Are you sure? Remember what happened to Jack Swagger when he won the World Heavyweight Championship? Remember what happened to Sheamus? Remember what happened to CM Punk? Remember what happened to anyone not named Cena, Edge, Orton, Undertaker after they won the World Title?This is just what WWE does. They push you, they give you the belt, and then have you mid-card until you either quit yourself or get fired.
If my memory sevres me correctly, Sheamus won another WWE championship after he won his first. As for that CM Punk, wow man, good choice. The fact that he won TWO more World Titles after his first one and is the hottest heel in the company right now is pathetic. Shame on WWE! They should have 8 titles per show just so that EVERYONE with talent can say they have a title or is in a "main event" program. Ill be the first to say they dropped the ball with Swagger both during and after his title run, but that's one example when there's plenty more who have had ALOT of success after winning their first title. Two of the people you named that WWE supposedly dropped the ball on are prime examples of success stories AFTER they dropped their first title.
There was no reason to not have Dolph hold on to the belt until WrestleMania. No reason. He's got it ALL. The fact that WWE prefers Edge over Ziggler just tells you how fake this youth movement is.
If you would have argued there was no reason for Ziggler to not have held the title going into Elimination Chamber, I would have been with you. But suggesting he hold it into Wrestlemania is a ludicrous statement on so many accounts. Edge spent years on the outside of Wrestlemania looking in, not headlining PPV's and still stealing the show. There are plenty of good reasons that Edge, not Dolph, is an excellent decision to go to Wrestlemania with the title.
1. Alberto Del Rio is facing the WHC at Wrestlemania. Heel vs heel at Wrestlemania, especially TWO unproven draws? You're out of your mind kid.
2. Edge is a proven main eventer at Wrestlemania. This isn't TNA, WWE actually CARES about buys at their biggest PPV of the year. Edge in a marquee matchup at Wrestlemania is a FAR more marketable match then Dolph Ziggler vs "Insert wrestler here".
3. Dolph is actually better served in a Money in the Bank type match. He's gotten all of his heat from Vickie. Before he can truly be a top heel, he needs to get heat ON HIS OWN. Until he does that, he's not main event ready, especially at friggin Wrestlemania.
They SAY it's there ... but what exactly is so different about the WWE from say three years ago. Cena is still the top guy - belt or no belt. Random young guys are pushed to Main Event status and forgotten a few weeks later, Edge is still winning title after title. The only hint of a youth movement is The Miz. I don't count Del Rio because he's by no means young, he's in his 30's.
The youth movement is non existent. And even if it does exist - WWE's doing a poor job at it.
So Ziggler being in the main event of Smackdown three weeks in a row doesn't count? Wade Barrett being part of the hottest angle of 2010 and main eventing 3 straight PPV's is a non-factor? You got one right in the Miz, at least, who will be headlining Wrestlemania, by the way. Swagger is the ONLY guy you could make a case of them dropping the ball on.
As for Cena, of course he's the top guy. What reason is there for him NOT to be, other then you don't like him? He's the most over, the best performer, the best entertainer, and among the best wrestlers in professional wrestling. But using your logic, he should be in six man tag matches on Superstars alongside Yoshi Tatsu and DH Smith.

Del Rio is fresh to the scene, having debuted in October, so whether YOU count him or not, he's new blood, a new star. He counts. If you're going to bash WWE, at least know what you're talking about. Im not a mark for WWE, TNA, or ROH. Im a mark for a good product, and WWE has a great thing going right now.