Dolph Ziggler is officially a former World Champion and Edge is an 11 time Champ!

I can see Ziggler somehow interfering at the elimination chamber maybe even costing Edge the title and let Mysterio win it. This could set up Mysterio vs. Del Rio at Mania and Edge vs. Ziggler as well.

But the more likely route for this to take is Vickie somehow getting Zigller his job back and making the championship match at Mania a triple threat Edge vs. Ziggler vs. Del Rio.
Either way I see this feud lasting till Wrestlemania.
I hope not 4real, i really do. Dolph can wrestle but he dont appeal 2 me. Idk why he look like a scrub. They couldve let him keep the ic title for 2 or 3 years and let that be his claim to fame or leave em were he at now, cause its not him gettin the heat its vicki and he in her shadow,but if he got there without her i would probably feel differentbut thats not the case. I wouldnt pay 2 see him as whc i really wouldnt want 2. I wouldnt even put that in the record books
I'm really not in the mood for another 1 to 2 month Mysterio title reign.

But it also looks like Edge has an issue with McIntyre now as well, and they've just been waiting for the perfect excuse to push him. Edge is a great worker, but there are just some guys he doesen't gel to good w ith, and I have a feeling he won't work to well with McIntyre. Seems as though the only one McIntyre can really throw on a good match with is Kofi.

The Edge/Ziggler feud really can't go much further I really don't see a point. What else can they really do with it???
I believe he will be in the chamber , but with a mask billed as "Dolph Ziggler's Brother , Tolph Ziggler"

eventually in the mask, Edge will rip it off revealing as Dolph Ziggler
hmm well if look on some websites iot clearly states that he said he is gong to TNA so no more edge/ziggler fued fo look on
Last SD! was AWESOME!!
First anyone saw Drew McIntyre performing a Future Shock DDT to Randy Orton? OMG IT WAS VERY VERY COOL!!! :worship::worship:

Second Dolph getting fired, only build him a lot of heat... Its stupid if WWE put him on RAW now, i mean, if they do it, the guy will not gain is ME status, again...
It has to be good, if Ziggler cost Edge the World Title at Mania just for revenge!!
And this stupid tittle reign, c'mon he doesn't deserve that, the guy have strugle is way to the top!!

I didn't like Ziggler, but in the past weeks (since Cena) I'm really enjoying seeing a Ziggler Match, the guy has good mic-skills and in-ring skills...
So, if this guy go to TNA, it is very bad to WWE!!

Right Now, I fckg* hate TEDDY LONG HALA HALA :suspic:
Hey! Nice youth movement WWE. Ziggler is THE only reason why I care about anything WWE. That kid has the look, the attitude, the charisma, the ring skills - everything. And how does WWE treat him? They give him a five minute World Title run. Way to fucking go, WWE. You once again prove why you're full of shit. I guess the youth movement is like the war in Iraq. The soldiers fight to make the rich - richer, and the young guys are built up to make the established superstars stronger.

This is exactly the type of bullshit that made me quit watching that poor excuse of a wrestling show. They constantly claim that they're in the midst of a youth movement, yet all I've seen from the young guys is getting crappy title reigns and jobbing their asses off to Cena, Kane, 'Taker, Orton and Edge.

Not only was this the dumbest move of the year, not only did it crap all over WWE's FABRICATED youth movement, not only did it hurt a promising young star in the process, but it tarnished the World Title - AGAIN. That belt has as much credibility as the Diva's Championship now. Ridiculious!

Why? Why in the fuck would WWE consider this to be a sane move? Even Russo isn't THAT dumb, and that tells you something.

Poor Dolph, all I'm gonna say. Pack your bags while you can kid, go to TNA as soon as you can. Fuck this crap.
he will move on to tna of course where do u think the wrestlers that get fired or dont resign their contract to be in wwe he will go to tna i see a good fued if he was to ever have one with aj styles
He isn't actually fired....

