Does CM Punk have an unhealthy obession with the closing match of Wrestlemania?

Does CM Punk have an unhealthy obession with the closing match of WrestleMania?

  • Yes. Sure, he deserved the spot, but it doesn't define the guy's career.

  • No, Punk's anger is justified. He absolutely needed that spot.

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No he has every right to be pissed off. I honestly don't think it's AS MUCH about just not getting the top Mania closing match as it is about being dealt with terribly, mismanaged for YEARS, and disrespected.

Nothing says it all more than Cena vs. Lauranitis headlining a PPV over the WWE Championship. Notice I didn't say OVER CM PUNK. They disgraced the strap and the wrestler with that shit and it went on for A LONG TIME. Having to undercard to a Taker mania match or Cena vs. Rock is one thing....having to take the back seat to useless jobbers is another.
No. Dan Marino never won a Super Bowl and that's how people talk about him now, "the best QB to never win a Super Bowl" even though he actually played in the game. He's one of the best ever but people still bring up his shortcoming. That's like Punk not being in the main event.

What about actors that have never won an Oscar? You could be the "best" actor and star in critically and publicly acclaimed movies and never win an Oscar, and that'd probably burn you a bit. People would probably say "yeah but he/she never won an Oscar."

Not being in the main event doesn't mean you didn't have the best match, that your most the "best" wrestler, that the audience doesn't like you the best, it just means you weren't in the last match on the card and know you should have been but never made it there can be annoying. Punk even said he was in his head about it. He said he would have lost in 5 minutes in a triple threat match. It's just a trip. Punk has to think to himself "I wasn't in the Wrestlemania main event but The Miz was? The Miz?!"

It's just a goal, and a personal goal. And Punk seemingly did everything he could to get in that spot and just didn't get it. It's not unhealthy. It'd be unhealthy if he couldn't let it go. And while you might say he can't, he walked away, so he pretty much did.
Of course it's not "unhealthy".

It's ridiculous to suggest it is, to do so makes it sound like he is Ahab chasing his "Moby Dick". If you are in the wrestling business then to be in that final match of Mania is THE pinnacle. It's the moment that he saw his heroes get to and a lot of guys who were NOT as good as him make their own.

Punk is considered by himself, many of his peers and the fans to be in THAT bracket... that deserve that spot once in their careers. As each year passed, you could imagine that frustration boiling...especially seeing Miz and the like getting the spot before you. Miz can say he headlined Mania, Triple H can say he headlined Mania... but Punk can't.

Someone mentioned that Taker only got it 3 times... but he GOT it relatively early on in his career, 7 years in, Punk had about the same time served when he walked, that would play into his mindset. Sure he could accept that someone like Bret or Shawn had to wait about the same time, but then he can point to "useless" lumps like Bundy, flash in the pans like Luger or Yokozuna and guys like Kurt Angle who got it far easier and sooner in their careers than he did. He was good enough to carry the title for a whole year plus...but not to headline Mania?

Of course we know from his interview where he feels the blame lies. For all the "revisionism" Triple H has undergone in recent years, the accusations of him holding guys back has always been there. No one has ever come out and been as explicit as Punk last week. He clearly feels Triple H has prevented him from that spot, either out of jealousy or more likely in his eyes, spite. There may be truth to it, even if it's not as overt as Paul setting out on a campaign to undermine Punk. It doesn't take much for someone with influence to use that for or against someone...but if it's against it's often listened to far more, especially by Vince. Look at how Shawn was able to derail careers and pushes in the 90's like Tatanka and Marty Janetty, telling half truths, lies and just "he's not got the right attitude" to Vince to keep guys from taking "his spot", often unfairly.

There is a saying that if you don't want to be the WWE champion then get out the business. Likewise if you don't want to headline Wrestlemania then why are you bothering? Even a Grado in ICW will dream of it, even if the law of averages is against him ever being that over/signed. But the dream is what motivates and guys like Foley proved ANYONE can headline Mania once...and I really get the impression Punk only wanted it once... and would have been happy forever jobbing/putting others over at Mania after that... but he was denied it and in reality no one could give a valid reason why a Miz deserved it or Yoko was more "over" as a heel or Slaughter gets to have his name as a Mania headliner and he can't. Because there isn't one when the truth is told.

Rock and Cena were "bigger stars" only cos WWE portrayed them to be. There was no reason it couldn't have been Rock v Punk Vs Cena, Dwayne wouldn't have lost anything... arguably Cena would have... so between Cena and Trips... you have a serious "cartel" of self interest beginning to build preventing Punk reaching his goal.

