Does Punk need a new finisher to properly solidify himself in the Main Event?

Isaac Kaye

Professional Overseller
I was thinking about this the other day when I saw Punk land the GTS on McGillicutty on the initiation episode of RAW. Punk in my opinion is the full package, and he has absolutely everything needed to stay in the Main Event for a long time, mic skills, in ring ability, general demeanour etc. However I think his finisher absolutely sucks, and for three reasons:

1) It's unbelievably easy to botch and looks totally unrealistic most of the time. Against Cena it looked awful, against McGillicutty it looked awful. I remember he had a match with Kane before Fatal 4 Way last year. He botched it in their first match, and then he botched it AGAIN in the contenders match, so badly in fact that the commentators didn't even know whether to call the end of the match.

2) It's relies on the opponent selling remarkably well. I would not be comfortable at all with a main finisher that relies so much on the other wrestlers to make the move look good.

3) Punk cannot lift the big guys effectively to complete the move. Demonstrated by Kane and the Big Show. Cena's STU doesn't require the same amount of strength (plus he is a much stronger man anyway)

I remember in the build up to the feud with the Big Show commentary were talking up how dangerous Punk was with his Anaconda Vice submission hold, but to my knowledge he went to almost no effort to get the move over! (JTG once) I feel there is a certain stubborness on Punk's part to keep using the GTS when it's botched over and over again, and to use his other finisher little to never. I suppose now isn't the best time to start testing a new move, especially with the build up to Mania, but over the long term I think it's something he needs to address to look reastic in the face of the crowd.

So my question is, does Punk need a new pinfall finisher to stay as a credible main eventer?

Should he use the Anaconda Vice as his primary finisher while he gets a new move over?
I do agree that the GTS is a move which relies heavily on the seller and can often be botched, however I wouldn't scrap it but maybe use it as a signature move or a secondary pin-fall finisher.
Yes, he should definitely use the Anaconda Vice and perhaps the Koji Clutch as his primary finishers whilst he gets a new finisher over. I'd like to seem him use a modified DDT or Neckbreaker, something quick and impactful like the Codebreaker and the RKO.
I agree that the GTS is easily botched when lifting very heavy men, but it should definitely not be scrapped. it should be used seldomly as a kind of special move that he only uses once in a while. that being said, i think that he should definitely bring back the anaconda vice as his main finisher, and use the pepsi plunge as his secondary pinning finisher. obviously he can not call it the pepsi plunge as they are on tv and that would infringe copyrights, but give it a cool new name, and unveil it at the rumble so he can use it to win.
I remember in the build up to the feud with the Big Show commentary were talking up how dangerous Punk was with his Anaconda Vice submission hold, but to my knowledge he went to almost no effort to get the move over! (JTG once) I feel there is a certain stubborness on Punk's part to keep using the GTS when it's botched over and over again, and to use his other finisher little to never. I suppose now isn't the best time to start testing a new move, especially with the build up to Mania, but over the long term I think it's something he needs to address to look reastic in the face of the crowd.

The Anaconda Vice has been one of Punks finishers since before he was in WWECW or Smackdown and Raw so yuo trying to say that should be his "new" finisher no i do think he needs something fresh but the GTS when done right looks so deadly and Punk RARELY botches it has bad has you are makking it out to look like
I agree that the GTS is easily botched when lifting very heavy men, but it should definitely not be scrapped. it should be used seldomly as a kind of special move that he only uses once in a while. that being said, i think that he should definitely bring back the anaconda vice as his main finisher, and use the pepsi plunge as his secondary pinning finisher. obviously he can not call it the pepsi plunge as they are on tv and that would infringe copyrights, but give it a cool new name, and unveil it at the rumble so he can use it to win.

I love the Anaconda vice. Two itsy bitsy teenie weenie Dusty Rhodes-polka dot problems with the Pepsi plunge (besides the name):

1. Look at the move itself. It's basically an avalanche Pedigree. Let's be honest, do you think HHH would let Punk use that move that looks so similar to HHH's finisher? Really?

2. Again, look at the move itself. Punk would be taking a LOT of force on his knees, and the top turnbuckle is slightly higher up in WWE's rings than other promotions. Therefore, Punk takes more force on his knees than he used to, and the last thing WWE needs in regards to this is Punk injured again.

Don't scrap the GTS altogether but I like the idea of a LEG- based submission hold against bigger guys.
Am I the only one who thinks this is a terrible idea?

I mean yeah, against big guys he needs a new finisher, but don't most people? I mean Batista couldn't really do the powerbomb to someone like Big Show so he had to use the spinebuster instead.

