Dos Sin Cara?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
So either Sin Cara has flat out made a heel turn, or it's in preparation for Mistico to make his return as the "real" Sin Cara for a battle of the two cruiserweights. If that happens, the end result will probably be the impostor going back to FCW, never being seen again, or maybe being forced to take another mask, or de-mask.

But what if Mistico doesn't come back to save face (get it?) and prove that he's been framed the whole time? What if he comes back and joins forces with the impostor to form a brand new tag team? What if we end up with TWO Sin Caras in the WWE, and they go after a division that REALLY needs all the help it can get. I'm thinking something along the lines of the old Bashams tag team, but with way more pomp and circumstance. Obviously one of them can at least speak English, but if it's really a problem get a manager to do the talking for them! I'm just thinking of the potential future matches with potential future WWE teams like the Kings, or even current teams like Air Boom or the Usos.

Your thoughts?
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3403816 said:
So either Sin Cara has flat out made a heel turn, or it's in preparation for Mistico to make his return as the "real" Sin Cara for a battle of the two cruiserweights. If that happens, the end result will probably be the impostor going back to FCW, never being seen again, or maybe being forced to take another mask, or de-mask.

But what if Mistico doesn't come back to save face (get it?) and prove that he's been framed the whole time? What if he comes back and joins forces with the impostor to form a brand new tag team? What if we end up with TWO Sin Caras in the WWE, and they go after a division that REALLY needs all the help it can get. I'm thinking something along the lines of the old Bashams tag team, but with way more pomp and circumstance. Obviously one of them can at least speak English, but if it's really a problem get a manager to do the talking for them! I'm just thinking of the potential future matches with potential future WWE teams like the Kings, or even current teams like Air Boom or the Usos.

Your thoughts?

So basically you are proposing an idea where the Sin Caras are like the Bella Twins? Where they pull the old switch to get a victory and their opponent can't prepare because they aren't sure which Sin Cara they are facing. Hmm..that sounds like an interesting proposition, although it's been done before(not just with the Bellas). This COULD work if they were to bring back a Cruiserweight/LH-weight championship for "them" to win and defend. However, my thinking is that if they have two Sin Caras, they will be fighting for the Sin Cara identity and then perhaps fighting over the CW/LH-weight title.
I think the fact that the fake, English-speaking Sin Cara (Hunico) said that he was the "Real Sin Cara" and Daniel Bryan commented on his surprise at Sin Cara speaking English, pretty much confirms everyone's suspicion that the real Sin Cara will make a return against the fake Sin Cara.

Hopefully this works out well for Hunico. He botches, sure, but he doesn't seem any worse than Sin Cara who was an infinitely higher profile signing for the WWE.
i honestly don't care the reason for this is if i'm not mistaken we've seen this before with the fake/real Sting so im not affected by this supposed storyline. So i don't care if they join up or have a feud cuz it would be yet another recycled storyline oh and to backup my point look @ real vs fake kane and real vs fake undertaker
I think like Revz that when Hunico said that about the "real Sin Cara" that they are going to feud the real sin cara against Hunico.If you look even to the video you can hear the crowd go crazy when he said that :D I would love to have back the Cruiserweight.With people like Bourne,Rey,Hunico,Sin Cara,Cody,and a fiew more we are going to have really good wrestling fights.
I remember reading a report on this website about a week ago saying that they were going to bring Mistico (the real Sin Cara) back and have him start a feud with the imposter (Hunico). Though I believe Mistico to have a better and more exciting move set I still see these guys having great matches.
Fake Sin Cara vs Real Sin Cara Mistico feud, I will get behind it, it would be great, Hunico I think he will be put on RAW to feud with Mysterio soon
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3403816 said:
What if he comes back and joins forces with the impostor to form a brand new tag team?

My signature illustrates your suggestion.:p

All this intrigue makes me wonder what Hunico was doing with the company in the first place. Did WWE really plan on having two guys who wrestle in that style? Or did they specifically bring Hunico in because they weren't sure Mistico could adapt to the WWE-style?

Plus, if Hunico wasn't around, would the company have been as quick to get rid of Mistico? That is, if they have gotten rid of him.

On the other hand, if they intend to bring Mistico back, what are they waiting for? Is something happening behind the scenes we're not aware of yet?

As el mundo turns.
Right I agree that we will have a Sin Cara v Sin Cara feud but how the hell are they going to build this battle when Mistico can't speak English (apparently)? What is mistico going to appear at the top of the ramp and just point aimlessly @ hunico? Or is he just going to stand there while JR pretends that he can telepathically hear what mistico is saying and rely it to everyone sort of like a modern day Lassie?