For a guy like Punk who is SO driven that's gonna burn. He summed it up in that interview and it's the one thing that resonated the most with me. He told them if he wasn't good enough, the best they had, fire him... repeatedly. They only did after HE walked out. So that means he was good enough, they just didn't want to give him his dream.

Why would WWE hold him down other than Trips/Cena... because arguably they felt it was their "hold on him", he described "taking them for the team" yet he never said... "I'll do it but I want the Mania final match...guaranteed... this is 3 you owe me and I am calling them ALL in!"

The reality is Punk would have quit either way... as he did or after he got his Mania main event, they knew he'd then be done cos he'd done all he wanted to do... sadly they chose the former way and it ended horribly.

He was the hottest performer post Attitude Era and rejuvenated interest in a company that had sunk to having R-Truth main eventing PPV's for the title. It's not crazy for him to want to main event WM when guys like Miz have done it and he hasn't.

What this guy said.

It's a difficult one. Rock-Cena at 28 was a dream match, but there's no excuse for Punk not main eventing Mania 29 either as champion or challenger. At the time I didn't mind Rock taking the title, it's what it ultimately led to that I hated. Now, obviously Punk knew well in advance how it was all going down so I can appreciate he was doing all he could to try & change things, but even at the time I figured It would've made much more sense for Punk/Rock to happen at Mania 29.

though my gut says Punk still wouldn't have been happy with dropping the title to the Rock even if he got his mania main event in the process.

I guess they could've gone with Punk/Cena with Jawn getting his redemption through ending the longest title reign of all time.

Which, lets be honest would've benefited Cena more than beating a guy that he'd already lost to in a shit rematch that no one cared about. They'd missed the boat on Cena getting anything from beating Rock when they had him lose in the match that actually mattered.

However, whilst Punk mightn't have minded jobbing to Cena, I think a lot of fans (including me) would've had a massive issue with it.
I would say that it is healthy and justified strictly because of the longest reign in modern history not being capped off with a Wrestlemania main event. Just isn't right. I feel if it hadn't been for that reign, he might be more at peace with it. During the reign you would have to think he was expecting to main event Mania. How could he not? So you go all those months expecting something and then somebody comes in and takes it away from you (Rock), it's gonna eat at you a lot more than it would under ordinary circumstances I would think.
The poll is actually quite confusing. He could be both. And I firmly believe him to be both for that matter.

I think, in Punk's mind, he was definitely deserving of the main event at WrestleMania. However, he just isn't on the same level as John Cena and The Undertaker. Don't get me wrong, he was an amazing superstar and it was obvious that he loved the business he was in. That said, he was just unfortunate that the WWE believed in other matches more than they did for his. His match against Taker should have been the main event at WrestleMania but the WWE believed in the other matches more.

I think, more than anything, this has created a stigma in the mind of Punk and he is just a bit pissed off that he never got his chance to be the guy in the WWE. However, I do feel as though if he had been in the main event of WrestleMania, he would just have wanted something else that was hard to obtain. You might call it ambition and personal drive but the WWE probably just thought that he was an ungrateful asshole that didn't appreciate what he had, more than anything. Maybe this is the cause of his obsession with the main event.