No way in absolute hell would WWE give him the title (regardless of how short the reign was) for him to be released. This firing is Kayfabe only, and he will be back. Mark my words. For those saying it's the shortest reign, it isn't. Jeff Hardy had the title for 3 mins or so before Punk cashed in MITB.

There is absolutely no way Ziggler is going to TNA. The youth movement is here to stay, and he is one of the WWE's brightest stars.
I believe last night was the blowoff of the feud between Ziggler and Edge, so the feud is over. With Teddy Long returning, his uthority usurps Vickie Guerrero's on Smackdown. If i had to guess, they removed Ziggler from the Chamber in order to get a bigger name in the Chamber, a returning HHH perhaps. As for Ziggler, I see a Money In the Bank win at Wrestlemania, and a move to Raw in the meantime. Just because he was "fired" from Smackdown doesn't mean he can't go to Raw, which might be the best place for him. New feuds would await, including one with the likely WWE champion following Wrestlemania in John Cena. We've already seen what these two can do in the ring together, so a long feud between the two would be a good thing.

As for what's next for Ziggler, I believe last night marked the end of the Vickie/Dolph relationship. With Vickie throwing Dolph under the proverbial bus and blaming Teddy's attack on him, I can't see him staying with her. She cost him his spot in the Elimination Chamber as well, so Im sure the "official breakup" will be coming soon. And this is also a good thing for Dolph. He's gotten much of his heat and relied on Vickie for far too long in terms of his mic work, so it's time for him to strike out on his own. A fresh start on Raw and away from Vickie would be the perfect opportunity for Ziggler. His feud with Edge is over, so he doesn't need Vickie any longer either.

I believe he will be in the chamber , but with a mask billed as "Dolph Ziggler's Brother , Tolph Ziggler"

eventually in the mask, Edge will rip it off revealing as Dolph Ziggler

This is a terrible idea. WWE didnt do it with "Juan Cena", so why would they do it with a lesser superstar such as Ziggler? If Teddy let his "brother" into the Chamber, he would look like an idiot and a pathetic authority figure. This idea is bad for so many reasons.
Dolph is an asset to the WWE. He is surely not fired for sure. And if he is they would have made a released post on WWE.COM. :)

But I hope they havn't. Because he's epic

You guys really think he's fired? He's obviously not, and this is all part of storyline. It's simple -- Ziggler attacked Teddy, so Teddy fired him. He's not legitimately fired, and he's certainly not leaving the WWE. If you think otherwise, you're pretty stupid. Yes, he did say some comments on Twitter hinting at TNA, but all of that is fake. He has been fired for storyline purposes, and that only. How many times have you seen someone else in the WWE get "fired", and then return a few weeks later? This is the exact same thing.

Exactly, and that whole twitter speel is a brilliant way to sell his 'firing'. No way in hell Ziggler is getting released from the WWE. He is the future of the company and is here to stay.
He isn't actually fired....

No way in absolute hell would WWE give him the title (regardless of how short the reign was) for him to be released. This firing is Kayfabe only, and he will be back. Mark my words. For those saying it's the shortest reign, it isn't. Jeff Hardy had the title for 3 mins or so before Punk cashed in MITB.

You're right, it isn't the shortest World Title reign ever. That makes it all well.

There is absolutely no way Ziggler is going to TNA. The youth movement is here to stay, and he is one of the WWE's brightest stars.

Are you sure? Remember what happened to Jack Swagger when he won the World Heavyweight Championship? Remember what happened to Sheamus? Remember what happened to CM Punk? Remember what happened to anyone not named Cena, Edge, Orton, Undertaker after they won the World Title?

This is just what WWE does. They push you, they give you the belt, and then have you mid-card until you either quit yourself or get fired.

There was no reason to not have Dolph hold on to the belt until WrestleMania. No reason. He's got it ALL. The fact that WWE prefers Edge over Ziggler just tells you how fake this youth movement is.

