Does Live Crowd Reaction Impact Your Enjoyment As A Viewer?

The Brain

King Of The Ring
Tonight on Raw we saw Stephanie McMahon arrested as a result of slapping Brie Bella. If I read a spoiler before the show saying this would happen I wouldn't have thought anything of it. We've seen many arrests on Raw over the years. I don't mind the Stephanie vs. Bella rivalry but it doesn't necessarily excite me. It actually turned out to be pretty awesome. I think I enjoyed the segment because of the live crowd reaction. The Miami fans were really into it and I felt the energy in the arena come through on my tv. I don't think the segment would have caught my attention had the crowd been dead or even average. I know we often take notice if a crowd is hot or dead but does the live crowd reaction play any part in how much you enjoy a segment on tv?
It definitely does for me.
It probably shouldn't but I think it's hard not to factor it in. I get distracted by shitty crowds but with good crowds it almost makes up for matches and segments that probably aren't as good.

It's like going to a concert and not having the crowd get into it.

Crowd energy plays a pretty big role into it.

I'm not saying it can totally cover up a bad match or segment but it's a nice blinder for it though.
Most definitely i love the energy on TV from the crowd.. It makes the storyline much more enjoyable if the audience rolls with it,rather than falling asleep,it makes it more enjoyable.. I remember New Jersey Crowds,Miami (Tonight),England,Chicago,are rather Lively crowds.. Makes you really want to be there in person,you just can see the enjoyment on their faces..

Yes we have seen tons of people get arrested on Raw,but the crowd was just eating up the whole stephanie thing getting arrested tonight,made it more enjoyable for me.. So yes,it makes a major impact at least on me
Yes, generally if the crowd is good it makes the show more enjoyable. If the crowd sucks then it does take the "energy" out of the show IMO. When I refer to energy, I don't mean chanting CM Punk during a good match, I mean reacting to the performers/matches/segments relevant to that time.
Yes, definitely. Even watching a show at home, my enjoyment can be affected by the reactions of the crowd at the event. When a crowd erupts for someone's music, or a pinfall in a match, it's so much better than a dull response to something happening.

A loud, passionate crowd can really get across the vibe that is a "big" or "important" event, I know that may sound silly or hard to understand but I'd much rather watch a show with a great crowd than one where they barely react to whats going on in the ring. I think WWE realises many fans think this as they have piped in crowd noise on some of their broadcasts in recent years.

For example, look at the reacton Brock Lesnar got when he returned to challenge John Cena, Austin/Rock's surprise appearances at WM 30, or Triple H's return from injury in 2002....those moments were special but the crowd noise made them even better. Imagine if there was apathy for Trips' return, it wouldn't have been anywhere near as iconic.
In a positive way, certainly. When everyone is cheering and yelling and booing, it makes the whole thing bigger than it is. Vickie Guerrero and The Rock wouldn't be so enjoyable if it weren't for the fans' booing and 'electrifying'.
Having said that, I agree with what Redemption-2012 said above, an ideal catalyst crowd is one that's active while not being disruptive. Its more pleasant to have a 'dead' crowd than one chanting "J.B.L."

In a negative way... not so much, but it makes me feel bad about the talents involved. The best example would be most of Damien Sandow's segments. He plays his part brilliantly, but the crowd reaction mostly stays next to silent... So sometimes I guess that makes the whole segment less enjoyable, like having a good meal all alone.
A raucous crowd simply adds to the big moment feeling. You get disappointed that you weren't part of it. A dead crowd can distract you from what you are watching. If a match is solid but the crowd dead, you will barely remember the match; an average match can be boosted by an epic crowd.
Live reaction has an impact. With Brock Lesnar's surprise return in April 2012, and Chris Jericho's at Royal Rumble 2013, those men felt like bona fide icons. The reaction to Jake Roberts' return in January made him look like some homeless man who had wandered in off the street. I know Jake's a legend, but part of my brain perceived him as someone who didn't matter that night, because the audience gave him no love.
Some crowds are great. Chicago and Philadephia usually have crowds that are "up" (maybe because of the wrestling traditions of the cities). A crowd which is "on" from the start makes even a poor wrestling show better.

However, there can be bad wrestling crowds as well, and I don't just mean "silent" ones. I mainly hate crowds who take over the show, and chant stuff irrelevant to what is happening in the ring.

I was disgusted with the crowd at Royal Rumble this year, and how they booed anyone who was not Daniel Bryan. The disgraceful way that they booed a legend like Rey Mysterio, for coming out at No. 30, instead of Daniel Bryan, almost made me want Daniel Bryan to NOT win the title at WMXXX, just to stick it to those people who thought they were bigger than the show.

The crowd should play a part, but never take over. Another occassion when the crowd hijacks the show is the night after Wrestlemania, especially the New York crowd the night after WM 29, who made noise all night, but none of it relating to what was happening in the ring. The crowd tried to become the stars for the night, and had a misplaced sense of their own importance. As C.M. Punk said "You pay to see me. I don't pay to see you!"

