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Do you really like Cena as wwe champion again?

Cena does his job, he is decent in the ring and magic on the mic. People need to stop hating Cena because it's cool, jesus apart from that month or so title reign after Wrestlemania he hasnt been the champion for a long time, he has been in a midcard feud with the Miz so dont talk of him being shoved down anyones throat.

He is a good champion, has a teriffic work ethic and sells more merch than freaking Disneyland.

Stop Complaining and get used to him.

Just my Opinion
Another Cena thread.

I'll first start with your thoughts and then I'll give mine. Why are you so hung up on the fact that Cena has a very basic move set? So what? He's an entertainer and a damn good one. He creates a reaction. Its a formula. Think about it, whoever beats him, will garner heat instantaneously due to his draw, popularity and his premise: Never back down. I do agree with the sudden "Hulking" up he seems to experience just before he wins, but hey that at least elevates Orton and at least doesn't crush Orton, still allowing for a John Cena win.

I'm a big Orton fan. In regards to your question, I am not pleased. But its good for business. Cena has not held the belt for a long time and it is a change. Who knows? This may be a chance to elevate a new heel, despite I know this won't happen. The DRAFT Special match he had with Swagger is embedded in my memory and just proves that Cena can have a "5 star match" as you mentioned. This is just the way he is booked. The Superman who comes back. He's a face who is popular. Just makes sence.

I would rather have a lengthy psychotic Orton reign. Some of you may say that his reign was lengthy, but I'm talkin lengthy. I guess that'll just kill Cena's momentum. But Orton's my man.
I'll be brief on this because it's Cena and he's not worth the effort of writing an essay.

The WWE needs more stars. Orton has been pissing the fans off all year and they were just waiting for someone to kick his arse. Now instead of giving that massive face boost to someone upcoming, they go and waste it on Cena, who in no way gains popularity from the win.
In short, it was a fucking pointless and stupid move on the WWE's part when they could have built another star from it. Dicks!
Question is not only do we fans hate Cena as wwe champion it should be why do fans hate cena sooo much and here are my answers 1. John Cena's title reign. alot of people hate John Cena because of his long title reign which was a year long and was longer also because Edge held it for a month before that and Cena held it awhile before Edge's reig.

If the length of title reigns meant that a certain superstar is hated, then Pedro Morales, Triple H, Bob Backlund, Hulk Hogan, and Bruno Sammartino should be the most hated superstars on the planet because they'he all held the belt longer than Cena.

Why should Cena get the tittle again. There are many great wrestlers that work there damn asses off sacrifice there body and family life to give it all in the business and get no where. Why should that not matter. Look at great wrestlers such as The UnderTaker, Shawn Michaels ,Carlito,Matt Hardy,Jack Swagger ,MVP and Mark Henry When was the last time any of these wrestlers had the tittle? A long time why because teen age girls and gay males watch wrestling so they can sit there and drool over john cena . No it is not fair.

Taker should've been champion at Breaking Point, Micheals has been champion, Carlito's first match in SmackDown! he won the US Title and his first match on RAW he won the IC Title, Hardy's held gold before and MVP is the longest reigning US Championof the modern era, Swagger was ECW Champion in four months. And it's not because of the reason you say Cena's champion that he actually is, he does have millions of fans, he is the face of the company right now, and if he retains at HIAC, he will be in a new fued with one of the midcard guys.

Please he came in at # 30 at the royal rumble go figure.

So did the Undertaker and they are the only two to win at that number.

It was peaceful with out Cena and I hope someone hurts him for good and puts him out of action. The day Cena sacrifices and works his *** off is the day he deserves the tittle. He should not come in and get everything handed to him.

Cena always works his *** off. He's the one at the most off screen WWE events, he's been in numerous talk shows promoting the WWE, and is constintly working for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. In the ring, he's won the most improved wrestler of the year award, most popular wrestler of the year three times, and he is a two time wrestler of the year according to one of the most prestigious wrestling magazines out there. If you want to talk about people who were handed the title real quick, take a look at Brock Lesnar who won the belt in only 6 months, or Randy Orton the youngest World Heavyweight Champion.

