One Night Stand gets ANOTHER name change...

Crap. I was hoping that they'd keep the name "Extreme Rules" so that they simply wouldn't use that term anymore. Remember back in the day where every no-dq match was simply called a "No Disqualifications" match? Nowadays, we have No-DQ, Street Fight, Belfast Brawl (or any other location variation), Extreme Rules, and I'm sure I'm missing one or two other names. Its unnecessary. If they'd have kept the PPV at "Extreme Rules", they could've eliminated one of those and went back to using just one term.

For the record, "Street Fight" is ridiculous for a No-DQ match. They're not in the streets. The Boiler Room Brawl made sense because they were in fact in the Boiler Room. Belfast Brawl makes NO sense. They're not in Belfast. Street Fight - no.

Every match should just be called a No-DQ match, unless its something specific, like Falls Count Anywhere, Inferno, Hell in a Cell, Cage Match, etc. Street Fight/Brawl/Extreme Rules....they're not specific.

"Night of Extreme"...meh. Don't they call ECW "the Land of Extreme"? Too close in my book.
why dont wwe just tell ecw and everything paul heyman has worked for to fuckk off straight upp
its a disgrace to ecw
Maybe, just maybe the fact that One Night Stand isbeing changed has nothing to do with the PG rating whatsoever and the fact that there have been four of them, so it should really be named to four night stand.

Night of extreme sounds absolutely ridiculous, whilst going to the WCW name of Uncensored seems good, this is meant to be an ECW type PPV so why not go with Hardcore Heaven, an ECW PPV name?

Um, because "Hardcore Heaven" sounds like some kind of pornographic fantasy. Pornography ≠ PG rating. Uncensored would receive a less but similar reaction by those who actually cared.

In terms of the PPV itself...I'm with Sly...they should just get rid of it. The summer months just seem to be BOGGED down with absolutely stupid PPV cards. I would rather have one less PPV if the others get a little bit better. Take The Great American Bash 08, for example. It was so bad.
Hey, I gotta better idea everyone. How bout WWE just drops this useless piece of crap. ONS... i mean Extreme Rules... umm Night of Extreme. Come on, really? This is WWE's most useless PPV and no one ever watches it. Plus it crams things up between Judgment Day and Night of Champions too much. Not enough time to build up anything. And with this stupid PG thing WWE is doing, it completely takes away from what this PPV could be. Personally, WWE should just drop this PPV.
I love the ppv concept but the names that they're coming up with is just ******ed. They should just drop the former One Night Stand ppv and make Armageddon their hardcore rules ppv. That'd give fans something to look forward too in the sometimes boring winter months, and wrap up the big feuds so they could start new ones going into wrestlemania.
Not a big deal at all to me. What is amusing to me is that probably 90% of the people that are going to buy this show will have no idea of all the name changes except for the final one. Extreme Rules was a bad name. One Night Stand was worse though. It was a one night stand in what was it, 2005? THAT name was absolutely perfect back THEN. Now it's just a weird sounding name. What would this have been, the fourth one night stand? Extreme Rules is pretty bad too, but not as bad.

Night of Extreme. Yeah this name isn't that good either. It just sounds generic as hell to me. I'm with Sly: scrap the show entirely. Wasn't this the show with 2 weeks of "build up"? That's awful no matter what you call it. It's the same show with gimmicks attached. Waste of time and money.
I am not buying this PPV because of this. Even though The name Night of Extreme has the word "Extreme" in it, it dose not sound as Extreme as One Night Stand. Last year was my first year of Wrestling and I was like "Yea, One Night Stand sounds Extreme and Badass!" So I bought it. Night of Extreme sounds so unextreme.
It's a pretty bad name, considering that Night of Champions is the pay per view that follows that. It just seems odd to have two pay per views in a row named "Night of...". Sure, it's nitpicking, but it's kinda stupid. Especially considering when names like Uncensored, Hardcore Heaven, or others with a good background are still out there.

Yes, the One Night Stand PG rating is a bit dumb, but I kinda like the name changing from it. Whe I think of One Night Stand, i think of two damn good ECW pay per views, and two mediocre if not awful WWE pay per views since.
Yeah the name is terrible, I mean you can continue it on, "Night of Extreme... Hardcore Gangbanging" or "Night of Extreme... and Brutal Torture" or "Night of Extreme... ly scantily clad pornstars having sex". It is a terrible name if stuff like that can be done to it without much thought. It is like Attack of the Clones where people were saying before that if it was really bad you could call it Attack of the Clowns.

I can also understand why they changed it from One Night stand because I can understand there being two One Night stands one as a tribute show to ECW and the second for the start of the ECW brand. As for a different name that they could use from the ECW background "living Dangerously' works without providing any sexual innuendo for the PG police to go after but giving an idea of what type of matches are going to occur.
well it seems it is back to "Extreme Rules",wow,can't WWE make up their mind already?To be honest i prefer the name "Night Of Extreme"even though Night Of Champions is in front of it.Make up your mind WWE.
One Night Stand was a great PPV...until they did it 3 years in a row...and made ECW into a lost its special feeling and thus the necessity of the name change
I think they should get rid of the great american bash and jugement day becasue there shit and go back to using in your house : (insert name here)

like someone mentioned earlier

i kinda like the sound of WWE In your house: Extreme rules or In your House: Unforgiven

then they kinda stand out a little bit and u know there slightly lesser pay per views than the big 4

I can actually picture it now

instead of them announcing hhh vs orton at judgement, announce it as hhh vs orton at In your house: Mind Games

ive thought too much about this ive gone crosseyed haha
I liked Night of Extreme, even though there was the Night of Champions clash. I like the ideas of Uncensored and In Your House: Extreme Rules. One Night Only is really cool, too, I think, since for One Night Only, all matches are Extreme...
Ok, first of all WWE should change Night of Champions to Clash of the Champions for that retro feel.. To me that sounds better.. Night of Extreme I must admit is a good name for a PPV cus its catchy...

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