Mind you I suppose they could always just give him a manager that might work, I still like the Lassie idea lol
Here is how I would actually book the angle...

1.) After Hunico (as Sin Cara) does battle with Daniel Bryan at Night of Champions (we can only hope), Mistico will make his return to protect his name. There will be a lot of confusion, because Mistico can't speak English, making it almost impossible to prove his legitimacy as the "real" Sin Cara.

2.) Enter Rey Mysterio. He's injured, so he comes down and tries to smooth things over. He acts as a translator and explains Mistico's situation, calling Hunico an imposter.

3.) The two Sin Caras face off against each other at an upcoming PPV. Survivor Series would be really cool. They would obviously have to do something to distinguish the two, like have different colored tights or masks or SOMETHING.

4.) Hunico needs to win the match. Afterwards Rey Mysterio will come in and talk about how Mistico is the real Sin Cara, and that Hunico is a disgrace to lucha libre and to Mexico by continuing to be an imposter. Mistico will then attack Rey Rey and the two will beat him down, furthering his injury angle and turning them both heel in the process.

5.) On Smackdown Hunico will explain that he got through to Mistico before their match. He explained to him that they needed each other. Mistico needs a translator and somebody who can get them over on the mic, and Hunico needs the experience and name of Mistico and the Sin Cara character. Have them stay as a team and be a part of the rejuvenation of the tag division, or even have them as singles stars, doing what the Belles do and cheating to win singles matches. Use them a lot like they did the Bashams when they were really hot as a tag team.

6.) During the Road to WrestleMania, Rey Mysterio should be back from injury. Have him be the surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble, but not actually win the match. Have him make his return and attack the Sin Caras. He will start a feud and obviously be outnumbered. Sin Caras will challenge him to a lucha libre style match at Elimination Chamber IF he can find himself a tag team partner. Enter Averno. If you don't know, Averno is a talent WWE hired to developmental in order to work with Sin Cara. They two have great history and amazing matches together. This would be the perfect time to introduce his character and get him over in a pretty high profile feud.

7.) After the Mysterio/Averno vs. Sin Caras match at Elimination Chamber, have Rey Mysterio claim that he's not through with the feud yet. Say that as annoyed as he is with Hunico, he's just disappointed in Mistico. Mistico is a Mexican legend, and he thought much more of him, but was apparently wrong. This sets up the impending Rey Mysterio vs. Sin Cara match at WrestleMania 28 to end a really awesome lucha libre feud.

I said this on the “Present Day Evolution” Thread, but…

I got a 3rd version of the new Evolution. Playing the role the “Past” could be a retired Rey Mysterio. It could be the only way for Rey to reinvent himself and stretch out his career by being a manager. For the “Present”, who better than Alberto Del Rio. Now I’m all for Rey turning Heel after he retires from active in-ring competition, but an ADR Face turn couldn’t hurt either. Now for the “Future”, I’d have both Sin Caras. As a matter of fact, “Sin Caras” is there Tag Team name. How about that lineup?? They could run the Hart Foundation storyline where they are Faces in Mexico and Heels in America or something to that extent.

Picture ADR leading the Tag Team of Face Sin Cara and Heel Sin Cara as…Dos Caras.
I'm also guessing that there will be a Sin Cara Vs Sin Cara feud taking place in the near future. But I'm confused as to how the storyline will work as I believe that Mistico (the original Sin Cara) can't speak English. I suppose a manager could come in to play, but it won't be the same. Then obviously Mistico will come out on top and Hunico can come up as Hunico, that will be another guy for the cruiserweight division if that does happen.
Well, I found something interesting. In the web-page, Nexos Latinos there is an interview of Sin Cara. The first weird thing is the image they had for the character, his attire is blue and white instead of blue and gold. And I'm pretty sure the person answering the questions is Mistico, because he mentions how his father Dr. Karonte inspired him to become a wrestler.
Maybe is nothing, but at least it gives me hope that Mistico is still in the company.

You can find the interview in here,
The lookalike tag team idea rarely works in the longer run. We all know that WWE's long term plan is to make Mistico a huge singles star, the replacement to Rey Mysterio, in the longer run. Not sure what they want to do with Hunico but I guess they would not really mind if he became a star as well, on his own. The thing with such type of tag teams is that it is almost impossible to imagine any one wrestler succeeding on his own, especially if the tag team is a heelish one and depends a lot on the swith-a-roo technique to win matches.