Another reason I think it's stupid is because it's a very original move. What other main eventers have an innovative move? Let's look:
Cena - Death Valley Driver - lots of people have used it
Orton - RKO - copy of the diamond cutter
Edge - Spear - Batista, Goldberg, Big show etc. have all used it as a finisher and I highly doubt Edge used it first
Miz - Skull Crushing Finale - copy of Jarrett's "stroke"

Ziggler's Zig Zag is new, so is Wasteland, but not many other finishers are new or fresh, they were used by someone else beforehand. I mean look at Morrison, he's had more finishers than I can count!
I agree totally about GTS being easily bocthed and it doesn't look believable for a guy of his size doing it to say Mark Henry, Big Show or Khali which is why he has Anaconda Vice aswell but even that wouldn't look effective on someone as big as Henry.

But I also totally agree with Michael.foulds his finisher is very unique and actually looks painful if the recipient can sell it properly... it looks devastating then O.O

I do think he needs a submission for the bigger guys, maybe just something as simple as an Ankle Lock or a Sleeper (like Swagger and Ziggler have) would do CM Punk justice but those two are taken... so maybe ask DB for one of his countless holds... :D
The GTS is a good move but I do agree that the GTS should be taken more seriously as a finisher and used more often, it'll add a whole new dynamic to CM Punk's moveset. Just like how people used to get excited when Jericho set up the Walls (they stopped tapping out to it eventually but it was a big threat in 2001), or Angle with his ankle lock, Benoit with his crossface, Hart with his Sharpshooter, Punk could excite the crowd in the exact same fashion with his GTS, which is very good for a main eventer such as Punk
No he doesn't. The GTS is a fine finisher to make work of in the main event, or anywhere on the card. As well as the usage of the Anaconda Vise whenever he pulls that one out.

Besides, a finisher should have absolutely no saying in how well you work in the main event. There's been so many various finishers throughout the WWE's main event roster in the past 30-40 years that it's almost impossible for there not to have been some finishers that weren't picture perfect, yet still were more than functional in the main event.

The GTS is a brutal move, and looks legitimate as hell. I mean you're dropped head first into a knee, that's bound to knock someone out legitimately, and due to that I think it functions well for CM Punk, especially since he seems to be able to lift some fairly heavy people (With exception of Big Show) so I'm sure he can work with any main event talents and make it work.

So, no CM Punk does not need to change his finisher to make it in the main event scene properly.
I absoulutly think this is a horrible idea. Personly that really works IMO but if they had plans to change it, maybe his finishers could be Pepsi Plunge And Falcon Arrow. He's done both of those moves and it looked good. Maybe They don't scrap the idea all the way and he starts using it as his Signature? Either it would be a shame to me if they scrapped that finisher all the way.
I don't think he needs a new finisher but I do think he needs to eliminate the GTS and use a submission hold as his finisher. The hold he used when he first was seen on WWE TV was really good but that move he used the other night on Cena was SICK!! He needs to use that one. Was that the anaconda vice that he used on Cena? Whatever it was, he needs to keep that one.
Hey all, I'm new here to the Wrestlezone Forum and this is my first reply. I completely agree. CM Punk has botched the GTS more times than I can count. The one time that really sticks out in my head was when CM Punk became World Champ for the 1st time in 2008, and he defended his title on Raw vs. JBL. He used the GPS to end the match and it looked terrible. It does take the opponent to sell the move well, you're right. CM Punk really needs to utilize the Anaconda Vise a lot more. The move he used on Cena on Monday Night didn't look like the Vise like he used in ECW, even though Cole said it was, it looked like a more modified version of it which looked sicker and should definitely use it, looks very devastating, but Superman Cena broke the hold as he always does.
The GTS is one of the best finishers in WWE today, no-one has used it there before (He "borrowed" it from Pro Wrestling NOAH's KENTA) Unlike the RKO, the Spear, any variation of the Powerbomb or DDT, all done badly by people with no imagination. No, he can't do it to the bigger guys, but lets face it, how many bigger guys are they gonna waste him in a feud with?
Apart from the "Attitude Ajustment" (Which is not a fucking Death Valley Driver!) Very few lifting moves in WWE can be performed on the bigger guys, but it can quite easily be performed in the likes of Edge, Cena, Orton, Mysterio, Del Rio, Danielson, Miz, JoMo etc & these are the sort of guys he should be feuding with.
As for the Anaconda vice, it's a fine submission hold, but didn't they pull it from his repertoire for being too dangerous for kids to copy? I could be wrong though
First off, small thing thats bugging me...its the Anaconda Vise, not Vice

nit picking, I know.

