Do you think WWE will change the name of Hell in the Cell


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was just thinking about this all day at school and it was really bugging me and i was wonder do you think the wwe will actually change the name of hell in the cell in to something else because of the the pg rateing i mean they already change the name of one night stand to extreme rules and there is alreayd no blood on cable tv but there is on ppv what is your thoughts on this sugguation
I don't think so...
Hell in a cell doesn't directly imply sex, drugs, violence or swearing, the main things parents are scared shitless of.
It would just be ridiculous of the got rid of the hell in a cell name. What would be next, getting rid of the undertaker? give me a break.
Although I can just imagine the parents trying to get the name erased. link it to satanism or something. Decide that Edge being "sent to hell" was obscene or something.
Parents really need something better to do with their lives! And I'm guessing most parents use the word hell at least once a day in their "stressful" lives.

but I guess stranger, more idiotic things have happened. Esepecially in the wrestling industry....
I wouldn't be surprised to see Hell in a Cell go bye bye, to be frank. Those matches are so rarely done anyway. But with this PG crap going on, I wouldn't put it past WWE just to eliminate the entire Hell in the Cell match from their list of matches ... and simply go with Cage matches, in the future.
That could just happen. There have been so many changes within WWE trying to make their shows more kid-friendly that they might just change it to something stupid like Closed Cage Chaos or whatever doesn't have people blaming WWE for having their kids saying the word Hell. I wouldn't be suprised if they even stop having the Diva's appear in playboy...I seriously hope that doesn't happen!

But let's face's all about storylines...Not Wrestling. And unfortunately a PG rating, not violence, means more money!
I don't know where you guys are getting this idea from, they'll still call it Hell In A Cell that's for sure. Just because things are PG rated, you can't say hell? Just like the Simpson's doesn't mention hell? Or thos PG rated movies Hellboy? :/

Why would they get rid of it? They just had an elimination chamber match for goodness sake, which is meant to be worse on the body.
So, Rage in the cage? How about Doom in the Room?

This is reminding me of the South Park movie. Telling viewers of a show centered around violence that the language needs to be changed is like putting a band aid on a broken bone. If parents are letting their children watch the show, they either understand that it is violent, or are so blind to their children's lives that the language doesn't matter.
yeah i was think the same thing as fromthesouth, Rage in the Cage, i could see them doing that
but personally
i didnt see a reason to change FU or STFU
i mean you cant hide people from blood,sex,drugs,swearing, or violince, its welcome to america lol
i mean really i think WWE is takin gthis PG era to far
Umm, to clear up my last post, I wasn't suggesting the name change. I think that the PG rating is going to far. Changing the FU was stupid. I learned that word in first grade. Now kids grow up even faster. Language isn't the problem. Maybe the subject matter is too racy for some seven year olds, but why are they up at 11 on the east coast on Monday nights anyway?

The only good thing to come from PG ratings is that I have to witness less Vickie kissing, which is good for everyone.

The Hell in the Cell should stay the same. So should the FU, the Clothesline from Hell, the STFU, Stratusfaction and everything else.
I hope not. If they change the name of Hell in a Cell because of the PG Rating I will stop watching till they change the rating. I'm also 11 years old!
I fail to see how 'Hell in a Cell' is offensive. Then again I didn't think FU or STFU were offensive either..
I am not sure how you don't understand why encouraging small children to chant FU and STFU is not offensive. My guess would be you are young and not a parent.

Aside from that I am not sure that the word Hell used a few times a year is enough to break any TV PG rulings. Even the movie Cars a Disney flick says hell twice.
I really don't think they will, but you never know. They would probably change it to like... fight in a cell. Or something. It's not offensive. Hell is in no way a swear word, and in this case it's referring to the place, not the slang meaning, like "What the hell?" So unless they change it to Heck in a Cell, I can't see it going.
I struggle to see what reason there is to change the name of Hell in a Cell. I mean, the parents have to be reaching a bit to target specific matches. Not to mention they are ONLY on ppv, and only 1-2 times/year at most. You know ahead of time it's gonna be on, so don't let your kids watch it.
I think the whole PG thing is a bit ridiculous. Most of us were still fairly young at the beginning of the Attitude era in WWE and nWo era in WCW. This is not to mention ECW which we were definitely young for in it's entire run. Why should now be any different? What's so bad about have someone bleed when they get hit in the head with the corner of a monitor? In my opinion, if parents are so up tight about that, then they shouldn't let their kids watch wrestling. It's naturally going to be a violent sport..get a clue.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Hell in a Cell go bye bye, to be frank. Those matches are so rarely done anyway. But with this PG crap going on, I wouldn't put it past WWE just to eliminate the entire Hell in the Cell match from their list of matches ... and simply go with Cage matches, in the future.

