Do you think Cena vs Batista one should have been at WrestleMania?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Every time I think about this match I always wonder why they did it when they did. That coming WrestleMania was Mania 25 and it could have been a huge show. I would think they would have saved it for that show. Even though Batista got injured before Mania 25 came up I still wondered why they did not save it for that show.

What do you think? Their first match should have been a Mania match or it was fine the way it was?
Yes I think it should have been saved for mania. Even though I went to SummerSlam 2008 I was very disappointed when the match was announced. I like SummerSlam getting big matches but Cena vs. Batista had mania written all over it. In a two month span that summer I had two of my hopeful main event mania matches go to lesser pay per views (the first being Triple H vs. Edge). As you mentioned the match wouldn't have happened anyway since Batista got injured but that should have been the plan going in. At least we got it at WM26 with the extra twist of Batista being heel.
No it shouldnt of been a WrestleMania match. The match the 2 matches the put on were not that great. Batista cant wrestle at all and relies on the other guy to do the wrestling. All he really does are his 3 signature moves and a bunch of clotheslines and stomping and punching. Cena if givin the chance can actually wrestle. Just look at video of him back in the day before wwe and around the time he entered the wwe. But togethter no. But it did have the right to be a mainevent on anther PPV, that I will agree on. I would also say maybe like a 1st or 2nd card on WM. But if your going to have them both in WM i would have them against other people to help carry the match and make it a little more technical.
No it shouldnt of been a WrestleMania match. The match the 2 matches the put on were not that great. Batista cant wrestle at all and relies on the other guy to do the wrestling. All he really does are his 3 signature moves and a bunch of clotheslines and stomping and punching. Cena if givin the chance can actually wrestle. Just look at video of him back in the day before wwe and around the time he entered the wwe. But togethter no. But it did have the right to be a mainevent on anther PPV, that I will agree on. I would also say maybe like a 1st or 2nd card on WM. But if your going to have them both in WM i would have them against other people to help carry the match and make it a little more technical.

Let's be honest, alot of what you've said is irrelevant. Firstly, Batista wasn't a bad wrestler, he was playing a brawler - not a technician. He was simply playing a role, and when he had to, much like Cena; he could show off alittle bit with his mat skills.

Another thing - I can tell that you don't like Batista, but just because you don't like a wrestler or you think that they're crap, it doesn't mean that they're not a good draw. WWE caters for fans other than 'wrasslin' fans; most people just want to be entertained. Two big stars fighting at Mania'... Sounds like a draw to me!

In terms of entertainment, Batista and Cena could of been this generation's Rock and Austin. I'm not making an individual comparison, I'm just comparing their significance and role during their respective eras. At the time of WM26, Edge turned face and Jericho was on SD, so Batista took the role of top heel for awhile until he left. Going into WM26 you had the top face taking on the top heel, both stars began their rise to the top together, both were the two biggest stars since the attitude era... It was gold. If anything, I hope that Batista comes back one day to have one last run to finish things with Cena. It never really ended; Batista left after their 'I quit match' without getting revenge in the long term for his injuries. Maybe in a few years we'll see the rematch... WM30-onwards!
I lean towards saying yes, only because it was the spectacle match and feud in WWE at it's time. Regardless of what people feel about Cena or Batista's in ring ability, they were the two biggest names in the WWE at the time, and both were riding high, with Batista enjoying a great heel turn, and Cena still in the midst of his still ongoing run at the top.

In a perfect world, the most talented wrestlers in WWE would main event Wrestlemania, but the reality of it all is that it's ultimately about selling the PPV. Cena vs Batista, if built properly would have been a fantastic first time match at Wrestlemania.
No it shouldnt of been a WrestleMania match. The match the 2 matches the put on were not that great.

I assure you that Batista is better at wrestling than you are at typing a coherent sentence.

I’ll admit I was quite surprised when they made this match for SummerSlam, but looking back on it I probably shouldn’t have been. The first match between the two had no bad blood involved, it was more a bragging rights issue after Adamle made the match. Both had come up together and they were 2 of the top babyfaces. They had their match and that was that. To me, this didn’t affect the second matchup at all. Their Mania match was classic Face vs Heel, building off of the story of Batista basically stealing Cena’s title from him at EC. There was plenty new material to work with and it was basically an entirely different match that what we had seen. So was I surprised that they did it? Yes. Do I think it was a mistake? No, they want to sell pay-per-views other than Wrestlemania too and this was a big money match to put in there to do just that. Is that to say Hogan v HBK should have been at Wrestlemania too?
Batista's matches with Randy Orton and Cena both should have happened at a WrestleMania but he got injuries at the wrong time on each occasion. I think Cena vs Batista at Mania 25 with both as faces and no case of Batista on his way out, would have been as close to a Hogan vs Warrior match as this era could have.
Damn it. I'm sorry I didn't get to proof read my post. I apologize. I was a little busy so I had to rush through it. Man I wish I could live in my mom's basement and just critique everyone else's post when I grow up.
Anyway. It's not that I hate Batista, but to have two people that depend on their signature moves and their "brawling style" doesn't appeal to me. I guess thats why the thread is "Do YOU think Cena vs Batista one should have been at WrestleMania?" It's funny that people say Batista is a brawler and that is why he doesn't wrestle. Well so was Austin and could wrestle. Cena gets heat all the time and he's a brawler.

Other notiable brawlers that could/can wrestle; Piper, Jake the Snake, Undertaker, JBL, and Terry Funk.
I have mixed feelings. Their first match was without a shadow of a doubt a Wrestlemania quality potential. They were the two top guys of the company and had NEVER faced each other on PPV yet. Their Wrestlemania 26 encounter would have been all the more meaningful if that was their first instead of their second match. They made it work though. My main problem was that the first match felt a bit rushed. It had the potential to be even bigger.

Summerslam is the second biggest show of the year and having Cena VS Batista for the first time ever helped add more to an already great card at Summerslam 2008. This event also featured Edge VS Taker in a cell and CM Punk defending his first World Championship. The Cena VS Batista match helped make this event even better, but I wish their first encounter had been a Wrestlemania moment. Summerslam is the next best thing. At least they did not waste it at a PPV no one cared about like Backlash.

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