Do you really like Cena as wwe champion again?

Oh, excuse me...:rolleyes: I would hate to hurt our cause, brother!

How the hell is Cena-Orton fresh in any sense of the word? These two have been fighting eachother for a long time now.

They've been fighting since Summerslam thats like two months. How is that not fresh? ,brother! Just because they had a feud two years ago doesn't mean it ain't fresh. How many different feuds did Rock and Austin or Rock and Foley have over their careers really?
the real question is "did you ever like Cena in the first place?"

Yes, beause he is a dam good wrestler who has 5 star quality matches on occasion but wrestles a good match every week. He is the best on the mic in WWE. He's funny and can be serious as well. He is a role model for children and the face of the new generation. Im glad he is WWE champion even though Randy Orton is my favorite wrestler.
All in all, I'm okay with it. My overall complaint was that I felt like the programs between Orton/Cena and Orton/HHH went on too long and was getting stale. Even though there's clearly some mileage left in the Orton/Cena feud I'm hoping after it's over he can work on putting some of the younger/mid-card talent over. Ideally I'm hoping for something like a feud with Jack Swagger, which I think would give him a huge push (in my opinion he's probably at the top level of the mid-card in terms of complete package, be it on the mic or in the ring, as opposed to Kofi or the Miz who are both good in their own respective areas but not ready for a big push) and also relieve some of the mid-card crowding.

Overall I'd have to say I'm pretty happy with it though, as some others have mentioned I like the fact Cena gives us more options for future programs. At this point I'm pretty happy with a blabbering baboon as the champion as long as there's a decent chance of giving some of the new talent a push... I'd really love his reign if he accidentally sat on Hornswoggle and ended that piss poor program.

My first post, be gentle!
what has nothing to do with John Cena??? That whole post was about Cena! and what do you mean you respect the need for dams? I said Cena was a dam good wrestler which he is and if you don't think so you don't know good wrestling.
I guess this will be my first post. John Cena sucks. I'm not sure where some of you guys get off saying cena is a good worker. He is as talented a wrestler as Hogan was. (not very talented). The choice to put the title on Cena was bad because A. We've seen anything that can come from it. B. He is the reason I am starting to dislike wrestling. C. His character is very stale, because it's been forced down our throat for 5 years strait. He might as well say "train, say your prayers, and eat your vitamins.
It's always nice to see the good guy beat the bad guy. Cena is the poster boy of the company and he never backs down and always finds a way to win. Yes there aren't many heels on Raw to face Cena for the title, but with the youth movement I'm sure creative will find someone to face Cena eventually.

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