He comes out each and every week and runs his damn mouth and makes great wrestlers who work there asses off sit in the back each week because there is no time for them on tv because cena has to hog it all that is what he has done. Why can't vince realize that his only fans are gay males and teenage girls

What show have you been watching? Unless Cena's in a match, he's only on TV for no longer than 10 minutes at best. That's more than enough time for those "great" wrestlers to get on the show. Vince realizes that Cena's fans range from kids at five years old to grown men and women well into their 30s, 40s, and 50s. Actually look into the crowd and see how many people are wearing Cena shirts, it's not just the kids.

WWE shoved Cena down our throats where it was like they were force feeding him to the fans! For a while it seemed like he was the only young athlete that they would push. His signature moves are either just regular moves with taunts or moves that you would see 9 year olds doing while watching wrestling in their living rooms lol
-FU(Poor mans Death valley driver)
- 5 knuckle shuffle(Poor mans peoples elbow a fist drop w/a taunt)

So Jericho's Walls of Jericho is nothing more than a poor man's boston crab? The Hardy's Tiwst of Fate are nothing more than a poor man's swinging neckbreaker? Edge's Edgecution is nothing more that a poor man's impaler ddt? Pretty much all signature moves are simple moves that are assigned to certain superstars.

Everybody hates him because he NEVER LOSES. Its really annoying to see him come in and always "overcome the odds". I think the WWE really needs to do something with another superstar other than him for once...i mean other than when he's injured. People don't want to see the same thing over and over again. We like change. Not to mention that Cena does the same 5 moves every time he wins (every match).....1)Shoulder block 2)Shoulder block 3)rotational thrust powerbomb 4)5 knuckle shuffle 5)FU. HES SO ANNOYING and its actually kind of funny too see all the hardcore wrestling fans JEER him at PPVs. If your a true wrestling fan, then you HAVE to hate Cena...there's nothing else to it.

Just about every face ends the match the same way:

1)A few clotheslines
2)the thumbs to the neck
3)a simple move to knock his opponent down
4)Ballin' elbow

Triple H
1)Running knee to the face
2)Face lift

1)Flying forearm
3)Atomic Drop
5)Elbow Drop
6)Sweet Chin Music

And there's plenty more who end the match with the same 4-6 moves.

Most Cena haters hate John Cena because...

They don't like his Marine gimmick.
They didn't enjoy seeing his year long title reign.
He wins too much for them. I mean, he beat many great wrestlers like Edge, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton. Many of these wrestlers that he beat were fan favorites.
They don't like his moveset because they claim that he only performs the same 5 moves in the ring.

Then they aren't watching the entire match. Cena has the fisherman's suplex, various sleeper holds and armbars, he has the leg drop off of the top rope, the tossback, ddt, drop toe hold, backdrop, belly to back takedowns followed by a front face lock, and back body drops. I've only been watching wrestling for 8 years and I can see all of that how come you can't?

As for the question as to weather I want to see Cena as champion, my answer would be yes I am glad but that is basically because he's my favorite wrestler in the business right now and I guess you could say I am a Cena mark.
I am by no means a cena fan. I feel as a wrestler he is completely overrated not because hes like a pokemon and only can learn 4 moves but because entertainment wise his opponents carry him the majority of his matches. unfortunately the traditionists of wrestling are the minority and the fact is hes vinces golden goose and long as cena is over with the majority of wrestling fans he gonna have several more title reigns. he os a believable champion because he is build to be almost impossible to beat. He is not a bad champion considering he puts over the importance of the title. Cena going over orton was not a problem because orton had a good reign as champion. The only problem i have is that i believe orton should have retained the title at breaking part. both men could have benefitted if the finish had cena beaten half to dead to the point of being knocked out and ref ending the match without him saying i quit. orton would have gotten major heel and cena would be a hero for not letting orton get what he wanted. I disargee with the posters who criticize orton as horrible. Orton is actually doing pretty well because the whole point of orton being champion is for people to hate him to the point that they want the title off him. He doesnt play to the crowd or do what his fans or fans in general want him to do, thats a real heel.
Whether you like his montone voice or jumping falcon knee he gives his opponents you arent suppose to in the first place. anyway in the end unless someone becomes a breakout star business wise cena is your only choice.
I'll be brief on this because it's Cena and he's not worth the effort of writing an essay.