I fear that this idea, if it comes to fruition, may reduce the Sin Cara character to a novelty act rather than the star that the WWE is aiming for. A Sin Cara vs Sin Cara feud would undoubtedly be the better option. You can argue that even such feuds have failed with Undertaker and Kane in the past but I do believe that this feud might succeed in establishing both Hunico and Mistico.

For one thing you can always make it a simple storyline in this case as compared to the supernatural bullshit that we got to see in the case of Taker vs Taker and Kane vs Kane feuds. You can simply say that Hunico abducted Mistico or maybe simply took advantage of his injury and took on the identity of Cara because he was not being able to make it big as Hunico and so he thought that maybe he could make it big as Sin Cara. You could simply make it a case of Hunico utilizing Sin Cara's absence.
is it worth it? i don't think he has worked out quite like wwe hoped; is having 2 of him really going to help? from what i have read, he has pretty much botched every match he has been done in one way or another. maybe wwe should just cut their losses and stick with the new version, assuming he is any better.
is it worth it? i don't think he has worked out quite like wwe hoped; is having 2 of him really going to help? from what i have read, he has pretty much botched every match he has been done in one way or another. maybe wwe should just cut their losses and stick with the new version, assuming he is any better.

I think bringing Mistico would be worth it. He's exciting in the ring and the WWE knows this. Is having two really going to help? If the WWE decides to go that route then I would like to think that it would help. Mistico doesn't really botch as much as people think. If he does, it's noticeable because he does more "tricky and flashy" moves than most others in the WWE. The others are usually able to hide their mistakes. I think WWE should keep Mistico around. He's a huge star and could be a big money maker for the company.
If Mistico returns while we still have Huncio (or however you spell his name) it's going to be like Masked Kane and the Imposter again. I think, right?

Most likely what would happen is Huncio would either de-mask or replace the Sin Cara one. They might go along the latter lines because let's face it. If he demasks everyone's going to be like, Okay. Now tell us if you're Sin Cara or not.

Either way they're looking like they're redoing a nice feud from back in the day (when I was in diapers I think?).

Besides, doesn't Sin Cara habla espanol only?
If Mistico returns while we still have Huncio (or however you spell his name) it's going to be like Masked Kane and the Imposter again. I think, right?

Most likely what would happen is Huncio would either de-mask or replace the Sin Cara one. They might go along the latter lines because let's face it. If he demasks everyone's going to be like, Okay. Now tell us if you're Sin Cara or not.

Either way they're looking like they're redoing a nice feud from back in the day (when I was in diapers I think?).

Besides, doesn't Sin Cara habla espanol only?

Yes, Mistico only speaks Spanish but having him work with Hunico in the now confirmed Sin Cara vs. Imposter Cara storyline would do good for Mistico. Mistico and Hunico are both actual luchadors and speak perfect Spanish. They should be able to pull off some great matches. I'm looking forward to the matches they will deliver.
After Mistico's return tonight on smackdown, with the obvious feud set up without any words exchanged, I think the tag team idea is out for now.

Its easy to make it a full blown fued without promo's from Mistico, as Hunico can just explain that Mistico's Injury was his chance to make it big, and he will not let Mistico ruin his chance. Even without that, Hunico seems to have WWE style down, and most likely has worked enough with mistico to put him over and keep the botches to a minimum.

Saw it coming with the heel turn and english promo, but still think it was rushed. Let the "new" aggressive sin cara dominate and act like a heel for a few more weeks then have Mistico come back would have made more sense.
Hopefully Mistico has some english down. Even if it's just to say "enough talking" and go after Hunico, it'll help the feud a lot of they are able to speak to eachother in English a bit.
You would think that he could learn some english this day and age. Rosetta Stone maybe? This kinda hooked me back into Smackdown as I haven't been into it for months now.
So with the reccent tag team revival, I was wondering what you guys think of potentially seeing both current Sin Caras eventually teaming up together once their current feud and story has been sorted out and Sin Cara 2 - AKA Huncio has created a new character, would you like to see these 2 team up and go for the tag team titles?

I personally feel that the current feud is brilliant especially after watching RAW last night and watching them go back and forth for 30 seconds was awesome and hopefully they can add some high flying action to the tag titles.

Let me know what you think!
I was just about to post a thread regarding Sin Cara and where people see the Sin Cara character going from here, but I have obviously been slow off the mark. Anyway IMO I don't know if a Sin Cara tag team would work its not something that appeals to me, maybe a younger demographic but not for me. The reason I say this is because I think there is every chance people will lose interest in Sin cara, the current feud must be a little confusing to the average fan, due to the fact neither has had any mic time to actually explain whats going on, and rumor has it Mistico can speak english.

