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FutureShockReality - Dolph Ziggler Future


Championship Contender
Dolph Ziggler Future

Today we are going to talk about the last guy that took a World Title from Edge.
The former Intercontinental and World Champion, that got "fired" from SmackDown and that is now representing RAW... Dolph Ziggler

Since he became part of the Monday Night Raw he has been completely overshadowed, as well as Vickie Guerrero.
There were talk in the forum about turning him face to gain him more TV Time and good feuds with the great heels that Raw can provide.
He have seen him in two or three casual appearances on RAW and two matches against Evan Bourne and Santino Marella that he won.

He has been compared to Mr. Perfect, he is an outstanding performer and I hope he gets another World Title run.

Main-Topic Presentation
First I don't know if anybody noticed, but Dolph Ziggler is blond again. What an improvement (or not).

Last Monday we saw Kofi Kingston vs Drew McIntyre, Kofi won and after the match, we saw Ziggler (w/ Vickie) looking for the TV, so I am expecting to see this feud again but that time for the USA Championship.
This feud gave us great matches and awesome moments, but in terms of storytelling it wasn't that big of a deal.
This is a demote for the former world champion, that for reasons unknown can't get a decent pop all by himself...
His push was taken away from Truth, that is now on Ziggler spot on SD!.

  • What's your thoughts about Dolph Ziggler?
  • Do you want to see Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston again?
  • Why do you think that Ziggler cannot get a decent amount of pop?

Truth is still on Raw

What's your thoughts about Dolph Ziggler?
I have always been a fan of Ziggler because of the intensity he brings to the ring. He's not bad on the mic either, but pairing him with Vicki was a great idea because she gets him triple the heat he could get himself. When he cut his hair and went dark on Raw a few weeks ago it killed all the steam he had built up over the past few months. If they wanted to turn him face and have him go over it would of needed to be prior to WM when he was on the team with Lay-Cool vs Trish, Snookie, and Job Morrison.

Do you want to see Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston again?
Absolutely not, they were in a feud most of last year on Smackdown for the IC title, I know that the people who watch Raw usually don't watch Smackdown, but if they watch the PPVs they are aware that Ziggler vs Kingston has taken place at least 20 times in the past year on air. I don't find Kingston all that entertaining, because he cant cut a promo to save his life, and hes very sloppy in the ring, hence why his feud with Orton and push to the main event was cut short.

Why do you think that Ziggler cannot get a decent amount of pop?
Having short darker hair killed him these past few weeks. I think once he breaks away from Vicki and turns face with her as the heel he can get over, but it looks like for now their stuck together. Vicki should start managing a tag team as well as Ziggler to help him get some distance from her and build a few long term feuds, pair up Ryder and Hawkings and put them all under Vicki's wings and bam you've got another stable with another manager whose a heat magnate.
My thoughts on Ziggler.
Guy is a great wrestler, should have had more than a 12 minute title run, a lot of people whine about Christian's title run, I think the run (if you want to call it that) Ziggler had was a lot worse, I don't really consider Ziggler the former world champion.

Do I want to see Ziggler vs Kofi again?
Maybe, I mean the matches would still be good, only if they add more of a story to it this time, as last time there wasn't really one, I like both guys, and they are entertaining when in the ring together, put on some great matches, but if the story is nonexistent or lackluster again, I'm not going to want to see it.

Why do I think Ziggler can't get a decent pop?
I think it is because he doesn't really do much on the mic himself, Vickie does it all, so she gets all of the heat. Ziggler isn't bad on the mic, so I don't think he really needs the mouthpiece. I don't think he would make a good face, not unless you changed his gimmick and his music, the "I'm Perfection" thing wouldn't get him over as a face. It might have worked for Mr. Perfect, but with all due respect to Ziggler, as good as he is, he is no Mr. Perfect.
First off I'm glad he is blonde again, it makes him original. He looked real generic after the appearance change.

I think Dolph is great in the ring and has a bright future, but I think he needs to break away from Vickie and try to make it on his own. Kinda like a sink or swim method. Have him turn on Vickie and try being face. I think he has the look for it and I think just the act of turning on Vickie will get the crowd behind him. (See Alex Riley)

Worst case Scenario for Dolph, he becomes a male cheerleader....oh wait he already recovered from that.
Thoughts on Dolph Ziggler:
Dolph is one of the best talents they have right now in regards to future potential. He's good enough that he should have stayed on Smackdown and been one of their top 3 heels for the entire brand. At any moment, I'd be happy to see Ziggler win a midcard or tag title, and I think he's proven himself well enough that he should be considered an upper midcarder that they need to start pushing. Good on the mic, great in the ring, nothing but positives to say.

Do you want to see Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston again?
No. It will be the same feud as it was before, or worse. Raw is so overbooked that you know they won't have the time and effort into making it an important feature, plus if Ziggler stays with the bland character that he's had the past few weeks, it has even less to be interested in behind it. I think Kofi should be feuding with R-Truth instead, seeing as how Truth jumping to the main event would seem premature (nobody would think he had a shot at beating Cena) though Truth could beat Kofi for the title and it wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination. Plus, Truth has been talking about how he plays up to the crowd and that that got him nowhere, but Kofi does the exact same thing, and they can feud over that. That would get Kofi the chance to get over even more with the crowd by supporting them, and voila.