The WWE needs more stars. Orton has been pissing the fans off all year and they were just waiting for someone to kick his arse. Now instead of giving that massive face boost to someone upcoming, they go and waste it on Cena, who in no way gains popularity from the win.
In short, it was a fucking pointless and stupid move on the WWE's part when they could have built another star from it. Dicks!

You have to build the damn star before you just hand over the top championship, you twit. You don't hand it over and hope he becomes a credible champ. Sheeeeeeesh
John Cena has a good character, but he sucks at being face, which is the primary reason why I despise him so much. The crowd hates him, the only people that cheer for him are the little kids and women that think he's hot. WWE needs to turn him heel to utilize his abilities to the fullest.
John Cena is appealing to the younger audience, and since that's the target market for the WWE right now, it only makes sense to have him as champion. While I am not the biggest Cena fan in the world, right now he's like a breath of fresh air compared to Orton who has been getting a little boring.

The only problem that I have with Cena being champion is that pretty much the only person he has to face right now is Orton. The only other top heel on RAW is Big Show and Cena already fought him 2 months ago. Jack Swagger hasn't really done anything in the last 2 months so he can't really just come and contend for the title. Cena already beat The Miz like a month ago and I really think WWE screwed that up by not letting The Miz at least almost cleanly beat Cena once which would have put The Miz at least sorta over.

The only young person who I can kind of see being a contender is Ted DiBiase. He's had some really good matches lately and he's pretty decent on the mic. The only problem with that is you would have to break up Legacy.

Since I think the Ted DiBiase thing will not happen, I think the only great option that I would love to see would be a heel turn for HBK. HBK is one of the best heels in WWE history and its been so long since he's been one. I think it would be something new, fresh, and exciting. Cena hasn't face HBK in almost 3 years now, and at that time they were both face. I think if HBK was heel now it would be a completely different rivalry and not the exact same feud as last time.
Oh ma gawd, Cena hate fest. Let me recover for a second. The bullshit in here is overwhelming.

I quite like Cena as the champion right now. He's the top face of the company, and quite arguably the best pro wrestler in the world at the moment. You'd have to argue him over Triple H, Taker, HBK, and perhaps Orton...but you could make the argument. Cena is doing what he does, getting ratings and telling stories in the ring. Oh, and getting talent over when he's actually on screen. That bullshit Monday with Cena barely being on the TV so as to give DX more time is heinous. No one is above the champion. No one.

As far as who would actually say they don't like Cena as champion right now....he's had it for a week. A god damned week. How could you possibly say "I just don't like Cena as champion right now?" He may wow you and make you realize just how good he is. This is no different than judging a storyline when it immediately starts, as opposed to judging it when it's run 3 or 4 weeks.

The one negative, I'll admit, is that there are very few heels to legitimately challenge him. Orton can keep Cena company until Survivor Series/Royal Rumble at the latest. That means that anyone else you want to feud him with; be it Swagger, Miz, or some other heel I've forgotten; has to be built up before the feud can gain any ground. Swagger is almost there, but he'd need a month or two of Cena's awesome ring-storytelling to get him over. Miz is busy with Kofi, yes, but if they decide to break that off he could possibly make the argument to get into the scene and give some sort of fight.

EDIT: I rescind my earlier criticism. Have Orton keep feuding with Cena until the Royal Rumble, which Swagger wins. That opens up what, 2 and a half months, to have Cena help build Swagger up to the absolute peak. Then, bam. Cena vs. Swagger at Wrestlemania. I don't think Swagger is near ready, but hopefully another 6 months from now he will be.
While I can't stand John Cena, at all, in fact, I probably hate Cena more than I have ever hated a wrestler in my whole entire life, I can't argue with putting the title on him.