Don't you get it? It's just a thing they say to make people watch that bullshit program. It's another of their mottos. It's the new "Anything can happen in the World Wrestling Federation". Another line to make WWE marks jizz their diapers.

They SAY it's there ... but what exactly is so different about the WWE from say three years ago. Cena is still the top guy - belt or no belt. Random young guys are pushed to Main Event status and forgotten a few weeks later, Edge is still winning title after title. The only hint of a youth movement is The Miz. I don't count Del Rio because he's by no means young, he's in his 30's.

The youth movement is non existent. And even if it does exist - WWE's doing a poor job at it.
You're right, it isn't the shortest World Title reign ever. That makes it all well.

I didn't say it made it all well. I am not a fan of this at all, i don't think it is as bad as people are making out though. This is only the beginning of bigger and better things to come for Dolph Ziggler.

Are you sure? Remember what happened to Jack Swagger when he won the World Heavyweight Championship? Remember what happened to Sheamus? Remember what happened to CM Punk? Remember what happened to anyone not named Cena, Edge, Orton, Undertaker after they won the World Title?

This is just what WWE does. They push you, they give you the belt, and then have you mid-card until you either quit yourself or get fired.

You bring up a good point, but i just can't see it happening with Dolph. Look at the matches he had with Cena, they were brilliant. Surely it wasn't only us that saw how good the matches are, WWE won't let a talent like Ziggler go, well i pray they don't anyways....

There was no reason to not have Dolph hold on to the belt until WrestleMania. No reason. He's got it ALL. The fact that WWE prefers Edge over Ziggler just tells you how fake this youth movement is.

Heel vs Heel is a reason why not to have Dolph as champion heading into Mania. I fully expect Del Rio to win the title at Mania, so unless its a triple threat, that means he will go over Edge or Mysterio. Imo of course.
He isn't actually fired....

No way in absolute hell would WWE give him the title (regardless of how short the reign was) for him to be released. This firing is Kayfabe only, and he will be back. Mark my words. For those saying it's the shortest reign, it isn't. Jeff Hardy had the title for 3 mins or so before Punk cashed in MITB.

There is absolutely no way Ziggler is going to TNA. The youth movement is here to stay, and he is one of the WWE's brightest stars.

You pretty much said everything I've said in another thread Their is no way that he is actually fired and both Jeff Hardy and Andre the Giant has had shorter reigns with the title. Andres was only 45 seconds.

Also I think that this angle will lead to either

A: Dolph costs Edge the title at Elimination Chamber letting Rey get the title and face Del Rio at Mania. Freeing Edge and Ziggler to finish their feud at Mania

B: Ziggler costs Edge the title at Mania letting Del Rio win the belt on the biggest stage and getting both Ziggler and Del Rio huge heat in the process.

C: this is the one I think is the most likely somehow Vickie will get Dolph his job back and get him in the title match at Mania since he lost his spot in the elimination chamber.
hmm well if look on some websites iot clearly states that he said he is gong to TNA so no more edge/ziggler fued fo look on

Ziggler is not going to TNA he's just playing up his firing. If he was actually leaving the company they wouldn't of given him the title no matter how short he had it.

They moved his profile page from the Smackdown roster page to the Alumnis page just like they did with Kelly Kelly and John Cena when they were fired during their storylines. Hopefully this angle will give Dolph thet last push he needs to be a main eventer from here on out.
I think it is easy to say that Dolph's Ziggler World title reign was probably the shortest World title reign in the history of WWE or of any wrestling organization. The only person I can remember that had about the same world title reign was Yokozuna at Wrestlemania 9 when Hogan came back to beat him within a matter of minutes after Yoko's match with Bret Hart.