Why do you think that Ziggler cannot get a decent amount of pop?
They don't give him anything to work with. In his feuds, Vickie does all the talking, so the majority of the heat stays with her, and when he's not involved in a feud of any sorts, then of course he's either only staying at the same level or going downward. There's no upward mobility in doing nothing.
First of all! I would like to say that Dolph looks better with his blond hair again

What's your thoughts about Dolph Ziggler?

I think Dolph has bags of potential and I think he is being wasted. I think he would be better suited having a feud with someone like Rey Mysterio (again?)
This will give him more credibility and some time to work his way to main event standards.

Do you want to see Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston again?
To put it bluntly, no.

Why do you think that Ziggler cannot get a decent amount of pop?

I think he could use Vickie for another month or two during a possible Rey M feud but after then I think he needs to be able to use to mic provocatively and get himself some heat by telling the faces that he's Dolph Ziggler and he is better then them.
What's your thoughts about Dolph Ziggler?

Dolph Ziggler is the one of the top 3 wrestlers on the roster today, just behind Bryan and Punk in my opinion, so that's why I like him so much, he does remind me of Mr.Perfect actually and his mic skills are no that bad, so I think they should build him up for a year and then put the WWE title on him after Wrestlemania 28 or Summerslam 2012, Overall he is my favorite wrestler in the WWE today even though Punk and Bryan are better wrestlers I just see something special in Dolph Ziggler, maybe its the fact that hes the closest thing to my favorite wrestling legend of all time, Mr.Perfect Curt Hennig, I would also like to say that I'm relieved hes blonde again cause the whole dark hair thing made him look like a mix between Blandy Boreton and Evan Bourne, in other words it made him look very, very generic.

Do you want to see Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston again?

He doesn't seem to have anything going on right now except for a 2 win winning streak, I think they should build up a feud between them where Ziggler goes undefeated until Capitol Punishment where he challenges Kofi for the title, and he should have a reign as U.S. champ too so the title would look better with Ziggler and Vickie having it.

Why do you think that Ziggler cannot get a decent amount of pop?

I think the reason he doesn't get a crowd reaction is because the WWE don't seem to give him alot of mic time, remember when he attacked Mysterio 2 years ago? he then went on to confront him on Superstars and he got a lot of heat and "you suck" chants when he was on the mic, now this is the way WWE should use him, give him more mic time and hive him actually say something good, I know its weird but I think the most time he got a reaction from the crowd was when he was being de-pushed in late 2009, just goes to show how WWE was dropping the ball with him back then.
I've really become a fan of Dolph Ziggler over the course of the past year or so. Ziggler has shown on multiple occassions that he's a fantastic talent inside the ring and was involved in some of the best matches we've seen either on tv or ppvs in quite a while. Ziggler's matches against Daniel Bryan last year, particularly their first one at Bragging Rights, are three of the best matches of last year. He also had a couple of great matches against Cena in the closing weeks of 2010 that made him look like he was definitely ready to be a main event player.

Since his feud with Edge ended, Ziggler has been put on the backburner a bit. This past Monday on Raw, he was briefly shown sitting backstage with Vickie watching the Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre match. I have a feeling that WWE is going to rekindle the Kofi/Ziggler feud and Ziggler will probably wind up being the new United States Champion. I'm a little mixed on the idea, if that's indeed what's going to go down. We saw Kofi & Ziggler have an extensive feud last summer and beyond over the IC title. It went on longer than it should have but it did produce some great matches and Ziggler's run as IC champ was, in my opinion, the overall strongest we've seen in many years. I'd love to see him have an equally strong run with the US strap before being elevated up to the main event picture on Raw.

I think that Dolph Ziggler has a bright future in the WWE. He's definitely paid his dues while in the company and has consistently had very high quality performances. It's just a shame that the only real low point of Ziggler's career over the past year or so came from being an 11 minute World Heavyweight Champion. But, that's the fault of the WWE brass for making the call rather than a knock at Ziggler's abilities.
What's your thoughts about Dolph Ziggler?

I like Dolph. I think he has a great "douchebag" look. He bumps great, and you can tell he is really trying hard to impress people when he is in the ring. However, the guy just doesn't have that mystical "it" factor that you can't force or develop in a guy.

Do you want to see Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston again?

Two words: Fuck. No.

Kofi is terrible and he really needs someone who is going keep him grounded. Dolph is guy who bases most of his matches by his bumping. Someone explain how the heck these two had good matches? Heck, it seemed like there was always a reason that a match between these two got thrown out.

Why do you think that Ziggler cannot get a decent amount of pop?