But maybe it was just a boyhood dream. We've heard from CM Punk about his obsession with it but we'll never know what goes on behind the scenes and the discussions that were had between the Creative Team and Punk. And if he were on the Creative Team, would he have put himself on last?
Was looking back at some old PPV's watching his matches... he was red hot. I can see him having the personal goal to main event Wrestlemania. He did reinvigorate the company during a slow period. He had a massive title run. They wanted "Star Power". He should have been able to do so but saying he was "obsessive" is silly. He was outworking everyone and trying to prove a point, had a bad attitude and it is probably the reason he never did. Regardless, he cemented his place as an iconic figure in his own right. I definitely felt like his run as a wrestler was cut short and he needed some time off... but as it is said: "It's better to burn out than fade away".
After reading a lot of everyone's post and hearing the interview for a second time. I believe that he wasn't obsessed with it but it was the next he felt in his career because he had been both World Heavyweight Champion and WWE Champion multiple times. Stone Cold said it best if your not working your ass off to be WWE champion or Headline WrestleMania you don't belong here. There are several main events at Mania but to go on last is important because its the last match of the biggest show of the year. Is it always the best match no, but its always important. I don't blame Punk for wanting that spot because its huge. Does it define his legacy whether it gets it or not in this day age just maybe. Why because there is only one World Title now and to go on last at WrestleMania is a huge deal because its probably gonna be a WWE title match. I feel what Punk is saying and understand why he feels that way. A lot of you on here are so judgemental and think your experts on everything. But unfornately your not and you don't know what's it like to be on the road 350 days through out the year. Busting your ass to be the best on the show and getting to the top and not being the main event of the biggest show of the year even though you are or were the champ and even though you were the most popular and sold the most merchandise. It does matter when you have 4 main events only can go on last and be the main event. Its not healthy obesession, its if you worked hard at your profession and you should be promoted to the biggest spot you know you earned even the person left says you earned and they bring someone else in or move someone up they believe is better when you know in your heart its you. That true desire true determination and if not one guy in the locker room feels that's not what there working for then I agree with Austin you don't belong there. There are no more territories there is no more WCW, or ECW, or AWA, or NWA on a mainstream level. There is only one place you can go to be the best in Pro Wrestling and that's WWE if your not trying to win the WWE title or close a WrestleMania you don't belong there. Let Punk be and don't judge his dream. Just be a wrestling fan.
The only unhealthy obsession I can see is some of the IWC's obsession with bringing back the way overrated CM Punk in Punks defense though I don't think theres anyone in the WWE roster who wouldn't want to main event Wrestlemania but to go on complaining about it though just makes him come across as ungrateful, bitter and whinny.
Punk was never the most over guy in the company during Wrestlemania. This isn't a charity. Punk needs to stop being such a mark for himself. I respect the guy as a performer, but he seems like a douche bag. Most people on the street don't know who CM Punk is. Get yourself more over. He was given the strap for a looooong time and in the spotlight even longer. If you aren't the most over guy on the roster after that, that's on you.
Punk was never the most over guy in the company during Wrestlemania. This isn't a charity. Punk needs to stop being such a mark for himself. I respect the guy as a performer, but he seems like a douche bag. Most people on the street don't know who CM Punk is. Get yourself more over. He was given the strap for a looooong time and in the spotlight even longer. If you aren't the most over guy on the roster after that, that's on you.

John Cena was in the spotlight Punks whole reign as champion. Punk deserved to headline at least ONE Wrestlmania!
CM punk did deserve to headline at least one wm.

But it doesn't define his career at all. He was/is an amazing performer who can wrestle circles around most of the roster. His 434 reign as champ imo was probably the best of the past 10 years.

I can understand his gripes, but punk really never was as big as taker, Cena, or even HBK. But that said, yes he did deserve to headline WM.

But the machine will continue to run without him
Punk was never the most over guy in the company during Wrestlemania. This isn't a charity. Punk needs to stop being such a mark for himself. I respect the guy as a performer, but he seems like a douche bag. Most people on the street don't know who CM Punk is. Get yourself more over. He was given the strap for a looooong time and in the spotlight even longer. If you aren't the most over guy on the roster after that, that's on you.

When they give you the belt for a long time, and put the spotlight on you for a long time, then you deserve to main event at least one Wrestlemania.

It doesn't matter what upper management or even the guys in the locker room thought. In a way it doesn't even matter that Punk was a douchebag. He worked his ass off and deserved that one moment in the spotlight. There have probably been many douchebags who that their spot. The thing was HHH didn't like him and he made sure that Punk didn't get it. You can't change the past, but I hope that the WWE has learned from this.
here's the way i THINK Punk sees it. Being in the Main Event of WM is WWE's way of telling you that YOU are a huge star and main event guy and you should get pushed to the moon. Punk felt a bit cheated that his match (which was for the title) wasn't the main event while Rock vs. Cena was. i don't agree with his walking out (at least if that was the key reason for the walk out), but to be upset at not getting the Main Event, yes. as for him upset at fighting HHH at WM30, that i didnt agree with, if anyone should've been upset, it should've been Bryan who in my book should've been in that title match, but it took Punk quitting for WWE to finally give Bryan a push......but this is Punk and like i said, i don't think it was an unhealthy obsession, just a dream and a signal that i am the guy they want to build around.
I think the issue is more that WWE didn't LET him be bigger than Cena or Taker. He certainly had that potential, and things were heading that way. But he wasn't a "company guy", not in the "doing the best for business" cos he generally did but in the sense of "being controlled". For all Cena and Taker's power backstage, they accept Vince is the reason/guy who gave them the opportunity and thus are his "disciples" in that sense.

Punk never was, he was big before he got there, got over in spite of Vince rather than with his help and when there caused problems... The moment Punk was never gonna get what he wanted was the semi-shoot situation where he "walked" as champion... That he got into that position was an oversight from Vince, but once he used it.. it was gonna cost something... ultimately that was his Mania main event.
I see it as an obsession, but not necessarily a bad one. Let me put it like this: As a child and young adult, you have a goal you want to pursue; a dream you want to make a reality. You have the talent and the skill and you work hard every day to make this happen. This is your life's work; everything has amounted to this one moment. Finally it's within reach - but something petty holds you back; something inconsequential blocks you from your goal, after all the work, pain and time put in. If one were to view it from this view, no wonder CM Punk would be upset.
When they give you the belt for a long time, and put the spotlight on you for a long time, then you deserve to main event at least one Wrestlemania.