Now I know that the WWE are desperate to create the new Rey and cash in on the Mexican market, as well as all the youngsters with the Sin Cara merchandise but Mistico just has not taken to the WWE style.Lets be honest there must be a fair few people watching Sin Cara through the gaps in their fingers waiting for the latest botch, and how long before the fans start the you f'd up chants? With his inauspicious start to his WWE career there must be a few worried people in creative, who might be contemplating cutting their loses?

Also following his debut and major push I personally feel he has lost a lot of steam and I didn't think the reaction he got last night was that great compared to previously. Despite the best efforts of creative (HHH) to ensure he succeeds, I personally think Sin Cara is dying a slow death, I can see people losing interest, especially if he continues this botchfest, I do not see Hunico taking over full time because I just don't think he has the move set which helped Cara get over, don't get me wrong I would like to see Mistico do well, and move up into the mid card and so on, but do I see it happening? No, I think he is too much of a liability, and it might even be to late!
It's way too soon to write Mistico off, he's only been with the company 6 months, if even. That display we were treated to last night between him & Hunico is a sign of good things to come from these two, and it's exactly what Mistico needs to get himself firmly grounded in the WWE - - a program with someone that can work his style of wrestling, but has also adapted to the US style, and that can only help Mistico become more accustomed to it. Maybe they should've dragged the mystery out for another month or so and had Mistico in FCW since his suspension to to further adapt, but they pulled the trigger already & judging from the brief tussle last night, I think they'll both do just fine, together & separate.

Mistico is still over enough with the crowd & given more time, and a push to the upper mid-card, WWE should be able to rest soundly enough knowing they've got a capable replacement for Rey. Stories have been rampant for months that they wanted to put the two of them in a match at WM28, and as much as I hope that comes to be, with Rey being injured, that match certainly isn't a lock now, and even if it does happen, there's no telling how well Rey would be able to work it, as he hasn't been performing on the level he was at a few years ago. He's been very injury prone the last two - three years and I doubt he could keep up, but you never know, he could very well be back in time to set it up.

For now, we've got Hunico & Mistico's feud heating up, two luchas that can potentially deliver quality matches on the level that people were hoping to see from Rey & Del Rio's feud. That was a disappointment & wasn't even close to resembling the lucha display that many were hoping for. Averno could wind up on the main roster soon too, so hopefully they'll put more emphasis on showcasing different styles. I can't wait to see what happens on Smackdown this week, hope they build it a little more and don't just drop them in a match at Hell in a Cell, but we definitely are in for some really good matches between the two.
After watching Smackdown and Raw, as well as reading posts where people say that they need to "change one of the Sin Caras' attire" I feel that this is worth commenting on for two reasons. Reason one being that this storyline is cool as shit. And the second reason being that I disagree with changing one's attire.

Okay first let me say that I just love the way that this story has started. First the Hunico Sin Cara (as we who watch FCW know from his more American style adaption) makes this awesome heel turn on Daniel Bryan and it looks like WWE wants to make him a heel. Then the next week, H Sin Cara's is wrestling a match and then from out of nowhere comes M Sin Cara. The two stare each other down and it's just beautiful. Last night, the same thing happens, only this time it's H Sin Cara interrupting M Sin Cara and we get to see that both Sin Caras are equal on every level... yes, even in the smarkish realm of the IWC, the two looked identical in terms of their exchanges. I really love the way this is building.

Now, here's why I don't want them to alter one of the Sin Cara attires... because I like playing the guessing game with my niece, nephew, and (when he's here) my son. Yes, truthfully I can tell which one is which, but when you're sitting at home just wanting to have some fun while watching the show, this really is some awesome shit to watch. Not to mention, switching up the attire will change the mystery of the storyline. Although, watching over it, you can tell that one of the Sin Cara's has a red tint to his mask and the other is gold... but you know, it's cool when watching it with kids.

So yeah, that's just my two cents on it.

Edit: I'd like to also go on record saying that if WWE wanted to make this go anywhere, I'd have it end with "Loser Changes their Name" match... so that way Hunico or Mistico can both stick around and use a name. Or who knows, maybe WWE can call up Tito/Epico from FCW and have him dawn a Sin Cara mask as well. Wouldn't be too bad to see a triple threat feud with them all trying to claim fame to a big name like Sin Cara.

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