A Post Is Worth A Thousand Words
NoFate007, cheating to win or getting DQ'ed to keep the title in a dastardly fashion is exactly what the Honky Tonk Man did week in and week out. I can't remember him ever getting a legitimate, no cheating/no interference clean victory over any of his opponents. How is Santino any different?
But see, that's where the problem is. There are differences.
I can't remember much about Honky Tonk Man's record, as I'm only 21 and I didn't get into wrestling until around 95. But you say that you can't remember any wins that he had that didn't involve cheating or interference.
Did Santino cheat or have interference when he just beat D-Lo? Nope. It was a clean win. D-Lo goes for a frog splash, Santino has the sense to move away, then capitalize. That's happened to people that were pinning Jeff Hardy in regards to the Swanton, right? If Santino is supposed to be someone that can't win without help or cheating, why did he get a clean win? And if he can't beat anybody without help or cheating, but he CAN beat D-Lo without cheating, then it means that D-Lo is lower on the hierarchy than he is, and thus, D-Lo is an inept loser as well, but even more so than Santino!
Just because someone cheats to win doesn't mean they couldn't win, or that they didn't put up a good fight. Edge cheats to win most of the time, but you'd buy into it if he actually, hands down, defeated someone like HHH or the Undertaker, right? Now think about that in terms of Santino. Just because he cheats doesn't mean that he was squashed...especially if he fights back throughout the match.
By pure logic, if you have two people and its an "evenly matched up fight", that means that the winner is only slightly better if he wins clean. If he cheats, he's one of three options: better than (but lazy), equal to and couldn't edge them out without help, or worse than and they required help to even up the playing field.
So now, Santino defeated D-Lo without help or cheating. That means by default, he's better than D-Lo. And when you have Santino look like an idiot that can't even beat Mickie and Beth, then you're automatically saying that D-Lo would lose to Mickie and Beth, because he couldn't even beat Santino.
It would be totally different if Santino was getting his ass kicked the entire match and had no shot at winning, and then at the last second, distracted the ref, hit D-Lo with a chair, and got the pin. Now that's the character that Santino should be doing...someone who should NEVER be holding the title, but by fluke, was able to get it, and now only retains by cheating at the last second. Having him be someone who can actually defend his title makes it so you have to make a choice between either "Santino is now a legitimate contender" (which kills the comedy) or "all of Santino's opponents are weak enough that they're on his level".