While he isn't the best in ring performer in the world, his character is sometimes over played or over done, he yells for no reason whatsoever, and there are several more reasons why I can't stand him, he is a, "good," champion. He had a very successful title reign in 2007 which did wonders, IMO, to legitimize him and bring prestige back to the WWE title. In fact, that was the last time that I was actually excited about the title scene because we had new competitors for the title. I may have been wanting Cena to lose every single match, but I was still excited about the title scene. Fact is, he is the biggest face in the WWE, so why not have the title on him? He get's a response from people, whether you love him or you hate him, so why not put the title on him? He is the top draw in the WWE, which I care absolutely nothing about but people on here seem to think that it is important although Cena makes them no money whatsoever, so why not put the title on him?

See where I am going with this?
I am by no means a cena fan. I feel as a wrestler he is completely overrated not because hes like a pokemon and only can learn 4 moves

Hey hey hey!!!!!!! don't ever slander the good name of Pokemon in my presence again they can learn more than four moves they just have to forget some to learn some.

Now I really am indifferent to Cena having the title do I like it no do I hate it not really, I do agree however with the lack of legit heel challengers on Raw argument once he disposes on Orton expect a lot of face vs. face feuds.

Hell I'd much rather see him with the title than Triple H Cena is leaps and bounds more entertaining to me than trips, and for the first time a Orton title reign met it's end to a non-evolution member yay !
I like Cena as champ for now. If someone is going to be built up to face him, then he should drop it to them in IDK 3 or 4 months then I guess win it back at WrestleMania? Cena being champ again though is better than Orton and HHH for now. Someone needs to get built up though. These 3 holding onto it is getting very boring. I fast foward my DVR half the time when they are shown just because I'm tired of the same old programs.
I guess the question is, how long to you let Randy run with the belt, regardless of John owning it, they may give it back to Randy come Hell in the Cell
I don't prefer the belt on Cena, I'd rather have my favorite (Orton) tote it for a few more months, but the scenario is perfect right now. Cena is gold holding the belt, and Orton is at his best chasing the belt. What better formula than top face vs top heel to combat the start-up of Monday Night Football? Really, Cena vs Orton has the best chance of attracting viewers towards WWE programming than does MVP vs Christian, or whatever boring feud you can imagine.
It's alright him being champion, for a few months. But if anything past that, especially if its against Orton all the time. Will get stale. I like Orton, but past few PPV's its been those two, and yeah isn't really anyone else to get in there at the moment. Since DX has their thing against Legacy at the moment.

If they do an Elimination Chamber at the next PPV, and let someone else win, perhaps Shawn Michaels would make things more interesting. Since he hasn't held it for a few years, and would be someone fresh.
I actually prefer Cena to Orton, IMO Randy Orton's a whiner and complainer who only gets pushed as a favour to his Hall of Fame Dad and Grandad, and there's also the fact he's friends with HHH.

Cena however, is the ultimate good guy, he's never been done for wellness violations, the fans mostly like him, OK he's not the greatest wrestler and has a limited moveset, but he has charisma and personality, which is more than can be said for a lot of the guys on the roster of all 3 brands.
Look, I like Cena...but Cena champion AGAIN?:banghead:

There are plenty of other good wrestlers on the show who the WWE doesn't allow to wrestle to their capacity. MVP is a good example. The WWE found a merchandising powerhouse in Cena and that is why he holds the belt.
Look, I like Cena...but Cena champion AGAIN?:banghead:

There are plenty of other good wrestlers on the show who the WWE doesn't allow to wrestle to their capacity. MVP is a good example. The WWE found a merchandising powerhouse in Cena and that is why he holds the belt.

The WWE hardly lets anybody wrestle to their full capacity so MVP is no exception. It's not like Cena is champion every month. Ever since his year-long reign, he's only won the title twice and held it for four months. It's a little change of pace and it wouldn't hurt for the short-term.
The WWE hardly lets anybody wrestle to their full capacity so MVP is no exception. It's not like Cena is champion every month. Ever since his year-long reign, he's only won the title twice and held it for four months. It's a little change of pace and it wouldn't hurt for the short-term.