It doesn't matter what upper management or even the guys in the locker room thought. In a way it doesn't even matter that Punk was a douchebag. He worked his ass off and deserved that one moment in the spotlight. There have probably been many douchebags who that their spot. The thing was HHH didn't like him and he made sure that Punk didn't get it. You can't change the past, but I hope that the WWE has learned from this.
No it doesn't. If my sales territory is historically the most lucrative at my office and yet, at the end of the year, someone else ends up with better numbers, I don't "deserve" shit. A lot of guys work their ass off. WWE isn't a charity. That's why they're so successful. The biggest draws getting the shine during Wrestlemania season. Punk wasn't the biggest draw. Period.
No it doesn't. If my sales territory is historically the most lucrative at my office and yet, at the end of the year, someone else ends up with better numbers, I don't "deserve" shit. A lot of guys work their ass off. WWE isn't a charity. That's why they're so successful. The biggest draws getting the shine during Wrestlemania season. Punk wasn't the biggest draw. Period.

I don't get your point about Punk not being the biggest draw being a factor in main eventing Mania. Was Miz the biggest draw during the WM 27 season?

Your sales analogy doesn't work here because the scenario is completely different. I'd compare it more of a promotion thing. If I work year round and bring fantastic sales figures, I'd expect a promotion. But if company hires someone else in that position because of his performance elsewhere, I'll be pissed too. And you know what, if that happens time and time again, I'll be livid.

As far as Punk being a draw is concerned, do you honestly believe that Batista was a bigger draw than Punk? When Punk should've stayed face, they turned him heel just to give Rock a top heel to work with. When Punk returned, he turned face to feud with Brock when he should've stayed heel. Punk was used to give part timers important wins over a big name. If you work hard all year long, just to become fodder to someone who'd come back for just a month or so, you'd be pissed. Punk was given the WWE championship, but how many events did he main event as the WWE champion? So where was the spotlight?
No it doesn't. If my sales territory is historically the most lucrative at my office and yet, at the end of the year, someone else ends up with better numbers, I don't "deserve" shit. A lot of guys work their ass off. WWE isn't a charity. That's why they're so successful. The biggest draws getting the shine during Wrestlemania season. Punk wasn't the biggest draw. Period.

To be fair he was the biggest draw for some of the time, and even if not he probably was the biggest heel draw for WWE. Plus you figure it's not like only 1 guy headlines Wrestlemania, why couldn't Cena/Punk headline Wrestlemania? Or the triple threat Punk "suggested", Cena/Rock/Punk? I get people don't like triple threats to main event Mania but still, it'd be a classic and it would have been different. Didn't they hype Rock/Cena 1 as a once in a lifetime match? Yet they did it again in the exact same way the next year. The only difference was they had to make it "bigger" by slapping the WWE title on the Rock and making the end otherworldly obvious.

Sorry that might be a bit of a tangent, point being: there's 2 people per Wrestlemania match at least. Punk was outselling the vast majority of the roster, the people they considered bigger draws were part timers. If they wanted Punk to be a bigger draw they shouldn't have brought part timers in to hog his(and the rest of the rosters) spotlight.
Yes I think he does. We have seen a few times over the years, matches that didnt go last overshadowing the 'main event'. Mania 18 for example, Rock and Hogan was the main event, it featured on front of the DVD cover and didnt go last. HBK vs Taker a few years ago didnt go last either but that was another 'main event'. I think Punk simply wanted to close the show' because as far as I see it he was 'main event' at a couple of Manias.

Punk worked his ass off, nobody can deny this but when you look at the facts, he can have absolutely zero complaints about having to put over Rock, Taker and Lesnar. Guys on the roster would love to have that privilege so he should be happy he was asked to do the job with 2 legends and the 'special attraction'.

Punk was given a 434 day title run
He went on a winning streak of 12 PPV's
Beat John Cena FOUR times over a 15 month period
Beat a white hot Ryback twice
Other notable wins over top stars such as Daniel Bryan (3), Chris Jericho (3) and Del Rio (2).
Won 3 handicap matches notably The Shield 3 on 1!