That didn't make any sense and it doesn't make any sense for Dolph Ziggler to be awarded the World Heavyweight championship only to lose the title 15 minutes later.
I think it is easy to say that Dolph's Ziggler World title reign was probably the shortest World title reign in the history of WWE or of any wrestling organization. The only person I can remember that had about the same world title reign was Yokozuna at Wrestlemania 9 when Hogan came back to beat him within a matter of minutes after Yoko's match with Bret Hart.

That didn't make any sense and it doesn't make any sense for Dolph Ziggler to be awarded the World Heavyweight championship only to lose the title 15 minutes later.

When exactly did Ziggler's reign start? It could have been on RAW or right before Vickie "fired" Edge or during the coronation ceremony or when Teddy Long gave Edge the world title match. Is there a definitive time when Ziggler's "reign" actually started?

I think it is easy to say that Dolph's Ziggler World title reign was probably the shortest World title reign in the history of WWE or of any wrestling organization. The only person I can remember that had about the same world title reign was Yokozuna at Wrestlemania 9 when Hogan came back to beat him within a matter of minutes after Yoko's match with Bret Hart.

That didn't make any sense and it doesn't make any sense for Dolph Ziggler to be awarded the World Heavyweight championship only to lose the title 15 minutes later.

Also I guess you forgot Andre the Giant's reign. He held the title officially for about 45 seconds. It seems that nobody is going to beat that dubious distinction even though I have "confidence" the creative team will come up with something for it to be surpassed one day.
Look at everyone getting all worked up over an obvious storyline. There's no backstage heat on Ziggler as far as I know so I don't believe for one second that's he's fired for real. The same storyline happened with Drew McIntyre and he's still in the WWE. Either he'll be back Sunday some way or he'll back in time for Wrestlemania but I have had a great laugh reading this thread. Wrestlers have had worse "title reigns" and they've been fine. Just let things play out and pretty soon we'll have 1000 threads about Ziggler's return.
Look at everyone getting all worked up over an obvious storyline. There's no backstage heat on Ziggler as far as I know so I don't believe for one second that's he's fired for real. The same storyline happened with Drew McIntyre and he's still in the WWE. Either he'll be back Sunday some way or he'll back in time for Wrestlemania but I have had a great laugh reading this thread. Wrestlers have had worse "title reigns" and they've been fine. Just let things play out and pretty soon we'll have 1000 threads about Ziggler's return.

I haven't read all the posts in this thread but there are people that think he's actually fired? That's hilarious!

Either Ziggler will get in the EC somehow and stay on Smackdown, screw Edge out of the EC match and take his spot which would be quite fitting since Edge did the same thing in the past or just go to RAW which I really don't see happening just yet. Ziggler's tweets have been really funny today playing off the morons that think he's really fired and headed off to TNA. Ziggler is going to be a consistent main eventer in another year and he deserves everything he's going to get.
I haven't read all the posts in this thread but there are people that think he's actually fired? That's hilarious!

Either Ziggler will get in the EC somehow and stay on Smackdown, screw Edge out of the EC match and take his spot which would be quite fitting since Edge did the same thing in the past or just go to RAW which I really don't see happening just yet. Ziggler's tweets have been really funny today playing off the morons that think he's really fired and headed off to TNA. Ziggler is going to be a consistent main eventer in another year and he deserves everything he's going to get.

Nobody in here has said that they think he's actually. I'm pretty sure were all just disappointed at how they handed him his first ever title reign only to have him lose it in 7 minutes.
wow dolphs terrible this is a joke poor guy gona get made fun of the rest of his life...hey champ!

Speaking of being made fun of...great post!

If you think Dolph is a terrible wrestler, you need to lay off the cough syrup. He has had great match after great match recently getting huge rubs from the likes of John Cena, Randy Orton, and Edge. You're probably one of those marks that thinks if he loses, that means he is "terrible." Wrestling isn't about wins and losses. It's about the performances in the ring and Dolph has been on fire lately. All you have to do is even take a look at how he sold that spear on Smackdown. Nobody has sold a spear that well in a long time.
Are you sure? Remember what happened to Jack Swagger when he won the World Heavyweight Championship? Remember what happened to Sheamus? Remember what happened to CM Punk? Remember what happened to anyone not named Cena, Edge, Orton, Undertaker after they won the World Title?This is just what WWE does. They push you, they give you the belt, and then have you mid-card until you either quit yourself or get fired.