Second, I agree that the GTS doesnt look all that effective all the time. But really, does Edge's spear? Only problem with using the submission as a finish is that Punk is a heel. Faces are notorious for never tapping. Think Cena will ever tap out? I doubt it
The GTS looks awesome when done correctly. CM Punk has been working this move for a while and I have seen no problems. Honestly, the first time I saw it, I thought he actually could break someone's face with that. Why change something that can cause such devestation? Now, would I mind if he switched to the Koji CLutch or the Anaconda Vise? No, because they're great submissions. But I agree with the idea of being a heel. Heels are supposed to assert dominance and sometimes sneak the win away. The GTS is definitely a good heel move.
I love the GTS. Granted it doesn't look devastating when someone can't sell it or take the shot properly. Smaller more agile guys make that move look great when he hits it on them. We all know Cena isn't going to sell anything, and Punk can't get up bigger wrestlers. It's the perfect move for him though.
I would like to see the return of the pepsi plunge but it isn't going to happen. Having siad that I do not think he really needs a new finisher. If Cena can be a champ for so long with his shoulder drop and neck rub finishers surely the GTS can be used.
A perfect finisher for Punk would be a superkick, but since Michaels has already made that move popular, Punk should add his own "spin" to it. Without doing away with the GTS, Punk should incorporate a spinning high kick to the chin to his arsenal. This would work well for larger opponents.
I really like the GTS.. its a very good finisher and I will admit, it requires strength against the big guys, it does rely on his opponents to sell well and it does botch a lot.. With that said, I still think its a good finisher, he doesn't need to get rid of it, but I think he could have an alternative which could be a super kick.. I see him kick superstars in teh skull all the time and he is good at it.. Also about the anaconda vise.. he hardly ever uses it! Which is't a good thing, because looks painful!
A perfect finisher for Punk would be a superkick, but since Michaels has already made that move popular, Punk should add his own "spin" to it. Without doing away with the GTS, Punk should incorporate a spinning high kick to the chin to his arsenal. This would work well for larger opponents.

Aww you beat me in the superkick :)

anyway, what about C4 as CM punk's new finisher for small/medium sized opponents along with the GTS. Retain the Anaconda Vise for medium/big wrestlers?

Better yet, he could adopt Matt Striker's Golden Rule/Straight A inverted overdrive, easy to setup then hit it to setup again for AV? :)

OT from previous page;
I just got confused about the death valley driver and cena's AA, is it the same?
I also think the GTS gets botched a lot but I absolutely loved the leg choke thingy punk did that Cole called an anaconda vise which it wasnt. I think for the bigger opponents Punk should use that rock bottom into a anaconda vise combo he used in WWECW
I absoulutly think this is a horrible idea. Personly that really works IMO but if they had plans to change it, maybe his finishers could be Pepsi Plunge. He's done both of those moves and it looked good. Maybe They don't scrap the idea all the way and he starts using it as his Signature? Either it would be a shame to me if they scrapped that finisher all the way.

I agree that the GTS is easily botched when lifting very heavy men, but it should definitely not be scrapped. it should be used seldomly as a kind of special move that he only uses once in a while. that being said, i think that he should definitely bring back the anaconda vice as his main finisher, and use the pepsi plunge as his secondary pinning finisher. obviously he can not call it the pepsi plunge as they are on tv and that would infringe copyrights, but give it a cool new name, and unveil it at the rumble so he can use it to win.

Those who have suggested the Pepsi Plunge needs a slap upside their heads.

In other news, no, Punk doesn't need a new finisher. He has a great moveset. He needs better booking from WWE so he can work with smaller wrestlers who can effectively work with him and sell his offense. Guys like Kane are just too big and cumbersome to work with small guys like Punk. Just like Mysterio, he works better with guys who can keep up with him.

Cena is probably the best guy WWE can give him at this moment in time. Make sure Cena sells and bumps his ass off for Punk and no matter what, Punk will come out of this feud looking golden.
My biggest issue with the GTS, like others have said, is it depends too much on the other wrestler to sell. I would say half the time (at least) the person being dropped lands on their feet before they get hit with the knee (or at least that is how it looks). This is especially obvious with anyone bigger than Punk.

How believable is a finisher when all you need to do to counter it is land on your feet? Yes, if it is delivered where the knee makes contact before/at the same time as the feet hitting the ground it looks fantastic, but a lot of the times that doesn't happen. A move like that should be reserved for the more powerful wrestlers.
GTS is an awesome finisher and Punk has used it on guys like Taker and Kane. It looked fine to me. The only bad aspect is trying to get Mark Henry or Big Show up, Everyone else has looked good. I do think Punk needs something new though. Remember the Knox Out (svr2011), I think a move like that but turn the opponent around would be cool. Don't want to stat with a finisher too long or atleast want to spice up your arsenal.
The GTS absolutely looks more effective than Cena's AA. And with finishers like 'The Cobra' and 'Star Ship Pain' currently in use it looks brutal in comparison. Punk will always have trouble picking up the big guys, but hey if The Hurricane used a choke-slam as his finisher for a while then Punk can easily use the GTS.

I think in this era of wrestling, there is no use in nitpicking over something that actually works when there are a million things that don't.

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