked, x pacs WSX contract expired november 16th 06
well my opion on the mattter i wouldnt be surpris eif they brought them all back in order then agian maybe not would be nice to see chynia or x-pac kevin nash scott hallf if he lost weight hes out of shape big time janetta people like that with them i dont see voodo gay mafia comen over and if they did would take alot to build them selves back up i personal view em as sell outs

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