Punk was given a lot when he resigned. He simply comes across as bitter(a lot of it I sympathise with) but most of all he comes across as ungrateful.
Yes I think he does. We have seen a few times over the years, matches that didnt go last overshadowing the 'main event'. Mania 18 for example, Rock and Hogan was the main event, it featured on front of the DVD cover and didnt go last. HBK vs Taker a few years ago didnt go last either but that was another 'main event'. I think Punk simply wanted to close the show' because as far as I see it he was 'main event' at a couple of Manias.

Punk worked his ass off, nobody can deny this but when you look at the facts, he can have absolutely zero complaints about having to put over Rock, Taker and Lesnar. Guys on the roster would love to have that privilege so he should be happy he was asked to do the job with 2 legends and the 'special attraction'.

Punk was given a 434 day title run
He went on a winning streak of 12 PPV's
Beat John Cena FOUR times over a 15 month period
Beat a white hot Ryback twice
Other notable wins over top stars such as Daniel Bryan (3), Chris Jericho (3) and Del Rio (2).
Won 3 handicap matches notably The Shield 3 on 1!

Punk was given a lot when he resigned. He simply comes across as bitter(a lot of it I sympathise with) but most of all he comes across as ungrateful.

I'm a huge CM Punk fan but I agree there's no argument CM Punk was booked very strong. There's only a handful of guys The Rock has worked with in the last ten years. CM Punk was the only guy of the "PG era" to work with The Rock other than Cena of course. I do believe Punk should of closed WrestleMania at least once but the timing was just never there. Undertaker\Punk happened to steal the show but Rock\Cena are SIGNIFICANTLY bigger draws than Punk and Undertaker so I'm sorry you just can't book him last there. Punk had an injury that set him back so I think the timing was off when Miz main evented with Cena and plus Miz was on the rise doing great work himself. WWE booked CM Punk solid and knew he was a steady, trustworthy main event guy but not THE GUY. He's basically this era's Macho Man Randy Savage.
I'm a huge CM Punk fan but I agree there's no argument CM Punk was booked very strong. There's only a handful of guys The Rock has worked with in the last ten years. CM Punk was the only guy of the "PG era" to work with The Rock other than Cena of course. I do believe Punk should of closed WrestleMania at least once but the timing was just never there. Undertaker\Punk happened to steal the show but Rock\Cena are SIGNIFICANTLY bigger draws than Punk and Undertaker so I'm sorry you just can't book him last there. Punk had an injury that set him back so I think the timing was off when Miz main evented with Cena and plus Miz was on the rise doing great work himself. WWE booked CM Punk solid and knew he was a steady, trustworthy main event guy but not THE GUY. He's basically this era's Macho Man Randy Savage.

Yep, I agree with this. The only complaint I can reason with is Wrestlemania 27 when Miz got the spot against Cena. I did think that should have being Punk in that Main Event and when Punk left commentary to attack Cena it looked like that was where they were going - as you said though, the timing was off. And a few months later we got the 'infamous pipebomb' so it could have change the course of history.

Just a slight correction as well - Truth and Miz got to work with Rock as well. Amazing how many people forget this match!!! :)
The dude had a goal. There isn't anything unhealthy about having a goal. The unhealthy part is how much he put his body through to get to that goal.
I'm a huge CM Punk fan but I agree there's no argument CM Punk was booked very strong. There's only a handful of guys The Rock has worked with in the last ten years. CM Punk was the only guy of the "PG era" to work with The Rock other than Cena of course. I do believe Punk should of closed WrestleMania at least once but the timing was just never there. Undertaker\Punk happened to steal the show but Rock\Cena are SIGNIFICANTLY bigger draws than Punk and Undertaker so I'm sorry you just can't book him last there. Punk had an injury that set him back so I think the timing was off when Miz main evented with Cena and plus Miz was on the rise doing great work himself. WWE booked CM Punk solid and knew he was a steady, trustworthy main event guy but not THE GUY. He's basically this era's Macho Man Randy Savage.

AND he got to work with Brock and Undertaker. How many wrestlers in the last 10 years can say they had matches with The Rock, Brock Lesnar, and Undertaker?

Granted he lost all of them, but each made sense.
Here's the ironic thing:

As I have stated in another thread, I feel that due to all of the injuries and all all around lack of main event face challengers for Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania (Even Cena would be out as by WrestleMania he would have already faced him four times and been the only guy Brock has defended against), this would be an excellent time to give HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN that last big match that he wants. He's still popular with the fans, he has a history with Brock and of course the fans are use to seeing him in the title scene.

Had Punk not left he would be the perfect choice to face Brock for all of the same reasons. They say good things come to those who wait. Punk may have blown a huge opportunity to get his wish by walking out.

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