It's nice to see the belt out of Orton's hands--that is for sure:rolleyes:
Look, I like Cena...but Cena champion AGAIN?:banghead:

There are plenty of other good wrestlers on the show who the WWE doesn't allow to wrestle to their capacity. MVP is a good example. The WWE found a merchandising powerhouse in Cena and that is why he holds the belt.

Yes, good point. Keeping the belt off of a young, charismatic star, and the most popular guy in the business is smart, especially when handing it to a guy who struggles to draw any reaction 50% of the time he's active. He has one move that draws any reaction, and that is going to fizzle out soon.

He holds the belt because people enjoy his matches. Cena started on the mid-card and blew up to where he is today, meanwhile MVP started on the mid card, stayed on the mid card, jobbed for a while, and went back to the mid card.

I can understand wanting a new face in the main event, but just explain this MVP thing.
Yes, good point. Keeping the belt off of a young, charismatic star, and the most popular guy in the business is smart, especially when handing it to a guy who struggles to draw any reaction 50% of the time he's active. He has one move that draws any reaction, and that is going to fizzle out soon.

He holds the belt because people enjoy his matches. Cena started on the mid-card and blew up to where he is today, meanwhile MVP started on the mid card, stayed on the mid card, jobbed for a while, and went back to the mid card.

I can understand wanting a new face in the main event, but just explain this MVP thing.

I am just tired of seeing the same old matches. That is all. I like Cena. I just get tired of seeing Cena vs Orton and Orton vs HHH and HHH vs Cena. Give me some fresh matches.

I really enjoyed the Bobby Lashley/Cena rivalry and also the Swagger/Cena rivalry. I am not a Cena hater. I just think the championship needs to be moved around more.
No, no, no, no, no.

I hate Cena so that makes me hate this title run even more but my overall opinion is that someone NEW needs to be champ. It's the same guys over and over again. It would nice to see someone else hold the title.

I can understand why they would give it to Cena again but any of these top guys holding the belt has gotten stale. They need to really work on some of these other guys so they can move up and get the belt.
While Orton's reign was starting to get stale him losing the belt opens up Legacy to be their own identity and focus on DX instead of Orton's title. Where was he to save their tag titles?

And Honestly if not Cena what face was ready to step up to take the title

HHH - So we could bitch about his 14th reign?

HBK - Limited schedule, need our champion to work house shows

MVP - On his way not quite there

Mark Henry - He's starting to grow a personality but honestly everytime I see him all I can think of is Mae Young birthing a rubber hand

As far as Cena goes he has a much better list of Heels that could challenge him once his Orton feud is over

Swagger - Great Match at the draft could turn into a good feud between the american heroes

Miz - While I don't see him taking the title they could pick their feud back up

Chris Masters - Good build could lead to a month or two program

Rhodes or Dibiase - After DX feud one of them could try to one up Orton by going after Cena themselves
I am just tired of seeing the same old matches. That is all. I like Cena. I just get tired of seeing Cena vs Orton and Orton vs HHH and HHH vs Cena. Give me some fresh matches.

I really enjoyed the Bobby Lashley/Cena rivalry and also the Swagger/Cena rivalry. I am not a Cena hater. I just think the championship needs to be moved around more.

Nobody is arguing against seeing new blood in the main event, but I think everyone's so obsessed with hating the current main event that they are blindly wishing people into the spot-light, when most of them have no place being there.

Cena-Orton is relatively fresh to what we've been seeing over the past year, and is better for the WWE than throwing someone who isn't ready into the spot light.

You (in general) aren't helping the overall cause.
Nobody is arguing against seeing new blood in the main event, but I think everyone's so obsessed with hating the current main event that they are blindly wishing people into the spot-light, when most of them have no place being there.

Cena-Orton is relatively fresh to what we've been seeing over the past year, and is better for the WWE than throwing someone who isn't ready into the spot light.

You (in general) aren't helping the overall cause.

Oh, excuse me...:rolleyes: I would hate to hurt our cause, brother!

How the hell is Cena-Orton fresh in any sense of the word? These two have been fighting eachother for a long time now.

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