How many times are you expecting these matches to be done per year? Heck EC matches occur twice on the same night now, and thas hellla worse than a steel cube, (well except when you're thrown off the top of the cell, or powerbombed through it lol)
if anything it should be changed to "panus in your anus" props to the rock on that one ;p

i was thinking about this the other day too, it shouldn't be changed cause of the exact fact you hear the word "hell" in many eppisodes of the simpsons.
they might as well just cancel the WWE all together. i mean, when randy slapped, kicked and punted vinne mac, what kind of message does that send to the kids?

the next day there gonna go slap there teacher beacuse they weren't happy they didn't do there homework?
i agree it's goin way to far, WWE has always been an adult product.. change is good, but you keep the same idea that brought you to the big dance.. the attitude era!
They wont change the name or get rid of it. There is to much history in that match alone. So I doubt they are gonna change name are get rid of it.
I doubt they would change the name. The only reason they changed Cena's FU to Attitude Adjuster (lame) is because it's Cena. Cena is the one Vince is mainly trying to put over as the kiddies hero and he couldnt have kids chanting F - U! F - U! whenever there hero gets someone up on his shoulders.

That's why Orton is still as evil as ever and Jericho is out there bad mouthing every one in the crowd. Hell, even Edge was in some kids face on Raw the other night telling him he was WRONG!

I think the Hell in a Cell name will not be changed. It's more the Cena character that is getting pushed hard into PG mode. It's no attitude era though, damn i miss it, thats what got me into WWE!!!
Actually, they are moving in the direction of eliminating the word "Hell" from the match. During Christmas shopping season, my wife and I were looking in the toy section at Wal-Mart, and they had a scaled down playset of, as it said on the box, "The Cell." The word "Hell" was nowhere to be seen. This could signal a phasing out of the name, but certainly not the match. Pay-per-views get too many video packages boasting of Hell in a Cell. Think back to the Triple H-Batista feud in 2005 (I think that's right). They said Hunter was the Master of Hell in a Cell, and it was his playground. And who can forget Foley plummetting of the cell and thru the table. Classic. The match will always be there, just with a different name.
well as long as they dont have another kennel from hell match, this match isone of the better ones in wwe and theirs no reason for wwe to change the name since this match has yet to be disgraced recently
The title of Hell in a Cell doesn't carry the same weight as a Finishing move simply titled "F-U", especially when you go back to understand the exact meaning of that is to imply saying "fuck you" as was the case, from Cena to Lesnar, when he created the move to begin with.

Meanwhile, they changed the title of One Night Stand to "Extreme Rules", because of the original title having a sexual meaning on some levels.

However, Hell in a Cell is neither offensive nor damaging, at least not in the same aspects of the other two name/title changes.

If you look, they went away from having a Pay per view titled Armageddon for a year, in 2001, due to the 9-11 attacks. But a mere year later, went back to the title. I don't forsee that Pay per view getting another name change until possibly 2010, especially with the Mayan's belief.

In the end, I DO NOT believe that they'll be changing the Hell in a Cell title.
What on earth would they rename it? Pain in a cell? They won't change the name of this. Its not implying anything wrong or anything people could be offended by. otherwise they would also have to change the name of the three stages of hell. it just translates to Your inside a cell and your fucked.

They should just stop changing the names of things. Change isn't always a good thing.
well the Cena move was an easy transisition, He never intended to call his move that ( as stated in a few interviews ) he just said the line during a freestyle promo and boom it took on a life of its own.

The "Hell" in the Cell match was created for the Shawn-Taker fued in 96. Could they possibly have the last one at 25? its and idea if they really are going ultra PG.

I have other views of why they would indeed change the Hell name and the main one is that its a religous term and not all religions believe in Hell or afterlife or whatever. I know thats digging deep but where im from you cant even mention religion in schools and with alot of your base in school why make WWE any different.

But here is my arguement against it. Its not like WWE is on sat or sunday moring anymore. There main programs start at or after 8 pm, there is also that new very strict TV rating system you know the one that rates some of the Simpsons and all of the South Parks and Family Guys TV 14( and 95% of the time those shows are way dirtier than wwe ). if WWE want to still cater to the younger audience rerun Raw on the weekends during the morning hours and censor the adult stuff out.
I've never thought of it, but since you've brought it up, I'm expecting them to now. If they'll change the names of the FU, STFU, and One Night Stand, why wouldn't they change the name of a match whose title has the name of a place of eternal suffering and punishment? And let's not even get into the religious issues.

If they did change the name, they could go with Rage in a Cage, but that sounds kinda corney. Maybe they could just call it "The Cell". That's not TOO bad, at least it sounds a bit itimidating.

"You and I are gonna have a THE.. CELL!" Kinda has an air of mystique in it.

Guess they'd have to change the name of Armaggeddon too while they're at it.
One other problem is, they released a DVD on Hell in a Cell about 5 months ago, when the PG ratings were kicking in, why would they change that when everyone is all aware of the match type.

I think I know what they'll rename One Night Stand to, as they haven't confirmed the new name yet (I know it says Extreme Rules, but honestly?) WWE: Don't Try This at Home or WWE: Rated R
Hell no they shouldn't change the Hell In A Cell name. For 1 the DVD of that match came out 5 months ago & all the fans already know of the damn name, Second it's not like the little rugrats hear the word hell either by their lazy ass parents or by the minister in church on occasion, Third the pg rating has gone too damn far(and yes I am a parent), I mean the parents that are giving a fuck about every damn thing that goes on in the WWE are probably the ones who ain't gotta job, sit on the damn couch & stuff their fat faces all day. I'm pretty sure the kids have had their teacher cuss at them a few times anyways.

Sorry for getting off topic there.

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