A crowd should know its place and cheer along with what is going on in the ring, not in spite of it. When the crowd think that they are bigger than the superstars, it just ruins the experience for everyone.
Sometimes the crowds really do help whatever is going on with their reactions, other times they ruin it. I got so sick of 'CM Punk' chants so long after he voluntarily left and even occasionally the Daniel Bryan chants would get on my nerves.

I will admit to liking the crowd chanting JBL during a Kofi Vs Alberto del Rio match, especially when JBL acknowledged that. But the last Royal Rumble is way too awkward to watch because of them (poor Sheamus) and I didn't get why they turned on the Big Show during his match with Randy Orton...Were they expecting a classic? It's the Big Show, you knew what you were getting into.

My favorite crowd reaction has to be when Daniel Bryan turned on Wyatt in the cage. That was golden. I also felt the crowd elevated 'Rusev Vs Swagger'.
Live reaction has an impact. With Brock Lesnar's surprise return in April 2012, and Chris Jericho's at Royal Rumble 2013, those men felt like bona fide icons. The reaction to Jake Roberts' return in January made him look like some homeless man who had wandered in off the street. I know Jake's a legend, but part of my brain perceived him as someone who didn't matter that night, because the audience gave him no love.

I agree, the overall crowd reaction for Jake's return wasn't that great but what did you expect? A large percentage of the live WWE crowd are young, and won't have seen any of Jake's career, let alone known anything about his fight to overcome his demons. It was a triumph and a success despite the fairly lackluster live reaction, as the old-school fans will have loved it and it gave Jake the chance to appear on Raw again, which was a target during his recovery.

Such a long time had passed from Roberts' heyday that he was never going to get a mega-reaction like a Hogan or a Warrior return. He wasn't on their level and even his music doesn't have the same iconic opening to get the instant pop as a Hulk//Bret/Austin/Rock return etc.
Oh yeah for sure. A crowd can either make a moment great or turn it to shit imo. If I'm really enjoying a segment, but the crowd isn't into it, it doesn't necessarily change my viewpoint on that particular segment, but it does give off a bad vibe and kind of waters down the product. Just last Sunday we saw the crowd, really get into the Uso/Wyatt match and imo that reaction elevated that match to one of the best tag team bouts in recent memory. Would that match have been great without a hot crowd? Yes, but the fact that the audience was at the edge of their seats throughout the whole thing, made it that much greater.

The Toronto crowd single-handedly cemented the Rock vs Hogan match at Mania 18 as one of the most memorable matches of all time. The match itself was pretty garbage, but people will always look back at that match fondly because the energy of the audience that night was just insane.
most definitely. When DB and Bray were locked in the cage together and Bryan took off his Wyatt garb, that crowd went CRAZY. That's what makes moments so much fun. Imagine watching an amazing match on mute. You won't feel the same experience.
I agree, the overall crowd reaction for Jake's return wasn't that great but what did you expect? A large percentage of the live WWE crowd are young, and won't have seen any of Jake's career, let alone known anything about his fight to overcome his demons. It was a triumph and a success despite the fairly lackluster live reaction, as the old-school fans will have loved it and it gave Jake the chance to appear on Raw again, which was a target during his recovery.

Such a long time had passed from Roberts' heyday that he was never going to get a mega-reaction like a Hogan or a Warrior return. He wasn't on their level and even his music doesn't have the same iconic opening to get the instant pop as a Hulk//Bret/Austin/Rock return etc.

Jake wasn't the only one who suffered from that, as the other old school guys had lukewarm receptions except maybe Sgt Slaughter (I don't recall how Too Cool was received).

Paige's debut the night after Wrestlemania 30: when it comes to a Diva's segment, the crowd never really cares and it always ends up as something quite awkward when they try to execute it. However, that crowd made this segment and aided Paige in successfully getting over on television. Most people don't pay attention to NXT but thanks to the crowd, everyone watching was interested to see why this new girl is getting the biggest cheers any Diva has ever gotten.

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus the night after Wrestlemania 29: nobody cared in the audience and if you watch the entire match, it was a really slow-paced and after a long time wrestling, the matched didn't even end in any result. However, thanks to the crowd's awesome chanting antics, that match became a lot more enjoyable because of what they were doing.

Crowds can make or break a lot of moments. If they don't react or if they react in a completely obscure way, it means that what you are watching isn't that interesting or should be done differently. If the roof is being blown off the arena, something big has just happened and you want to continue watching. Remember, they purchased tickets to witness these events so they'll let you know what makes them interested and what doesn't.

And I do know that post-WM crowds are bad examples considering they are just red hot but these were the best examples I could remember off my head. I'm sure there are many examples of hot crowds making segments better as well as bored crowds making segments awkward and terrible.
I'm from California, but i can honestly say I would love to watch a Raw or PPV in Chicago or Seattle, those 2 cities definitely take it to a new level and it makes the viewing way better.
A good example a bad crowd killing a segment was evolutions return earlier this year. The crowd and the commentary totally killed what should have been a mark out moment.

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