Like I said, the guy has NO star power. Everyone can claim it is "because he doesn't have any mic skills." Kofi doesn't have mic skills and doesn't get mic time. Yet the fans like him. Heck, Vickie gets a lot of mic time, but will anyone argue that she is a great talker? They take Vickie from this guy and no one will notice him. They barely notice him now.
Thoughts on Dolph Ziggler:
I personally love Dolph Ziggler. The comparison to Mr. Perfect is spot on, as technically he is one of the smoothest and most talented wrestlers on the RAW roster. He's essentially the definiton of an all-arounder. He's as comfortable doing mat wrestling as he is on the top ropes, and has a decent moveset. My biggest problem with him right now is his association with Vickie Guerrero. Her character and how annoying she is completely overshadows Dolph and what he's doing in the ring. I find myself listening to her shrieking on the sidelines instead of paying attention to the match. I think once Dolph finds a new direction instead of simply being her "boy toy", he'll start to gain some momentum

Do you want to see Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston again?
Yes and no. Yes, because both are great, exciting young talent and they've had some great matches in the past. No, because I don't see the matches being anything different than we've already seen. I think both Dolph and Kofi have main event potential, but neither have had convincing victories over other main event performers (although Kofi's win over Sheamus to get the US title gave him some momentum). I would also just hate to see him get stuck winning the US title and get stuck in that rut. To me, I just feel like while the US title is a legitimate, prestigious belt, lately it seems that they just throw the belt at superstars that they don't quite know what to do with (Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Kofi).

Why do you think that Ziggler cannot get a decent amount of pop?
As I said earlier, I think that Vickie overshadows him. She eats up the vast majority of his mic time, and promo time, and doesn't give Dolph a chance to develop a character or a personality, making him just another bland face in the crowd. I also feel that Dolph needs to get more opportunities against main event level talent. Even if he doesn't win the match, seeing him able to hold his own against guys like Cena, CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Del Rio, etc. would go a long way into making his name into more of a household name.
What's your thoughts about Dolph Ziggler?

The guy above basically said it.He has the look hes is like freaking perfect in the ring and he shows a perfect controled anger and intensity in the ring.And I think think if he can translate that into his mic work, it will sky rocket him.I mean the result would be a guy that resembles mister perfect that can talk show perfect intensity throughout the whole match while executing everything almost perfectly(no pun ) and he is ripped and I guess quite good looking which attracts the other type of viewers.

Do you want to see Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston again?

Well,I don't know if I want Dolph in the mid card again, against a guy that has been in stuck in the limbo since his fued with Orton.I like Kofi but for them to feud again with just the "Hey I want the belt, we go have match at next PPV" concept would be just plain boring and won't do justice to both of them.I think Swagger should turn face and feud with Kofi and Ziggler should feud with somebody else and get rid of Vickie and try to be his own man, cause a woman doing all the talking for you for such a long time is not very good , I mean he has to break out from her at some point and I'd prefer that to be soon rather than later.

Why do you think that Ziggler cannot get a decent amount of pop :

Well thing is, I'll make a comparison.They let Swagger have a lot of mic time when they gave him the World title, yet Ziggler who I think he's better than swagger and has more personality and intensity ( I know im repeating the word a lot but he's just a master at showing it without it been seen as fake ) and he could do well on the mic but all his talking is done through a woman that just absorbs everything around him.And his "changed look" basically made him look like your average tanned meat-head.Glad he changed it back.Plus I think he would really could use a better finisher , cause his just looks botched almost every time.
Ziggler has the talent but his mic skills need work and thats what kills him and being voer shadowed by vickie is hurting him and vickie starts off and then gives it to dolph and then dolphcant compare making him look worse. Dolph needs to improve and he can if kofi fued works.

Kofi vs ziggler to work again NNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDs to get personal to a degree with the fans wanna kill ziggler and so does kofi. And ziggler comming out victorius, do stuff to kofi that people would think is sick and he would get the heat and attention he needs.

Ziggler can surly get a pop right now but he needs to get bigger if he wants to go somewhere in WWE not just high midcarder
1) dolph sucks, he cant wrestle, he is terrible, wwe is wasting time so much as bothering with him when they could be utilizing real talent, (no not del rio or the miz).
2) not really, they did it once, lets leave it at that.
3) he is a heel, he is poor inring, he hung with vickie to long, and when he is talking, you just want him to shut up.
What's your thoughts about Dolph Ziggler?

I think Dolph is a massive talent being totally squandered right now. This guy held the World Championship last year, and rightfully so. Though the reign was short, I think we all saw in that time just how right Dolph felt as the champ.

Do you want to see Ziggler vs Kofi Kingston again?
No. Dolph is above the US Title and, right now at least, above Kofi. If Kofi, say, lost the title to someone else in the process of feuding, it could work, and might actually put Kofi over. But this should be about Dolph, not Kofi.

Why do you think that Ziggler cannot get a decent amount of pop?
Momentum. His push was killed by a change in hair style, of all things. I never thought I'd see that, but oh well. At least he changed it back. He also hasn't gotten nearly the level of exposure he did on Smackdown, but that's to be expected when moving to Raw. He probably just needs more time. I'm not sure about a face turn; I don't know how well his moveset would translate as a face.

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