Do you miss Sheamus?

I imagine they will be keeping the WWE Championship's name and design upon the unification, seeing Sheamus' Celtic Crosses on the custom plates of the belt would be pretty cool if he became the champion again.Personally, not his biggest fan, but I do think he is needed back and can do alot to enhance the product as a heel character. I'd want to see him win the WWE Championship later on
I miss Sheamus, but WWE ruined his character with too much goofy comedic bullshit. Those ghastly Irish folktales, jokes about a green testicle, and that Dublin street fight with Sandow? Egads. Also, they put the WHC on him at the WORST possible time. Bryan was already on fire, the "YES!" chants were catching on, and WWE did the eighteen seconds Brogue Kick finish. Horrible mistake. In the eyes of the fans, WWE screwed their guy for the typical muscular brute. It was a recipe for disaster.

Sheamus has what it takes to be a legit main event player. He doesn't need a heel turn, just tone down the goofy stuff with his character, and he'll be fine. I fully expect Sheamus to be a big surprise entrant in the Rumble this year. Sheamus should receive a nice welcome back pop, and that'll be a good start for him.
In-ring, yes. Character-wise, no.

I catch myself once every so often wondering how well he would mix in the ring with certain guys but I don't watch the show and immediately notice he's not there (which for a guy in his position is a slight worry). I prefer heel-Sheamus over the face option and I think with Orton being the only real main-event singles heel, there's an opportunity there for him. But I can't shake the feeling that he's gonna return with the same old shtick that has made his absence so unnoticeable.

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