If my memory sevres me correctly, Sheamus won another WWE championship after he won his first. As for that CM Punk, wow man, good choice. The fact that he won TWO more World Titles after his first one and is the hottest heel in the company right now is pathetic. Shame on WWE! They should have 8 titles per show just so that EVERYONE with talent can say they have a title or is in a "main event" program. Ill be the first to say they dropped the ball with Swagger both during and after his title run, but that's one example when there's plenty more who have had ALOT of success after winning their first title. Two of the people you named that WWE supposedly dropped the ball on are prime examples of success stories AFTER they dropped their first title.

There was no reason to not have Dolph hold on to the belt until WrestleMania. No reason. He's got it ALL. The fact that WWE prefers Edge over Ziggler just tells you how fake this youth movement is.

If you would have argued there was no reason for Ziggler to not have held the title going into Elimination Chamber, I would have been with you. But suggesting he hold it into Wrestlemania is a ludicrous statement on so many accounts. Edge spent years on the outside of Wrestlemania looking in, not headlining PPV's and still stealing the show. There are plenty of good reasons that Edge, not Dolph, is an excellent decision to go to Wrestlemania with the title.

1. Alberto Del Rio is facing the WHC at Wrestlemania. Heel vs heel at Wrestlemania, especially TWO unproven draws? You're out of your mind kid.

2. Edge is a proven main eventer at Wrestlemania. This isn't TNA, WWE actually CARES about buys at their biggest PPV of the year. Edge in a marquee matchup at Wrestlemania is a FAR more marketable match then Dolph Ziggler vs "Insert wrestler here".

3. Dolph is actually better served in a Money in the Bank type match. He's gotten all of his heat from Vickie. Before he can truly be a top heel, he needs to get heat ON HIS OWN. Until he does that, he's not main event ready, especially at friggin Wrestlemania.

They SAY it's there ... but what exactly is so different about the WWE from say three years ago. Cena is still the top guy - belt or no belt. Random young guys are pushed to Main Event status and forgotten a few weeks later, Edge is still winning title after title. The only hint of a youth movement is The Miz. I don't count Del Rio because he's by no means young, he's in his 30's.

The youth movement is non existent. And even if it does exist - WWE's doing a poor job at it.

So Ziggler being in the main event of Smackdown three weeks in a row doesn't count? Wade Barrett being part of the hottest angle of 2010 and main eventing 3 straight PPV's is a non-factor? You got one right in the Miz, at least, who will be headlining Wrestlemania, by the way. Swagger is the ONLY guy you could make a case of them dropping the ball on.

As for Cena, of course he's the top guy. What reason is there for him NOT to be, other then you don't like him? He's the most over, the best performer, the best entertainer, and among the best wrestlers in professional wrestling. But using your logic, he should be in six man tag matches on Superstars alongside Yoshi Tatsu and DH Smith. :rolleyes: Del Rio is fresh to the scene, having debuted in October, so whether YOU count him or not, he's new blood, a new star. He counts. If you're going to bash WWE, at least know what you're talking about. Im not a mark for WWE, TNA, or ROH. Im a mark for a good product, and WWE has a great thing going right now.
My take on this situation is this.

Dolph Ziggler was WHC. Never got his rematch...

Del Rio is the rightful # 1 contender. Edge is the champion. But is Dolph is rehired then he is entitled to a rematch - set up - triple threat at wrestlemania.

Have Dolph start sliding away from Vicki, tweener.
Edge is obviously your face
Alberto is a heel (but you already knew that haha)

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