Do you think Lil' Daivari is HOT?


Kee Kee

I think he is very very sexy!!! Girls and Gays do you think Little Daivari is sexy?


If you are a straight male, please give your opinion from a straight point of view - is Daivari a good looking guy? I would have sex with Daivari before I even consider touching Apeman John Cena. HOW THE FUCK CAN ANYONE HATE A FACE LIKE THIS:

HE IS UGLY!!! You have bad taste woman... He has a big nose. Now I'm talking 'bout Randy Orton Mmmmm ***Drools*** Errrr Sorry, I got sidetracked.
kee kee from what i hear you'd fuck anything that breathes what do you like carry a matress strapped to your back!
Yaszie_123 said:
HE IS UGLY!!! You have bad taste woman... He has a big nose. Now I'm talking 'bout Randy Orton Mmmmm ***Drools*** Errrr Sorry, I got sidetracked.
He is NOT ugly!!! Don't be so nasty, and don't bully him about his nose. There is nothing wrong with it. You are nit picking now.

I agree Randy Orton is hot but Daivari is still hot in his own right. He is so cute and adorable!!! Above poster I would NOT fuck anything that breathes. Half the WWE roster is full of UGLY FUCKS! Daivari is fucking georgouse!!
You told us to give our opinion and that is my opinion don't have a tantrum over it Luv.
I would throw a hissy fit for life until the world started loving him!
Sooooo you're going to start forcing us to love a man who looks like him???
What is wrong with his looks? You know it is people like you why Daivari contemplated suicide as a kid.
I didn't know him when he was a kid... So no, Not Really!!! DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Has anyone else noticed that Trish Stratus is fairly attractive? Just something I noticed the other day on RAW.
I don't think I've ever hated wrestling fans as much as I do now.
When will people show respect to Davari? All he ever wanted was love and breadsticks. Wrestling fans obviously have high standards, I mean people are saying people like Joey Mercury is hot but little Daivari is ugly?

BULLSHIT!!! Daivari is beautiful both on the inside and the outside.
Well I've got to give you credit for not being blind, but seriously how can you hate Daivari? So far you only bashed his nose, so you have not offered a legit opinion.
I just don't like the man!!! He is ugly, he thinks he's all that when he comes out with The Great Khali. He goes from one person to another in the Ring! In a minute you will be sayin you think The Great Khali is handsome in his own way!!! I'm offf Laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Sucka!
Khali is one of the ugliest fucks in the business. Daivari on the otherhand is a mini sex god.
Kee Kee said:
When will people show respect to Davari? All he ever wanted was love and breadsticks. Wrestling fans obviously have high standards, I mean people are saying people like Joey Mercury is hot but little Daivari is ugly?

BULLSHIT!!! Daivari is beautiful both on the inside and the outside.

i've got an idea!! how about u, Davari and Mercury all run off and get married and LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONG!!!!!!!!!!!! no on likes Davari or Mercury!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Davari Sucks, All These Threads Suck, We Dont Want To See Davari Frenching Rob Conway Or Anything Of Davari Really
Are you blind? I said Mercury was UGLY. U-L-G-Y = UGLY!!!

Daivari is very hot. You people have high standards. Also the Daivari/Conway french kiss >>> Brock's lame ass peck on Kurt Angles lips.

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